IBM Mashup Center: V1.1

IBM Mashup Center: V1.1

IBM Mashup Center: V1.1


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Clearing tracked data fails after migrating to IDS, Microsoft SQL Server, or toOracleAfter migrating the catalog database to IDS, Microsoft SQL Server, or to Oracle, theClear Tracking Information action does not delete tracked data. Be aware thatenabling tracked data can use excessive disk space on these databases. Instead oftracking all cataloged objects, you can turn tracking on for selected feeds that arevery important and require tracking so as to reduce tracking entries and save diskspace.Values entered in the Schema field are ignored for migration to Informix,Oracle, or to Microsoft SQL ServerWhen migrating to Informix, Oracle, or to Microsoft SQL Server, the value enteredin the Schema field in the Migrate <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub Database screen is ignored andthe value from the Username field is used as the default schema instead. TheSchema field is applicable only for migrating to DB2.When you are migrating the catalog to another database, you cannot prevent auser from creating or running objects in the catalogTracking data can be lost if a tracked object is run during migration. Object datacan be lost if a user updates or creates a new feed while migration is in progress.The Administrator should migrate the database when the machine is not in use, orperform the migration locally with the network disabled to prevent users fromaccessing <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub while migration is in progress.UpgradingCREATE and DROP permissions required for schema updates for DB2 and IDScatalog databases for fixpack 1.1If you previously migrated the catalog to either DB2 or to Informix DynamicServer (IDS), in order to update the database schema for version 1.1 the databaseuser id that <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub uses to connect to the database must have CREATETABLE and DROP TABLE permissions for those databases. The schema updatesautomatically when you apply the fixpack.Tracking data requires edit to mmms.config.ini file to enable cache afterupgradingIf you have usage tracking enabled or plan to enable it, edit the mmms.config.inifile to enable the caching of the tracked data after you upgrade to <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub,<strong>V1.1</strong>. Caching tracked data improves <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub performance.1. Use the WebSphere Administration Console to stop <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub.2. Go to the /Hub/installedApps/mashuphub.ear/mashuphubenterprise.war/META-INF/config/directory.3. Open the mmms.config.ini file in a text editor.4. Enter the following text in the file:mmms.cache.region=mmmsRegion5. Save and close the mmms.config.ini file.6. Use the WebSphere Administration Console to restart <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub.Known issues and workarounds in <strong>Mashup</strong>Hub 29

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