OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina

OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina

OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina


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VIV Toolbox, Time Domain Models<br />

470<br />

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� It does not use sheet detachment to separate the vortices coming from one side of the disc into separate sheets.<br />

� It does not use entrainment, nor rediscretisation to keep the vortices at equally spaced arc lengths along the<br />

sheet.<br />

� It uses a coalescing algorithm to control the number of vortices.<br />

Coalescing<br />

To keep down the number of vortices being tracked, model 2 tries, at each time step, to coalesce pairs of vortices<br />

that have come very close to each other. This is done as follows:<br />

� At each time step the model finds, for each vortex, the nearest neighbouring vortex. If two vortices are each<br />

other's nearest neighbours then they are called 'mutually nearest neighbours', and such a pair are considered<br />

for possible coalescing into one.<br />

� Such a pair of mutually nearest neighbours are coalesced if their separation is less than Sc, where Sc is a<br />

coalescing separation that depends on the distance D from the two vortices to the disc surface. Sc is given by:<br />

Sc = λ.R if D≤2R<br />

Sc = λ.R.(D/2R) 2 if D>2R<br />

where R is the disc radius and λ is the coalescing threshold specified by the user. The threshold used depends on<br />

whether the two vortices are of the same or opposite signs.<br />

� These formulae for Sc mean that the user's data sets, in disc radius units, the coalescing separation for vortices<br />

that are within 2 disc radii of the disc surface, and for vortices further away the coalescing separation increases<br />

according to the square of the distance from the disc surface. The aim of this is to restrict coalescing near to the<br />

disc but encourage it once the vortices have convected significantly away from the disc.<br />

� If the two vortices are coalesced then they are replaced by one vortex whose strength is the sum of their signed<br />

strengths and which is placed at their centroid of absolute vorticity.<br />

Data and Results<br />

Data<br />

The following data needs setting for the vortex tracking models. See also the data that is common to all the time<br />

domain VIV models.<br />

Maximum Number of Vortices Logged (per side of the line)<br />

This controls the maximum number of vortices that will be displayed and logged, for each side of the line. Note that<br />

this setting only affects the display of vortices and does not affect the calculation itself in any way. Its purpose is<br />

only to allow you to control the size of the log file (and hence the simulation file) and to control the speed of drawing<br />

the 3D view. You can set the maximum number of vortices to one of:<br />

� 0 is the default value, meaning 'log and draw no vortices'. The log file and simulation file are then as small as<br />

possible and the replay as fast as possible. However the drawback of doing this is that you will not see any<br />

vortices on the 3D view.<br />

� '~', meaning 'log and draw all vortices'. There are typically up to several hundred vortices generated per node,<br />

and each vortex needs to log its position and strength so that it can be drawn on the 3D view. So if all vortices<br />

are logged then the log file and simulation file can therefore be quite large. Also the replay might be slower<br />

because many vortices must be drawn for each frame of the replay.<br />

� An intermediate value, 30 say, allows you to see the youngest 30 vortices per side of the line. Note that if you do<br />

this then as new vortices are generated at the separation points you will see the oldest vortices (typically now<br />

downstream) disappear from view. They have not been destroyed and will still be in the calculation, but their<br />

position and strength is no longer available to the 3D view.<br />

Model Parameters<br />

If the Default option is chosen then appropriate default values for the model parameters are used. Alternatively the<br />

Specified option can be selected which gives you complete control over the model parameters.<br />

Warning: The Specified option has been provided principally to allow users the option of calibrating the<br />

model against other experimental results. If you are not doing this then we strongly recommend<br />

that you use the Default parameters.

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