E-tender for preparing and providing Mid Day Meal as per Govt. of ...

E-tender for preparing and providing Mid Day Meal as per Govt. of ...

E-tender for preparing and providing Mid Day Meal as per Govt. of ...


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EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: CHANDIGARH ADMINISTRATIONTENDER DOCUMENT (Pages I to 25) FOR ENGAGING NON PROFITORGANTZATTON(NPO) / NON GOVT. ORGANIZATTON(NGO), PUBrC SECTORUNDERTAKING (PSU), Co.op. SOCIETY REGISTERED LTNDER INDIANsocrETY REGTSTRATION ACT, 1860 AND FIRM (REGISTERED) FORPREPARING AND PROVIDING MID DAY MEAL AS PER GOVT. OF INDIA'SNORMS FOR STUDENTS OF ELEMENTARY CLASSES OF GOVT.SCHOOLS/GOVT. AIDED SCHOOLS ETC. ETC.INFORMATION REGARDING E.TENDERING PROCESS1. The bidders shall have to submit their bids online in Electronic Formatwith Digital Signatures. For participation in the e-<strong>tender</strong>ing process, theBidders need to register themselves on http://etendeers.ch4.nic.inlnicqep.On registration, they will be provided with a user ID <strong>and</strong> a systemgenerated p<strong>as</strong>sword enabling them to submit their Bids online usingDigital System Certificates (DSC)2. Tenders without digital signatures will not be accepted by the ElectronicTendering System. No Tender will be accepted in physical <strong>for</strong>m in c<strong>as</strong>e,it is not submitted through the Electronic Tendering System.3. Bids will be opened online <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> time scheduled4. Be<strong>for</strong>e submission <strong>of</strong> online Bids, Bidders must ensure that scannedcopies <strong>of</strong> all the necessary documents have been uploaded with the Bid.5. Education Department will not be responsible <strong>for</strong> any delay in onlinesubmission <strong>of</strong> the bids due to any re<strong>as</strong>on whatsoever.6. It will be m<strong>and</strong>atory <strong>for</strong> all the bidders to upload all the documentsmentioned under'Tender Details' template read under'Cover Details'.7. The details <strong>of</strong> EMD specified in the Tender documents should be thesame <strong>as</strong> submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise <strong>tender</strong> will bereiected summarily.

aaEDUCATION DEPARTMENT : CHANDIGARH ADMINISTRATIONE-TENDER NOTICEe-Tenders are invited from the interested Non Pr<strong>of</strong>it organization - (NPO)/ Non <strong>Govt</strong>.Organization (NGO), Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), Co-op. Society registered underIndian Society Registration Act, 1860 <strong>and</strong> firms (registered) working in Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh orSr.No. Name <strong>of</strong> work/contract Earnest MoneyRupees ( in lac)1. To prepare <strong>and</strong> provide nutritional diet/meals <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong>the following norms fixed by the Government <strong>of</strong>India from the <strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Meal</strong> kitchen <strong>of</strong>Government Model Sr. Sec. School,Sector-47 , Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh, to students <strong>of</strong> cl<strong>as</strong>s I to VIII<strong>of</strong> <strong>Govt</strong>. Schools/Government AidedSchools/Special training Centers/Madar<strong>as</strong>sa under<strong>Mid</strong> Dav <strong>Meal</strong> Scheme.Category <strong>of</strong>BeneficiariesSpecificationsCaloriesProtein(Gms)Cl<strong>as</strong>s I to V 480 13-18Cl<strong>as</strong>s VI to VIII 700 20Milestone dates <strong>of</strong> Electronic <strong>tender</strong>ingwillins to work in Ch<strong>and</strong>iearh <strong>for</strong> award <strong>of</strong> below mentioned contract:-Rs.2,00,0001-I Downloading <strong>of</strong> e-<strong>tender</strong> document Start date 24.8.2013 at1300hrs.End date 9.9.2013 at1300hrs.11 Clarification, if uny, During above <strong>per</strong>iod111 Date <strong>of</strong> submission <strong>of</strong> e-<strong>tender</strong> Up to 9.9 .201 3 at 1300 hrs.IV Phvsical submission <strong>of</strong> EMD 1 0.9.201 3 at 1 300 hrs.V Opening <strong>of</strong> Technical Bid (Online) 11.9.2013 at 1500 hrs.V1 Opening <strong>of</strong> Price Bid (Online) To be intimated to all eligibleBidders separately2.The Bid document can be downloaded from the website <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Administrationhttn://Ch<strong>and</strong>iearh.eov.in. or http://e<strong>tender</strong>s.chd.nic.in/nicsep. However, <strong>for</strong> generalin<strong>for</strong>mation, guidance <strong>and</strong> reference, the Bid Document can also be viewed <strong>and</strong>downloaded from Education Department website http.//chdeducation.gov.in3. All other terms <strong>and</strong> conditions, instructions to bidder regarding e-<strong>tender</strong>ing process etc. maykindly be seen from the Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT) available/downloadable on theabove noted websites <strong>of</strong> Education Department, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Administration.D i3 trict E du cafio n O ffi-ceroCh^n#ElrhAd m inistration.

