Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

Monitoring MPA visitor uses handbook

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1.2.4 Aims of the guideThis guide aims to provide managers of <strong>MPA</strong>s in theMediterranean with step-by-step guidance to carry outa <strong>visitor</strong> use monitoring project that :• is suited to the specific features of their site;• responds to their management issues;• is scientifically coherent;• is in line with available resources.This guide comprises three main parts based on thethree steps of the monitoring project method :• an analysis explaining the approach to help managersdevelop a monitoring project prior to implementation(sections 3, 4 and 5);• a series of indicators presented as operational datasheets(section 6), to be adapted by managers totheir project. The indicators can be used separately,and on a one-off or ongoing basis;• a <strong>visitor</strong> use data processing and reporting protocoltogether with useful recommendations for project success(sections 7, 8 and 9).Please note that this guide does not provide a comprehensiveanswer to all the questions and issues that<strong>visitor</strong> use management currently raises. It is based onexperience acquired with the indicators used by Port-Cros National Park to gain insight into and assess <strong>visitor</strong>use on its territory. It does not aim to implement a touristmanagement plan but, through concrete experience,developed in the boxes, to demonstrate how goodknowledge of <strong>visitor</strong> use can help identify and specifymanagement measures.A few additional methodologicalreferences for <strong>visitor</strong> use monitoringCessford, G. & Muhar, A., 2003 - <strong>Monitoring</strong> options fornumbers in national parks and protected areas. Journalof Nature Conservation, no. 11, pp. 240-250.Eagles, P.F.J., et al., 2002 - Sustainable tourismin Protected Areas. Guidelines for planning andmanagement. IUCN Gland, Switzerland andCambridge, UK, 183 p.Griffin, T., et al., 2010 - Protected area management:collection and use of <strong>visitor</strong> data: Vol. 1, summary andrecommendations. CRC for Sustainable Tourism, GoldCoast, Qld., 50 p.Hornback, K.E., Eagles, P.FJ., 1999 - Guidelinesfor public use measurement and reporting at parksand protected areas. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland andCambridge, UK, 90 p.Kajala, L., et al., 2007 - Visitor monitoring in natureareas - a manual based on experiences from the Nordicand Baltic countries. Swedish Environmental ProtectionAgency, Stockholm, 207 p.Bateaux au mouillage dans la baie de Göcek (Turquie). © Credit : Özge Can TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 COLLECTION VISITOR USE OBSERVATION AND MONITORING IN MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS

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