Issue 6 22 June 2012.pdf - St George Christian School

Issue 6 22 June 2012.pdf - St George Christian School Issue 6 22 June 2012.pdf - St George Christian School

Whole <strong>School</strong> NewsDATES TO REMEMBERDATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CHECK THEWEBSITE AND DEPARTMENT NOTES FOR UPDATES17/7/12 <strong>St</strong>udents commence Term 320/7/12 Yrs 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival24/7/12 Infants <strong>School</strong> Photos25/6/12 Junior & Middle <strong>School</strong> Photos25-26/7/12 HSC Showcase (Time TBC) Hall26/7/12 Middle <strong>School</strong> Maths CampYrs 7-12 AFL Gala Day27/7/12 Senior <strong>School</strong> PhotosYr 7 Vaccinations - HPV dose 2 (Girls Only),Varicella (Chicken Pox); HPV and Dep/Tet/Pertussis booster and Varicella (Chicken Pox);HPV and Dep/Tet/Pertussis vaccine catch ups28-29/7/12 Duke of Ed Bronze (Yr 9) Practice Hike31/7/12 ICAS English Exam (optional)2/8/12 Australian Mathematics Competition (optional)Yrs 3 - 6 Zone Athletic Carnival<strong>St</strong>icks and <strong>St</strong>ones - How to Bully-Proof Children(9am-12pm)3/8/12 Jeans for Genes Mufti Day6/8/12 HSC Trials beginYrs 7 - 12 Zone Athletics Carnival9/8/12 Yrs 3-6 Gala Day14/8/12 ICAS Mathematics Exam (optional) Yr 11 & 12Infants Book Parade20/8/12 Under 15 Boys and Girls Basketball Gala DayYrs 3 - 6 CSSA Metro Cup Finals (Soccer/Netball)Boys Under 15 and Open Basketball Gala Day<strong>22</strong>/8/12 Yrs 7 - 12 CSSA Flag Gridiron Gala DayGirls Under 15 and Open Basketball Gala Day<strong>22</strong>-23/8/12 SGCS Music Camp23/8/12 Birds & The Bees - Talking to Your Child AboutSex (9am-12pm)Yrs 3 - 6 CSSA <strong>St</strong>ate Athletics Carnival23-24/8/12 <strong>St</strong>ate Robo (Robotics) Cup -27/8/12 Open Boys and Girls Basketball Gala Day28/8/12 Infants Fathers Day Breakfast30/8/12 Yrs 7 - 12 CSSA <strong>St</strong>ate Athletics Carnival31/8/12 Sports Specialist PhotosYr 6 -8 Hoodie Day / Yr 8 Sleep OutYr 9 2013 Information Evening1/9/12 Father and Child Day Out4/9/12 Yrs 6 - 12 House Day - Olds Park5/9/12 Yrs 7 - 12 CSSA Oztag Gala Day11/9/12 Yr 12 Final Chapel12/9/12 Yrs 3 - 6 CIS Athletics Carnival13/9/12 Middle <strong>School</strong> end of year exams commence17-20/9/12 Yr 11 Exams18/9/12 Junior <strong>School</strong> Musical (TBC)19/9/12 Yrs 7 - 12 CIS <strong>St</strong>ate Athletics Carnival21/9/12 Middle <strong>School</strong> End of Term AssemblyYear 12 Graduation CeremonyLast Day Term 3HSCHOWCASE25 & 26July 20126:30pmin the SGCS hallTickets $10 each or 4 for $33from Lauren Markovski, Year 12art drama history english musicThe HSC Showcase will be heldon Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 July at6:30pm in the school hall and includes HSCDrama and Music individual and groupperformances and films, and Visual Arts,Drama, History and English displays.There will be a different mix ofperformances each night.This is an ideal opportunity for those whomight consider doing these subjects inYear 9,10,11 and 12, and an excellentopportunity for everyone else to beentertained by Year 12 Showcase students.Tickets are on sale now $10 eachor 4 tickets for $33.VOLUNTEERSNEEDED FOR SENIORSCHOOL EXAMSSenior <strong>School</strong> requires assistance from volunteers who can read and/or write forstudents receiving special examination provisions during exams.Information about Special Examination Provisions can be found on the NSWBOARD OF STUDIES WEBSITE and from Senior Support.If you are able to help please contact the school office with your details andSenior <strong>School</strong> Support staff will return your call.Your generous assistance will be greatly appreciated.DISCLAIMER<strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> does not represent, sponsor or endorse any of the advertisements contained in this newsletter, nor the quality ofany product, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement in this newsletter.


