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6EditorialGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>, Friday 26 February 2010Write to: The Editor PO Box 103 Grahamstown 6140Fax to: 046 622 7282 Email: and ProgressEstablished 1870What‘s it worth?The What’s On section of this newspaper (page 15 inthis edition) is one of the most popular pages amongreaders but it also triggers a surprising amountof discomfort here in the offices of Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>. Thepurpose of the What’s On page is to provide non-profitorganisations with a platform to publicise their events. Thismeans that if schools, charity groups or social clubs wishto tell readers about their fun-runs, fetes or variety showsthey have a place where they can reach Makana residents.We do not charge for this service because we understandthat such organisations lack the resources to payfor regular adverts. Our system is not unusual amongcommunity newspapers – the name of the page might bedifferent but almost all local newspapers have a page or acolumn where the community can advertise events for littleor no charge.If the show is purely commercial there is no problem– you charge money at the door for your show, and youpay for an advert if you want to make any announcements.Such a case is quite simple, but what happens if an NGOhires a singer to perform at a fundraiser and then asksGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> for a free advert in the What’s On section?This is where it gets a little tricky, but if the school orcharity organisation is genuinely arranging the show as acharity event, then we will assess the situation and possiblyplace a free advert in the relevant section.Recently a highly respected charity organisation intown submitted an announcement about a show for theWhat’s On page and then requested a free editorial as well.We subsequently discovered that although the organiserswere unwilling to pay Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> a rather insignificantamount for an advert, they were quite happy to pay anenormous fee for the performer to put on his show.This incident made us feel that our goodwill had beenexploited and that perhaps, like other organisations in Grahamstown,we should charge for all our your online fixSouth Africa’s Oldest Independent NewspaperIncorporating The Grahamstown Journal (1831 – 1920)Vol. 141 No. 15Published by the David Rabkin Project for ExperientialJournalism Training (Pty) Ltd, 40 High Street, Grahamstown, 6139.Printed by PaarlcoldsetTelephone: 046 622 7222 • Fax: 046 622 7282/ ADDrESSESNews: or Manager: Steven LangNews Editor Abongile MgaqelwaStaff reporters: Kwanele ButanaStaff Photographer/reporter: Stephen Penney,New Media Editor: Michael SalzwedelGeneral Manager: Louise ValeAdvertising Manager: Ronél BowlesGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> is published by the David Rabkin Projectfor Experiential Journalism, a company wholly ownedby Rhodes University. The contents of this newspaper donot necessarily represent the views of either body.Mandela vs Mr Justice De WetLately I have been hearing the question: where were you whenNelson Mandela was released from prison? My short answerto that is that I was the principal of Matsa High School, justoutside King William's Town.But I have a more difficult one to ask: where were youwhen Mandela waited for judgement of Mr Justice De Wetafter listening to serious charges from Dr Percy Yutor, theprosecutor?That day I prayed that he did not get the death sentence.It was early in the 60s. Names such as Bram Fischer andGeorge Bizos were mentioned. Black South Africans held theirbreaths. It came as a relief that he was given a life sentence. Atleast his life was spared.It was about that time that he said in his defence that ademocratic South Africa was one he was prepared to die for. Itwas the worst time from a black man's point of view. The primeminister was Dr HF Verwoed and the Nationalists of Grahamstownmade no secret of their support for apartheid andgeneral dislike for the black man. Their 1966 General Electionmanifesto was: “Vote the Nat way. Vote Westaway”.NJ MpetileGrahamstown needs to growThis letter is in response to Dr Norbert Dräger's letter in the<strong>Grocott's</strong> <strong>Mail</strong> of 22 February.Firstly, Dr Dräger forgets to tell readers that the Universityof Cape Town, Groote Schuur Hospital and the Red CrossChildrens Hospital in Cape Town, Rondebosch and othersouthern suburb residents are, inter alia, also directly belowthe flight path of a variety of aeroplanes, including jets.Having lived in Rondebosch for 22 years, we have neverfound the noise of the aircraft to be a handicap and we believethat anyone can become accustomed to the noise of aircraft,whether at night or during the day.To try and stop progress in Grahamstown seems a selfishand futile exercise. Let us all show some foresight and allowour little city to develop to the best of its potential. If you wantto live in a sleepy hollow, move to a farm in the middle of nowhere.Grahamstown needs to grow.Not all Grahamstown citizens are apathetic and certainlymost of us have foresight! It is the relative few who seem unableto cope with development and change.In favour of aircraft in GrahamstownAries Nest development stillwreaking havocLast year a letter was published in <strong>Grocott's</strong> <strong>Mail</strong> (and therewas also an article) on the abusive use of Cawood Street bythe owners/developers of Aries Nest on the corner of CawoodStreet, opposite the First Gospel Church.They are still taking liberties – if you see the street sincethey resumed work in January it is still filled with rubble,cement, bricks and concrete mixers. Vehicles cannot use halfof the road in Cawood Street and when vehicles are parked infront of the church then it is almost impossible to drive past.Please could our so-called vigilent traffic department dosomething to stop this abuse of our (ratepayers') road?And when can we expect a sizeable contribution to be paidby the owners of Aries Nest towards each resident's municipalrates and taxes, for Aries Nest's inconsideration and abuse ofour road?It is bad enough that the large wall, although ‘cut’ at thecorner, still handicaps the view of drivers down Cawood Streetbut to have to tolerate their absolute disregard for all residentsin the area is nothing short of criminal.Please could the criminals be brought to book – municipalityand municipal traffic department, where are you?Irate ResidentsGet real and embraceprogressI just had to respond to the letter from Norbert Dräger regardinghis opposition to the proposed new air school as it remindedme of how Grahamstown appears to be intent on shootingitself in the foot. Any development that is contemplated in ourlittle city attracts the attention of a small band of so-calledactivists who will stop at just about nothing to halt development– including stooping to personal insults in the case of RobBeer. Get real, people – we need development if we are to haveany chance to provide jobs opportunities for the 65% of ourworkforce who are unemployed. We put money in their pockets,new businesses develop and existing ones prosper; andmore jobs result. I believe that there is a direct link betweenemployment, human dignity, education and crime alleviation.Surely this is something we all want? Rather than trying toput a complete stop to something as potentially important asa thriving new air school, shouldn't we be trying to find a compromise?This would ensure we get to benefit from the influxof new people and new money and all we might give up whenthe wind is blowing in the wrong direction is the occassionalSunday afternoon nap.Up, up and awayThank you for helpingBrookshaw HomeThanks to the community, His People Church and the schoolsfor a successful street collection. Brookshaw Home expressesour gratitude to the Grahamstown community for their supportin our street collection held last Saturday and to the willingcollectors from His People Church and five schools – GraemeCollege, Kingswood College, PJ Olivier Hoerskool, St Andrew'sCollege and VGHS. We counted 5 x R100 notes, 4 x R50 notes, 42x R20 notes, 68 x R10 notes and 18kg of coins from generous contributorsgiving us a record total of R7156 that has gone towardsour development fund.Alan BamfordConvenorSMS082 049 2146Nathaniel Nyaluza school iswithout teachers for somesubjects. One class had only 2periods taught on Monday whilestaff sat drinking tea! Shameon them. Trying for even worseresults this year?