SUMMER 2012 MESS 8 - Abbotsford Christian School

SUMMER 2012 MESS 8 - Abbotsford Christian School SUMMER 2012 MESS 8 - Abbotsford Christian School
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ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERGENERAL ACS NEWSFrom the Board ChairOn behalf of your ACS Board – welcomestudents, staff, and parents to ACS!I would like to extend a special welcometo you if you are entering your first yearas part of the ACS community. It is very excitingto us that you are here because we knowthat you have responded to the message thatACS is a great place for children to explore,experience, and evaluate all of life under God.Moreover, as <strong>Christian</strong> parents you too – not just your children– are entering a community of believers who seek to honourthe Lord in your family life including making an intentionalchoice to have them educated within a worldview thatacknowledges Him in all things. We are very excited to haveyou and your families enter our community!To those of you who have been sending your childrento ACS for years, I extend an equally warm greeting. Welcomeback! It is good to have you as a continuing part of theACS body. Your faithful commitment is a testimony to yourconvictions about who God is and how we need toacknowledge Him in all things. ACS is enriched by your presenceand could not exist without your commitment.So what’s all this talk of community? Well, as an ACSparent and Board member, I have found myself increasinglystruck by the distinctiveness of that aspect of ACS. My experiencewith our children’s school is different than a lot of peoplethat I talk to whose children attend elsewhere. ACS is notjust a place where Jenn and I send our children. It is a part ofour life in an integral way. I go to chapels, field trips, fall auctions,and other school functions and I find myself marveling athow connected my family is to this place and to other familiesthat support and attend here. ACS is not a place we drive toeach morning and afternoon to pick up and drop off our children.It is a part of who we are and what we do as a <strong>Christian</strong>family in this city.It is my hope that what I am saying here has you thinking“yeah, I know what you mean – I feel that way too!” If youare new to ACS, I am excited for you as you grow into thiscommunity. It is one of my dreams that you would hardly beable to even imagine your children attending anywhere else!Speaking of community, I would like to mention a couplemembers of our community that have stepped away fromthe Board table this past June. Please join me in thankingGord Braun and Lori Kowalchuk for their service. Both ofthem served two consecutive terms on the Board (a total of sixyears) and did so with commendable passion and enthusiasm.If you know them or even just know who they are, I really encourageyou to bless them with a word of thanks for their serviceand energy the next time you see them.As we enter this school year, I also remind you that the60 th anniversary of ACS is just around the corner. 60 years!God has been incredibly faithful to ACS. You will hear moreabout this in the months ahead, but please join me and theBoard in regular prayer for the ACS students and staff for agreat year in <strong>2012</strong>/2013. I am very excited to see and experiencewhat is in store for our community this year and beyond.Blessings,Ian Van Deventer - ACS Board ChairPage 2THE ACS SCHOOL BOARDACS Board Members<strong>2012</strong>-2013 <strong>School</strong> YearIan Van Deventer ................................ Chair PersonDon Luymes ....................................... Vice ChairDaryl Verbeek ..................................... TreasurerAmy Van Belle ................................... SecretaryJohn Hoekstra .................................... DirectorLinda Howard ..................................... DirectorRick Thiessen ..................................... DirectorFran Vanderpol ................................... DirectorMonique Weir ..................................... DirectorPlease pray for these volunteers as they give theirtime to serve <strong>Abbotsford</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>.International Parent Orientation MeetingOct 2, 7:00 at the Secondary LibraryThis is a great opportunity for international parents tomeet principals from all of our campuses, learn moreabout <strong>Abbotsford</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>, meet other families,and ask questions. A translator will be attending thismeeting. If you have any questions, contact:TERESA SEO - International Student Coordinator,604.755.1891 ext 3021 ortseo@abbotsfordchristian.comSTUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCEAll ACS students have accident insurance to travel toand from