Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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5.5.4 AdviceCatches in the <strong>MPA</strong> are not solely due to recreationalfishing. Inclusion of professional fishing activities is notpresented in this guide. It is closely related to the structureof fisheries on a national and local scale and is extremelyvaried in the Mediterranean.This indicator does not measure interactions betweenrecreational fishing activities and marine resources. Onlya multidisciplinary approach conducted with biology andenvironmental experts will highlight any impacts. Thistype of approach will be presented in detail in point 5.15.covers the entire <strong>MPA</strong>, it should be done in less thanone hour. Spotters should be given prior training for theoperation. Allow one hour of work at the most for dataarchiving.Archiving : Data can be archived in an Excel©-typespreadsheet, or it may be necessary to create a GeographicInformation System of diving site use for a deeperspatial analysis.5.6 Diving site use indicator5.6.1 RelevanceEvaluation of the extent of diving activitiesThis indicator relates to snorkelling, harpoon fishing, anddeep-sea exploration diving, whether these activities aredone individually or with a club. It provides data aboutthe extent and distribution of the activities in the <strong>MPA</strong>.5.6.2 Relevant <strong>MPA</strong> types<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>Continentor island<strong>MPA</strong>5.6.3 Framework protocolsa/ Counts by observationContinentor island<strong>MPA</strong>This protocol provides the number of snorkelers or divers'boats in diving spots at a given time T. It can bepooled with counting operations in mooring areas (cf.indicator 5.4), provided that :• the counting area delimitation includes diving locations,• the typology of boats distinguishes between professionaldiving boats and those of individual divers.Data collected : Number of divers' boats (pleasureboats or diving clubs), or snorkelers in diving spots.Collection method : Counts of boats (cf. indicator 5.4)or snorkelers (easy to spot thanks to their snorkels,buoys and indicator flags).Location : All of the <strong>MPA</strong>'s diving sites for a full view, orselected representative diving sites.Frequency : For a basic analysis, at least five counts persummer over the same counting area.Time and cost : The cost depends on the working timespent by staff involved in the operation. If the countDivers and coralligeneous. © Credit : Harmelin J.G.b/ Data collection of diving charter signaturesIndividual diving practices are particularly difficult to assessdue to the dispersal of divers in time and space.Requiring individuals to sign a charter of best divingpractices would appear the most effective way of assessingdiver numbers in <strong>MPA</strong> waters.Data collected : Monthly number of diving charter signatures.Collection method : Collection of charter signatures.Frequency : Once a year.Time and cost : One half-day of work to collect andarchive the data.Archiving : Excel©-type spreadsheet TABLE OF CONTENTS 28 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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