FIRST ENVELOPEs6Titled Earnest Money Deposit"Should contain following documents duly signed under the Seal <strong>of</strong> NPOA',{GO/PSU/Coop.Society Co-op. Society/Firm.Partl - B - EMDPartl r C r AffidavitSECOND ENVELOPE"Titled Technical Bid"Should contain the in<strong>for</strong>mation/documents <strong>as</strong> requisitioned in Tender documents<strong>and</strong> following <strong>tender</strong> documentsPartl - A - GenerallnstructionsPartI - A-1 - GeneralTerms&ConditionsPart II - B - Technical Bid DeclarationPart II - C - Technical Bid GeneralIn<strong>for</strong>mationFINANCIAL BIDFinancial Bid shall be displayed on the website through e-<strong>tender</strong>ing <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> BOQpattern.3

Part- I (A)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUBMISSION/ELIGIBILITY OFTENDERING NPO/NGO/PSU/CO.OP. SOCIETY/FIRM FOR PREPARING ANDPROVIDING MID DAY MEAL FOR STUDENT OF ELEMENTARY CLASSESNote :- These instructions should be duly signed by <strong>tender</strong>er on all pages1. The Tender Offers shall be prepared <strong>and</strong> submitted online in two partscomprising (i) the EMD <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> an affidavit <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> Annexure Part-I C(ii)Technical Bid alongwith Tender documents duly supported with the requireddocuments mentioned therein (except Financial Bid). These two parts shallsu<strong>per</strong>scribed <strong>as</strong> "e-Tender <strong>for</strong> <strong>preparing</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>providing</strong> mid day meal <strong>for</strong> thestudents <strong>of</strong> elementary cl<strong>as</strong>ses".2. Downloading <strong>and</strong> submission <strong>of</strong> <strong>tender</strong>s will be done by e-<strong>tender</strong>ing processthrough the website <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Administration http://Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh.gov.in. orhttp://e<strong>tender</strong>s.chd.nic.in/nicgep. However, <strong>for</strong> general in<strong>for</strong>mation, guidance<strong>and</strong> reference, the Bid Document can also be viewed <strong>and</strong> downloaded fromEducation Department website http.//chdeducation.gov.in.The <strong>tender</strong>ers arerequired to submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2'00'000/- (Rupeestwo lac only) in shape <strong>of</strong> Dern<strong>and</strong> Draft / Fixed Deposit receipt/ BankGuarantee <strong>of</strong> any Scheduled Bank duly pledged in favour <strong>of</strong> District EducationOfficer, UT, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh. NO NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm ISEXEMPTED FROM THE PAYMENT OF EMD3. All documents submitted with the <strong>tender</strong> shall be pro<strong>per</strong>ly filled in <strong>and</strong> dulysigned with digital signatures on each page by the authorized signatory <strong>of</strong> theTendering NPOA{GOiPSU/Co-op. Society/Firm. All the columns <strong>of</strong> theprescribed General In<strong>for</strong>mation, Technical Bid <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the Financial Bidshould be duly filled in by the Bidder <strong>and</strong> any Bid with unfilled columns willbe liable to be rejected.4. Tenderer shall have to continue to maintain its <strong>of</strong>fice during currency <strong>of</strong>contract within the geographical limits <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh.5. The bidder should be a NPONGO, PSU, Co-op. Society <strong>and</strong> Firm (Regd.) only.Documentary evidence alongwith Copy <strong>of</strong> Memor<strong>and</strong>um should be Annexed inPart-ll. i.e. Technical Bid.6. The registration certificate with Labour Department <strong>and</strong> Provident FundCommissioner <strong>and</strong> Service Tax No. are also required to be submitted in Part IIi.e. Technical Bid.7. The bidder should have Two years' ex<strong>per</strong>ience <strong>of</strong> <strong>preparing</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>providing</strong>MDM to the Children <strong>of</strong> schools or <strong>providing</strong> institutional catering <strong>for</strong>minimum hundred <strong>per</strong>sons on <strong>per</strong> meal rate b<strong>as</strong>is.8. Only those NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will be eligible to participatein <strong>tender</strong> whose annual turn over from such services is Rs. 50.00 lac or above.