school, during and after school, and for allsporting events and field trips; however, you may wantto consider additional accident insurance if you don’talready have access to a group plan. Additional insurancewill provide your child with coverage 24 hours aday, each day of the week for injuries sustained by anyaccident.It includes accidental dental and health expenses, fracturesand principle sum indemnity, rehabilitation benefits,etc. A brochure is available at your school office. Ifyou would like to purchase this insurance, write yourchild(ren’s) name(s) on a separate piece of paper andenclose it with $5.50 per student in an envelope addressedto the Attention of Marilyn Vriend. Pleasesubmit it to one of the school offices NO LATER thanSeptember 7, <strong>2012</strong>.60 th AnniversaryDid you know that next school year – 2013-2014 – ACSwill be celebrating 60 years of existence?! If you orsomeone you know might be interested in serving onthe 60 th anniversary planning team – please let usknow as we are starting the planning for this now.Continued on page 3

GENERAL ACS NEWS CONT’DFrom the Executive DirectorHow is your ROI?God is good and we are entering into anotherschool year of service to our King. Often atthis time of year, I am overcome by the sacrificesmade by so many of our families so thatthey can send their children to our school.Each year, we raise our tuition just a little bitmore and we are reminded each time that itcan be a financial burden to continue investingin ACS for our children. Sometimes we even ask the questionof whether or not all of this tuition money is worth it? Ismy Return on Investment (our ROI) something that we believein? Now, more than any other time, parents are askingthis question: what will my ROI be if I send my children toACS? Of course this question (the ROI question) is one that isrelevant to whomever it is that is asking the question, and atACS we are not afraid to acknowledge and deal with this question– because we know full well that it is being asked.The other day, as I was a part of the “cloud of witnesses” thatwas saying “I do, God helping me” after the pastor directed meto do so as part of the church’s ritual during the sacrament ofan infant baptism, I began to think about this question (the ROIquestion) in the context of a <strong>Christian</strong> community that promisesto love and protect a child as he/she grows up. I thought ofthe awesome covenantal community that we are part of atACS and I could not help but think that our ROI will be excellent.I think of the ROI question when I am engaged in discussionsat ACS in regards to our educational boldness, and I am oftenstruck by the fact that at ACS we take seriously that our parentsexpect their children to be educated and prepared for a21 st century. We are not just a <strong>Christian</strong> school any more; weare a cutting edge educational institution that educates covenantalchildren through a <strong>Christian</strong> world and life view! Howcan our ROI not be top-notch?Heidi and I think of this question often, especially in the contextof dropping off our children into the hands of incrediblyACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERtalented teachers who partner with us in educating ourchildren. At the end of our last year, a teacher sharedwith us that one of his morning rituals is to sit in the students’desks before they arrive in the morning and prayspecifically for the well-being of that child that day (Hedoes this for a week in succession for each student).That’s partnership! What a ROI we are experiencing!I thought of this question recently as I was sharing witha marketing expert what the “brand experience” of ACSwas. I was passionately explaining our school to thisperson and I found myself getting excited about whatwe offer and how engaged our community is in educatingour children at ACS – it made me pause and realizethat the ROI for our children was tremendous.I admit of course, that I am biased, but perhaps some ofyou have had similar experiences that have allowed youto acknowledge what I have recently. Or perhaps youare becoming more and more concerned with your ROIin regards to ACS and you need to talk with someoneabout improving it. Or perhaps this your first year at theschool and you have been told about the ROI here –and you are expecting big things. Where ever you findyourself on this continuum – its our hope that your answerto the ROI question is a positive one. It’s our goalto make it that way. So let’s start our year proclaimingto accomplish this together as we dedicate yet anotheryear of service to our Lord!Please feel free to comment on any of these issues orshare anything else on the blog entitled “Solid Work@MyACS”. You will need to sign up as a follower inorder to enter a comment.Blog