Executive Chef Carla Pellegrino Oversees Rao's at ... - LVFNB.com

Executive Chef Carla Pellegrino Oversees Rao's at ... - LVFNB.com

Executive Chef Carla Pellegrino Oversees Rao's at ... - LVFNB.com


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MONTHLY ISSUESPOSTED ON OUR WEB SITEFood & Beverage Magazine of Las VegasJUNE 2009<strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Chef</strong><strong>Carla</strong> <strong>Pellegrino</strong><strong>Oversees</strong> Rao’s<strong>at</strong> Caesars PalaceWHAT’S INSIDETHINKING ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTFORK & POUR MAGAZINE IS …100% BIODEGRADABLE100% SOY AND VEGETABLE BASED INK40% PRINTED ON RECYCLABLE PAPER

| FROM THE EDITORHot off the Grill!OUR COVER STORY ON FORK ...Recently we had a gre<strong>at</strong> Media Wine Dinner <strong>at</strong> RaoRestaurant in Caesars Palace hosted by Frank <strong>Pellegrino</strong>Jr. and his lovely wife <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Chef</strong> <strong>Carla</strong> <strong>Pellegrino</strong>.Winemaker Robert Summer walked us through hisStrawberry Ridge Wines which are now the Sign<strong>at</strong>urewines of Rao and will soon be available exclusively <strong>at</strong>select Whole Foods Markets.www.raos.<strong>com</strong>www.strawberryridge.<strong>com</strong>/raowww.wholefoodsmarket.<strong>com</strong> www.he<strong>at</strong><strong>com</strong>munic<strong>at</strong>ions.<strong>com</strong>JUNE 2009www.forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>FORK & POUR DIRECTORYPresidentRocky ParksOper<strong>at</strong>ions ManagerEbony HolmesFood & BeverageMagazine of Las VegasEquipment Industry AdvisorGeorge BaggottPhotographer/Photo EditorGeorge FryerOUR COVER STORY ON POUR ...Multi-talented Gaston Martinez was our likely choice in this monthsIssue, just check out his ac<strong>com</strong>plishments and he is currently theU.S.B.G Nevada Chapter President.NEWS HEADLINES ...RED BULL PULLED IN GERMANY AFTER COCAINE TESTS.Don’t you just love the German Government ... No one has fun!!!HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE ...California vintners in the Napa Valley area, which primarilyproduce Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir and Pinot Grigio wines, havedeveloped a new hybrid grape th<strong>at</strong> acts as an anti-diuretic. It is expectedto reduce the number of trips older people have to make to theb<strong>at</strong>hroom during the night.The new wine will be marketed as “PINO MORE.”TO ADVERTISE CALL (702) 220-7955Managing EditorMike FryerAdvisor to the BoardDavid TullyAssoci<strong>at</strong>e EditorChanelle HayesAssoci<strong>at</strong>e EditorBob BarnesFork & Pour | Food & Beverage News of Las Vegas3355 W. Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89102Main: 702-220-7955 Fax: 702-227-8684Fe<strong>at</strong>ure WriterMichelle FryerGraphics EditorRowena BecknelContributorJackie BrettContributorLes KincaidContributorJan-Ie LowArtwork by Woodyphotoartbywoody@cox.netFORK & POUR | Food & Beverage News of Las Vegas is publishedmonthly by Fork & Pour and printed by Southwest Printers. All rightsreserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without priorwritten permission from the publisher. All m<strong>at</strong>erials submitted to Fork& Pour | Food & Beverage News of Las Vegas be<strong>com</strong>e the propertyof Fork & Pour and may be used by F&B News Las Vegas without<strong>com</strong>pens<strong>at</strong>ion to the submitter. All such m<strong>at</strong>erials may be edited forclarity and space. For advertising inquiries, please contact Mike Fryer<strong>at</strong> mike@fbnewslasvegas.<strong>com</strong> or call 702-877-5780.4 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