PART 1 A.IGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT FORPREPARING AND PROVIDING COOKED MEAL TO STUDENT OFELEMENTARY CLASSES1. SCOPE Of WORKPreparing <strong>and</strong> <strong>providing</strong> nutritional diet/meals to students <strong>of</strong> cl<strong>as</strong>s I to VIII (Cl<strong>as</strong>s I to V -calories 480 <strong>and</strong> Protein l3-18 grams & cl<strong>as</strong>s VI to VII - calories 700 <strong>and</strong> protein 20 grams <strong>of</strong><strong>Govt</strong>/<strong>Govt</strong>. Aided Schools etc. <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> menu approved from time to time by the competentauthority <strong>and</strong> subsequent GOI instructions under <strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Meal</strong> Scheme.2. ELIGIBILITY:The NPOA..IGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/firm shall submit a copy <strong>of</strong> valid food licenceissued by the Director Health Services, U.T., Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh, after paying the prescribedlicence fee, under the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Food Adulteration Act,3. VALIDITY OF CONTRACT:The contract <strong>for</strong> the above services shall be valid <strong>for</strong> the <strong>per</strong>iod <strong>of</strong> one year <strong>and</strong>same may be extended on the b<strong>as</strong>is <strong>of</strong> the <strong>per</strong><strong>for</strong>mance during the l<strong>as</strong>t year, subject to<strong>per</strong>iod not exceeding 5 years in total.4. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU)Successful bidder will have to execute Memor<strong>and</strong>um <strong>of</strong> Underst<strong>and</strong>ing on the nonjudicial stamp pa<strong>per</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Rs.15/- in the <strong>for</strong>mat to be obtained from the Education Department,within a stipulated <strong>per</strong>iod not later than three months.5. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT:Successful bidder shall furnish Bank Guarantee in the <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> Per<strong>for</strong>manceSecurity Deposit equal to 5o/o <strong>of</strong> the annual contract value in favour <strong>of</strong> District EducationOfficer, UT, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh valid <strong>for</strong> l5 months. In the event <strong>of</strong> its non-<strong>per</strong><strong>for</strong>rnance or nonadherence <strong>of</strong> terms <strong>and</strong> conditions, the same can be adjusted by the EducationDepartment <strong>for</strong> settlement <strong>of</strong> the Dues/<strong>for</strong>feiture <strong>of</strong> entire security deposit <strong>of</strong> theNPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> the sole discretion <strong>of</strong> the EducationDepartment which shall be final <strong>and</strong> binding on the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firm.6.KITCHEN SHED(i) Kitchen Shed with valid connection <strong>of</strong> electricity <strong>and</strong> water will be providedfree <strong>of</strong> cost by the Education Department to the successful bidder.Additional storage capacity, if required, shall be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the<strong>tender</strong>er.

