OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina

OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina

OrcaFlex Manual - Orcina


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Theory, 6D Buoy Theory<br />

(due to added inertia) equal to -PW IaΩc where Ωc is the component in that direction of the cylinder angular<br />

velocity vector (relative to the earth).<br />

� If the angular acceleration of the local water isobar Ωf (relative to the earth) is non-zero then the cylinder<br />

experiences a fluid acceleration moment equal to (If + PW Ia)Ωf. This can be written as IfΩf + PW IaΩf, where the<br />

first term is a moment analagous to the Froude-Krylov force, and the second term is a moment analagous to the<br />

added mass force.<br />

Note: If the added inertia Ia specified is zero for a given direction (normal or axial), then the Froude-<br />

Krylov moment term is omitted for that direction, so that no moment due to added inertia is<br />

applied about that direction. This does not apply to the Froude-Krylov force terms – to suppress the<br />

Froude-Krylov force you need to specify Cm = Ca (and set both to zero if you want no force at all due<br />

to added mass.<br />

For a spar buoy the cylinder axis direction is the buoy z-direction, so the components in the buoy axes directions of<br />

the total force and moment due to added mass are therefore as follows.<br />

where<br />

Fx = CmnMfnAfx - CanMfnAcx<br />

Fy = CmnMfnAfy - CanMfnAcy<br />

Fz = CmaMfaAfz - CaaMfaAcz<br />

Mx = (Ifn + PW Ian)Ωfx - PW IanΩcx or Mx = 0 if Ian = 0<br />

My = (Ifn + PW Ian)Ωfy - PW IanΩcy or My = 0 if Ian = 0<br />

Mz = (Ifa + PW Iaa)Ωfz - PW IaaΩcz or Mz = 0 if Iaa = 0<br />

PW = proportion wet for this cylinder<br />

Can, Caa = specified added mass coefficients specified for the normal and axial directions, respectively.<br />

Cmn, Cma = specified inertia force coefficients specified for the normal and axial directions, respectively.<br />

Mfn, Mfa, Ifn, Ifa = instantaneous values of reference fluid mass (Mf) and moments of inertia (If), for the normal<br />

and axial directions respectively, as described below.<br />

Acx, Acy, Acz = components in buoy axes directions, of the cylinder translational acceleration relative to earth.<br />

Afx, Afy, Afz = components in buoy axes directions, of the fluid translational acceleration relative to earth.<br />

Ωcx, Ωcy, Ωcz = components in buoy axes directions, of the cylinder angular acceleration relative to earth.<br />

Ωfx, Ωfy, Ωfz = components in buoy axes directions, of the angular acceleration of the fluid local isobar relative<br />

to earth.<br />

For a Towed Fish the cylinder axis direction is instead the buoy x-direction. So for a Towed Fish the subscripts x and<br />

z in the above equations are interchanged, so that the axial values of the coefficients and reference masses and<br />

inertias are used in the equations for Fx and Mx, and the normal direction values are used in the equtions for Fz and<br />

Mz.<br />

Reference Fluid Mass and Inertia used for Added Mass<br />

For motion normal to the cylinder axis the values used for the reference fluid mass Mf and inertia If are the mass<br />

and moments of inertia of the fluid displaced by the submerged part of the whole of the cylinder cross-section. So if<br />

the cylinder is hollow (i.e. inner diameter is non-zero) then for motion normal to the cylinder axis the reference<br />

fluid mass and inertia used includes the fluid trapped inside the part of the cylinder that is below the surface.<br />

For motion parallel to the cylinder axis, the reference fluid mass Mf and inertia If that are used depend on whether<br />

the cylinder is hollow. If it is not hollow then they are the same as the values used for motion normal to the cylinder<br />

axis, i.e. equal to the mass and moments of inertia of the fluid displaced by the submerged part of the cylinder. But if<br />

the cylinder is hollow then the reference fluid mass Mf and inertia If used for motion parallel to the cylinder axis are<br />

the mass and moments of inertia of the fluid displaced by the submerged part of just the cylinder annulus,<br />

excluding the fluid trapped inside the part of the cylinder that is below the surface.<br />

These values for the reference fluid mass and inertia are based on the assumption that for a hollow cylinder the<br />

trapped fluid contents are free to translate and rotate axially relative to the cylinder, but not free to move normal to<br />

the cylinder axis.

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