Junior <strong>School</strong>You will catch the students in the Junior <strong>School</strong> reading! Our participation in the Premier’s ReadingChallenge is almost 100% with the students borrowing books from the new Library and the Hub at recordlevels. Many children spend their play-time researching amazing facts or engrossed in an excitingadventure.<strong>St</strong>udents are writing reviews of their favourite book, placing the reviews on the front cover and sogiving a recommendation to others. Our resource of factual texts, which support each topic in HSIEor Science, is extensively read and gleaned for information. You will definitely catch the Junior <strong>School</strong>reading.In Term 3, the parents and grandparents of Year 4 students will be invited to share their readingexpertise and love of reading in a program called “Belonging”.Volunteering to read, one on one, for one hour each week during Term 3 is an important gift thatyou can give your child or grandchild. Research shows that the investment of your time leads to animprovement in a child’s reading ability, their understanding and their desire to read.I have included below some ideas for reading with your child:• Read to your child as often as possible from the time that they are young, right through their primaryschooling.• Take turns at reading in the family. Family devotions is one good time to do this.• Share Bible reading, develop a love of God’s Word and discuss the meaning of passages.• Share favourite authors, poets and illustrators with your child, finding out their preferences.• Share the reading of labels, signs, instructions, posters and recipes.• Read television guides, magazines and newspapers together.• Visit the local library as a family on a regular basis.• Discuss materials read so that you are developing an understanding and an appreciation thatwritten material contains values and reflects the world view of the author.• Discuss the basis on which you choose reading materials, referring to Biblical principles such asPhilippians 4:8.C.S. Lewis raised an important aspect of the power of being created in the image of God, of having theability to communicate creatively and effectively: “In reading great literature I become a thousandmen and yet remain myself... Here, as in worship, in love, in moral action, and in knowing, I transcendmyself; and I am never more myself than when I do so.”“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just,whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence,if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”Philippians 4:8Mrs Lyn BarnesHead of Junior <strong>School</strong>

Junior <strong>School</strong>CAUGHTrEADING!!Jayden Chan (3F)Amie Lo (4R)Middle <strong>School</strong>Tayla Fry (4R)Nathan Mich (5B), Lachlan Duong (5A)Luke Moynihan (5B)YEAR 7 VACCINATIONS + “CATCH UPS”NSW Health nurses will be visiting SGCS again on Friday 27 July 2012 when the following vaccinations will be givento students who have returned Consent Forms:• Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) Girls Only - Second Dose• Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis Booster Vaccine - Single Dose• Varicella (Chicken Pox) - Single DoseAs you are aware, Consent Forms for all 2012 vaccinations were sent home earlier this year. All Consent Formssigned and returned are now held by NSW Health and will be brought to school by the nurses on vaccination day.In addition, for students who missed vaccinations in Term 2, the following “catch up” vaccinations will also be available onFriday 27 July: HPV – Girls Only, Hepatitis BIf you would like your child to participate in the “catch up” program please phone Mrs Ashton, Middle <strong>School</strong> Administration,on 9547 2311 to organise the necessary documentation.Should you wish to withdraw your child from the vaccination program you are required to provide the school with writtennotification of the withdrawal of your consent. This will then be forwarded to the Director of the Public Health Unit.