(ii) NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will not makeany structural changes inthe cooking sheds without the prior approval <strong>of</strong>failing which penalty <strong>of</strong> termination <strong>of</strong> contractthe competent authority,<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> <strong>for</strong>feiture <strong>of</strong>security deposit will be liable to be levied.(iii) The NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall notuse the Kitchen Shed <strong>for</strong>commercial purposes.(iv) NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will not usepurpose other than storing <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong>the cooking shed <strong>for</strong> any<strong>Meal</strong> utensils/cookingingredients/food grains/cooking <strong>of</strong> meals.7. KITCHEN DEVICES/EOUIPMENTS.(i) The NPOAtrGO/PSU/Co-op. SocietylFirm will use his own cooking utensilswill have to arrange commercial LPG fuel <strong>and</strong> other cooking accessories athis own cost. Recurring cost on this account shall also be borne by theNPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm. Thus, no utensils/equipments etcshall be provided by the Education Department, UT, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh.(ii) That the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall ensure that only LPG isused <strong>for</strong> cooking purposes only(iii) NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall con<strong>for</strong>m to fire safety norms <strong>and</strong>get fire safety certificate or such clearance <strong>as</strong> required from the FireDepartrnent. The NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Societyffirm shall be responsible<strong>for</strong> fire saf-ety <strong>and</strong> hygiene st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>as</strong> stipulated by the appropriate authority.8 GENERAL DUTIES OF NPOINGO/PSU/CO.OP SOCIETY/FIBM.(i) The regularity <strong>of</strong> the <strong>per</strong><strong>for</strong>mance <strong>of</strong> the service will be the essence <strong>of</strong> thecontract <strong>and</strong> shall fonn a central factor <strong>of</strong> the contract. TheNPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Societyffirm shall take all possible steps toensure to rnaintain its <strong>per</strong>tbrrnance <strong>as</strong> determined by the Education Departmentfrom tirne to time.(ii)NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will engage trained <strong>and</strong> sufficientnumber <strong>of</strong> <strong>per</strong>sons to execute the work <strong>of</strong> preparation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Meal</strong>satisfactorily <strong>as</strong> allotted. It will ensure that at le<strong>as</strong>t one third <strong>of</strong> all cooks<strong>and</strong> hel<strong>per</strong>s belong to the scheduled c<strong>as</strong>tes. Further they will beresponsible <strong>for</strong> the food quality hygienic cooking <strong>of</strong> meals <strong>for</strong> all intents<strong>and</strong> purposes. In c<strong>as</strong>e <strong>of</strong> any dehciency or short coming in the preparation<strong>of</strong> <strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Meal</strong> on his part is found by the Education Department or anyauthority <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Adrninistration, NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firm shall be entirely <strong>and</strong> solely responsible <strong>for</strong> the consequencesincluding legal action. The <strong>tender</strong>er shall be responsible to comply with alllabour laws in <strong>for</strong>ce,

(iii) The kitchen shall function on all school working days <strong>of</strong> the week <strong>and</strong> hotcooked rneal shall be rnade available by the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op.SocietylFirm <strong>for</strong> the school(s) on each working day at the specified time <strong>as</strong>may be fixed by the Education Department considering the timings <strong>and</strong>shifts <strong>of</strong> the school(s).(iv) The NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall supply the cooked food <strong>as</strong><strong>per</strong> the norms prescribed by <strong>Govt</strong>. <strong>of</strong> India i.e.13-18 gram protein <strong>and</strong>480 calories from I - V students, 20 gram protein <strong>and</strong> 700 calories <strong>for</strong>cl<strong>as</strong>s VI - VIII students.(v)The NPOA.,IGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall make uninterrupted supply<strong>of</strong> the cooked meals to the <strong>Govt</strong>., <strong>Govt</strong>. aided schools <strong>and</strong> AIE Centres (tobe allocated separately by the Education Deptt.) under MDM Scheme,either itself or through the Self Help Groups (SHGs) without involvement<strong>of</strong> the Education Department in the purch<strong>as</strong>es or cooking, <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> GOI foodnorms <strong>and</strong> tentative menu qiven in Annexure I.(vi) With every dispatch <strong>of</strong> material, the NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firmshall prepare delivery challan in triplicate which shall be sent to the schoolconcerned with the supply, out <strong>of</strong> which the original copy duly signed bythe MDM Incharge <strong>of</strong> the school concerned or the Head <strong>of</strong> school <strong>for</strong>having received the supply <strong>of</strong> cooked meals shall be <strong>for</strong>warded to theDistrict Education Officer, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Administration by theNPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm alongwith the bills <strong>and</strong> the 2nd copyshall remain with the School concerned <strong>and</strong> the 3'd copy with theNPOAIGO/P SU/Co- op. S oc iety/F irm <strong>for</strong> their record.(vii) NPO/NIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall use separate closed <strong>and</strong> securedcontainers duly painted on them "<strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Meal</strong> Programme <strong>of</strong> EducationDepartment, UT, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh" <strong>for</strong> <strong>providing</strong> cooked meals to eachsection/cl<strong>as</strong>s <strong>of</strong> students in schools. The lids <strong>of</strong> the containers should besuch that they do not comc <strong>of</strong>f accidentally while h<strong>and</strong>ling/transporting.(viii) NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. SocietylFirrn shall supply only fresh cooked mealto the schools <strong>of</strong> the Education Department .(ix) The Education Deptt. will lift the cooked meals from theNPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm cooking shed, packed in containers<strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> clause No,7 (ii & iii), after sample t<strong>as</strong>ting <strong>of</strong> the meals by therepresentative/s <strong>of</strong> Education Department. If the cooked meals are notfound <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards laid down in the Agreement, it shall not be lifted byEducation Deptt. <strong>and</strong> no claim <strong>for</strong> such cooked meals shall be entertainedin any c<strong>as</strong>e. Education Deptt. shall be at liberty to make an alternativearrangcment <strong>for</strong> supply <strong>of</strong> cooked meals on that day at the risk <strong>and</strong> cost <strong>of</strong>the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm Further the <strong>tender</strong>er willcompensate the loss incurred to the Education Deptt on this account.