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| HUMAN RESOURCES INSIGHTSDiscrimin<strong>at</strong>ion in the WorkplaceBy Linda BernsteinDiscrimin<strong>at</strong>ion is an awful thing. It can take manyforms, such as; bias, favoritism, prejudice, and more.Regardless of the form it takes, it can and does have asignificant impact on individual performance, the successand profitability of your business, and your <strong>com</strong>pany’sreput<strong>at</strong>ion in the <strong>com</strong>munity – but only if you allow it to go on.It may be surprising but discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion can rear it’s uglyhead in a variety of unexpected ways. Below are a few examplesof ways in which supervisors, individuals, or even <strong>com</strong>panies,can knowingly (or unknowingly) discrimin<strong>at</strong>e against employeesor customers.• Showing favoritism in shifts, work areas/sections, timeoff, tre<strong>at</strong>ment.• Offensive behaviors in the workplace due to ignorance,prejudice, and h<strong>at</strong>red.• Biases occurring during the interview and hiring process.• Profiling of people based upon religion, race, skin color,accent, etc.• Allowing a hostile or harassing environment to flourish.• Tre<strong>at</strong>ment or actions which are preferential to some/hostile to others.As business owners, we all have a responsibility to keepdiscrimin<strong>at</strong>ion out of the workplace. We will now take a look <strong>at</strong> thelaws which have been established <strong>at</strong> the st<strong>at</strong>e and federal level, overtime, to <strong>com</strong>b<strong>at</strong> discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion in the workplace.The Federal Laws ProhibitingEmployment Discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion• Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII),prohibits employment discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion based on race, color,religion, sex, or n<strong>at</strong>ional origin.• The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), protects men andwomen who perform substantially equal work in the sameestablishment from sex-based wage discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion.• The Age Discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion in Employment Act of 1967(ADEA), protects individuals who are 40 years of ageor older.• Title I and Title V of the Americans with DisabilitiesAct of 1990 (ADA), prohibits employment discrimin<strong>at</strong>ionagainst qualified individuals with disabilities in the priv<strong>at</strong>esector, and in st<strong>at</strong>e and local governments.• Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilit<strong>at</strong>ion Act of1973, prohibits discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion against qualifiedindividuals with disabilities who work in the federalgovernment.• The Civil Rights Act of 1991, which, among other things,provides monetary damages in cases of intentionalemployment discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion.The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),a U.S. government agency, enforces all of these laws. The EEOCalso provides oversight and coordin<strong>at</strong>ion of all federal equalemployment opportunity regul<strong>at</strong>ions, practices, and policies. Thelocal branch of the EEOC in Nevada is called NERC, or NevadaEqual Rights Commission, and has offices loc<strong>at</strong>ed in Las Vegas.A Discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion StoryOne terrible supervisor was bringing his prejudices and badbehaviors to work with him each day. He had deeply seeded issueswith women and minorities th<strong>at</strong> resulted in him being rough, angryand harassing to the females and minorities whoworked for him. His biases and actions resultedin unfair and discrimin<strong>at</strong>ory tre<strong>at</strong>ment of someemployees and the showing of favoritism to otheremployees. His favorites were rewarded withspecial assignments, key days off, raises, andgenerally more favorable performance reviews.It didn’t take long for the word to get out and the poorly tre<strong>at</strong>edemployees to start talking amongst themselves and telling others, aswell as management, how unhappy they were.As a result, a thorough investig<strong>at</strong>ion ensued and this supervisorwas first disciplined and then fired for his behaviors. But eventhose actions were not sufficient enough to keep the law off ofthe <strong>com</strong>pany’s doorstep. Just a few weeks prior, one unhappyemployee had gone to the EEOC (Equal Employment OpportunityCommission) and filed a discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion charge. Now, this lax<strong>com</strong>pany must face the consequences for not paying <strong>at</strong>tentionto wh<strong>at</strong> was going on in their workplace and will now be facingthousands of dollars in fines and even bigger discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion suitand <strong>at</strong>torney fee charges. If they lose this case, they could bedealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement fees andplaintiff awards. The moral of the story… “pay <strong>at</strong>tention to wh<strong>at</strong>your staff is doing and saying, and train them regularly on wh<strong>at</strong> theguidelines of employment law are for your business.”Wh<strong>at</strong> Can You Do?To be effective in managing and controlling discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion,<strong>com</strong>panies must be proactive, and maintain and clearly <strong>com</strong>munic<strong>at</strong>epolicies regarding the zero tolerance for discrimin<strong>at</strong>ory behaviors.Your employee handbook must also have a st<strong>at</strong>ement whichoutlines your position on the subject. In addition, it is wise totrain all supervisory staff on the various types of behaviors th<strong>at</strong> arediscrimin<strong>at</strong>ory, review your hiring processes, and cover the lawsoutlining discrimin<strong>at</strong>ory behaviors in the workplace. Here are a fewother things you can do to stay out of trouble:• Monitor your workplace s<strong>at</strong>isfaction – conduct employeesurveys if necessary.• Keep an open door policy so th<strong>at</strong> employees can feel freeto <strong>com</strong>e to you with concerns.• Regularly evalu<strong>at</strong>e the effectiveness and performance ofthose who manage others.• Conduct training periodically for your supervisors andreview the laws on discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion.• Communic<strong>at</strong>e your “zero tolerance” and post your policyprohibiting discrimin<strong>at</strong>ory behaviors.Additionally, in some organiz<strong>at</strong>ions, typically governmentcontractors, the employee base must be made up of a diversebackground of races, genders, and capabilities. In thoseorganiz<strong>at</strong>ions, a certain percentage of the workforce must be madeup of minority, women and disabled employees in an effort toshow equal opportunity. Going one step further, many of thesesame employers are required to purchase goods and services froma diverse supplier base, including minority-owned, women-owned,and disadvantaged business organiz<strong>at</strong>ions. These requirementsand their <strong>com</strong>pliance requirements are closely monitored byvarious government agencies and bureaus via periodic reportingrequirements.Next Month’s Subject: Effective Hiring ProcessesContact info: Linda @ LJB Consulting LLC Ph: 702-326-4040Web: www.ljbconsulting.net E-mail: ljbconsulting@cox.net FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

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<strong>Carla</strong>WITH HUSBAND FRANK PELLEGRINO JR,EXECUTIVECHEFPELLEGRINOOVERSEES RAO’S AT CAESARS PALACEAtCaesars Palace, the authentic Rao’sexperience is now be accessible to awhole new gener<strong>at</strong>ion. Two 10-tablerooms duplic<strong>at</strong>e the original Rao’s saloon.Additional se<strong>at</strong>ing is available in the feast area,as well as on an outdoor p<strong>at</strong>io, where you can sit<strong>at</strong> poolside and enjoy a game of bocce in-betweenbites. Just stopping by to enjoy a cocktail in therestaurant’s legendary ambiance? Tables in frontof the restaurant are the perfect vantage point forpeople-w<strong>at</strong>ching and beverages.Rao’s <strong>at</strong> Caesars Palace is open seven nightsa week from 5 to 11 pm, with multiple se<strong>at</strong>ingavailable. Enjoy the warmth and <strong>com</strong>fort of thisturn-of-the-century restaurant while feasting ongloriously simple, home-style Italian favorites th<strong>at</strong>have been passed down for gener<strong>at</strong>ions.Rao’s is a not-to-be-missed experience unlikeanything outside th<strong>at</strong> East Harlem street corner.TO ADVERTISE CALL (702) 220-7955 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

