Lipari Second Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Request ...

Lipari Second Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Request ...

Lipari Second Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Request ...


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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ,JACKSON COUNTYAT INDEPENDENCESAMUEL K. LIP ART(Statu<strong>to</strong>ry Trustee <strong>of</strong> DissolvedMedical Supply Chain, Ine.)v.Plaintiff,GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY t et at,Defendants.)))))))))))C9:11.C No. 0616~CV07421DEFENDANTS~ RESPONSES TOPLAINTIFF~S REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OFATTORNEY CLIENT PRTYILEGE DOCUMENTSDefendantsGeneral Electric Company ("GE~'), General Electric Capital Business AssetsFunding Corporation C'GE Capital"), and GE Transportation Systems Global Signaling. LLC("GE Transportation") (collectively the ~'GE defendants") responds <strong>to</strong> plainti rf's <strong>Request</strong> for<strong>Production</strong> <strong>of</strong> At<strong>to</strong>rney Client Privilege Documents <strong>to</strong> GE defendants as follows:OB.TECTIONS TO DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS1. GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> plaintiffs Definitions and Instructions <strong>to</strong> the extent thatthe application <strong>of</strong> the Definitions and Instructions would render the document request confusingand m.eaningleM. In responding <strong>to</strong> the document request, OE defendants will apply the common.ordinary, everyday meaning <strong>to</strong> the words and terms.2. GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> plainti ffs Definitions and Instructions section inthat compliance with the Definitions and Instructions for the term "identify" is overly broad andunduly burdensome, Additionally, strict adherence <strong>to</strong> plaintiff':'> definition <strong>of</strong> "identify" wouldrender the requests unmanageableand meaningless.M4_t l.V"tll 1

3. GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> plaintiffs usc <strong>of</strong> the words "relating <strong>to</strong>" which makes therequest vague and ambiguous and fails <strong>to</strong> describe with reasonable particularity the documentrequested. The plaintiff's attempt <strong>to</strong> itemize the phrase "relating <strong>to</strong>" is contrary <strong>to</strong> the meaningor definition <strong>of</strong> "relating <strong>to</strong>" and therefore will not be used by GE defendants. As stated above.the GE defendants will ascribe <strong>to</strong> the request its plain and ordinary meaning.In answering therequest using the tcnn "relating <strong>to</strong>" the GE defendants wilI treat the words "relating <strong>to</strong>" as if theywere the word "concerning."4. GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> Definition 1 because it unnecessarily calls for at<strong>to</strong>rneyclient communicationsand work product.5. GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> Definition 2 because it refers <strong>to</strong> the Federal Rules <strong>of</strong>Evidence and the parties are in state court.6. GE defendants ohject <strong>to</strong> Instruction 1 on the grounds that it is overbroad andseeks information that is not reasonably calculated <strong>to</strong> lead <strong>to</strong> the discovery <strong>of</strong> admissibleevidence.;V0CUMENTREQUESTSI. Documents related <strong>to</strong> tI1C defendants' representation by the law firm Arnold &Porter, 555 12th Street, N.W. Washing<strong>to</strong>n, D.C. 20004 including Arnold & Porter'scorrespondence, attachments! agreements, emails and phone cummunicatlons and logs for allminutes <strong>of</strong> meetings with <strong>of</strong>ficers, employees, representatives,and agents for GE Corporate, GECapital, GE Transportation and GE Medical, GHX and any related entities, representatives oragents concerning Medical Supply Chain, Inc., Samuel <strong>Lipari</strong>, Bret Landrith, Dermis Hawver orany witness identified by the plaintiff on the plaintiff's Rule 26 disclosure.2

RESPONSE:The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 1 on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications and work product materials. The GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 1 onthe grounds that it seeks documents from an entity that is not a party <strong>to</strong> this litigation.2. Documents related 10 the defendants' representation by the law finn Arnold &Porter including Arnold & Porter's board meeting minutes, internal lnvcstigations,correspondence, attachments, agreements, cmails and phone communications and logs for allminutes 0 f meetings <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, at<strong>to</strong>rneys, employees, representatives.and agents for Arnold &Porter concerning the representation <strong>of</strong> GE~ GE Capital, GE Transportation, GE Medical, GHXand any related entities, representatives or agents in matters concerning Medical Supply Chain,Inc., Samuel <strong>Lipari</strong>, Bret Landrith and Dennis Hawver.RESPONSE:The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 2 on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications and work product materials. The GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 2 onthe grounds that it seeks documents from an entity that is not a party <strong>to</strong> this litigation.3. Documents related <strong>to</strong> the defendants' representation by the law finn Busch &Eppenberger, LLC 1700 One Kansas City Place 1200 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64l05