>>>>>>>>>>I drove into town at the GeorgeStreet entrance and saw that theWelcome to Grahamstown sign is ina more shocking state than ever.What must visitors think of whatlies ahead in our city if this isthe best welcome we can manage?It's very off-putting and abysmalPR.>>>>>>>>>>I've been teaching for 20yrs butI have nothing compared to mypupil, Julius Malema, what iswrong with me coz I'm qualified?Pseudonyms may be used, but all letters must be supported by a name, signature and street address. Preference willbe given to letters which are not longer than 400 words and are clearly legible. The editor reserves the right to edit orreject letters/photographs.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 20107

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010ViV’s Variety ConCert9Pulling a VivStudents and lecturers had a sober night at Viv’s Variety concert at theMonument last Friday. Talented performers sang, danced and acted allin the name of showing that you can have fun without imbibing alcohol.Performers included lecturers, deans and DVCs who lip-synced, did funnyskits or whipped out guitars to show a side less seen by students.CloCkwise from toprightladies in red... femalemembers of the rhodesBallroom society were ladiesof the night in thisperformance inspired by MoulinRouge. Photo: Nikki Brandplaying the Blues... proflarry strelitz and his bandare due to go on a southafrican tour soon. Photo:Desiree SchirlingerCatChy tunes... life ofriley had everyone singing:“even you should have acrush on you, coz you knowall the things to say and allthe right things to do.” Photo:Desiree Schirlingermaking some noise...the Vice-Chancellor and Cotested their lung capacityby trying to harmonise thesounds of their vuvuzelas.Photo: Gwen Matthewshitting the high notes...Choral group Voice of glory’sbeautiful voices stirred thecrowd to a standing ovation.Photo: Nikki BrandphysiCal Comedy... dramastudent richard antrobusmimes how he milks a cowfor his morning cuppa.Photo: Nikki Branddangling By a thread...robyn mcCormick emergedlike a moth from her drapedcocoon and entangled anddetangled herself to end upsuspended in mid-air. Photo:Nikki BrandJoking around... Viv deklerk played mC and askedthe crowd nicely if theywouldn’t mind laughing ather weak jokes. Photo: GwenMatthews

10 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010NEWS‘Dive in, be free and justlet rip’ says UnathiRed Café was picked out as the meeting place, and wow, what a meeting. UnathiNkayi, now Unathi Msengana, is not at all what Saskia Kuiper expected:down-to-earth, independent and make-up freeA CUPFUL OF KICK... A frothy cappuccino rests on the table at MadHatter's, while taste tester Meggan McCarthy ponders her favourites.Photo: Camilla MarshMy three best frothy fixesMEGGAN MCCARTHYTHERE'S an establishment intown with a sandwich board whichstates “Still best cappuccino inGrahamstown”. This made methink: where can one get the bestfrothy fix? After a series of foammoustaches and bursts of hyperactivityfrom the espresso buzz,I've narrowed it down to threeplaces where you can get your littlecup of ltaly.The first is Haricot's. The experiencewas enhanced by stringinstrument music, classy chandeliersand a lovely little spotwhere I could watch the rain peltingagainst the window while thewarmth spread to my freezing feet.The espresso wasn't too strongand it had generous lashings offoam. The price was just as good atonly R12 a cup.At Redditt's my visual and oralsenses were stimulated. The cappuccinowas mild and foamy and asteal at only R8 a cup and you cansit in the colourful garden wherewafts of lavender and coffee competefor your attention.Third is Wimpy where you canalso take it to go. They were generouswith the foam and it was agreat start to the morning. It wasalso easy on the wallet at R13.95.The cappuccino originated inItaly over a century ago. The Germansand Swiss put hot chocolatein theirs, Ethiopians add a pinchof salt while in the Middle East itis drunk with a dash of cardamomand spices.Saskia Kuiper: Do you mindif we take a few photos?Unathi Msengana: No, nothat’s fi ne, as long as peopledon’t mind my face and my fl uand no make-up. I hate makeup.I’ve been taught in an interviewto make sure I get theinterviewee’s name is right.So it’s Unathi Nkayi?It’s Unathi Msengana, thankyou. I’m married.It’s cool that you changedyour name, have youchanged it everywhere?Yes, everywhere. I get frustratedon his behalf, I feel reallybad when people call meNkayi. He always says, lookit’s only been fi ve months. Wegot married at St Peters andthen had the reception at theMonument. It was beautiful,just family and friends.I was reading an article thatsaid that you once wanted tobecome the minister of artsand culture.Grahamstown is an artsytown. In Jo’burg kids have topay to go to skate parks and tograff a wall, or to go to theatreproductions. A lot of it is verycommerce-based. I really noticedit when went to Jo’burg,and it worried me. I want to besome kind of ambassador ona very heavy level. But I realisedyou’ve gotta go into politicsand I hate politics, so I’mtrying to fi nd a different way.Hopefully you’ll be better byFriday.You’ve just gotta get on stageand do what you’ve gotta do.So I’m gonna drink my honeyand tea and clear my sinuses.The award-winning VictoriaGirls’ Choir will accompanyyou on Friday. Were you inthe choir in VG?Ironically no. I was playinghockey and squash, I neverhad time for choir.You say you’re very sentimental,does it comethrough in your music?We open every performancein prayer. I was raised by aMethodist mom and dad, butwe also pay tribute to our ancestors.So I go home to Tantyiand speak to my ancestorsand tell them that I’m hereand ask them to make sure itdoesn’t rain [laughs].Back to music.Oh yes, a lot of my music hasto do with love, but not in thatdisgusting, sloppy, cliché way.My motto is “Live as if you’reabout to die, dance like nobody’swatching and love likeyou’ve never been hurt”. Divein, be free and just let rip.”Not to be rude, but you’renot a typical celebrity, you’rejust yourself.Ja, women in Jo’burg aremanicured, the make-up isimmaculate, the lashes arein place and the nails aredone. I just can’t do that;I’m a tomboy. But before aperformance I love the ritualof doing the hair and thestyling.Is your husband Thomashere with you?Yes he is, he’s the creative designer.Before the wedding hewas saying “You’ve never performedin Grahamstown” andI was like “Wow, I’ve neverperformed in Grahamstown”.And he said “Let’s just do it.”I said “Let’s just wait for Festivaland see if they ask us”,but he just said “We are goingto make this happen”, and heput it together.And the children, are theyhere? You have two?Yes, two. I’ve gotone and he’s gotone. The kidsare great. Sinakois 5 andNelly is 7.Okay. Nowwhat kindof grandmotherwould youlike to be?I want tobe cool.They musttell methings theydon’t telltheirownparentsandthen I breakthe news to mychildren. I’m stillgoing to be havingcocktails.Which three peoplewould you invite todinner?Gary Gordon who taughtme dance. Mahatma Gandhiand Bernie Mac to makeme laugh. Wow three guys,I’m defi nitely a guys kinda girl!Do you write all your ownlyrics?Eighty percent of them I writemyself. I also love workingwith other people though. Ilove hearing someone else’ssoul come through me.What’s the public life like?You just have to be disciplined.We got offered halfa million for our weddingpictures to be publishedand we refused. Ourrelationship is not aPR campaign.If you couldchoose any oneto perform withwho would itbe?A sober AmyWinehouse!MAKANA MUNICIPALITYTENDER 29 / 2009UPGRADE OF FIRE STATION CONTROL ROOMTenders are hereby invited for the Upgrade of the Fire Station Control Room.The tender price must include VAT and shown separately.Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope and clearly marked: “Upgrade of Fire Station ControlRoom” and placed in the Tender Box in the Administration Section of the Corporate ServicesDirectorate, City Hall, Grahamstown or be posted to reach the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box176, Grahamstown, 6140 by no later than 12:00 on Friday 05 March 2010 when tenders will beopened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:15.PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:- Tenders will be adjudicated in terms of Council’s Supply Chain Management Policy.- The Council of the Makana Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenderand late tenders, tenders by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.- Tenderers are to submit proof of PDI status, an original SARS Tax Clearance Certificate anda Certificate of Good Standing from their Local Municipality with their tenders in order to beconsidered.- A compulsory site meeting will be held at the Fire Station on 05 March 2010 at 10h00.For any queries regarding this tender, feel free to contact the Assistant Director: Fire & RescueServices, Mr. William Welkom, at telephone number 046-6036000 during normal office hours.N.BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice No: 113 of 2009

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010NEWS11How many wives do youneed – the debateShould President Jacob Zuma’s polygamous lifestyle be accepted as part of South African society?Eight Rhodes student debaters came together on Monday night to discuss the motion:This house would condemn Jacob Zuma’s polygamous lifestyleDRAWING IN THE AIR... Beth Armstrong talks about herupcoming exhibition entitled Hippocampus. Both calculatedand chaotic, she says the exhibition grew from “adream that became more real to me – a man-sized seahorseappeared in my bed”. Hippocampus is the scientificname for the seahorse, and “the part of our brain usedfor cognitive mapping” says Armstrong. Playing withspace, “sculptures that are shadows, shadows that aresculptures,” she reveals a conversation between our perceptionsof three-dimensional and two-dimensional realities.Intertwining the literal with illusion, Hippocampus willopen this Saturday at 5.30pm with a talk by Ashraf Jamalof the Rhodes Fine Art Department. It is open for viewingon Monday and Tuesday, between 11am and 3pm in theRehearsal Room of the 1820 Settlers Monument. Photo:Nicola van RensburgANNETJIE VAN WYNEGAARDThe Eden Grove Bluelecture theatre wasjam-packed with studentsand learners fromKingswood College and VictoriaGirls’ High when theRhodes Debating Societyheld its Xxxhibition debate.The Xxxhibition debate isa tradition and is held everyyear to expose students interestedin debating to theBritish parliamentary styleand to encourage students tojoin the society, says chairpersonKabwela Chisaka.Ingrid Cloete and CliveEley opened the debate.Cloete, ‘the prime minister’,argued that today’s customarylaw, which makes polygamousmarriages legal,is there to protect women’srights. She said that in thepast, women who were secondor third wives were notrecognised as such whenthe husband died, and weretherefore often left without ahome or much support.Cloete argued that polygamyreinforces patriarchyand causes a breakdownin the equality and dignity ofwomen who must then competefor a man. At this point,Chisaka, the deputy leaderof the opposition, leaped outof her seat proclaiming thatwomen compete for men allthe time, to which Cloete replied“I’ve never had to competefor a man.”Michelle Beukes, theleader of the opposition, opposedthe motion and askedwhy Zuma should be theonly Zulu in the country notallowed to exercise his culturalright to polygamy.“Whether or not we thinkhe’s a horrible person he isdoing nothing against thelaw,” she said.Deputy prime ministerEley weighed up the valuesand harms of polygamy topeople and to society. Hechallenged Beukes’ claim tocultural relativism and saidthat the president is different,because society holdshim to a higher moral standardthan any other person.Eley said that Zuma’s polygamy,as shown in the media,is not representative of polygamyin South Africa.At this point Chisakawas itching to take to the podium.She questioned Eley’swestern notion of polygamyas she says that women intraditional polygamous marriagesare not meant to feelinterior or superior to theother wives, instead, it providesa network of wives tocall upon and to stabilisethe household. She addedthat people in South Africashould be allowed to maketheir own choices.James Ekron defendedthe motion in the second halfof the debate. He argued thatZuma is undermining cultureby making a spectacle ofit and making it difficult forothers to practice polygamy.He said Zuma’s approach isanything but traditional, as“he has been exonerated forrape, engaged in extra-maritalaffairs and impregnatedwomen before (or if at all) hehas married them.” Customarylaw and Zulu culture requirethat families meet andtalk first before a marriageis approved, but Zuma “believeshe may take a womanas he wants”.Ekron concluded his argumrentby saying that nothingis beyond the scrutiny ofpublic debate, especially notthe presidency.At this stage the closingopposition was bristling withindignation. Egmont Bouwercontested Ekron’s condemnationof Zuma’s extramaritalaffairs, and proclaimed“pomping is not polygamy”.Bouwer also questioned the“false dichotomy” of beingtotally Zulu or totally western.He argued that cultureis fluid and that monogamy,which has become such anatural institution, is not“the be-all and end-all” ofsociety. “In monogamy youwrap the bride in a whitedress and pay her a diamondring for her virginity,” he declaredprovocatively.Dylan Smith wrappedup the government’s side ofthe debate by saying Zuma’spolygamy is damaging SouthAfrica’s image of the world.The final word camefrom Lwamba Chisaka whoasserted that the defendersof the motion had failedto prove that the effects ofpolygamy on Zuma’s wiveswere negative. She insistedthat Zuma’s extramaritalaffairs and dubious moralchoices are not reasons tocondemn his lifestyle, whichwas the nature of the debate.After a rapid fire of questionsthat left the debatersdrained and longing for thefree pizza and wine servedoutside, the winners wereannounced. Beukes and Chisakawere the winners withEkron and Smith followinghot on their heels in secondplace. Cloete and Eley werein third place and Bouwerand Lwamba Chisaka rankedin fourth place.St Andrew’s College and St Andrew’s Preparatory School in Grahamstown, anexciting educational environment and school with immense tradition, invitesapplications for the post of:MAINTENANCE FOREMAN/ARTISANThe successful candidate:• Must be a qualified Artisan (will be asked to produce certificates)• must have supervisory skills and will be expected to work hands-on withthe team• should be able to communicate in English as well as Afrikaans or Xhosa• must be in possession of a valid drivers licence• should be computer literate.MAINTENANCE CARPENTERThe successful candidate:• Should be a qualified carpenter or have a least 10 years workingexperience in the carpentry trade.