Rawabi Holding Magazine Issue 30

Rawabi Holding Magazine Issue 30

Rawabi Holding Magazine Issue 30


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RAWABI HOLDINGShadow Boardof DirectorsContracting& IndustrialServices DivisionBusiness ‏ NewsBusiness ‏ NewsSAMREF Awards RSC forCompleting 20 Millionman-hours Without LostTime InjuryThe inaugural meeting of the <strong>Rawabi</strong><strong>Holding</strong> Shadow Board of Directors tookplace on September 16 th , 2012. The5 members nominated by the GroupPresident & CEO, Mr. Osman A. Ibrahimare:1. Ahmed Alqadeeb, <strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading &Contracting Deputy General Manager2. Ghaleb Alghoutani, Group RecruitmentUnit Head3. Hanaa Almoaibed, Deputy CorporateCommunications Manager, CSR UnitHead4. Muneera Al Hamad, Group LegalCompliance Officer - Substantive5. Primar Asuncion, Group FinancialController (A)During the meeting, the Shadow Boardof Directors nominated Hanaa Almoaibedas the Chairman and agreed that themembers would meet again to nominateadditional members and set the objectivesof the current term.<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Shadow Board ofDirectors is comprised of employeeswho are willing to positively contributeto the decision making process by wayof offering recommendations and givingtheir creative input. The board will meetregularly and use this platform to shareideas and propose inventive strategiesto the official Board of Directors of<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> thereby bringing a freshperspective to the table.‎ ‎The shadow board will consist of 7-9members, each serving for a one yearrenewableterm. The five selectedmembers who represent distinctly differentbackgrounds, areas of interest andexpertise will nominate the 2-4 remainingcandidates and a board secretary. Theboard will also be hosting guests on arotating basis to attend meetings and givetheir counsel to members to further enrichthe process.<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> hopes this initiative willprove to be yet another milestone in ourjourney towards greater success and aneven brighter future.Photos: (top row from left) Ahmed Alqadeeb,Ghaleb Alghoutani, Hanaa Almoaibed;(bottom row from left) Muneera Alhamad andPrimar AsuncionThe Corporate CommunicationsDepartment has introduced a newinitiative to promote professionalcommunication and avoid harmfulworkplace rumors and gossip; theLet’s Talk Business CampaignStarted on September 1 st , 2012and is scheduled to end on October31 st . The campaign aims to remindemployees about the importance ofacting in a professional manner whileat the workplace. Through a range ofe-mailers, photos, weekly quotations,badges and signs, employees arereminded of the importance ofmaintaining a professional workenvironment and respecting companytime. We would like to thank all of ouremployees for embracing the Let’sTalk Business campaign and showingcompany pride!Professionalism quotes ‎“Strong minds discuss ideas, averageminds discuss events, weak mindsdiscuss people.” – Socrates ) 469 BC– 399 BC) a Greek philosopher“Be less curious about people andmore curious about ideas.” – MarieCurie (1867 –1934) a French-Polishphysicist and chemist“Whoever spreads gossip of you willspread gossip of you.” – Imam /Muhammad ibn Idris Shafii’l (150-20 AH)‎ ‎“Gossip, as usual, was one-thirdright and two-thirds wrong.” – L.M.Montgomery (1874 –1942), aCanadian author<strong>Rawabi</strong> SpecializedContractingPromotionCongratulations to Mr.Ali Mukles who hasbeen promoted fromCollection Officer toCollection Unit Headat <strong>Rawabi</strong> SpecializedContracting.New ProjectsWaterproofing: ‎<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized Contracting(RSC) has been awarded by Nesma &Partners a value of SR 211K, for a roofwaterproofing project for Nylon 6 atPCC Jubail; and a contract with a valueof SR 715.2K, for the Najran CementCompany.Hassan Ramady, Group Vice President- Contracting & Industrial Servicesand Abdullah Al Sayed, <strong>Rawabi</strong>Specialized Contracting (RSC) DeputyGeneral Manager, celebrated with RSCemployees at Yanbu their outstandingachievement in contributing to SaudiAramco Mobil Refinery Company(SAMREF) and contractors’ employees’completion of 20 million man-hourswithout a lost time injury. ‎Furthermore, a special lunch washeld on the 11 th of September atthe SAMREF Recreation Club whereRSC was presented with a plaque inrecognition of this success.Congratulations to RSC’s SAMREFTeam for this great achievement!Photos:(Top, front row from left) UB Mohan,Mostafa Kolothum Thodika, MohammedAbdul Quadeer, Hassan Ramady, AbdullahAlSayed, Khalid Khan, Sherif Said Gaber;(Middle) Letter of Appreciation fromSAMREF; (Bottom) Sherif Said Gaber -RSC Area Manager, receives the awardon behalf of the company at SAMREFRecreational Club.8 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>30</strong> Jul-Sep 2012<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>30</strong> Jul-Sep 20129

