Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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Ex. 1 Annual monitoringfor each user type1XSwimmers2XBoatersEx. 2 Total annualuser monitoring1XSwimmers2XBoatersImplementing a qualitative study of touristuse in Cinque Terre National Park (Italy)Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997, CinqueTerre National Park comprises a marine part and coversa surface area of 4,300 hectares. It is Italy's smallestnational park and is also under high human impact from aresident population of 5,000 inhabitants and considerabletourist activity. Yet, the park had very little data about<strong>visitor</strong>s except for the official statistics of tourist-nightson its territory. Given the situation, in 2011 the managerslaunched a qualitative study into <strong>visitor</strong> use as part of aTourism Watch project.150 questionnaires150 questionnaires50 questionnaires 100 questionnaires150 questionnairesSwimmercharacterisationBoatercharacterisation<strong>MPA</strong>user characterisationFigure 12 : Questionnaire distribution based on required type of analysis(for the whole group of users or for each user type)Secondly, if use of the site is not significant and the numberscannot be reached, statistical analyses are difficultto do. In this case, it is advisable to do the survey in theform of interviews every five to ten years.Time and cost : They both depend on the distributiontime, which varies with the number of sessions and thedistribution site, and is longer to do at sea than on land.If a data capture interface is used, i.e. a spreadsheet forexample, allow approximately three minutes per questionnairefor data entry.Archiving : For print format questionnaires, the datacan be entered in a spreadsheet (such as Excel©) withthe questions in columns and the answers in rows (onequestion = one row). When using digital pads, it is vitalto check that the questionnaires have been correctly filledin and that the automatically archived data is usable.Only consider using survey processing software if usersare given prior training and where analysis requirementsare high.Riomaggiore village, Cinque Terre National Park (Italy).© Credit : Cinque Terre National ParkThe methodology implemented is based on twoapproaches : a netnography (inventory and analysisof websites) to find out the park's image on touristwebsites and forums; and surveys using three kinds ofquestionnaire. The first is a short questionnaire designedto obtain <strong>visitor</strong> profiles while the second is longer andseeks to pinpoint motivations and perceptions. Thesurveys were done face-to-face by pollsters using digitalpads on the park's beaches, pathways, and in the villagesand train stations. A third questionnaire was postedvia internet to assess the degree of <strong>visitor</strong> satisfactionfollowing their visit to or holiday in Cinque Terre.The first results of the survey already provide a wealthof information since they identify the characteristics of<strong>visitor</strong> populations and holiday home owners hitherto littleknown. The managers also appreciate having informationabout <strong>visitor</strong> knowledge and perception of the park andthe regulations that apply in it.... TABLE OF CONTENTS 32 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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