• will be required to work as part of the St Andrew’s Maintenance Team• having experience in another maintenance field will be an advantage.The posts will commence on 1 May 2010.Interested persons are required to submit a letter of application together witha full Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of at least threereferees to: Jasu Ranchhod, PO Box 182, Grahamstown, 6140Tel: 046 603 2306 ∙ Fax: 046 603 2381. Email: j.ranchhod@sacschool.comClosing date for applications is Wednesday 3 March 2010Please note the submission of an application does not automatically qualify for an interview.It is anticipated that the successful candidate will take up the position as soon as possible.Members of staff are expected to support the Christian ethos of the school.www. sacschool.comwww.saprepschool.comGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>● 40 High Street ● Grahamstown 6140● Tel: 622 7222 ● Fax: 622 7282St Andrew’s Preparatory School in Grahamstown, an excitingeducational environment and school with immense tradition, invitesapplications for the post of:CHILDREN’S ARTS FESTIVAL ASSISTANTThe school is seeking to appoint a temporary person to assist with theChildren’s Arts Festival. The duties would include assisting the FestivalDirector with administrative duties. Experience in this area isa pre-requisite for the position.Interested persons are required to submit a letter of applicationtogether with a full Curriculum Vitae and the names and contactdetails of at least three referees to:The Headmaster, St Andrew’s Preparatory School, PO Box 187,Grahamstown, 6140 ∙ Tel: 046 603 2401 ∙ Fax: 046 622 2148Email: c.renard@saprepschool.comClosing date for applications is 5 March 2010Please note the submission of an application does not automatically qualifyfor an interview. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will take upthe position on 6 April 2010.www.saprepschool.comKINGSWOOD COLLEGEFounded 1894Applications are invited for the followingSenior School post:Mathematics Gr. 8 - 12July 2010Applicants should:• have a talent for teaching children• have a passion for the subject• have suitable academic and teaching qualifications• be competent and willing to participate in theCollege’s co-curricular programme and theacademic extension programme• be registered with SACEInterested parties are requested to submit a writtenapplication, CV and details of 2 referees by Friday5 March to:The College Head’s PAKingswood College Tel: 046 603 6605Grahamstown6140 e.retief@kingswoodcollege.comMembers of staff are expected to support the Christianethos of the school.The College reserves the right not to proceed with the filling of the post.An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interviewor appointment and failure to meet the minimum requirements of theadvertised post will result in applicants automatically disqualifyingthemselves from

12 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010NewsFarewell Mrs JonesStacy Morelandleaving here with avery heavy heart becauseI love my job, I “I’mlove the children,” says ChristineJones, headmistress ofVictoria Primary School. InJune, Jones will be retiringafter 17 and a half years as theschool’s principal.She says Grahamstownhas always been an extensionof her home – a place of horseriding competitions and balletlessons in contrast to Peddie,her childhood home. Schooledat Queenstown Girl’s Highshe later moved to KingsridgeHigh School where she met“the most amazing headmistress,by the name of MissSlater.”She recalls that “we calledher the Lady. She had somuch dignity and a wonderfulsense of humour. She wasquite a dramatist, if a childdid something naughty, evenif you wanted to smile aboutit you had to show righteousindignation.“She had a huge impact onmy life, and she’s the one whosaid I should go into teaching.At the time I thought ‘what ajoke, when I’m finished schoolI’m out of school.’”Jones says Roy Simpson,ex-principal of Graeme College,is “the one to blame forgetting me into education”after he gave her her firstjob as an English teacherat Selborne College in EastLondon.Here she had found hercalling. “I realised Miss Slaterwas quite correct, ” she says.“When I started teaching inthe primary school I realisedthat this was it – the foundationon which children develop.”Over the years she hasrelished the self-expressionof her pupils during the manyMaths, Science and Englishclasses she taught. “It’s lovelywhen children have thoseaha! moments, when theysuddenly see something andit clicks!”Jones acknowledges thatmuch has changed since MissSlater’s day; “Being a headmistresshas changed now,it’s hugely different, there wasa lot of support structuresavailable which we as principalsdon’t have anymore – it’sa very lonely job”.She credits Victoria Primary’s“absolutely wonderful”governing body withWE’LL MISS YOU... Soso George and Ntombekhaya Fundani hug their principal ChristineJones as she chats to Grade 4 learners before choir practice at Victoria Primary School.Photo: Joe Hanlyproviding the support the Departmentof Education doesnot. Despite the difficultiesfacing educators she has nofear for the future of educationwhile teachers are “committed– not just to a salaryat the end of the month, butto education and getting thechildren from where they areto where they ought to be”.Having spent her life inthe Eastern Cape, Jones hascome to believe that the peopleof the Eastern Cape aretruly special.“If you want the moneyyou go to Jo’burg, if youwant the scenery you go toCape town, but if you wantto meet wonderful peopleyou go to the Eastern Cape.”After her retirement she willbe moving to Kenton-on-Seawhere she still enjoys horseriding as well as waterskiingon the Kariega River.She then hopes to catchup on time lost with her husbandduring the last 18 freneticyears. “He’s getting lonely,”Jones explains, “it’s not easyto be married to a principal,your time is never really yourown, you get phone calls onthe weekend, phone calls duringthe holidays, I’m givinghim some of my time now.”Colette Kaiser will takeJones’ place temporarilywhile the school advertisesfor a new headmistress. Joneswishes to reassure parents;“I would like to say this isthe most amazing staff I’veever worked with and I knowthey’re going to move thisschool forward. I’m simply amember of the team.”Local helps boy realise his dreamStephen penneyA GRAHAMStOWn sportsman recently helped a 12-year-oldboy, who suffers from diabetes, to realise his dream.For the past two seasons the Axxess DLS Ocean Racing Serieshas recognised the Reach for a Dream Foundation as theircharity of choice and have helped realise over 24 dreams so far.Local athlete, Graham Carlson, who is the sports directorat Kingswood College, got involved with the project when hesaw one of the dreams on the list was a pupil wanting to meethis hero, Springbok and Western Province rugby star, BryanHabana.RENTAL AGENTWe are looking for a suitable person to fill thisposition as soon as possible. The suitable applicantmust• Have a friendly and outgoing personality• Be skilled with Word, Excel and Publisher• Be highly organized in the workplace• Have your own transport and cellphone• Have had experience in a similar positionCommencement as soon as possiblePlease send your CV to 046 622 9735 (fax) or or deliver to shop 20, PepperGrove Mall, African Street. (Att: Jillian)CANDIDATES NOT CONTACTED CANASSUME THEIR APPLICATION WASUNSUCCESSFULSOTHEBY’S