EventsToastmasters InternationalToastmasters Internationalis aworld leader incommunicationand leadershipdevelopment.‎Membership inToastmasters International is one of thegreatest investments you can make in ‎yourself;it is also one of the most cost-effectiveskill-building tools available anywhere. A‎Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doingworkshop in which participants hone theirHere’s one of the most interesting IceBreakers presented by TM Abdullah A. Al-Sayed, Group Logistics & Insurance Manager,talking about the struggles of raisinga child in the early ‎days:‎What is your main mission? For me as afather, it is how to raise my kids in a goodway. We ‎have four kids and my wife is expecting.Raising kids is a mission impossiblenowadays. I am ‎wondering how ourparents did this job. We were seven brothersand sisters. Our father was ‎workingabroad. My mother was not educated butwas completely capable of bringing us up.‎She was gifted and strong by nature. Sometimes,when I face difficulties with my kids,I say to ‎myself life was easier in the past,but frankly it was not!‎speaking ‎and leadership skills in a no-pressureatmosphereThere is no instructor in a Toastmastersmeeting. Instead, members evaluate oneanother’s ‎presentations. This feedback processis a key part of the program’s success.‎Meeting participants also give impromptutalks on assigned topics, conduct meetingsand ‎develop skills related to timekeeping,usage of grammar and parliamentary procedure.‎‎I was born on the 24 th of August 1971 in atown in the south of Egypt. My mother toldme later ‎that it was a very hot and humidday. She suffered a lot as if I did not wantto come to the world! ‎Usually in such ruralareas, women used to deliver thru thesupport of what is known as ‎“midwife”but they called a professional nurse for mymother. My mother was always proud that ‎Iwas registered in the same day of my birthwhile other parents would do that after afew ‎months or even a year. By the way itwas a Tuesday.‎I was not a welcomed guest in the big familyhouse especially from the step motherof my ‎father. She was so upset when I wasborn. She used to splash water on my faceintentionally. ‎She was envious that I was<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Toastmasters Club was inauguratedon the 11 th of December 2011at <strong>Rawabi</strong> ‎<strong>Holding</strong>’s Headquarters. Thenomination and election of club officerstranspired during the ‎meeting. The clubis organized by the Training and AppraisalUnit at <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Human ‎ResourcesDepartment.‎<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Toastmasters Club is opento all <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees and itssubsidiaries’ ‎to develop overall communicationand presentation skills.‎healthy and strong baby in comparison tomy cousins who were her ‎grandsons.‎I was fond of climbing palm and willowtrees. I was addicted to searching for bird’snests. Once I ‎climbed to get a starlingnest on an acacia tree, I found a big snakecircled on a branch near the ‎nest, I wasfrightened! I do not know how I reachedmy house but my mother was scared when‎she saw me bleeding and laming, I was lessthan 10 years old.Life was not easier at all if you compare itto todays especially when you think that achild of six ‎years old had to walk four kilometersto reach school carrying his heavybag in a very hot or a ‎very cold weather.‎If you would like to attend the Toastmasters meetings and be updated about its events, kindly ‎send an email to the VP of Membership,TM Mashrab Quadri: mashrab.quadri@rawabiholding.com - For more information please visit: http://www.toastmasters.org/‎TM Fadel MansifWinner of BestPrepared Speech onJune 12 th 2012TM AbeerMushtaqWinner of BestPrepared Speech onMay 29 th 2012TM Farah AlGhamdiWinner of BestPrepared Speech onMay 15 th 2012TM Enrico CruzWinner of BestPrepared Speech onMay 1 st 2012TM JaisonKandathilWinner of BestPrepared Speech onApril 17 th 2012TM Mohsin AlSalimWinner of BestPrepared Speech onApril 3 rd 2012TM MohammedAshfaq SiddiquiWinner of BestPrepared Speech onMarch 20 th 2012RAWABI NEWS BROUGHT TO YOU BYRAWABI GROUP CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENTPlease email your articles and/or suggestions tocommunications@rawabiholding.comP.O. Box 79800, Al Khobar 31952, KSATel: +966 3 864 9909 Fax: +966 3 894 1943info@rawabiholding.com www.rawabiholding.com

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