Address:<strong>2012</strong>/08/how-is-your-roi.htmlBlog Name: Solid Work @MyACSJulius Siebenga - Executive DirectorTuitionHopefully all tuition paying parents have received their tuition notices over the summer for the current school year. Therewas a note on the bottom alerting us that starting next school year – 2013-2014 – ACS will be eliminating the 12 monthpayment option. Please make note of this and plan accordingly. If this decision is one of excessive hardship for yourfamily – please call the admin office.GRANT TUITION <strong>2012</strong>/2013 KINDERGARTEN PART TIME $1872 ($156/12) KINDERGARTEN FULL TIME $3744 ($312/12)1 CHILD 1CHILD &PT KIND2 CHILDINCL FT KIND3 CHILDINCL PT KIND3 CHILDINCL FT KINDELEMENTARY 4176/348 5928/494 7296/608 7632/636 7812/6514 CHILDINCL PT KIND8052/6714 CHILDINCL FT KIND8256/688MIDDLE 4644/387 6396/533 7524/627 7980/665 8184/682SECONDARY 5976/498 7740/645 8676/723 9012/751 9240/7708400/7009456/7888592/7169684/807REGISTRATIONFEES$50 PERPERSON** 12 MTHLYPAYMENTSContinued on page 7Page 3

ACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL INFORMATIONFirst Day of <strong>School</strong>We are all looking forward to an exciting start to anew school year. Class lists and school maps will be postedon the entrance doors at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August31st, and we will be emailing them to parents at approximatelythe same time. They will still be there onTuesday morning when school begins.When students arrive on Tuesday, teachers will beoutside the buildings and in the hallways, ready to assistanyone in finding their way. Parents are welcome to accompanytheir children to their classrooms. The first dayis a full day.Which Classroom Will be Mine?As the first day of school approaches, studentswonder if they will be in their friend’s class and who theirteacher will be. At the end of the year, teachers of eachgrade level meet to make a careful, initial division of classes.The teachers look for combinations of students whowork well together, considering the best academic, socialand emotional needs of each child. The first drafts of theclass lists are then shared with teachers who have taughtthe students over the last number of years and the principal.This second level of discussion often produces somechanges. When the teachers return in late August, thelists are carefully reviewed once again. When everyone issatisfied that the wisest possible decisions have beenmade, the lists are finalized and posted. In cases whenparents or students are disappointed, it will help to knowhow carefully these decisions have been made. Theteachers and principals appreciate the support that parentsshow us in this area.Preschool and Kindergarten ClassesPreschool and Kindergarten classes will begin approximatelyone week after school begins for Grades 1- 12. Kindergarten teachers and Preschool teachers willREMINDER:Both Elementary & Middle <strong>School</strong> are NUT AWAREschools. At least one student has a serious nut allergy inboth schools and for that student’s safety, ALL nut productsmust be kept at home. Please remember this asyou do your back-to-school shopping.Staffing updates at theMIDDLE campusGoodbye - Tara Donkers has resigned as an EducationalAssistant as she and her husband have moved to becloser to Regent <strong>Christian</strong> College in Vancouver wherehe is studying.Welcome New Staff – Heidi Siebenga will also be joiningus at the Middle <strong>School</strong> as an Educational hosting “Classroom visits” during the week of September10 - 14.By now, you should have received a letter indicatingwhich class your child will be in. All parents will be notifiedby the elementary office regarding the time of their one-ononevisit.Thursday Morning Before <strong>School</strong> Supervision:For those students who must be dropped off at the elementaryor middle schools before 8:45, please phone theschool by Tuesday, September 4, so that we have an ideaof how many students to expect. When dropping off yourchild(ren), please escort them to the library and sign themin. Please make sure they have materials with them tospend time on (a book to read, puzzles, school work if applicable,coloring books, etc).Students will be brought/allowed outside at 8:45 so thatthey can have some play time and meet their friends beforethe school day begins.If you would be interested in providing supervision atthis time in order to enable staff to take full advantage of thisprofessional development time, please contact the schoolat 604.755.1891. A Criminal Record Check will be necessaryand the school will cover this cost. Thank you.Roy van Eerden – Elementary PrincipalTym Berger – Middle PrincipalELEMENTARY BELL SCHEDULE(Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) (Late Start Thursdays)7:55 Playground supervision