IBM Mashup Center: V1.1

IBM Mashup Center: V1.1

IBM Mashup Center: V1.1


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The numeric datetime formats have the following characteristics.Table 1. Characteristics for date and time fields for supported numeric datetime formatsInputDate field The month and day can be 1or 2 digits.The year can 2 or 4 digits.For example:03-02-20083-2-08The day is optional. If theday is not set, it is initializedto 1. For example:03-20083-08Time field (optional) The hour is variable-length, 1or 2 digits.Minutes and seconds arefixed length, 2 digits each.Hours, minutes, and secondsare optional. If they are notset, they are initialized to 0.Input recognizes the AM/PMflags, for example:3-2-2008 6:22:01 PMOutputDate output is fixed length: 2digits for the month, 2 digitsfor the day, and 4 digits foryear. For example:03-02-2008The day is optional. If theday is not set, it is initializedto 1. For example:03-2008Time output is fixed length:2 digits for the hour, 2 digitsfor the minutes, and 2 digitsfor the seconds.Only the 24-hour clock issupported. For example:3-2-2008 18:22:01Square root function addedThe Numeric SQRT function returns the positive square root of its argument,which must be a non-negative numeric value.Input parameterPositive numeric value.Returned valueSingle numeric value.Power function addedThe Numeric Power function raises its first numeric argument, the base, to thepower of its second numeric argument, the exponent.Input parametersNumeric value and power.Returned valueSingle numeric value.Ceiling function addedThe Numeric Ceiling function returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity)integer that is greater than or equal to its single argument.What’s new? 11

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