GRAHAMSTOWNShop 20, Peppergrove Mall, P O Box 34, Grahamstown 6140- Tel: 046 636 1388 - Fax: 046 622 9735Email: - Web: office independently owned and operatedCarlson has taken part in a number of the Ocean racing Seriessea swims and also accompanied a number of KingswoodCollege pupils who have competed in the Axxess DLS series.Carlson and Kingswood College began raising funds for theproject, which saw Carlson travel to George where he pickedup Zhaun-Pierre and took him to Cape town to watch a Super14 rugby game, where Habana scored two spectacular tries.Zhuan-Pierre and his mother also stayed at Southern Sun forthe weekend. Carlson said they were well looked after by theWestern Province media liason team and after the game Zhaun-Pierre got to meet Habana himself.Carlson, who is a former Border rugby player, spent sometime with some of the management staff whom he knows fromhis playing days, as well as when coaching Allister Coetzee.Started in January 2006, the nelson Mandela Bay OceanRacing Series is one of the largest beachfront events in Africaand is unique to nelson Mandela Bay. the series offers an opportunityfor open water swimmers, fun runners, walkers andocean paddlers to come together on a fortnightly basis to takepart in a world class event.PART OF THE TEAM... Graham Carlson, left, who helpedrealise the dream of 12-year old Zhuan-Pierre, front, withZhaun-Pierre’s hero Springbok rugby wing Bryan Habana.Photo: SuppliedTAXIBUSAdvertise in thefeature on9 March 2010DELIVERYContact:Ronel 046-622 7222NEXT FEATURE:TRANSPORTDo you offerANY transportservice?SHUTTLECOURIERADVERT DESIGNFREESibusiso MkhizePresentsGrahamstown’s RisingOpera StarsOPERA RECITALAccompanist:Mariel IlusorioSINGERS:● Sibu Mkhize ● Siyabonga Dyaloyi● Nosipho Dyanase ● Lithemba Busakwe● Zikhona GqamanaDATE: Thursday 4 March 2010TIME: 7:30pm to 8:30pmVENUE: Beethoven Room (Rhodes Music Department)Tickets available at the door:R50 for adults / R25 for students & pensioners

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010Cup CurrentsWhose World Cup is it anyway?ASLAM SEEDATThe stadiums have been built and thematch schedules finalised, but it seemsthat not many South Africans will befilling seats at this year’s World Cup. Fifa’smind-boggling ticket-sales system, coupledwith price-hikes for anything to do with attendinga game, make it nearly impossiblefor locals to be able to afford access to theworld’s biggest event, despite it being hostedin their country.A few weeks ago, people who had appliedfor tickets during the third phase of saleswere told whether their applications weresuccessful or not, leaving many bewilderedas to how the allocation system works. Whilethousands have confirmed that they have receivedtickets, many have complained thatthey are not sure on what basis their applicationshave been rejected, especially sinceFifa reported that sales have been lower thanexpected – only 2.1 million of a total of 2.9 milliontickets have been sold.“We applied for two tickets on the Internetand waited for an email which never came,”said Gareth Nicholson, a student. “When wefinally checked on the website, it said the applicationhad been declined. We really don’tknow why.”The complex system has also deterredwould-be fans from even attempting to apply,with many South Africans in outlying areasnot having access to the Internet and bankingfacilities necessary for initiating the tediousbooking process.At this point it seems that the only peopleguaranteed to watch World Cup matches liveare those granted access by Fifa, their partnersand sponsors. It was estimated at thelast world cup that employees of the sponsorcompanies – Coca-Cola, Budweiser andMcDonalds – held between one in six tickets,with each of the 15 sponsors in Germany allocated25 000 tickets at least.Ford Foundation Awardhonours local HIV counsellorASHLEY STANDERPHEHELLO Mahasele, apostgraduate student in thePharmacy Department, recentlywon the Ford FoundationInternational FellowshipsProgramme AlumniAssociation’s Alumni of theYear Award for outstandingperformance and lasting contributionsto social justice inSouth Africa.The award was presentedto Phehello at the association’sAGM held in Johannesburgin early February wherePhehello was also electedas executive member of thecommittee representing theEastern Cape.The Ford Foundationpresented Phehello with acertificate of recognition fordemonstrating deep dedicationto the International Fellowship’sProgramme’s valuesof learning, leadershipand commitment. As a managementcommittee memberof the Raphael Centre forHIV Voluntary Counselingand Testing (VCT) and HIVsupport and outreach programmes,he won this awardthrough his dedicated focuson HIV/Aids management.Phehello MahaseleSince the centre’s inceptionin 1999 thousands of peoplehave been helped throughcounseling, testing and socialsupport by providing childrenof the HIV affected and infectedwith school uniformsand school fees.The centre is the firstlicensed non-medical testingsite in Grahamstown providingmobile VCT servicesto rural communities. Thecommittee aims to expandIn addition to this, one in nine ticketswere reserved for “corporate-hospitality”deals, where VIPs could purchase packagesthat included a good seat, five-star accommodationand exclusive access to the World Cuphospitality villages. Four years ago, a packagelike this could cost up to £1 700 per game.Ticket allocation statistics haven’t yetbeen released by Fifa but the trend seemsset to continue in South Africa with generalsecretary Jerome Valcke admitting last weekthat hospitality packages at this year’s WorldCup have not sold because they are simplytoo expensive for locals to purchase.Along with this, big companies haveshown their purchasing power by flashingtheir tickets to the public and organisinghand-out publicity schemes. Coca-Cola, forexample, is offering 20 000 tickets to learnersfrom schools across the country who contributeto a national recycling drive. Although thetickets come from the Ticket Fund – an initiativeset up by Fifa to “reward” South Africansinvolved with the World Cup and in worthycauses – the awarding of these tickets is stillbased on boosting Coca-Cola’s image.Valcke also admitted that opportunisticpricing by airlines and travel agencies is toblame for ticket sales being so disappointing.“It is clear,” he said, “that people havedecided that because it is the World Cup theyask the highest amount possible to maximiseincome.”As a result, Fifa have agreed to lower theprice of category two and three tickets forresidents so that stadiums won’t be left halfempty.Between the allocation process, the costof accommodation and travelling to games,and the intention of corporates to get asmuch out of the event as possible, the questionstill looms as to whether this World Cuptruly belongs to South Africa. It would seemthat the enthusiasm and optimism shown bySouth Africans in being involved in the WorldCup counts for little, if anything at all.prevention education servicesto reach more than athousand individuals everymonth. This includes developingpartnerships and workingrelationships with Rhodes,the Anglican Diocese of Grahamstown,Settlers Hospitaland municipal primaryhealth care clinics and establishingskilling youth campsfor orphans and vulnerablechildren.The committee is madeup of but not limited to a localmedical doctor involvedin treating Aids patients, anantiretroviral treatment socialworker, a nurse lawyer,the director of Centre forHIV/Aids Research and Evaluation(Cadre) and a nun ofthe Catholic Church.Phehello is currentlycompleting his master’s degreein operational researchin HIV/Aids in the Grahamstownpublic health sectorthrough the Rhodes PharmacyDepartment. He was alsorecognised as a Ford FoundationInternational Fellow forpostgraduate work towards amaster’s degree in HIV/Aidstreatment barriers at Rhodesbetween February 2007 andJanuary 2009.NEWSthis isMakana Municipality is proud to announcethat a new brand will be introduced thisFriday. The new brand is the culminationof an intensive research, brand developmentand design period, for the renewal of therole of Makana Municipality.