THE STORY OF JACOB OULIGUIAN ... better known as JacobiItalian clothing is a standard in bothlook and quality for the fashion world.It is known for a style and flamboyanceexuded by the contemporary wearer.Fashion mogul Jacobi brings th<strong>at</strong>same look and quality of European fashionto Las Vegas, with Jacobi’s Couture.Jacobi’s Couture offers the most unique andexclusive items ranging from designer Italiansportswear to high-end upscale jeans, allowingp<strong>at</strong>rons to have the same shopping experiencelike in New York and Los Angeles,the top fashion cities in the world. Jacobi’sCouture carries brands like Playboy, TrueReligion, Ed Hardy, and GiorgioArmani. Jacobialso owns Jacobi’s Factory Outlet. Thefamily owned and oper<strong>at</strong>ed business offersfull, stylish clothing for men <strong>at</strong> affordableprices including the three-suit special.Jacobi has always had a passion forfashion, but it all began with his grandf<strong>at</strong>herwho was a custom shoemaker for Vietnamveterans. It was role models like his grandf<strong>at</strong>herand others who helped him get into thefashion industry.Jacobi earned a B.A. in Fashion Designand Merchandising from Wayne St<strong>at</strong>e University.He developed fashion and businessskills early on, as he spent a year in Torontoworking under Mr. Lou Myles, known to beone of the best custom masters in the world.Jacobi began his journey in New York.He dressed windows on Madison Avenueand designed custom clothing for Fortune500 executives. In 1997, Jacobi opened upJacobi’s of New York, a fine Italian clothingand accessory store.Jacobi was <strong>at</strong> the prime of his time. Hisskill and craftsmanship led him to Las Vegaswhere he wanted to further his career infashion.Jacobi has been recognized on numerousoccasions for his outstanding talent asa fashion designer. He has been fe<strong>at</strong>ured inWho’s Who Magazine, Distinguished Men ofSouthern Nevada and Society Magazine. Heonce appeared on Talk of the Town, a showth<strong>at</strong> fe<strong>at</strong>ured Las Vegas life.His accolades include Best Clubwearin the 2006 Las Vegas Weekly MagazineReaders’ Choice Awards, Best Menswearin the 2007 Las Vegas Weekly MagazineReaders’ Choice Awards, the N<strong>at</strong>ionalRepublican Congressional Committee 2006N<strong>at</strong>ional Leadership Award and the N<strong>at</strong>ionalRepublican Congressional Committee presents2006 Businessman of the Year Award.Jacobi is a fashion consultant for WBLas Vegas and Excel Communic<strong>at</strong>ions; amember of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerceand Social Registrar of Las Vegas;and vice president of Grand Hills Resort &Country Club. In addition, Jacobi gives backto the <strong>com</strong>munity with his support in localchildren functions, schools, and non-profitorganiz<strong>at</strong>ions. FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>


FOOD FOR THOUGHT |By Les KincaidLes Kincaid is a food, wine, and golf expert and cookbook author.He hosts a n<strong>at</strong>ionally syndic<strong>at</strong>ed wine radio show each Thursdayfrom 7 to 8 pm. You can enjoy his web site or his broadcast <strong>at</strong>www.leskincaid .<strong>com</strong> or email les@leskincaid.<strong>com</strong>.Cooking with wine doesn’t mean you should use “cooking wine.” You’ve seen it <strong>at</strong>the grocery store. Cooking wine is loaded with salt and preserv<strong>at</strong>ives and reallynot a good way to enhance a recipe! But cooking with wine should be a basic partof many of your recipes.Adding wine is a gre<strong>at</strong> way to enhance flavor and tie ingredients together.You wouldn’t use stale, spoiled or bad food ingredients, so you should think the same wayabout the wine you use. Don’t think you have to cook with the wine you’re going to serveeither. Th<strong>at</strong> can get too expensive and is very unnecessary. But you should use a wineyou would drink. Likely, five to eight dollars a bottle is a reasonable amount and there aremany very decent wines <strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> price range to choose for sure.Tomorrow’s dinner is a gre<strong>at</strong> way to use th<strong>at</strong> four or five ounces left from tonight’sdinner wine. Th<strong>at</strong> is, of course, if there is any left! Remember Wine Is Food. In the mealand with the meal ... wine adds another dimension to good food.Remember the good old days when you went to an Italian restaurant just for theirSpaghetti Primavera? Then in the l<strong>at</strong>e seventies and thru the eighties is somewh<strong>at</strong> disappeared.Well this is my version from those days ... try it you’ll like it. Tell me wh<strong>at</strong> kind ofwine you chose to serve with this recipe.Spaghetti Primavera1 pound spaghetti1 bunch broccoli2 small zucchini, unpeeled4 asparagus spears1-1/2 cups green beansKosher salt1/2 cup fresh or frozen peas3/4 cup fresh or frozen pea pods1 tablespoon canola oil2 cups thinly sliced brown mushroomsFreshly ground black pepper1. Trim broccoli and break into florets. Trimoff ends of the zucchini. Cut into quarters,then cut into 1-inch or slightly longer lengths(about 1 1/2 cups). Cut each asparagus into2-inch pieces. Trim beans and cut into 1-inchpieces.2. Cook each of the green vegetablessepar<strong>at</strong>ely in boiling salted w<strong>at</strong>er to coveruntil crisp but tender. Drain well, and thenrun under cold w<strong>at</strong>er to chill, and drain againthoroughly. Combine the cooked vegetablesin a bowl.3. Cook the peas and pods; about 1 minuteif fresh; 30 seconds if frozen. Drain, chill withcold w<strong>at</strong>er and drain again. Combine withthe vegetables. In a skillet over mediumhighhe<strong>at</strong>, he<strong>at</strong> the peanut oil and add themushrooms. Season to taste. Cook about2 minutes, shaking the skillet and stirring.Add the mushrooms, chili and parsley to thevegetables.4. He<strong>at</strong> 3 tablespoons olive oil in a saucepanand add half the garlic, tom<strong>at</strong>oes, salt andpepper. Cook about 4 minutes. Add the basil.5. He<strong>at</strong> 3 tablespoons olive oil in a large1 teaspoon minced hot red or green chili,or 1/2 teaspoon dried red-pepper flakes1/4 cup finely chopped parsley6 tablespoons olive oil1 teaspoon minced garlic3 cups 1-inch tom<strong>at</strong>o cubes6 basil leaves, chopped4 tablespoons sweet butter2 tablespoons chicken stock1/2 cup heavy cream, approxim<strong>at</strong>ely1/2 cup gr<strong>at</strong>ed Parmesan1/3 cup toasted pine nutsskillet and add the remaining garlic and thevegetable mixture. Cook, stirring gently, untilhe<strong>at</strong>ed through.6. Cook the spaghetti in boiling salted w<strong>at</strong>eruntil almost (but not quite) tender, retaining aslight resilience in the center. Drain well.7. In a pot large enough to hold the spaghettiand vegetables, add the butter and melt overmedium-low he<strong>at</strong>. Then add the chickenbroth and half a cup each of cream andcheese, stirring constantly. Cook gently untilsmooth. Add the spaghetti and toss quicklyto blend. Add half the vegetables and pourin the liquid from the tom<strong>at</strong>oes, tossing oververy low he<strong>at</strong>.8. Add the remaining vegetables. If thesauce seems dry, add 3 to 4 tablespoonsmore cream. Add the pine nuts and give themixture a final tossing.9. Serve equal portions of the spaghetti mixturein hot soup or spaghetti bowls. Spoonequal amounts of the tom<strong>at</strong>oes over eachserving.Yields: 4 servings as a main course or 6 to 8as an appetizer11 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