Middle <strong>School</strong>On a cold winters morning Year 6 left at six o’clock for an amazing adventure. The sun rose and was beautiful and we were off. Mr Smythcalled the sun rise a morning earth roll.When we arrived at Canberra we went straight to the Australian War Memorial. I learnt that a navy ship propeller weighed 5.2 tonnes. Wewent to the National Gallery for a tour. I love art so I loved the tour! My favourite art work was a man wearing a pair of glasses. After thiswe stopped off at Old Parliament House for “Who’s the Boss” tour, an interactive program which was really fun. Then we went to see thefacilities at Australian Institute of Sport, the swimming pool was my favourite. It helps the coaches teach and to improve their technique.After a tired, cold day we arrived at our motel so that we could relax and warm up from the cold. It was a great night with dinner.On the second day we went to Old Parliament House to learn when and how to vote. I got to be a checker to check people’s vote.Parliament house was really cool with all marble. We saw the Senate and the House of Representatives. Then we had an argument about noads on kids programs.Then for the great part of the trip, Questacon (they had the free fall). We left on a high note and drove back to Sydney. It was a real funtrip. I would like to do it again SOON. Joel HendersonIt was still pitch black at 5:30 in the morning on Tuesday 5 <strong>June</strong> but never-the-less we were up and getting ready to travel toschool with packed luggage and hop on to a bus to start our epic journey to our capital, Canberra to learn about the stories ofhonourable soldiers and how Parliament works and where all the laws are made.The bus trip down to Canberra was long but fun. When we arrived at the War Memorial we were split in to four groups and wereguided around the War Memorial. We learnt where the soldiers went, how many died and what they went through while theywere in Gallipoli.After the tour we had lunch and then went to the National Gallery of Art. Some of the art works were different and I’d never seenbefore but others were filled with vibrant colours and amazing detail.Next we headed off to Old Parliament House where we had to wear white gloves just for the delicate furniture. Before we wentinto the chamber we did an activity first where we had to answer questions about events that had happened in Canberra at OldParliament House. Inside the chamber the chairs were very comfortable but what was really interesting was all the details likethe speaker’s chair, the records from the Hansards and the mace. Our last tour of the day was at the A.I.S. which stands for theAustralian Institute of Sport. They had lots of high tech equipment for the athletes that looked very confusing.We also went into a fun room where we did computer rowing, bike riding, bobsledding, football kicking and skiing. We couldalso see how far we could jump and how strong we were, it was lots of fun. Then after a very long day it was time to go to theCanberra Caratel where we had dinner, breakfast and slept for the night which was hard to do at first but we did eventually.After a yummy breakfast the next morning, we headed off to Old Parliament House again but this time we weren’t there to sit inthe chamber we were there to learn how to vote. The voting process wasn’t very hard but we did learn that if you didn’t fill outyour voting card right it would be counted as an informal vote. When we finished there we went to New Parliament House. It wasso beautiful! The marble on the floor and railings was gorgeous and every little detail was precise. We went into the Senate andthe House of Representatives and did some role playing. We pretended that we were in the House of Representatives trying topass on a bill to the senate. After all the learning and role playing it was time to go to the place everyone had been waiting forQuestacon! Everyone was so anxious to see the exhibits. Personally I think the best room was Room 7 where there was a slidecalled Free Fall. I was hanging on to a bar vertically looking down the slide waiting for them to count down, 3…2…1 then I let goplummeting down and finally landing safely, heart rate going at the speed of light and adrenalin pumping through my body.The thrill was intense! You had to experience yourself to believe it! Sadly at the end of Questacon it was time to head on hometo Sydney. Another destination that I think was fun for everyone was dinner at McDonalds! It was quite tasty, everyone orderedsomething different. Wraps, burgers, fries, drink you name and someone had it but time went superfast and we were back on thebus again going straight to Sydney. When we arrived back at school in Sydney at 8:40pm all the mums and dads were waiting forus with big smiles and lots of hugs and kisses. Everyone said goodbye and headed home for a well-deserved sleep.The Canberra trip was a memory never to be forgotten and will be cherished by us for many years to come. Louiza Cassimatis

