Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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AuthorsLETG Brest Géomer - UBOThe Géomer team is the Brest-based section of UMR 6554 LETG (Littoral,Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique) which consists of five geographyteams in the West of France (Brest, Nantes, Rennes, Caen and Angers). LETGBrest-Géomer is a member of the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer(IUEM), a unit of Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO). The laboratorycarries out research in the extensive field of geography, focusing particularlyon analysing and understanding the dynamics of complex systems, at theinterface between Nature and Society.Islands and marine areas form the main field of investigation of many of thelaboratory's researchers. Working in cooperation with numerous partners(National Parks, Conservatoire du Littoral, Nature Reserves, Agence des airesmarines protégées, etc.), LETG Brest-Géomer develops research in scientificobservation of land and marine use, integrated tourism and recreation managementon island, archipelago and coastal sites and the operational implementationof <strong>visitor</strong> use observatories, particularly in the Mediterranean Seaand the Channel.Contacts :Louis Brigand, LETG Brest - Géomer, courriel : louis.brigand@univ-brest.frIngrid Peuziat, LETG Brest - Géomer, courriel : ingrid.peuziat@univ-brest.fr> > http://letg.univ-nantes.fr/fr/laboratoire/5/presentationFinancial PartnersMED ProgrammeThe MED Programme is a transnational European cooperation programmeconducted within the framework of the European Union cohesion policy "territorialcooperation" objective. Partners from thirteen countries including allthose on the Northern Mediterranean coast work together to strengthen competitiveness,employment and sustainable development in this area.> > www.programmemed.eu

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