Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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Appendices 2 - TechnicaldatasheetsTechnical datasheet – Automatic counter on a path or roadObjective : Durable data acquisition to quantify and describe <strong>visitor</strong> flows along a pathin the <strong>MPA</strong>.Points to examine prior to installing an automatic counterPath width : the width of the path may determine the technology to be used and the equipment cost. It is often better tochoose a narrow path, or to position the counter at a point where the path narrows.Type of substratum : the type of substratum can restrict the choice of technology. Acoustic slab sensors cannot beinstalled in bedrock for example.Path user groups : walkers, cyclists, two-wheel motor vehicles, etc. Based on the groups using the path, the managerwill have to adapt the technology to be used.Target user groups for the count : does the manager want to :- Count total users?- Only count one kind of use?- Distinguish between different user types?Direction detection : does the manager need to detect the direction of flows? This is not vital to assess total usernumbers but it can be useful to find out about routes, particularly when the site is equipped with several counters.Site layout restrictions : are/can fixtures be installed on site? Some counting systems need the sensor to be placedon a wooden post for example.Site security : is the site secured for risks of human-induced or natural deterioration? The manager must assess therisk of vandalism on the site and make sure that equipment is not installed on a path subject to natural risks (flooding,marine submersion for example).Examples of available technologies (non-exhaustive)Infrared pyro-electric sensor,optical and radio sensorsAcoustic slab sensor sensitive topressure variationMagnetic loopsTypes of flows processedWalkers, cyclists, horse ridersAdvantages- sensor counting several flow types(total use or different practices)- relatively easy to install- some models adapt to relativelywide paths (approx. 10m)Drawbacks- requires fixtures to fit the box (e.g.post)- regular maintenance to check thatnothing interferes with the signal(vegetation, insects, etc.)Types of flows processedWalkersAdvantages- robust- invisible- preciseDrawbacks- cannot be used on a rockysubstratum- involves digging into the substratum- heavy vehicles should not use orpark on the path equipped with slabsensors (e.g. tractors)Types of flows processedCyclists, carsAdvantages- easy to implement if remains visible- invisible installation possible- preciseDrawbacks- if buried, involves digging thesubstratum or asphalt- operating range varies with thesystemsRemark : whichever system is chosen, the manager should pay particular attention to the following aspects whenchoosing equipment: robustness, resistance to bad weather (tightness), battery range, maintenance conditions, dataretrieval and processing conditions.Example of installingacoustic slab sensorswithout flow directiondetection (such as anEco-counter)2 mNBox locationGPS coord.www.eco-compteur.com/0,5 m TABLE OF CONTENTS 49 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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