“This new brand heralds the beginning ofa new era in the growth and developmentof our local economy. The introduction ofthis brand should not be seen in isolationbut as the beginning of the realisation ofthe aspirations of Makana Municipality,”says Baart. We have created an inclusivebrand that will be embraced by everyoneassociated with it.”MAKANA Municipality’s vision is to striveto ensure sustainable, affordable, equitableand quality services in a just, friendly,secure and healthy environment whichpromotes social and economic growthfor all.The Municipality is primarily responsiblefor the provision of municipal services to thecommunity and to promote an environmentconducive to the development of thecommunities of the area with the objectiveof a better life for all.MAKANA Municipality identified that inorder to fulfill this mandate successfully, itwas necessary to evaluate and repositionthe Makana Municipality brand. The brandingexercise examined how the image ofMakana Municipality could be revitalisedlocally, nationally and internationally inorder to position the area as a sought-aftertourist and business destination to visitand to invest in.Makana Municipality’s Media and CommunicationsOfficer, Thandy Matebeseexplains the approach. “A phased approachwas adopted for the brand developmentand implementation process. During thefirst phase, which began in September 2007,a leading agency, OPENFORM STUDIO,was awarded the branding contract,following an extensive tender process.A steering committee was established,and a research project was initiated.Key to the brand development processwas the research component geared atunderstanding perceptions of the markettowards the existing brand and brandingactivities. The research determined to whatextent Makana Municipality’s publics knewand understood the existing brand - positiveand negative elements - and was conductedagainst the back drop of a number ofbrands active within the municipal area.Other objectives included examining how…Grahamstown, Alicedale, Riebeeck East, Sidbury, Highlands, Carlisle Bridge, FrasersCamp, Manley Flats, Salem, Fort Brown, Seven Fountains and Committee’s Drift.… and it’s a great place to bethe image of Makana Municipality couldbe revitalised; determining the impactof current communication between theMunicipality and the general public andthe Municipality and its employees;determining the attitude of business andcivil society with regard to partnership withgovernment; and determining the internalclimate with regard to the perceptionof rebranding.”The research was highly inclusive, coveringall rural and urban areas within theMakana Municipal boundaries, and includedcompetitor research, in-depth interviewswith municipal leaders, serviceproviders and business leaders, variousfocus groups and on the ground, oneon-oneQ&A interviews with the publicand municipal workers. 2032 individualinterviews were conducted.A signage audit ran concurrently withthe research project which was finalisedin March 2009, followed by an intensivedesign and consultation process.The launch at the community RecreationHall on Friday forms part of the openingof council and marks the culmination of thebranding process. On Saturday MakanaMunicipality takes the brand to town to meetthe people of Makana. The promotionalroad show, begins at 11am at ChurchSquare in High Street, then at the CarWash in Beaufort Street, at the trafficintersection in Raglan Road, outside RadioGrahamstown in Fraude Street, MandelaStreet outside Emazotshweni Bottle Store,Noluthando Hall, the Shopping area at JozaTownship, Ncame Street - Extension 1, NewCommunity Hall - Extension 9, Sani Street -Extension 5, ending at Dlukulu Clinic -Extension 7. A video illustrating the brandwill be on display and promotional itemswill be handed out to remind the communityof Makana to live this brand.“Growth of our economy is as importantas service delivery and the two cannotbe separated. We extend our hand to you,the people of Makana at large, to takethis brand and live it; to take your role inmaking a meaningful contribution to thedevelopment of Makana seriously. Werealise that as government we cannotsucceed in realising the Local EconomicDevelopment of this Municipality alone.Ngalo Mazwi ndithi masibambisaneekuphuhliseni uqoqosho lalo maspala.We look forward to moving together intothe future with confidence,” says MunicipalManager, Baart. “Makana is a Great Placeto Be. Let us live this brand and show therest of South Africa that we mean business.”City Hall · High Street · Grahamstown · 6139 · City HallPO Box 176 · Grahamstown · 6140Tel. +27 (0) 46 603 6111 · Fax. +27 (0) 46 622 9488 · http.

14 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010InterfaIth/newsTantyi Primary teachersundermine SGBKwanele ButanaWorld Day of PrayerAll women of Grahamstown are invited to join us for the 80thcelebration of the world day of prayer for 2010. It will take placeon Friday 5 March at 6.30pm at the NG Kerk Albanie (corner ofHill and Market Street.Join us to honour George HerbertThe Cathedral Choir, directed by Barbara Stout, will be leadingthe singing at a service of Choral Evensong for George Herbert onSunday at 5pm in the Cathedral of St Michael & St George.The programme includes:Introit: Lord, for thy tender mercies’ sake attributed to the schoolof Dr TyeResponses by William SmithCanticles in D by A Herbert BrewerAnthem: Come, my way by Alexander Brent Smith, to words byGeorge Herbert.A number of the hymns will also be settings of George’s words.Prof Paul Walters will deliver the sermon and the organist will beWilf Stout.It is with regret to inform the residents that water tests conductedon 16 February 2010 have shown presence of Ecoli in some of theareas supplied from James Kleynhans Water Treatment Plant due toa faulty Chlorinator which is now fixed.We advise residents to take preventative measures until our water isdeclared Ecoli-free by independent inspectors, by boiling waterand/or purify distill a 20litre container with a cap measurement ofjik before using water for human consumption.Full statement will be available on Grocotts on 2 March 2010MS. N. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERMAKANA MUNICIPALITYMUNICIPAL NOTICEECOLI PRESENCEGrocott’s GAO1182Tantyi Primary School principal Christopher Christian saysthat teachers at the school have accused him of using anoutdated leadership style but they are undermining how theschool is run. Photo: Camilla MarshTeaching ground to a halt at Tantyi Primary School for thewhole of yesterday as teachers downed tools in protestagainst the principal.The school’s principal Christopher Christian told Grocott’s<strong>Mail</strong> that the teachers believe his leadership style is outdated.“They say I’m the one controlling the SGB [School GoverningBody] and accusing me of calling yesterday’s parents’ meeting,”he said. Christian said that the meeting had been called bythe SGB and that he had attended to give evidence of what hasbeen taking place at the school.He said the problems started with the selection process ofa substitute teacher which was advertised in local communitymedia last month. According to Christian, the school’s teachersprevented the interviews for the shortlisted candidates fromtaking place, which were scheduled shortly after the shortlistingprocess was concluded on 28 January. Christian has sincereceived a letter from one of the candidates enquiring about thecancellation of the interviews and a scheduled future date.