Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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5.10.3 Framework protocolData collected : Weather and sea records to determinethe representative conditions of the day.Collection method : If possible, use a weather stationthat automatically records the climate conditions, or obtainthe data from a competent organisation.If neither of these two options is possible, records canbe drawn up by observation, once a day early in theafternoon and always from the same site. At least a thermometerand a wind gauge will be necessary. Recordthe data on a structured field datasheet.Alternatively, weather forecasts for the nearest surfingsite can be downloaded from the website: www.windguru.czCheck that the weather model is appropriate firstby comparing forecasts with observations in the field.Frequency : Daily if possible. If not, a representativesample of monthly weather conditions of at least 15days a month will be necessary.Time and cost : One half-day of work to collect and archivethe automatic weather recordings. Allow fifteen tothirty minutes a day for manual recording. A fee is oftencharged for data obtained from national weather organisations.Small equipment can be purchased at low cost(around €50 for a thermometer or a wind gauge), while areal weather station will cost between €500 and €1,000.Archiving : If the amount of data is relatively small, andit is already aggregated by month or year, use a simpleExcel©-type spreadsheet. If data is recorded on a dailybasis, a database will need to be created using appropriatesoftware.VariablesWind forceRecording byobservationBeaufort scaleAutomaticrecording orcollection ofexisting dataIn knots orkm/hWind direction Direction DirectionCloud coverRainfall Clear sky Cloudy spells Overcast sky Mist Drizzle Odd showers Frequentshowers ordownpourAs a %Temperature In °C In °CCondition of thesea Calm Moderate Rough Very RoughIn mm/day Calm Moderate Rough VeryRoughTable 5 : List of variables needed to characterize weather and sea conditions5.10.4 AdviceTo report the data in a form directly linked to use monitoring,a typology of weather conditions is needed toanalyse this indicator. At least three types of days shouldbe identified :• fine weather days : very good for visiting, these daysoffer optimal weather conditions for a massive influxof users;• bad weather days : not at all good for visiting, the weatheror sea conditions are a factor that greatly limit <strong>visitor</strong>numbers;• moderate weather days : conducive to moderate <strong>visitor</strong>use.The definition criteria of these days are specific toeach <strong>MPA</strong> and vary with the activities considered. Forexample, a strong breeze can be good for sailing but willput swimmers off.5.10.5 Example of a managementmeasureWeather conditions can considerably influence <strong>visitor</strong>activities in the <strong>MPA</strong>. Good understanding of these TABLE OF CONTENTS 36 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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