Brett’sBy Jackie BrettLike a kaleidoscope, Vegas always changes.First, there’s the incredible shock of Las Vegas’headliner Danny Gans’ de<strong>at</strong>h <strong>at</strong> age 52. Over time, hestarred <strong>at</strong> the Str<strong>at</strong>osphere, Rio, Mirage, and most recently<strong>at</strong> Steve Wynn’s new Encore hotel.On the joyful side, there are new shows like “Peepshow” <strong>at</strong>Planet Hollywood and Disney’s “The Lion King” <strong>at</strong> Mandalay Bay.“Peepshow” is totally original and the cre<strong>at</strong>ion of Tony awardwinningdirector/choreographer Jerry Mitchell. It is his dream burlesque spectacularshowcasing beautiful sexy women, energetic dancing, dynamic singers, live band music,six new songs, plus innov<strong>at</strong>ive and superb production value.The fantasy theme has “Spice Girl” Mel B. origin<strong>at</strong>ing the “Peep Diva” mistressof ceremonies role. “General Hospital” star, Kelly Monaco, who was the first seasonchampion on “Dancing with the Stars,” plays “Bo Peep,” a timid girl who the Diva guidesin her transform<strong>at</strong>ion into a confident, sensual woman.Keeping the show fresh, there will be a cast change on June 22 with blondebombshell Holly Madison replacing Monaco. Madison is best known for appearing asone of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends on the reality TV series “The Girls Next Door” andmodeling for “Playboy.”“The Lion King” is simply a visual masterpiece and the full-length version of theBroadway play. Honoring the show, an exhibit th<strong>at</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>es the inspir<strong>at</strong>ion and revealsthe evolution of the groundbreaking production is on display indefinitely <strong>at</strong> The Shoppes<strong>at</strong> Mandalay Place.The new show <strong>at</strong> the Imperial Palace is “The Ultim<strong>at</strong>e Celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of Motown”starring Australian group Human N<strong>at</strong>ure presented by Smokey Robinson.Some changes taking place in town include: “Menopause” moving from the Hiltonto the Luxor; the “Pitbull of Comedy” Bobby Slayton reloc<strong>at</strong>ing from Hooters to hisown newly remodeled room <strong>at</strong> the Tropicana where The Comedy Stop used to be; “TheMentalist” Gerry McCambridge ending his Hooters run and opening <strong>at</strong> the new 300-se<strong>at</strong> venue <strong>at</strong> the V The<strong>at</strong>er <strong>at</strong> Planet Hollywood; <strong>com</strong>edic impressionist Rich N<strong>at</strong>oleopening an afternoon show <strong>at</strong> the Harmon The<strong>at</strong>er; and Frank Marino after 25 years in“An Evening <strong>at</strong> La Cage” <strong>at</strong> the Riviera be<strong>com</strong>ing a special guest star in “Tony n’ Tina’sWedding” <strong>at</strong> Planet Hollywood. Trent Carlini has returned to the Strip launching his“ELVOLUTION” Elvis show <strong>at</strong> the Steve Wyrick The<strong>at</strong>re.An alter<strong>at</strong>ion is the Tropicana’s afternoon show, “Xtreme Magic starring Dirk Arthur”moving into a new evening 7 p.m. timeslot while keeping a 4:10 p.m. show. Arthur hasadded five illusions, new music, upd<strong>at</strong>ed choreography, costumes, and set pieces.“Xtreme Magic” remains the only show on the Strip fe<strong>at</strong>uring a variety of exotic c<strong>at</strong>s.Some fabulous headliners on the horizon include: superstar Beyoncé <strong>at</strong> the EncoreJuly 30-31 and Aug. 1-2; Duran Duran <strong>at</strong> The Pearl in the Palms July 10; Rod Stewart<strong>at</strong> the MGM Grand Garden Arena Aug. 1; multi-pl<strong>at</strong>inum recording artist Yanni <strong>at</strong> theMandalay Bay Events Center June 27 in his first United St<strong>at</strong>es tour in four years followedby “Escape Together” starring Keith Urban and Glen Campbell July 18; and after a yearon Broadway in “Gypsy,” singer-actress P<strong>at</strong>ti LuPone debuting her one-woman show“The Gypsy In My Soul” June 20 and 21 <strong>at</strong> The Orleans. Stand-up <strong>com</strong>ic ChelseaHandler from the E! Entertainment show, “Chelsea L<strong>at</strong>ely,” will perform <strong>at</strong> The New Joint<strong>at</strong> the Hard Rock June 20.More news, the Str<strong>at</strong>osphere has launched the new Back Alley Bar with live music,the Imperial Palace is running its poolside “Imperial Hawaiian Luau” for the 18 th year onTuesdays and S<strong>at</strong>urdays through Sept. 29, and the Disco Ball will be held <strong>at</strong> the OrleansArena on July 11 with headliners, the Village People and Gloria “I Will Survive” Gaynor.For the future, The Smith Center is breaking ground on a 4.75-acre <strong>com</strong>plex th<strong>at</strong>will house the Nevada Ballet The<strong>at</strong>re and the Las Vegas Philharmonic and open in 2012<strong>at</strong> the Union Park 61-acre development downtown.12 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

