Minutes of a Regular Meeting, September 14 ... - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, September 14 ... - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, September 14 ... - Digital Collections

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September 14 1949accomplished by barriers. He stated if complete segregation is enforced asdefined by the Legislature the cost will be approximately $100,000.00 totake care of the group.'It was the sense of the :Regents that the matter be worked outon the same plan as during the past summer school.President Cross called attention to his statement in the agendawith reference to social functions. It was agreed that•facilities fan socialfunctions are available for Negro students on a segregated basis the same asfor white students and no further action was had • on this matter.Item #5 in the agenda which follows, was discussed:REQUEST FOR . FUNDS FROM STATE REGENTS FORHIGHER EDUCATION FOR REMODELING AND PURCHASEOF EQUIPMENT FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S HOSPITALRegent:On August 10, 1949, I sent the following communication\ to eachTo the Board of Regents:"Following an inspection, the State Health Department has stronglyrecommended that the Crippled Children's Hospital Kitchen be remodeled andthat the equipment be improved in order to meet proper health standards.There-also is a need for enlargement Of the kitchen in order to be ready toserve the patients to be housed in the new Communicable Disease Center closeto the Crippled Children's Hospital Building.Since this is an emergency matter, I recommend that members ofthe Board of Regents give authorization by mail for the President or ActingPresident of the University to proceed as follows:(1) Request the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education toauthorize setting aside $22,500 from the University Hospital Revolving Fundfor the purpose of remodeling'and , equipping the Cripple& Children's Hospital;Kitchen to meet the health standards 'established by the State Health Departmentand to serve the patients to be housed in the new Communicable DiseaseCenter:(2) Make all applications and sign all necessary documents forthe purpose of obtaining Federal assistance as provided under terms ofPublic Law 725 for this project and for any expansion, alteration, remodeling or construction of any new facilities at the University of Oklahoma Schoolof Medicine and University Hospitals which are eligible for Federal assistanceas provided under terms of Public Law 725. (It is'believed that the Universitycan obtain reimbursement for one-third of the proposed $22,500 expenditure).If these proposals meet with your approval, please sign onecopy. Of this letter and return in the enclosed reply envelope."

September 1 11., 1911.9Regent.In responce to the above communication I received approval from eachposal.I recommend that-the Regents confirm the mail vote on the abovepro G..L. Cross, PresidentOn motion by Regent McBride the mail vote on the above was reaffirmedby unanimous vote..President Cross reported that in preparation for the state electionon the proposed institutional building bond. issue, the State Regents' Officein July requested a new statement of the University's needs for new buildings,and for building repairs and modernization. Following is a revision and enlargementof the long-term building program previously approved by the Regents,and an estimate of needs for rehabilitation of existing buildings.Norman1. Cross stated this report was made to the State Regents.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMABUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEEDSJuly 15, 1911.9Completion of Geology-Mineral Inds.Graduate Education and ClassroomHome EconomicsLaw Library AdditionJournalismLibrary AdditionPlant Sciences and Public HealthChemistryClassroom (Social Sciences)Military and Naval Science (to bematched,Completion of Engineering GroupAddition, Physical Ed. for WomenAuditorium Center, (including generalauditorium, concert hall, smalltheater, and rehearsal rooms forband, orchestra, choral clubs andglee clubs)Clinical Services (Speech, Hearing,Guidance)PhysicsContinuation Study CenterAdministration and General ServicesGraduate CenterArtMuseum, First UnitAddition, Phys. Educ. for ManRadioMuseum, Second UnitBuilding Equipment Total$ 800,000525,000500,000125 ,000,400, 0001,750,000675,0001,250,000550,00011.50,000 1,00,450,0001,390,000.$ 100,00075,000100,00075,00075,000250,000125,000500,00050,00050,000250,00050,000210,000$ 900,000600,000600,000200,00011.75,0002,000,000800,0001,750,000600, 000500,0001,250,000500,0001,600,000275,000 75,000 350,000500,000 250,000 750,000500,000 150,000 650,000850,000 150,000 1,000,000250,000 50,000 300,000450,000 50,000 500,00011.00,000 100,000 500,000550,000 50,000 600,000275,000 125,000 400,00040m00 100.000 500,000Total for Norman Campus $14,315,000 $3,010,000 $17, 325,000

<strong>September</strong> 1 11., 1911.9Regent.In responce to the above communication I received approval from eachposal.I recommend that-the Regents confirm the mail vote on the abovepro G..L. Cross, PresidentOn motion by Regent McBride the mail vote on the above was reaffirmedby unanimous vote..President Cross reported that in preparation for the state electionon the proposed institutional building bond. issue, the State Regents' Officein July requested a new statement <strong>of</strong> the University's needs for new buildings,and for building repairs and modernization. Following is a revision and enlargement<strong>of</strong> the long-term building program previously approved by the Regents,and an estimate <strong>of</strong> needs for rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> existing buildings.Norman1.<strong>14</strong>. Cross stated this report was made to the State Regents.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMABUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEEDSJuly 15, 1911.9Completion <strong>of</strong> Geology-Mineral Inds.Graduate Education and ClassroomHome EconomicsLaw Library AdditionJournalismLibrary AdditionPlant Sciences and Public HealthChemistryClassroom (Social Sciences)Military and Naval Science (to bematched,Completion <strong>of</strong> Engineering GroupAddition, Physical Ed. for WomenAuditorium Center, (including generalauditorium, concert hall, smalltheater, and rehearsal rooms forband, orchestra, choral clubs andglee clubs)Clinical Services (Speech, Hearing,Guidance)PhysicsContinuation Study CenterAdministration and General ServicesGraduate CenterArtMuseum, First UnitAddition, Phys. Educ. for ManRadioMuseum, Second UnitBuilding Equipment Total$ 800,000525,000500,000125 ,000,400, 0001,750,000675,0001,250,000550,00011.50,000 1,00,450,0001,390,000.$ 100,00075,000100,00075,00075,000250,000125,000500,00050,00050,000250,00050,000210,000$ 900,000600,000600,000200,00011.75,0002,000,000800,0001,750,000600, 000500,0001,250,000500,0001,600,000275,000 75,000 350,000500,000 250,000 750,000500,000 150,000 650,000850,000 150,000 1,000,000250,000 50,000 300,000450,000 50,000 500,00011.00,000 100,000 500,000550,000 50,000 600,000275,000 125,000 400,00040m00 100.000 500,000Total for Norman Campus $<strong>14</strong>,315,000 $3,010,000 $17, 325,000

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