RESPONSE:The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> J on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications and work jjf(lciuct materials. The OR defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> .3 onthe grounds that it seeks documentsfrom an entity that is not a party <strong>to</strong> this litigation.4, Documents related <strong>to</strong> the defendants' representation by the law finn Husch &Eppenbcrger, LLC including Husch & Eppenberger, LLC's board meeting minutes, internalinvestigations, correspondence, attachments. agreements, emails and phone communications andlogs for all minutes <strong>of</strong> meetings <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, at<strong>to</strong>rneys, employees, representatives,and agents forHusch & Eppcnbcrger, LLC concerning the representation <strong>of</strong> GE, GE Capital, OETransportation, GE Medical, GHX and any related entities) representatives or agents in mattersconcerning Medical Supply Chain: Inc., Samuel <strong>Lipari</strong>, Brct Landrith and Dennis Hawver.RESPONSE:The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 4 on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications and work product materials The GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 4 onthe grounds that it seeks documentsfrom an entity that is not 9.. party <strong>to</strong> this litigation.S. Documents related <strong>to</strong> the defendants' representation by the law finn ArnoId &Porter and Husch & Eppenberger, LLC including correspondence, attachments, agreements,cmails and phone communications and logs for all minutes <strong>of</strong> meetings <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, at<strong>to</strong>rneys,employees, representatives, and agent:'> exchanged between Arnold & Porter and Rusch &Eppenberger, LLC concerning the representation <strong>of</strong> OE~ GE Capital, GE Transportation, GEMedical, GI-IX and any related entities, representativesor agents in matters concerning MedicalSupplyChain, Inc., Samuel <strong>Lipari</strong>, Brct Landrith and Dennis Hawver.RESPONSE:The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 5 on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications flt1dwork product materials, The GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 5 onthe grounds that it seeks documentsfrom an entity that is not a. party <strong>to</strong> this litigation,4

6. Documents related <strong>to</strong> the defendants' coordination <strong>of</strong> representation by the lawfirm Arnold & Porter and Husch & Eppenberger, LLC with at<strong>to</strong>rneys and corporatecounselrepresenting US Bank NA, US Bancorp, The Piper Jaffray Companies including correspondence,attachments, agreements, ernails and phone communications and logs for all minutes <strong>of</strong> meetings<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, at<strong>to</strong>rneys, employees, representatives, and agents exchanged between the defendantsand their counsel with Shugart Thomson & Kilroy and their client's corporate counsel in mattersconcerning Medical Supply Chain, Inc., Samuel <strong>Lipari</strong>, Bret Landrith and Dennis Hawver,RESPONSE:The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 6 on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications and work product materials. The GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 6 allthe grounds that it seeks documents from an entity that is not a party <strong>to</strong> this litigation.7. Documents related <strong>to</strong> the defendants" coordination <strong>of</strong> representation by the lawfirm Arnold & Porter and Rusch & Eppenberger, LLC communications with the law firmsSeyfarth Shaw, Jenner & Block, Miller Shakman & Beem, Bryan Cave, Novak & Macey, LordBissel & Brook) Cummins & Cronin, and Jenkins & Gilchrist including correspondence,attachments, agreements, entails and phone communications and logs for all minutes <strong>of</strong> meetings<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, at<strong>to</strong>rneys, employees, representatives, and agents exchanged between the defendantscounsel and the above named law firms in matters concerning McCook Metals, MichiganAvenue Partners, Michael Lynch, Medical Supply Chain, Inc., Samuel <strong>Lipari</strong>, Bret Landrith andDennis Hawver.RESPONSE;The GE defendants object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 7 on the grounds that it seeks at<strong>to</strong>rney clientcommunications and work product materials. The GE defendants further object <strong>to</strong> <strong>Request</strong> 7 onthe grounds that it seeks documents from an entity that is not a party <strong>to</strong> this litigation.09~JIJriJIl 5

H~ ,1PEN~ER{'i? LLC?4~R~y ~K. Power # 7044RLeonard L. Wagner #397831200 Main Street, Suite 2300Kansas City, MO 64105Telephone: (816) 421-4800Facsimile: (816) 421-0596ATTORNEYS FOR GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY, GENERAL ELECTRlC CAPITALBUSINESS ASSET FUNDING CORPORA nONAND GE TRA.NSPORTATTON SYSTEMSGLOBAL SIGNA LJNG, LLCCERTIFICATEOF SERVICEThe undersigned hcrcb_.rJtrfi(ies that a true and accurate copy <strong>of</strong> the foregoinginstrument was forwarded thi~y <strong>of</strong> February, 2007. by first class mail, postage prepaid <strong>to</strong>;Samuel K. <strong>Lipari</strong>297 NE BayviewLee's Summit, MO 640646

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