CALL YOUR LOCAL SALES REP TODAY!(702) 399-6502ADVERTISE in the newest Las Vegas magazine!FORK & POUR | FOOD & BEVERAGE MAGAZINE OF LAS VEGASCall 702-877-5780 or e-mail mike@fbnewslasvegas.<strong>com</strong>

| WHAT’S COOKING<strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Chef</strong>Schulyer SchultzSlice &DICEBy Bob BarnesNearly every casino resort boasts of a steakhouse withall the accoutrements of a fine dining experience.Sonoma Cellar Steakhouse <strong>at</strong> Sunset St<strong>at</strong>ion fits thebill serving USDA Prime beef selections th<strong>at</strong> aredry-aged for 48 days. While Sonoma Cellar certainlymeasures up as a top-notch steakhouse, the most unique aspect ofthe restaurant is the cre<strong>at</strong>ive mastery of its <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Chef</strong>, SchulyerSchultz. Raised in rural Iowa, Schultz had to cre<strong>at</strong>e his own finedining opportunities, which often included riding his bicycle to thelocal food co-op and the farmers’ market to browse ingredients.His focus became one of seeking out the freshest local seasonalingredients, and his subsequent travels to Europe, Asia and Australiareinforced this culinary tradition. Schultz still makes weekly visitsto some of the local farmers’ markets in Las Vegas, utilizing locallygrown and organic produce from California whenever possible in hiscre<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>at</strong> Sonoma Cellar.Those wishing to have a multi-course repast designedexclusively for them have but to ask <strong>Chef</strong> Schultz. He will tailora meal to your tastes if given advance notice, or on the spot ifyou happen to visit on a night th<strong>at</strong>’s not too hectic. I had theextreme good fortune to do just th<strong>at</strong>, and was tre<strong>at</strong>ed to a fivecoursedinner with each course paired to a Belgian beer fromSonoma Cellar’s extensive list. His passion for cre<strong>at</strong>ing a diningexperience th<strong>at</strong> will wow his p<strong>at</strong>rons was quite evident as heexplained each course with relish and pride.Locally harvested zucchini was fe<strong>at</strong>ured in a zucchini carpacciowith lemon balm and Parmigiano-Reggiano th<strong>at</strong> was paired withHoegaarden Witbier. Sungold cherry tom<strong>at</strong>oes added to this lightand refreshing appetizer, and the wit beer brewed with orange peeland coriander seed had a summery feel to it th<strong>at</strong> <strong>com</strong>plimentedthe fresh produce. Pan-Seared Halibut with fava bean puree,romanesco cauliflower and fried parsley was so tender it literallymelted in my mouth. The highly effervescent Duvel Golden Ale’sdelic<strong>at</strong>e texture m<strong>at</strong>ched th<strong>at</strong> of the flaky whitefish. The nextcourse fe<strong>at</strong>ured the tart fruity arom<strong>at</strong>ics of Orval Trappist Ale,duplic<strong>at</strong>ing flavors in the green apple slaw th<strong>at</strong> ac<strong>com</strong>panied aNiman Ranch Pork Loin, prepared with Chinese five-spice powder.A grilled Colorado Lamb Chop was served with montmorencycherry sauce along with red carrot ribbons and grilled red springonions. Duchesse de Bourgogne, a Flemish Red Ale, had enoughacidity and tartness to produce a sweet and sour beer th<strong>at</strong> mirroredthe tartness of the cherries in the sauce. The grand finale consistedof simmered Oasis D<strong>at</strong>e Gardens medjool d<strong>at</strong>es with a sugarcrustedbuttermilk biscuit. The organic d<strong>at</strong>es were tender, gooeyand covered with a sweet Marsala syrup. The beer ac<strong>com</strong>panyingthis dish could have been a dessert on its own. Rochefort 10 abbeyquadruple, an 11.3% alcohol behemoth, is dark and rich with notesof raisin, plum and molasses, making it a liquid dessert on top ofthe dessert it was paired with.Both wine and craft beer dinners are held bi-monthly. Next upon the schedule is a five-course feast fe<strong>at</strong>uring the craft brews ofSonoma County’s Bear Republic Brewing Company, sl<strong>at</strong>ed for July16. In the meantime, you can order off the menu. Beef cuts includeBone-In Ribeye, New York Strip, Porterhouse and Filet Mignon.Pork T-Bone, Veal Chop, Colorado Lamb Chops, Pan-RoastedPetaluma Chicken and Sustainable Seafood choices of AlaskanHalibut, N<strong>at</strong>ural Shetland Salmon, Alaskan Red King Crab Legsand Western Australian Lobster Tail round out the entrée selections.Sonoma Cellar’s décor exudes Old World Mediterraneancharm with Spanish Mission influences. Design elements includingample amounts of dark wood, cabinets with stained glass,decor<strong>at</strong>ive antique chandeliers and inlaid stones in the ceilingarches all work together to suggest you are dining in a wine cellarin Spain. Sonoma Cellar is open nightly from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m. Sunday through Thursday and until 11:00 on Friday andS<strong>at</strong>urday. A priv<strong>at</strong>e dining room is available with se<strong>at</strong>ing for upto 24. To reserve, call 702-547-7777.Sonoma Cellar Steakhouse @ Sunset St<strong>at</strong>ion1301 W. Sunset Rd.Henderson, NV 89014702-547-7777Bob Barnes is a n<strong>at</strong>ive Las Vegan and associ<strong>at</strong>e editor of Food& Beverage News of Las Vegas. He wel<strong>com</strong>es your inquiries andis standing by to assist you in your Vegas beer quest. He can bereached via e-mail <strong>at</strong> LVBobB@juno.<strong>com</strong>.14 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