9. ALTERI{ATE ARRANGEMENT IN CASE OF qEFICIENCY IN SERVICE(i)In c<strong>as</strong>e, the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Societyffirm fails to provide the cookedmeals in time due to any re<strong>as</strong>on, the Education Deptt. shall be at libertyto purch<strong>as</strong>e any item in lieu there<strong>of</strong> from any other source at the risk <strong>and</strong>cost <strong>of</strong> the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm.(ii) In the event <strong>of</strong> failure <strong>of</strong> the NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. SocietylFirm to providethe services/cooked meals or part there<strong>of</strong> <strong>as</strong> mentioned in this agreement <strong>for</strong>any re<strong>as</strong>on whatsoever, the Education Deptt. shall be entitled to procure theservices from other sources <strong>and</strong> the NPOA{GOIPSU/Co-op. Society/Firmshall be liable to pay <strong>for</strong>thwith to the Education Deptt. the difference <strong>of</strong>payments made to such other sources <strong>and</strong> damages suffered by the EducationDeptt. arising there from.(iii) If the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm fails to provide the cookedmeals <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> prescribed quantity/nutrition/calorie values to the satisfaction <strong>of</strong>the Education Deptt., <strong>and</strong> tested by the Health Department no payment <strong>for</strong>the cost <strong>of</strong> cooked food <strong>and</strong> overhead shall be made <strong>for</strong> the days <strong>for</strong> whichthere have been supplies <strong>of</strong> subst<strong>and</strong>ard food. Apart from this, the cost <strong>of</strong>foodgrains utilized shall also be recovered frorn the NPOAtrGO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firm.(iv) In the event <strong>of</strong> doubt <strong>as</strong> to the quality <strong>of</strong> food or delayed supply, theconcerned Head <strong>of</strong> school/beneficiarylauthorized representative <strong>of</strong> theEducation Deptt. may refuse to accept the supply provided by theNPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm. The concerned NPOAIGO/PSU/Coop.Society/Firm shall replace the subst<strong>and</strong>ard items with qualitysupplernentary nutrition items irnrnediately after getting the approval <strong>for</strong> thesame from the concerned Head <strong>of</strong> School/BeneficiarylDBOlAuthorizedRepresentative <strong>of</strong> Education Deptt. at its own cost <strong>and</strong> the Education Deptt.shall not be liable to pay any compensation to the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firrn.(v) In the event <strong>of</strong> acceptanoe <strong>of</strong> subst<strong>and</strong>ard food by the Head <strong>of</strong>School/DEO/Authorized Representative <strong>of</strong> Education Deptt. <strong>and</strong> consumedby the benehciaries, no payment shall be made <strong>for</strong> that food <strong>and</strong> an amount <strong>of</strong>5oh <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> the particular supply shall be deducted <strong>as</strong> penalty by theEducation Deptt. apart from any other penalty <strong>and</strong> statutory action against theNP OA.JG O/P S U/C o-op. S oc iety/F irm under relevant statutory/agreement.IO.GENERAL DUTIES OF EDUCATION DEPTT.(i) Education Deptt. shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> making timely delivery <strong>of</strong> food(ii)grains i.e. Rice <strong>and</strong> Atta to the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm.Education Deptt. will pick-up/lift the cooked meals from the cookingshed, which will be point <strong>of</strong> delivery <strong>of</strong> cooked meal by theNPOA{G O/P SU/Co-op, Society/Firm.r0