“One candidate is from the Tantyi community and the educatorshave personal problems with the candidate,” he said. Headded that only the SGB can recommend appointments andthat the School Management Team can support such a movebut not initiate it.The South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu)wrote to the district office of the Department of Education on3 February asking it to intervene in the selection process as itbelieves that the process is being “seriously violated”.Sadtu requested that the interviews be cancelled.According to Christian, educators claimed that he preemptedthe outcome of the interviews but Sadtu has not producedany evidence to this effect.When Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> visited the school in the early afternoonthe last group of learners was leaving while teachers,Sadtu and officials from the education department were lockedin a meeting in the staff room. However, the educators who wereavailable refused to speak to Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>.SGB vice-chairperson Gideon Mapapu said the problem atthe school was that teachers want to run the school themselvesand are undermining the SGB. He said that some teachers resignedfrom the SGB due to differences between them and theSGB members and that while he called the Wednesday parents’meeting he did not invite the teachers deliberately. “I invitedSadtu and the District Director [Thamsanqa Fetsha] and noneof them came,” he added.Mapapu also said they want their children to be taught sothat they do not end up illiterate as their parents. “It worries usbecause it’s not the first time they [educators] are neglectingour children,” he added. Comments from the education departmentcould not be obtained at the time of going to print.Thought for the weekThe safest place on earthCan you imagine a place where we are free from the heavyclouds of judgementalism and condemnation? Have you everdreamed of a haven where we are not identified by our failuresand shortcomings? That would truly be a wonderful environment.But surely this is more than just a poet’s yearnings.Is it not His very design for His church?Jesus himself said that He did not come to condemn theworld but to rescue it. We as the church cannot rescue people,but perhaps we can take the obstacle of our condemnationout of the way so that the world can come to Him.I am by no means advocating that we turn a blind eye toall manner antisocial behaviour. All I am saying is that perhapsit not ours to grade each other. When the church wakesto this, will we not then be the safest place on Earth?Dave Koch<strong>Front</strong>iers Church InternationalThe Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> advertisingteam welcomes Bongani Liwani asan Advertising Sales RepContact him on 046- 622 7222or 076 023 6171• Fax: 046 - 622 7282E-<strong>Mail</strong>: LIFE WORSHIPCENTRE (Kuyasa School Hall)10.30am morning servicePastor NC Julius 079 496 4256APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OFSA (cnr Ncame and Makana Way,Ext 4, white tent next to Telkomtower)9am Youth and Sunday SchoolServices10am morning serviceASSEMBLY OF GOD(Blackbeard Street)10am – erediens, 6nmaanddiensPastoor B Brown 046 622 4963AGS/ATMEL SHADDAI(Johnny Burgess Hall, MiddleTerrace Road)10am Erediens5pm AanddiensOud Rolen 073 453 9934Dieken Ronnie 083 610 2926Evang Edwin 079 306 7577CATHEDRAL OF ST MICHAEL& ST GEORGE (High Street)7.30am: Holy Eucharist (AAPB)9.30am: Holy Eucharist (AAPB)Preacher: The Revd NoluthandoGixana5pm: Choral EvensongPreacher: Prof Paul Walters7pm Student ServicePreacher: Canon Bill DomerisCHRIST CHURCH (Speke Street)8.30am Holy Eucharist 2nd,4th Sundays APB 1989, all otherSundays BCP1662CONQUERORS COVENANTCHURCH (Nombulelo Hall, Joza)Services every Sunday 10am –12pmNceba Ngeju 073 653 2655EMMANUEL ASSEMBLY(12 Paton Place, Vergenoeg)9am Sunday School, 10.30ammorning service5.30pm evening serviceRev L Williams 046 622 4388 (H)FRONTIERS CHURCHINTERNATIONAL(Oatlands School Hall, AfricanStreet)9.30am morning serviceDave Koch 084 470 2095 or046 636 7815FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD(11 Caldecott Street)9am Morning service and9am Promise land (SundaySchool)6.30pm evening servicePastor Neels Prinsloo 046 6225949FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OFGOD (24 P Street)10am Kidz Church11am morning servicePastor TP Dube Ngcayisa 082 355 8860GRAHAMSTOWN BAPTISTCHURCH (Bathurst Street)9.30am morning worship andSunday School Every 1st SundayCommunion6.30pm evening service every3rd Sunday Communion11.30am Kariega Church 4thSunday onlyGRAHAMSTOWN CHRISTIANCENTRE (Lucas Meyer Ave)9am Sunday worshipPastor D Hagemann 046 6223309HIS PEOPLE CHRISTIANCHURCH (VG High Scool hall)9am Morning services6.30pm. Evening service046 622 3426JABEZ HOUSE ASSEMBLY(Sun City community creche)10am morning service6pm evening ServicePastor T Smit 079 622 9812MARIYA uMAMA weTHEMBAMONASTERY (Highlands Road)Holy Cross Benedictine Monks9am Holy Eucharist046 622 8111METHODIST CHURCH OF SACommem 9am W JervoisWesley 9am T ScheepersSole Memorial10am G PetersNEDERDUITSE GERE-FORMEERDE KERK(38 Market St)9vm oggenddiens, aandselgemeentesTuesday 6pm stilworddiens046 622 4598NEDERDUITSCH HERVORMDEKERKEvery Sunday 9am erediens PortAlfred 2nd and 4th Sundays11am eredienste Cannon RocksProf John Gericke 046 624 9025CHURCH SERVICESPEACE OF CHRIST MINISTRIESAND PRAISE (Samuel NtlebiHall)9am: Kidz Church9.30am Intercession10am: Sunday ServicePastor PP Pango 082 662 9422PINKSTER PROTESTANTE KERK(Brushwood Farm, industrialarea, behind GrahamstownPrison)9am Sondagskool 10am oggenddiens7pm aanddiensShawn Warren 082 808 6136RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFFRIENDS (QUAKERS)622 3382 or 622 3076RIVER OF LIFE (Assembly ofGod cnr Hill and Huntley St)8.30am MORNING ALIVE( Worship service & Kidz Church)10.30am ( Worship service &Kidz Church) 6.30pm (Dynamicevening service)Pastor John & Debbie Sloane046 622 3626ROCK OF AGES CHRISTIANCHURCH INTERNATIONALDuna Library - Joza10am: Sunday ServicePast FW Arendse 072 118 9049SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTCHURCH (next to Pick n Pay)9.30am Sabbath School(Saturday)11am worship serviceST AUGUSTINE’S CHURCH9.30 am Sunday serviceST BARNABAS (Alicedale)10am Xhosa service on the 1st,2nd and 4th Sunday of eachmonth and the English serviceon the 3rd.J Olckers 042 231 1159 or RevCynthia Webbstock 046 6362090ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH(Market Street)9am Eucharist with hymns(APB1989)Fr Eric Kelly 046 622 4552ST CLEMENT’S CHURCH(top end of High Street, next toRailway Station)9am – Holy EucharistST CYPRIAN’S(Highlands) 10am every secondSunday.Contact R Wilmont 046 622 8841or Rev Cynthina Webbstock 046636 2090ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLICCHURCH (Joza)Mass: 8amST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH(Albany Road)Sunday Mass 10amTuesday service 6pmST PATRICK’S CATHOLICCHURCH (47 Hill Street)8.30am Sunday Mass.046 622 2808ST PETER CLAVER’S CATHOLICCHURCH (Raglan Road)11am MassST PETER’S (Sidbury)10am Every 1st Sunday.R Hart 042 235 1250 orRev Cynthia Webbstock on 046636 2090THE APOSTOLIC FAITHMISSION OF AFRICA(Z Street, Joza)10am Sunday School, 11amServiceRev KA NdaleniTHE OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCHIN ZION OF SA(behind Benjamin MahlaselaHigh School)11am Sunday Service, 6pmWednesday serviceArchbishop NT Chrisjan083 363 1073THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRISTOF LATTER–DAY SAINTS(6 Bennett Street)9am Sundays 046 622 5705TRINITY PRESBYTERIANCHURCH (Hill Street)9.30am morning worship andSunday School7pm evening worshipRev Geoff Probert 046 622 3812UNION CONGREGATIONALCHURCH (Albany Road)9am Sunday School, 10ammorning service6pm evening serviceWAY OF GOD MINISTRIES(Ext 6, next to Joza IndoorSports Centre) 10am Sundayservice 6pm evening serviceApostle PS Ngqezana084 824 2363