AUTHENTIC FLAVOR,TRADITIONAL QUALITYClassic Intern<strong>at</strong>ional FavoritesTMOur extensive variety of high quality domestic andimported foods will inspire you in cre<strong>at</strong>inga memorable and profitable intern<strong>at</strong>ional menu.Made with the finest ingredients available,Supremo Italiano Products, deliver consistentauthentic flavor, texture and aromawhile saving you time and money.Your customers will <strong>com</strong>e to rely on youfor the traditional recipes their familyonce enjoyed only <strong>at</strong> home.®SUPREMO ITALIANO PRODUCTSAUTHENTIC FLAVOR, TRADITIONAL QUALITYAvailable Exclusively <strong>at</strong> Restaurant Depot1477 Helm Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119 (702) 260-4100www.restaurantdepot.<strong>com</strong>



| WHAT’S BREWINGBy Bob BarnesBeer dinners in Southern Nevada aregetting so easy to find th<strong>at</strong> you onlyhave to venture out to your localmarket to find one. In May, Whole FoodsMarket <strong>at</strong> the District in Henderson hosted adinner fe<strong>at</strong>uring the beers of Dogfish HeadBrewery. Any beer hound worth his hopsknows th<strong>at</strong> Dogfish Head brews some of themost flavorful beers in the craft brew world,and the brewers are not afraid to throw inbuckets of hops.The first course was a Cold Thai Saladwith shrimp and scallops, topped with a peanut vinaigrette, pairedwith Raison D’etre, an 8% brew th<strong>at</strong> is a cross between a mead anda wine, th<strong>at</strong> actually incorpor<strong>at</strong>es raisins in the beer. The secondcourse m<strong>at</strong>ched 60 Minute IPA with a Grilled Cheese Sandwichwith gruyere and double smoked bacon. This hoppybeer’s bitterness cleansed our paletes to enable usto fully appreci<strong>at</strong>e the richness of the cheese andbacon. Next up was Jerk Chicken with coconut ricepaired with Midas Touch. The brewers <strong>at</strong> DogfishHead cre<strong>at</strong>ed a modern version of an ancientTurkish recipe using the original ingredients fromthe 2,700 year old drinking vessels discovered inthe tomb of King Midas, with honey and saffronadding a floral note. The fourth course marrieda Smoked London Broil (smoked in WholeFoods Market’s smokehouse) and 90 MinuteIPA beer-b<strong>at</strong>tered onion rings with Indian BrownAle. This 7.2% ale is a cross between an IndiaPale Ale, a Scoth Ale and an American BrownAle. A pre-dessert offering was Dogfish HeadPalo Santo Marron, a 12% barley-wine likebrew with caramel and vanilla <strong>com</strong>plexity and aged in Paraguayanwooden brewing vessels. This beer also served as a marinade for theLondon Broil. The dessert course fe<strong>at</strong>ured a beer flo<strong>at</strong> of DogfishHead Festina Peche <strong>at</strong>op peach sorbet, which was a perfectcontrast of tart and sweet. The FestinaPeche is a neo-berliner style weisse th<strong>at</strong> isfermented with peach juice.All of the beers served <strong>at</strong> the dinner arenow available <strong>at</strong> Whole Foods Market ontheir well-stocked beer shelves. The dinnerwas held in the center of the market near thekitchen carving st<strong>at</strong>ion, with stacks of newlyacquired varieties of Dogfish Head beersadding to the ambience. All proceeds went tothe Goodie Two Shoes Found<strong>at</strong>ion, a worthycause th<strong>at</strong> provides disadvantaged childrenwith new shoes, socks and other necessities.It’s always a gre<strong>at</strong> thing when we can do our part for a gre<strong>at</strong> causeby drinking gre<strong>at</strong> beer. The price for this feast was an unbelievable$20. Another beer and food pairing fe<strong>at</strong>uring summer beers is beingplanned for July. Contact Whole Foods Market Customer Service <strong>at</strong>702-361-8562 for more details.The 8 th Annual CasaBrewsake poolside-fundraiser on June 6from 3-6 p.m. will be held <strong>at</strong> the CasaBlanca Resort in Mesquite,and will include more than 50 vendors representing and servingcraft brews and sake from around the world. A $25 don<strong>at</strong>ion willBeerBustget you an unlimited tasting, and since theproceeds are going tocharity, a portion of the cost is tax deductible.Advance tickets can be purchased through theCasaBlanca concierge, or by calling 800-459-7529. Mesquite is just west of the Arizonaborder, about an hour’s drive north from LasVegas.The l<strong>at</strong>est beer nugget I’ve unearthedin Las Vegas is the 32 Degrees bar in thenewly opened M Resort. The pub currentlypours 71 different taps; Chimay White,Unibroue Maudite, Speak Easy IPA, RogueDry Hopped Red, Weihenstephaner Korbinian, Big Sky MooseDrool and New Belgian Mothership Wit are just a sampling of thestellar beer list. A locals’ casino, the M opened in March, duringthe worst of economic times. From early indic<strong>at</strong>ions, the M isfaring well, due in large part to its fair pricing. Beer is priced <strong>at</strong>$2.50 for a 12 oz. pour and $3.50 for a pintfor domestics, and a dollar more for imports.Better yet, if you’re gambling, your beer isfree. All of the bars throughout the casinocarry bottles of Anchor Steam, Chimay Redand Unibroue La Fin du Monde. Loc<strong>at</strong>ed onLas Vegas Blvd., (the same street as ‘TheStrip’) it’s <strong>at</strong> the south edge of town abouteight miles from the big tourist mega-resorts.If you’re <strong>com</strong>ing from Southern California, it’sthe first gambling resort you’ll <strong>com</strong>e to in LasVegas. From the I-15 take the St. Rose exit andit’s right there.Southern Nevada brewers are hard <strong>at</strong> workto help us we<strong>at</strong>her the summer he<strong>at</strong>. MarshallRedmond <strong>at</strong> the Boiler Room Brewpub <strong>at</strong> theColorado Belle in Laughlin will refresh us witha German-style hefeweizen and two fruit beers-a Blueberry Aleand an Apricot Ale brewed with 100% real juice. Richard Lovelady<strong>at</strong> Gordon Biersch will roll out his Sommergold (kolsch) dueout sometime <strong>at</strong> the end of June. Big DogBrewing’s Dave Otto will brew a pilsner(hopped with German Hallertau, BohemianSaaz and German Hersbrucker; with allGerman malts and a Munich lager yeaststrain) and his Rover’s Razzleberry Whe<strong>at</strong>Ale, a blend of raspberries, blackberries andboysenberries. Show up on a Tuesday andall Big Dog’s beers are $2 off. M<strong>at</strong>t Marino<strong>at</strong> Main Street St<strong>at</strong>ion’s 777 Brewpubdelivers a Honey Bock and a German-styleHefeweizen, which is his most popularspecial brew of the year. Dave Pascual <strong>at</strong>Chicago Brewing Company reports th<strong>at</strong> their outdoor beer gardenhas reopened for the warmer months and to help celebr<strong>at</strong>e he willrelease his Maibock. At Boulder Dam Brewing, Todd Cooke unveilshis Triple Beery, an American whe<strong>at</strong> ale with raspberries, blueberriesand boysenberries. .As always, gre<strong>at</strong> beer happens in Vegas!Bob Barnes is a n<strong>at</strong>ive Las Vegan and associ<strong>at</strong>e editor of Food& Beverage News of Las Vegas. He wel<strong>com</strong>es your inquiries andis standing by to assist you in your Vegas beer quest. He can bereached via e-mail <strong>at</strong> LVBobB@juno.<strong>com</strong>.22 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>


