Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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5.12.2 Relevant <strong>MPA</strong> types<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>5.12.3 Framework protocolContinentor island<strong>MPA</strong>Data collected : Number and type of spaces available infacilities at sea (pontoons, buoys, wharfs) and in dry ports.Collection method : Request for information by phoningor writing to the managers of harbour or mooring facilities(local authorities, private firms, user associations, etc.).Frequency : Every five years.Time and cost : One half-day of work to collect andarchive the data.Archiving : Excel©-type spreadsheet.5.12.4 AdviceThis indicator is designed solely to assess the accommodationcapacity of organised mooring facilities. Thesefacilities are used by pleasure boaters attached to a harbourspace, on stopovers, and in search of secure mooringand the convenience and activity found in a harbour.The capacity of anchorage sites may be estimated usingspecific counts of boat numbers (by overflight or from aboat or a viewpoint).The accommodation capacity is based solely on onephysical criterion (number of people or boats that a facilitycan accommodate). It is therefore relatively easy tomeasure. Carrying capacity, however, is more integratedand complex and includes the concept of a critical thresholdbased on numerous criteria (physical, environmental,sociological, economic, etc.).5.12.5 Example of a managementmeasureLike the land-based accommodation capacity indicator,it is interesting to correlate data relative to the capacity atsea and its variations with <strong>MPA</strong> boat figures. This indicatoris also a tool for managing berths (at a pontoon or inmooring areas). When the number of berths is restricted,a specific pricing policy can be introduced to encouragethe rotation of boats staying in the <strong>MPA</strong>. In Port-Cros forexample, the cost of an overnight stay increases with thelength of time spent mooring. This measure restricts thenumber of “parked boats” in the <strong>MPA</strong>.5.13 Rental vehicle fleet indicator5.13.1 RelevanceThis indicator provides an evaluation of the rental fleet oftransport means available in the <strong>MPA</strong>. The rental entitiesmay be based in the <strong>MPA</strong> or on the nearby coast, in aperimeter that must be clearly defined in advance basedon the types of vehicles considered. Some examplesinclude :• at sea : inflatable dinghies, jet-skis, yachts, etc.;• on land : bikes, scooters, cars, etc.This indicator also reflects the extent of economic activitydirectly generated by tourism in the <strong>MPA</strong>.5.13.2 Relevant <strong>MPA</strong> types<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>5.13.3 Framework protocolContinentor island<strong>MPA</strong>Data collected : Number and type of vehicles availablefor hire and number of vehicle rental entities.Collection method : Request information from the rentalentities. If they are relatively small in number (less thantwenty), it is a preferable to visit them. Direct contactfosters communication and the possibility of involvingthem in reflection on <strong>visitor</strong> management or even in theadministration of questionnaires.Frequency : Every year, at the start of the season.Time and cost : Within the framework of monitoring,when relations are already well established with rentalfirms, it should only take about one hour per entity tocollect data by direct contact and archive it. If informationis requested by letter or phone, one day of workshould be sufficient to gather and archive all the data.Archiving : Excel©-type spreadsheet.5.13.4 AdviceCooperation with the rental entities is necessary tomonitor this indicator. It depends on the relations thatthe <strong>MPA</strong> management entity has with those rental companies,and how sensitive they are to the <strong>MPA</strong> <strong>visitor</strong>management policy.The data obtained is liable to be incomplete and extrapolationmay be necessary to estimate the total fleet ofrental vehicles in the <strong>MPA</strong>. TABLE OF CONTENTS 38 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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