Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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5.7.3 Relevance of the Knowledge andperception of regulations indicatorThis indicator reveals the rules that <strong>visitor</strong>s can rememberand indirectly reports on the efficiency of <strong>MPA</strong> regulationcommunication. Two easy and inseparable questionsprovide the data :• Are you aware that rules and regulations apply in the<strong>MPA</strong> ? yes no• Can you state the rules you can remember ? (openendedquestion)• It also assesses how obligatory <strong>visitor</strong>s consider theregulations to be (rules regarded as too restrictive/ justified/ no opinion). This perception can be correlatedwith the Regulatory compliance indicator forfurther knowledge of reasons for offences.5.7.4 Relevant <strong>MPA</strong> types<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>5.7.5 Framework protocolContinentor island<strong>MPA</strong>The survey protocol recommended to collect the qualitativedata consists in handing out multiple-choice questionnaires,which are easier to do and analyse than interviews.However, use of multiple-choice questionnairesdemands a careful approach and certain precautions torestrict bias. It requires prior interviews to develop thesurvey, a test run to measure the relevance and feasibility,and a processing simulation stage.Visitors complete the questionnaire themselves. It shouldmerely comprise a series of mostly closed-ended questionsand should not take more than about ten minutesto answer. The questionnaires can be distributed to varioususer categories, or target a single category basedon the survey requirements.The protocol developed in this guide is based on questionnairesbeing done face-to-face on the <strong>visitor</strong> site(either on paper or on digital pads). It is also possible toconsidering administering the questionnaires online viathe internet but in this case the user category must betargeted (pleasure boaters in sailing parts, holiday homeowners, etc.) and liable to visit the <strong>MPA</strong>. Preparatorywork (information meeting, consultation) must thereforebe done with the target user group to ensure that resultsare reliable.to write on, so that questionnaires are easier to completewhen in paper format. When using digital pads,make sure there is a sufficient number (approximately10). In this case, the data is directly integrated into adatabase (Excel© type), which considerably reduces allsubsequent archiving time. However, depending on thetype of respondents, the digital approach is not alwaysappropriate particularly for a lot of questionnaires. Use ofdigital equipment is also not advisable for questionnaireshanded out onboard boats.The survey is distributed at random, with one questionnaireper family, boat or group of individuals and five atthe most for organised groups or diving clubs. Availabilityis an important criterion in the choice of respondent.Frequency : The frequency of distribution sessionsvaries with the required level of analysis. It is advisable,whatever the case, to limit distributions to the summerseason, which is a busy time and often when problemsare the most significant. Obtaining data over an entireyear demands a considerable effort as part of a largescalemonitoring project.Requiredanalysis levelAnnualmonitoringTwo-yearmonitoringSpecific studyMin.number ofquestionnaires150questionnaireseach summer250questionnairesonce every twosummers500questionnairesduring thesummerMin. numberof distributionsessions5810Table 4 : Numbers and frequency of questionnaire distributions based onrequired level of analysisThese numbers and frequencies should be taken withprecaution. Firstly, they must be adapted to the goals ofthe study to obtain a significant sample to do the requiredanalysis (global or targeting a given user group).Data collected : User responses to a multiple-choicequestionnaire.Collection method : Face-to-face distribution of amultiple-choice questionnaire by sessions of 25 to50 questionnaires. Provide a pen and a solid support TABLE OF CONTENTS 31 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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