OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina

OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina

OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina


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433<br />

Modal Analysis, Theory<br />

If the system hangs in one of the global axis planes then you can often distinguish whether a mode is in-plane or outof-plane<br />

by looking at the pattern of zeros in the table of displacements. For example if the system hangs in the XZ<br />

plane then the out-of-plane modes have non-zero Y-displacements but zero (or very small) X- and Z-displacements,<br />

and the in-plane modes have the opposite pattern of zeros.<br />

Outline Theory<br />

Modal analysis is a standard technique that is well-documented in the literature, but here is a brief outline. First<br />

consider a single degree of freedom system consisting of a mass attached to a linear spring. The undamped equation<br />

of motion is:<br />

Mx''(t) = -Kx(t)<br />

where x(t) is the offset (at time t) from mean position, x''(t) is the acceleration, M is its mass and K is the stiffness of<br />

the spring. Since this analysis neglects any damping the results are referred to as the undamped modes.<br />

The solution of the equation is known to be simple harmonic, i.e. of the form x(t) = a.sin(ωt), where a and ω are<br />

unknowns to be found by solving the equation. Differentiating x(t) gives:<br />

x''(t) = -ω 2 .a.sin(ωt)<br />

so when we substitute into the equation of motion we obtain:<br />

-M.ω 2 .a.sin(ωt) = -K.a.sin(ωt) (1)<br />

which can be rearranged to give:<br />

ω = (K/M) ½ .<br />

This is the angular frequency of the oscillation and so the natural period T is given by:<br />

T = 2π(M/K) ½<br />

For this simple harmonic oscillator there is just a single undamped natural mode, corresponding to the single degree<br />

of freedom. For a continuous riser there are an infinite number of degrees of freedom, and hence an infinite number<br />

of undamped natural modes, but computers work with discretised models with finite numbers of degrees of<br />

freedom.<br />

Consider a discretised line in <strong>OrcaFlex</strong> with N degrees of freedom. In this situation the above equations still apply,<br />

but they now have to be interpreted as matrix/vector equations where ω and T remain scalars, a, x and x'' become<br />

vectors with N elements, and M and K become N×N matrices.<br />

Equation (1) is an eigen-problem with N solutions, the i th solution being ωi and ai, say, where ωi is a scalar and ai is a<br />

vector with N elements. This i th solution is called the i th natural mode. It is an oscillation of the line in which all the<br />

degrees of freedom oscillate at the same angular frequency ωi. But different degrees of freedom have different<br />

amplitudes, given by the components of ai. This amplitude variation is called the mode's shape.<br />

Eigen-solvers<br />

Two eigen-solvers are used to perform modal analysis. The choice of which to use is made based on the number of<br />

modes extracted, n, and the number of degrees of freedom, N.<br />

If n ≤ N/3 and n ≤ 1000 then an iterative Lanczos algorithm will be used. Otherwise a direct method based on<br />

tridiagonal MATRIX diagonalisation is used. For large problems the iterative Lanczos algorithm is much faster and<br />

requires much less memory and so should be used if at all possible.<br />

One final subtlety concerns the precise definition of n in the above inequalities. The Lanczos algorithm works by<br />

finding the largest (or smallest) eigenvalue first, then the next largest (or smallest) and so on. Consequently if you<br />

ask for modes 5 to 10 then the solver has to find modes 1 to 4 first and so the number of modes extracted, n, is 10.<br />

Seabed friction<br />

The theory outlined above requires that the mass and stiffness matrices are symmetric which is not always the case<br />

in an <strong>OrcaFlex</strong> model. The most important example of this is the friction model. Friction is a non-conservative effect<br />

and non-conservatism equates to non-symmetric terms in the stiffness matrix. Clearly this presents a problem.<br />

The non-conservatism of the standard <strong>OrcaFlex</strong> friction model arises when a node is slipping, that is when the<br />

deflection from its friction target position exceeds Dcrit. When performing modal analysis <strong>OrcaFlex</strong> assumes that<br />

nodes on the seabed are restrained by a linear stiffness effect determined by the seabed's shear stiffness, Ks and the<br />

node's contact area, A. This stiffness term corresponds to the stiffness of a linear spring acting in the plane of the<br />

seabed, connecting the node and its target position, and with a stiffness of KsA.

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