GASTON MARTINEZthe son of Argentine Immigrants, carries with him his f<strong>at</strong>her’sstrong work ethic, incredible pride and unwavering loyalty.Fifteen years of experience in the Food &Beverage industry has given him not only theexperience but the infinite industry contactsas well. Gaston is not only an innov<strong>at</strong>or buta trustworthy adversary who will inevitablypropel in this business to its peak.As Bar Manager of Nora’s Cuisine inLas Vegas for the last five years, Gaston is credited withmany awards including, Best Cocktail Bar Off The Strip,named by Tony Abou-Ganim, three years in a row andalso named the first Neighborhood Mixologist byFrancesco LaFranconi.His l<strong>at</strong>est conquer has been for Nora’s to be namedas One Of The Best Cocktail Bars in the World by SimonDifford in his l<strong>at</strong>est edition. Gaston’s apprenticeship underMaster Mixologist and cocktail consultant Bobby “G”Gleason was an educ<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> led to a passion forMixology, a lifetime obsession with an obviously successfulroad ahead. As a member of U.S.B.G, the United St<strong>at</strong>esBartenders Guild for four years, Gaston has ac<strong>com</strong>plishedmore than many including; U.S.B.G Pan-American N<strong>at</strong>ionalChampion, 1st Place Skyy Nevada Competition 2ndin N<strong>at</strong>ional. As an active member of the U.S.B.G. NevadaChapter had taken over Francesco LaFranconi’s spot as thenew Nevada Chapter President in 2007.Currently employeed by William Grant & Sons astheir Milagro Tequila N<strong>at</strong>ional Ambassador, Gaston iseduc<strong>at</strong>ing people around the US on the wonders of thisamazing Mexican spirit we know as Tequila throughseminars and Mixology.gmartinez@wgrantusa.<strong>com</strong>www.USBG.org www.norascuisine.<strong>com</strong>JUNE 2-4THE COMMERCIALCONSTRUCTION SHOWPhoenix AZ CC www.cc-show.netJUNE 12-14 COFFEE FEST LAS VEGAS LVCCwww.coffeefest.<strong>com</strong>JUNE 29 - JULY 2SCHOOL NUTRITIONASSOCIATION ANNUALCONFERENCE LVAUG 4-6FDA’S PACIFIC RETAILFOOD SAFETY SEMINARHilton Hotel Las Vegaswww.nveha.orgSEPT 27-29 INT’L BAKING EXPOLAS VEGAS24 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

Get Happy.Happy Hour Mon.– S<strong>at</strong>. 3pm to 7pm

S<strong>at</strong>ay Malaysian Grille(“SMG” — not to be mistaken for “MSG”) is the first Malaysian and“Best Asian Restaurant” in Las Vegas, as voted by The Las Vegas WeeklyReaders’ Choice Award for 2008.Opened on May 30, 2005, SMG was introduced to the Las VegasMetropolitan area in answer to providing gre<strong>at</strong> Asian cuisine to locals andtourists alike outside of the expensive Las Vegas Strip.S<strong>at</strong>ay Malaysian Grille is dedic<strong>at</strong>ed to offering a “fine dining” experiencewith friendly service and chic ambiance th<strong>at</strong> p<strong>at</strong>rons expect here inLas Vegas <strong>at</strong> “affordable” prices th<strong>at</strong> we all demand and appreci<strong>at</strong>e.S<strong>at</strong>ay Malaysian Grille has Moved!SATAY, now loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 3900 Paradise where Paradise meets Corpor<strong>at</strong>eDr (Howard Hughes Center), is our Lounge and Restaurant showcasingThai,Southeast Asian, and Chinese cuisine, with an Ultra-Lounge feelfe<strong>at</strong>uring some of the world’s best cocktails, liquors, beer and wine, andtobacco-less Hookahs. This loc<strong>at</strong>ion rocks with an amazing lunch, androlls into Las Vegas’ finest Happy Hour and L<strong>at</strong>e Night, <strong>com</strong>plete withsome of the city’s best House and R&B DJs on the turntables.For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please call 702.369.8788 or email us <strong>at</strong> dine@s<strong>at</strong>aygrille.<strong>com</strong>.FORK & POUR WELCOMES OUR NEWEST CONTRIBUTORTO THE ASIAN-PACIFIC ISLANDS SECTION OF MAGAZINEJan-Ie Low’s business experiencespans the corpor<strong>at</strong>e, entrepreneurship,and not-for-profit sectors andgives her a unique perspective onhow Asian American women canembrace opportunity and cre<strong>at</strong>e results.Jan-Ie held multiple str<strong>at</strong>egic andsenior-level positions in human resources forover 12 years with Fortune 500 <strong>com</strong>paniesAT&T Wireless and T-Mobile, USA.As an entrepreneur, she was a foundingpartner in starting SATAY Malaysian Grille.She is responsible for all sales, vendor rel<strong>at</strong>ions,marketing, public rel<strong>at</strong>ions, c<strong>at</strong>ering,event planning, and customer service functions.Her results-oriented approach wasrecognized by Las Vegas Weekly magazinewhich named SATAY Malaysian Grille the“Best Asian Restaurant in Las Vegas” in2008. Jan-Ie built on this success by spearheadingthe opening of SATAY – AsianBistro & Bar. (www.s<strong>at</strong>aygrille.<strong>com</strong>)Jan-Ie’s exceptional events <strong>at</strong> SATAYhave resulted in an overflow of word ofmouth referrals and led her to start GoldenC<strong>at</strong>alyst, a professional event managementand str<strong>at</strong>egic consulting <strong>com</strong>pany servingclients th<strong>at</strong> demand quality and excellence.Jan-Ie is active with the Asian Chamberof Commerce (ACC) where she has beenthe top new member recruiter for the past2 years. The ACC also named her as thePublic Service Member of the Year in 2007.In addition, Jan-Ie is a volunteer for theFound<strong>at</strong>ion for Positively Kids, taught as alife skills coach for the Summer BusinessInstitute Program of Clark County, Nevada,and was a 2008 ATHENA Young Professionalsnominee honored by the Women’sChamber of Commerce of Nevada. Sheholds a BA in business from the Universityof Washington.26 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