11. RATESPer meal cooking cost (including the cost <strong>of</strong> Pulses, Vegetables, Oil <strong>and</strong>Fats, Salt <strong>and</strong> condiments <strong>and</strong> Fuel) shall be paid <strong>as</strong> fixed by the GOI from time to time<strong>for</strong> the primary <strong>and</strong> up<strong>per</strong> primary stage children. Rates fixed <strong>for</strong> the year 20ll-12 areRs. 2.89 <strong>per</strong> meal <strong>per</strong> day <strong>for</strong> primary stage children <strong>and</strong> Rs. 4.33 <strong>per</strong> meal <strong>per</strong> day <strong>for</strong>up<strong>per</strong> primary stage children. Bidders shall quote minimum acceptable <strong>per</strong> meal ratesonly <strong>for</strong> labour <strong>and</strong> Adrninistrative Charges <strong>for</strong> the primary <strong>and</strong> up<strong>per</strong> primary stagechildren.l2.FOOD GRAINS/OTHER MATERIAL(i) The Education Deptt. will provide fbodgrains i.e. Atta/WheaVRice, free <strong>of</strong> cost,at the cooking shed allocated to NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm, whichshall be provided/replenished on weekly b<strong>as</strong>is only. NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-opSociety/Firrn will maintain account <strong>of</strong> the foodgrains received, taking intoconsideration the actual supply <strong>of</strong> MDM <strong>for</strong> primary <strong>and</strong> up<strong>per</strong> primary students<strong>and</strong> send report <strong>of</strong> the same alongwith the indent <strong>for</strong> further supply <strong>of</strong> foodgrains. Any deviation found in the store receipt/ issue/consumption shall beconsidered/viewed seriously. NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm willsubmit the indent <strong>for</strong> further supply <strong>of</strong> foodgrains well in time givingsufficient notice to the Education Deptt. to arrange the supply <strong>of</strong> foodgrains.(ii) NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will keep an electronic weighingscale in the cooking shed. Calibration <strong>of</strong> weighing scale will be got checkedfrom the Inspectors <strong>of</strong> Weight & Me<strong>as</strong>urements Department, Ch<strong>and</strong>igarhAdministration, by the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm.(iii) All material except Rice <strong>and</strong> atta shall be arranged by theNPO/NGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm at their own level <strong>and</strong> cost <strong>and</strong>no advance shall be given by Education Deptt(iv) The material shall be used in proportion to the approved norms such <strong>as</strong>pulses, lentils, vegetables etc.(vi) Only AGMARK spices shall be used(vii) Refined Oil <strong>of</strong> AGMARK make shall be used only.I3.QUANTITY OF COOKED MEALS(i) The average number <strong>of</strong> meals cooked <strong>per</strong> day <strong>for</strong> Financial Year 2009-l0 w<strong>as</strong> 21164, which can be incre<strong>as</strong>ed/decre<strong>as</strong>ed by the Education Deptt.(ii) In c<strong>as</strong>e <strong>of</strong> cancellation <strong>of</strong> supply or incre<strong>as</strong>e/decre<strong>as</strong>e in supply <strong>of</strong> MDM<strong>for</strong> any day, the in<strong>for</strong>mation will be given by the Education Deptt., to theNPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm, one day in advance.I4.QUALITY OF MEALS(i) Ensuring hygiene/quality/nutritional/calorie values <strong>of</strong> cooked meals will bethe sole responsibility <strong>of</strong> the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm.11