Year 7 - 12 SportWeekly Sports Results - WEDNESDAY 23 MAY 2012BOYS; Soccer 2nd Grade <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 3 def by James Cook 4Rugby League Under 15 White <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 16 def Blakehurst 10Tennis 1st Grade <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 0 def by Sydney Tech 62nd Grade <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 0 def by Sydney Tech 10GIRLS Soccer 15A <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 0 def by Peakhurst 2Netball 2nd Grade <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 15 def Canterbury girls 715B <strong>St</strong> <strong>George</strong> 14 def Penshurst 2Netball TrialsOn Wednesday 2 May Jessica Payne, Ashley Kasper, Emma Cummings and Ashley Karagorgovski attended the CSSANetball trials. It was a great day and we all ended up playing 2-3 games of Netball. It was a great learning experience,unfortunately none of us made it but we will all be trying out again next year! Jessica Payne.CSSA <strong>St</strong>ate Cross CountryOn 1 <strong>June</strong> we headed out to the Sydney International Equestrian Centre for the CSSA <strong>St</strong>ate Cross Country Carnival. Wehad a big team this year, with a lot of students from Years 7 and 8. We were very lucky with the weather, with the cloudshanging around ominously but we didn’t get any rain until we were in the bus.Team consisted of;Anabelle Evagelatos, Laura Douglas, Zara Doyle, Georgina Li, Kevin Xie, Wyatt Tester, Ashley Karagorgovski, AlexandraClark, Adrienne Poulos, Zoe Wrench, James McQueen, Benjamin Meller, Jake Mitrovski, Jessica Payne, Iva Nikolaeva, OwenMurray, Jacob Madden, Charlotte Wrench, Kathryn Pritchard, Brianne Tester, Nathan Chang, Murray Meller,Harrison Sherwen, Brendan Nelson, Ellen Caukill, Chloe McDonald, Nathan Wrench, Alexander Benn, Jamie Bryant, DeanBalding, Genna Houteas, <strong>St</strong>ephanie Wong, Josiah Sherwen, Joseph Lewis and Joshua Chang.Congratulations to Ashley Karagorgovski, Joseph Lewis and Josiah Sherwen who all finished in the top ten to be eligible forthe NSWCIS Cross Country Carnival 14 <strong>June</strong> at Eastern Creek.Mr MooreSoccer Gala Day 4 <strong>June</strong> - Girls U15’sA fantastic day of soccer was enjoyed by all. Adjusting well to the indoorconditions and adapting to the quick and fast play, the U15’s managed well.Over the course of the day our defence and attack improved dramatically.We controlled the ball and were ever so encouraging to our team mates.We were unfortunate not have more wins; we just needed the ball to go intothe goal!Congratulations on a fantastic day!Team Included: Amelia De Boos, Alexandra Sandoval-Palmer, Aleksia Siviris,Chiara Berlusconi, Victoria Diakou, Alex Dimovski, Kate <strong>St</strong>ephens,Rachel Sherwen, Hannah Ryall, Kathryn Pritchard, Maygan Pippard,Anastasia Sims, Iva Nikolaeva, Mia Kinmond.Kate MorrisNSW CIS Cross Country CarnivalThe NSW CIS Cross Country Carnival was held on 14 <strong>June</strong> at Eastern Creek Raceway. We had a few studentsthat were eligible to attend this carnival. Unfortunately Ashley Karagorgovski was not able to attend becauseshe was unwell, and she was very disappointed about not competing. Joseph Lewis did attend and he wasvery successful, coming in 40th position. This is a fantastic achievement, being such a big event with studentsfrom Independent <strong>School</strong>s across the <strong>St</strong>ate. Congratulations Joseph.Mr Moore

AdvertisingGlobal TutoringExcellence through EducationContact us:Mob: 0400 464 276 T: 8094 99641/13-19 Hogben <strong>St</strong> <strong>School</strong>Primary <strong>School</strong>Selective <strong>School</strong> TestOpportunity Class TestProblem SolvingWritingLanguagesAnd more…• Free trial lesson !• Free catch up missed lessons !• 20% off for your third child !OatleyBexleyRiverwoodKillaraDangerously FitBootcamps / Group Outdoor Fitness2 week trials for $1Attend as many classes andlocations as you want!Now at Sans Souci, Kogarah & PenshurstIndoor locations available for winter 1800 791 446Amy - 0405 356 708BEYOND THE TEMPERTANTRUM:Effective and EngagingParentingThis 3-session workshop designedby Educational & DevelopmentalPsychologist Clare Rowe aimsto assist you in parenting withconfidence, less stress andgreater communication skillsbetween all family members. Italso covers basic principles andtechniques for managing yourchildren’s behaviour.Dates: 4, 11, 18 Sep 2012Time: 6:45pm - 8pmCost: $99 per person or$150 per couple*(for three sessions)Venue: 245 Rocky Point RdRamsgate <strong>22</strong>17Phone: 9529 6359sydneychildpsychology.comTENNIS COACHINGJAMES WOODWARDTennis Coaches AustraliaLevel II TCA CoachPrivate & Group CoachingChildren & AdultsFree Introductory Lesson60 Hillcrest AveHurstville Grove <strong>22</strong>20Phone: 9580 5275Mobile: 0412 127 068

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