Begins 8:408:10 Additional parking lot supervision 8:458:25 Warning Bell 8:558:30 <strong>School</strong> Begins 9:0010:45 Recess Begins 10:4510:58 Warning Bell 10:5811:00 Recess Ends 11:0012:25-1:15 Lunch break 12:30-1:1512:35 Students may go outside 12:4012:40 Students must be outside 12:451:10 Warning Bell 1:101:15 Lunch break ends 1:152:45 Warning - Clean-up 2:45-Agendas/folders2:50 DISMISSAL 2:503:05 Parking lot/pickup supervision ends 3:05MIDDLE SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE(Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) (Late Start Thursdays)8:20 Warning bell 8:55 Warning bell8:25 <strong>School</strong> begins 9:00 <strong>School</strong> begins8:25 - 8:35 Anchor Time 9:00 - 9:10 Anchor Time8:35 – 10:20 Classes 9:10 - 10:55 Classes10:20 - 10:40 Break 10:55 - 11:15 Break10:40 – 12:25 Classes 11:15 - 12:25 Classes12:25 - 1:05 Lunch Break 12:25 - 1:05 Lunch Break1:05 - 2:50 Classes 1:05 - 2:50 Classes2:50 Dismissal 2:50 DismissalPage 4

MIDDLE SCHOOL CONT’D & GENERAL INFORMATIONACS <strong>MESS</strong>ENGERPAC (Parent Action Community) is coming to Middle <strong>School</strong>If you are interested in becoming involved at the Middle <strong>School</strong>, this is your opportunity. We will begin thestart-up of PAC (Parent Action Community) in the fall of <strong>2012</strong>. The main focus of PAC will be supporting thecampus through various volunteer opportunities. You will get to know other parents, and be part of buildingstrong community at ACS. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact ChristineBomhof, Community Relations Coordinator at: for more details in September!31 st Annual Auction and Garage SaleThe 31 st ACS Annual Auction and Garage Sale is coming! Mark Saturday,October 13 th on your calendar for this fun event for the whole family.Come on out to see old friends, meet new ones, eat lots of great food, bid inthe auction, and snag some deals in the garage sale.As always, the teachers and staff of ACS will be cooking up breakfastbright and early at 7:30am! And who wouldn’t want to make a rush for hiddentreasures when the garage sale opens at 8:00 am. Make sure you holdonto your good quality, gently used items to donate, as well as any newitems that we can auction off in the ring starting at 9:00 am. For the farmersout there, we always need healthy animals for our livestock auction, so keepthat in mind for when our canvasser gives you a call.This year’s charity auction theme is House and Home. Our mainprize this year will be a gift certificate to a local home and garden center.Smaller prizes will include small appliances and things you can you usearound your house, inside and out.If you have a home based business and would like to set up a table,we are always looking to expand this area of the auction. Each year wehave added a few more businesses, with more variety for those that want toshop for everyday items. Please contact Denise de Jonge - 604-855-8875if you would like more information. Each table has a set fee to participate,with an option to donate a basket or partial proceeds back to the auction.If you own a business, or are connected in some way to businesses inthe local community and would like to donate to the auction, we would loveto hear from you. We have a dedicated group of volunteers that canvassevery fall before the auction, and we would be happy to have one of themcontact you regarding a donation. And remember, your donation can be anythingfrom a service you provide, or an item you sell, to gift certificates to thespa or local restaurants, kids bikes and toys, small electronics etc.We would like to say a very large THANK YOU to Rita Bot for hermany years of involvement in the ACS Auction committee as our middleschool representative. She has faithfully recorded minutes from countlessmeetings, hosted many meetings at her home, managed the garage sale andtable sales on the day of the auction, as well as being our photographer.Our committee members put in many hours of behind the scenes work tomake the auction the success that it is, and Rita has been a big part of that.Thank you again, you will be missed!So...make sure you keep the 13 th of October wideopen. And we`ll see you there!Take Time to VOLUNTEER- We need you!It takes more than 200 peopleto make the auction a success.These people includethe planning committee members,those that setup or takedown, those that run the garagesale, those that work inthe kitchen, those that workquietly behind the scenes, theteachers who make breakfast,the auctioneers and spottersand canvassers, and manyothers. Please considerwhere you can help and watchfor sign up sheets cominghome at the end of September.Call Denise de Jonge at(604) 855-8875 for more info.Page 5

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