(ii) Technical ex<strong>per</strong>ts <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the authorized <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the EducationDepartment will <strong>per</strong>sonally inspect <strong>per</strong>iodically the premises <strong>of</strong>cooking/processing <strong>of</strong> food items <strong>for</strong> <strong>as</strong>certaining the quality <strong>of</strong> food. Theymay also order lifting <strong>of</strong> the samples <strong>and</strong> sending the same to the<strong>Govt</strong>./Private labs <strong>of</strong> repute <strong>for</strong> which the necessary expenses shall beborne by the Education Deptt. In c<strong>as</strong>e, there is a dispute, the decision <strong>of</strong>the Director Public Instructions(Schools), Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Administration shallbe final <strong>and</strong> binding on both the parties.l5.INSPECTIONS(i)The Education Deptt: or its representative or representative <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarhAdministration shall always have the right <strong>and</strong> liberty to do surpriseinspection(s) <strong>of</strong> cooking sheds, civic amenities, foodgrains <strong>and</strong> otherrnaterial stocked therein.(ii)Any <strong>of</strong>ficer authorised <strong>for</strong> the purpose shall carry out the regular checking<strong>of</strong> the eatables in the Kitchen. The NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firmshall be liable to pay a fine upto Rs.1000/-. in c<strong>as</strong>e <strong>of</strong> any adulteration orquality failure on each occ<strong>as</strong>ion.16. RAISING OF BILLS OF COOKED MEAL A(i)T'he NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall submit the bills on a<strong>for</strong>tnightly b<strong>as</strong>is <strong>for</strong> the cooked meals supplied so <strong>as</strong> to enable theEducation Deptt. to veriff <strong>and</strong> process the same <strong>for</strong> payment.(ii)The payments <strong>for</strong> the cooked meals shall be made by the Education Deptt.LT.KITCHEN STAFF:within 30 working days from the receipt <strong>of</strong> bills from theNPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm subject to the condition that all thebills are correct <strong>and</strong> the Education Department <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarhAdministration does not find any irregularity in the claim submitted byNPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm. TDS shall be deducted from thepayment <strong>of</strong> bills <strong>of</strong> the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm in accordancewith the provisions <strong>of</strong> Income Tax Act.(i)The NPOA.{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall employ adequate number<strong>of</strong> ex<strong>per</strong>ienced <strong>per</strong>sons at its own cost to run the kitchen/service. In c<strong>as</strong>e <strong>of</strong>any complaint against any <strong>of</strong> its employee, the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firm shall immediately replace the particular <strong>per</strong>son so deployed ifSObedesired by the Education Deptt. No child below the age <strong>of</strong> 14 years shallemployed/deployed <strong>for</strong> MDM scheme.L2

(ii) NPOAIGO/PSIJ/Co-op. Society / Firm shall obtain allregistration(s)/<strong>per</strong>mission(s)/license(s) etc. which arelmay be requiredunder any labour law or other legislation(s) <strong>for</strong> <strong>providing</strong> the services underthe agreement.(iii) If the Education Deptt. notices that the <strong>per</strong>sonnel <strong>of</strong> the NPOA{GOIPSU/Co-op.Society/Firm h<strong>as</strong>/have been negligent <strong>and</strong> careless in rendering the said services,the same shall be communicated immediately to the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firmo who will ensure that there is no recurrence <strong>of</strong> such situation<strong>and</strong> shall report about the steps taken, to the Education Depn.(iv) If any <strong>of</strong> the <strong>per</strong>sonnel <strong>of</strong> the NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society /Ftum indulgesin theft, negligence or any illegal/inegular activity <strong>and</strong> misconduct, theNPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm accordingly shall take appropriateaction against the ening <strong>per</strong>sonnel in accordance with law, under intimationto the Education Deptt.(v) The kitchen area including school is declared "No smoking <strong>and</strong> nondrinking" area.18. IDENTIFICATION. UNIFORM MEDICAL EXAMII{ATION AND POLICEVERIFICATION OF STAFF:(i) The employees <strong>of</strong> the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall be requiredto display their Identity Cards while on duty <strong>for</strong> the purpose <strong>of</strong> pro<strong>per</strong>identification, which shall be issued to them by the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op.Society/Firm in their own name <strong>and</strong> trading NPO style may refuse the entryinto its premises to any <strong>per</strong>sonal <strong>of</strong> the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firmnot bearing such identity card.(ii) They shall wear neat <strong>and</strong> clean uni<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>as</strong> <strong>per</strong> the pattern <strong>as</strong> approved from theEducation Deptt., which will be supplied <strong>and</strong> maintained by theNPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm at his own cost. Any lapse in this regardshall invoke a penalty <strong>of</strong> Rs. 50/- <strong>per</strong> man <strong>per</strong> day, to be deducted from the bills<strong>of</strong> the NPOAIGO/P SU/Co-op. S ocietylFirrn.(iii) The NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will ensure that all his employeesare medically fit <strong>and</strong> are free from any communicable dise<strong>as</strong>e <strong>and</strong> they shouldbe thoroughly hygienic <strong>and</strong> sanitized.(iv) NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will communicate to the EducationDeptt. regarding the names, parentage, residential address, age etc. <strong>of</strong> the<strong>per</strong>sons <strong>as</strong> <strong>and</strong> when deployed.(v)The NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm will ensure that the police verification<strong>of</strong> all the <strong>per</strong>sons deployed by them in the allocated premises have been gotdone,13

