APR - Bath Iron Works

APR - Bath Iron Works

APR - Bath Iron Works


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From the FleetDDG 1002 Named Lyndon B. JohnsonOn April 16, 2012, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced that DDG 1002will be named USS Lyndon B. Johnson for the nation’s 36 th president. As a Texascongressman, Johnson was the first member of Congress to enlist in the militaryfollowing the start of WWII and served in the US Navy. After the war, he was elected tothe U.S. Senate where he served for 12 years. Johnson became president when PresidentKennedy was assassinated in 1963 and he was elected to a full term in 1964. Johnsonpresided over a period of significant legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964,the Voting Rights Act and legislation which established Medicare.US Navy illustration of DDG 1002.National Level Ergo AttentionIn late March, a BIW team comprisedof LS6 mechanics andmanagement attended the AppliedErgonomics Conference in Nashville,Tennessee and participated in theconcurrent ergonomics expo, demonstratinga BIW ergonomic solutionto a workplace problem.Even the invitation to attend theexpo was competitive. About 70companies submitted applicationsdealing with ergonomic risk reductionopportunities and 40 were selected,including General Electric, Johnson &Johnson, Boeing, Honda, Toyota,Caterpillar, Goodyear, Bridgestone,Lilly, Timken, Gulfstream and otherhighly recognizable companies.Steve “Bubba” Davis (D10) aManufacturing Process Engineerand member of the BIW team, said,“The conference is an opportunity toshare new technologies with a varietyof industries and a chance to highlightsuccessful ergonomic solutions, witha general theme across all categoriesbeing one of innovation.The BIW team presented the “Fisette2000” Tool for Mechanized Grindingwhich consists of attachments whichhold the grinders in place so thatmechanics don’t have to, greatly reducingthe risk of stress, vibration andrepetitive motion injuries. Thissolution was the overall 2011 winner ofthe BIW Ergonomic Cup competition.BIW won twice in Nashville. First inthe category of Team-Driven Work8 | April 2012 | BIW NEWSBIW representatives at the Applied Ergonomics Conference and Expo received two awards, shown here, and includedteam members, l to r: Dana McIntire, John Freitas, John Fisette, Jean Piche, Steve “Bubba” Davis, Dennis Hitchcockand Lou Bourgeois.place Solutions with Internal Competitionsas determined by conference judges. Entrieswere judged for innovation, simplicity,cost savings, ergonomic risk reductionand presentation quality. In the 15-yearhistory of this event, BIW was the first towin as a first year participant.In addition, five people’s choice awardswere given for Excellence in the specificareas of Simplicity, Innovation, CostSavings, Risk Reduction and Presentationbased on votes by conference attendees.BIW received the award for Excellence inErgonomic Risk Reduction.The Ergonomics Subcommittee, a subsetof the Joint LS6/Management Safety andHealth Steering Committee, initiated theErgo Cup Competition at BIW in 2010.Laura Mathisen (D52), Director EnvironmentalHealth and Safety and co-chair ofthe Ergo Committee said, “I was pleased,thrilled and awestruck: pleased with theinvolvement of employees and committeesregarding our internal Ergo Cup competitionof 2011, thrilled when the “Fisette 2000Mechanized Grinding Tool” was acceptedinto the Applied Ergonomics Competition,and awestruck with the team members thatparticipated in the competition.”Laura continued, “The results speakvolumes about the people who work atBIW. I applaud the team that attended thecompetition. They set the bar extremelyhigh, but I also understand good old Maineingenuity and I look forward to more outstandingideas entered in our internal 2012Ergo Cup competition.”Second quarter entries to the 2012 BIWErgo Cup competition are due May 25,2012. Contact Ben Zavitz (ext. 2219) formore information and to submit an entry.

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