Wel<strong>com</strong>e BACK to the New Resort ... Mt.Charleston!Experience the New Resort on Mount Charleston, Eventand Conference Center! Only 30 minutes from Downtown LasVegas and loc<strong>at</strong>ed high in the crisp clean air of the Toiyabe N<strong>at</strong>ionalForest, you will find majestic mountainous surroundings,bre<strong>at</strong>htaking views and a variety of outdoor activities year-round.Are you interested in getting married or hosting a family or businessevent <strong>at</strong> the hotel? The Resort offers full-service eventcoordin<strong>at</strong>ion to help plan your perfect affair.Built in the early 1980s, the New Resort on Mt. Charlestonwent through a multi-million dollar renov<strong>at</strong>ion and upgradein 2005 and will experience it’s l<strong>at</strong>est renov<strong>at</strong>ion upd<strong>at</strong>e thisSummer. This charming log-built hotel, nestled in Kyle Canyon,is <strong>at</strong>mospherically a world away from the buzz of Las Vegas-a35-minute drive from downtown. The newly renov<strong>at</strong>ed guestrooms fe<strong>at</strong>ure electric fireplaces, fe<strong>at</strong>her beds and views of theen<strong>com</strong>passing Spring Mountains. Some rooms <strong>com</strong>e with balconies,providing more viewing pleasure.Room options include the deluxe rooms, suites and standardrooms. All Resort Dining is overseen by <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Chef</strong>Charles Roberts. The hotel’s bistro fe<strong>at</strong>ures gourmet coffee,now serving Starbucks, homemade pastries and light breakfastand lunch offerings, as well as a new and large outdoorp<strong>at</strong>io. The Cut Above Restaurant, offers full-servicedining, and a lounge with overstuffed couches,plasma television and numerous fireplaces along with its specialtyaward-winning drink menu.An exquisite wedding or corpor<strong>at</strong>e/personal affair venue in aunique setting, the banquet room has been remodeled. The hoteloffers special discounts during the weekdays (Mon.- throughThurs.) for events taking place <strong>at</strong> the hotel. Perfect for those inneed of time away from the normal routine, couples looking for aromantic getaway or for the outdoor enthusiast, it is convenientlyloc<strong>at</strong>ed near numerous hiking and mountain bike trails, as wellas the Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort. During the week,the hotel wel<strong>com</strong>es those in the hospitality and casino industryto enjoy half-price stays. It also offers special wedding and eventdiscounts during the week.2 Kyle Canyon Rd.Las Vegas, Nevada 89124Phone: (888) 559-1888Fax: (702) 872-5374www.mtcharlestonresort.<strong>com</strong>2 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

FORK & POUR INDUSTRY ADVISOR GEORGE BAGGOTRECENTLY RETURNED FROM NRA IN CHICAGORecently <strong>at</strong>tended the N<strong>at</strong>ional Restaurant Associ<strong>at</strong>ion Show inChicago, a n<strong>at</strong>ional and intern<strong>at</strong>ional trade show and seminars th<strong>at</strong>cover the hospitality industry.The meetings rel<strong>at</strong>e to many areas of the industry—regul<strong>at</strong>ions, marketing, economy, training and trade show withmany exhibitions. The meetings range from <strong>Executive</strong> Sessions with <strong>Chef</strong>,Chief <strong>Executive</strong>s and industry personalities. Of course, the main theme inthis economic challenging time is the industry in a someone st<strong>at</strong>e of change,both economically and functional. There were 80,000 persons <strong>at</strong> this event.Attended a Hotel industry session which was talking about recovery andeconomic stability. The industry in hotels as per these executives was going toturn around first qu<strong>at</strong>er of 2010 but supply of rooms, etc., would take longerwith s<strong>at</strong>ur<strong>at</strong>ion.Also <strong>at</strong>tended was a seminar with Ted Turner of Ted’s Montana Grill(70 units) and a Google <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Chef</strong> regarding GREEN Initi<strong>at</strong>ive. Noteth<strong>at</strong> Ted is the founder of CNN and now the second largest land owner in theU.S. with 2 million acres. Green is in and not just a fancy marketing issue. Hehas enhanced in his restaurants from straws to all types of products. One is thegrease extractor type products. Grease in a food oper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>com</strong>monly calledFOG, (F<strong>at</strong>, Oil, Grease) is a problem. Save the oil and make bio-diesel as fuelfor cars from your waste w<strong>at</strong>er to bio-diesel fuel ... interesting.Of the many products in the exhibition here are some items. Main energy/importancewas to save labor, energy, move towards green initi<strong>at</strong>ive andsave money.► Modular Refriger<strong>at</strong>ion Units - www.arcticwalkins.<strong>com</strong>and www.desmon-usa.<strong>com</strong> (Arctic Refriger<strong>at</strong>or and partner)► Grease Extractor Units - www.goslyn.<strong>com</strong>► Insul<strong>at</strong>ed Shipping/C<strong>at</strong>ering Packaging - www.insul.net► Loyalty Coupon Program (owned by USA Today) -www.totalloyaltysolutions.<strong>com</strong>► Work/Banqueting Furniture - www.southernaluminum.<strong>com</strong>► Chairs - www.gasser.<strong>com</strong>► Cleaning of Pots, Kitchen appliances - www.discoveryproducts.<strong>com</strong>► Solar He<strong>at</strong> and Power - www.101celsius.<strong>com</strong>The NRA show in Chicago for 2010 is May 22-25, 2010 ...Put it on your calendar.Photos Courtesy of NRA30 FORK & POUR Food & Beverage Magazine of Las Vegas | June 2009 forkandpour.<strong>com</strong>

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