Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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1. Purpose and target audienceof the guideThis guide is the result of work carried out in cooperation by Mediterranean <strong>MPA</strong> managers and a team of scientistswhich has tested methods for studying <strong>visitor</strong> use with Port-Cros National Park in France.1.1 Why study <strong>visitor</strong> use?In all natural protected areas, irrespective of the type,it is the managers' role to reconcile environmental protectionwith their sites' opening to the public. Visitorimpacts on protected habitats and species must be restricted,while fostering the positive effects of tourism ona social, cultural and/or economic level. To implementsustainable, balanced management, managers need todefine the ecological conservation status of their site,and quantify and qualify the human activities to whichit plays host.Knowledge of the natural environment has traditionallybeen the priority focus in protected areas. Managershave long used environmental conservation monitoringtools. Tools for monitoring <strong>visitor</strong> <strong>uses</strong> and the relatedsocio-economic aspects, however, are less extensivelydeveloped and respond to more recent concerns. As anexample, of the 1,200 studies carried out since 1963at Port-Cros National Park (France), only five relate tohuman and social sciences.Today, managers are in search of standardised <strong>visitor</strong>use monitoring tools that will provide the data requiredto render <strong>visitor</strong> use compatible with site conservation,improve <strong>visitor</strong> and local community wellbeing, boostthe positive effects of tourism, improve internal managementand plan for future changes.Passengers arriving by boat on Port-Cros Island, Port-Cros National Park(France). © Credit : LETG Brest-Géomer UMR6554Figure 1 : Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean - The MedPAN network in October 2012SLOVENIAFRANCECROATIAITALYMONTENEGROALBANIASPAINGREECETURKEYMOROCCOALGERIANational <strong>MPA</strong>s members of MedPANProjected <strong>MPA</strong>s member of MedPANOther national <strong>MPA</strong>sOther projected <strong>MPA</strong>sPelagos SanctuaryTUNISIAMALTALIBYASource : MAPAMED, the database of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, MedPAN, RAC/SPA, 2012.Note: only some Natura 2000 at sea sites are present on this map.SYRIACYPRUSLEBANONISRAELEGYPT TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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