I9.MArNT4NANCE * CLEANLINqSS(i)Removing <strong>of</strong> cobwebs, dusting, cleaning <strong>of</strong> window-panes ro<strong>of</strong>, wall, doors,covered area <strong>of</strong> cooking shed will be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> NPOAIGO/PSU/Coop.Society/Firm. The <strong>tender</strong>er will also be responsible '<strong>for</strong> cleaning <strong>of</strong>utensils/storage <strong>of</strong> utensils under hygienic conditions, cleaning <strong>and</strong> w<strong>as</strong>hing <strong>of</strong>vegetables/crocries/pulses/rice/cutting <strong>of</strong> vegetables, pro<strong>per</strong> kneeding <strong>of</strong> attahygienic food preparation, unloading <strong>of</strong> raw material <strong>and</strong> loading <strong>of</strong> cookedmeal at the cooking shed.(ii) Any w<strong>as</strong>tage/filth from the cooking/cleaning activities will be dumped in thedesignated dust-bins <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh AdministrationAvlunicipal Corporation ondailyb<strong>as</strong>is. If atany time, it is found that w<strong>as</strong>telfilth is littered in or aroundcooking shed then suitable action <strong>as</strong> deemed fit will be taken by EducationDeptt.(iii)That the NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall ensure regular fumigation<strong>and</strong> pest control in the storage area on <strong>for</strong>tnightly b<strong>as</strong>is to protect against rodents,flies. cockroaches. lizards etc.2O.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EMPLOYEES OF NPOAtrGO/PSU/Co.OP.Societv AND THE EDUCATION DEPTT.:(i) The <strong>per</strong>sons deployed by the NPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm <strong>for</strong> thework shall be the employees <strong>of</strong> the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm<strong>for</strong> all intents <strong>and</strong> purposes. In no c<strong>as</strong>e, there shall be any relationship <strong>of</strong>employer <strong>and</strong> employee between the said <strong>per</strong>sons <strong>and</strong> the Education Deptt.,either implicitly or explicitly. Furthero the contract awarded shall be acommercial agreement <strong>and</strong> not cheating any employee.(ii) Education Deptt./Ch<strong>and</strong>igarh Adrninistration shall not be liable <strong>for</strong> anyobligations/responsibilities contractualllegal or otherwise towards theNPOAIGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm's ernployees/agents directly <strong>and</strong>/orindirectly, in any manner whatsoever.21. PREVENTIVE MEASURES TO BE TAKEN BY THE NPOAGO/PSU/CO-OPSOCIETY/FIRM:The NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall take all re<strong>as</strong>onable precautions toprevent any unlawful act or disorderly conduct by the <strong>per</strong>sons deployed <strong>for</strong> thepreparation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mid</strong> <strong>Day</strong> meal.22.PAYMENT TO WORKERS.The NPONGO/PSU/Co-op. Society/Firm shall be liable to make timely paymentto its employees towards their monthly wages/salaries <strong>and</strong> other statutory dues like EPF,Employees State Insurance, Minimum wages, Bonus, Gratuity, Service Tax etc, inaccordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> relevant Act, Rules <strong>and</strong> regulations applicable <strong>and</strong>satisfy <strong>and</strong> comply with the requirements at their own end. Education Department willnot responsible in any manner on account <strong>of</strong> its liability <strong>of</strong> the NPOA{GO/PSU/Co-op.Society lF irm.t4

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