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010WHAT’S ON15What to do, Where to goDon’t forget to send your weekly listings so that you can keep up to date with all the exciting events Grahamstown has to offer! Let us know by faxing us on046 622 7282, by dropping off a notice at 40 High Street or email Please ensure that all information reaches us by the Tuesday beforepublication. Also note that the inclusion of Forthcoming Attractions is dependent on space. – Susan PowersFRIDAY, 26 FEBRUARYWEDNESDAY, 3 MARCHForthcoming AttractionsPOETRY @ REDDITSWhen 6pmWhere In the garden behind RedditsWhat Please join us for the usual feastof poetry and performance. It’s always adelight so bring all your friends too.UNATHI NKAYI IN CONCERTWhen 8.30pmWhere Guy Butler TheatreWhat Accompanied for two songs by theVictoria Girls’ choir. Tickets cost R50 for scholars andstudents and R60 for the rest of the public. They areavailable at VG and at the door.Who Victoria Girls’ High School on 046 636 1550SATURDAY, 27 FEBRUARYWESSA GRAHAMSTOWN BRANCHWhen 8amWhere Gather in front of Albany Museum to organisetransportWhat Ever wondered exactly where Grahamstown’s watersupply comes from and how it gets to us? The Wildlife andEnvironment Society (Wessa) invites you on an educationaltour which will start from Glen Melville dam, then view theexit and entrance of the tunnel and the Hermanuskraaldiversion weir, and fi nally visit the James Kleynhansfi ltration works below the dam. Bring hats, snacks andwater.STREET COLLECTION FOR SETTLERS CLOSEWhen From 9am onwardsWhat Please give generously!Who Mrs Waugh on 046 622 4782FARMERS MARKETWhen 9am – 1pmWhere Old Gaol, Somerset StreetWhat Fresh produce, dairy products,food stalls, pottery, garden and pottedplants, roses, homemade preserves,crafts and many other stalls. Fabuloushandmade goodies and gift ideas.Come see, taste and join the festivities!Who Leigh on 071 242 3050.MONDAY, 1 MARCHFRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY LECTURESWhen 5.30pmWhere Hill Street Library HallWhat “Ancient Turkey” by Warren Snowball. Entry bydonation in aid of Friends of the LibrarySCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCINGWhen 8pmWhere St George’s Hall, High StreetWho Val Hodgson on 046 622 2308.TUESDAY, 2 MARCHINTERNATIONAL FILMFESTWhen 7pmWhere Eden Grove Red Lecture Theatre, Rhodes UniversityWhat Presented by the School of Languages and the InternationalOffi ce. La haine directed by Mathieu Kassovitz.France (1995) 97 min. French with English subtitles.Admission is free of charge.Who lmfestPRAYERS FOR GRAHAMSTOWNWhen 1.15pm – 1.45pmWhere CathedralWhat To pray for Grahamstown, EasternCape, South Africa and the world.Who Richard or Hazel on 046 622 4006OBOE AND PIANO RECITALWhen 7.30pmWhere St Andrew’s College Drill HallWhat A Musical Journey from Baroque to Modern Timeswith oboist Hilary Paterson and pianist Mariel Ilusorio.Tickets available at the door: R60 and R30 for learners andstudents.THURSDAY, 4 MARCHVG FOUNDERS’ CELEBRATIONSWhen Thursday, 4 – Saturday, 6 MarchWho Nicci Hayes at AttractionsFRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY LECTURESWhen Monday, 1 and Monday, 8 March at 5.30pmWhere Hill Street Library HallWhat “Ancient Turkey and Byzantine Churches andMonasteries” by Warren Snowball. Entry by donation in aidof Friends of the Library. All welcome.KINGSWOOD CONCERT BAND FUNDRAISERWhen Friday, 5 March at 7pmWhere Foundation Hall, Kingswood CollegeWhat Cheese and wine evening with music by the KingswoodCollege concert band. Come and listen to selections fromMamma Mia!, Grease, Pirates of the Caribbean, In the Moodand more! Tickets cost R80 per person or R640 per table ofeight guests. All proceeds in aid of Grahamstown Hospice.Who Alke Bradfi eld on 046 603 6670 or a.bradfi eld@kingswoodcollege.comWHAT’S HAPPENING IN RIEBEEK EAST?When Saturday, 6 March at 11amWhat A lovely cactus and succulent garden and a cobhouse building project will be visited. Enjoy a delicious tea atMooimeisiesfontein Guest House where a demo will be givenon mosaic workshops and photography courses. View the oldNG Church built by Piet Retief, visit the Piet Retief Monumentand the Mooimeisiesfontein farm, which has been beautifullyrestored. Cost: R25per person. Please RSVP for catering. Anenvelope enclosing R25, your name, cell phone number andemail address can be handed in at Grahamstown Pharmacy.Who Cary Clark on 074 618 87471820 SETTLERS SOCIETY LUNCH MEETINGWhen Saturday, 6 March at 12pm (drinks), 12.30pm(presentation) and 1pm (lunch)Where Albany Club, High Street (please note new venue)What Richard Grant will present the second half of hisamazing cycing tour, “Spring in Europe – Scotland” withvisuals that captured yet another of his unique adventures.Who Jenny on 046 622 4334 to book your lunchPIANO RECITALWhen Saturday, 6 March at 7pmWhere Beethoven House, Departmentof Music, Somerset StreetWhat Presented by the departmentof Music and Musicology, a recital byPretoria-based pianist Tinus Botha. R50for adults and R20 for pensioners andatudents. Tickets available from thedepartment and at the door.Who Lucille Zunckel on 046 603 8489OLDENBURGIA HIKING CLUB DAY HIKEWhen Sunday, 7 March at 7.30amWhere Depart from Pick n PayWhat The second day of the Two RiversHike at Mosslands. Price: R20. Fuel: R10 perperson. Bring tea time refreshments and picniclunch.Who Este (hike leader) on 072 128 0133 DUO RECITALWhen Monday, 8 March at 7.30pmWhat The Genova-Dimitrov Duo recital of four-handedpiano music.Where Guy Butler theatre, MonumenWhat These two young virtuosi are the fi rst ever to winall fi ve of the most prestigious international piano-duocontests. Cost: Free for members of Grahamstown MusicSociety, tickets at the door for other adults R80, pensionersR60 and students R40, schoolgoers in uniform admittedfree.CENTRAL AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERSWORKSHOPWhen Tuesday, 9 March (parents) at 2.30pm – 6pmWhen Wednesday, 10 March (other professionals) at2.30pm – 6pmWhere Kingswood Junior SchoolWhat Presented by Karien Fourie, who is an audiologist andSheila White, a speech and language therapist.Cost: R15 per person (to cover costs of handouts). Lightsnacks and coffee/tea will be provided.Who Karien Fourie at forregistration forms by 26 February 2010MAKANA BRICK 8KM NITE RACEWhen Wednesday, 10 March at 5.30pm (entries will betaken from 4.30pm)Where The race starts at the Albany Sports ClubWhat Entry fees will cost R10. There will be many spotprizes as well as category prizes. Boerewors rolls and otherrefreshments will be on sale during and after the race.Who Andrew Slaughter at CONCERTWhen Thursday, 11 March at 5.45pmWhere Kingswood Music School AuditoriumWho Alke Bradfi eld on 046 603 6670 ora.bradfi eld@kingswoodcollege.comFRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY MINI-FETEWhen Saturday, 13 March at 9am – 11amWhere Hill Street Library HallWhat White elephant, tea and cake, fl owers, plants andbooks, CDs and records. Join us for a fun-fi lled morning!SETTLERS CLOSE COTTAGES FUNDRAISERWhen Saturday, 13 March at 11.30amWhere Full Gospel Church, Caldecott StreetWhat Auction, which will start at about 1.30pm, will includetwo original artworks, a luxury B&B stay on a farm, Ngunicattle ‘drive’, fl ower arrangements, vermiculture wormfarms and cakes. There will be fl oral art demonstrations andplants, books, CDs, DVDs, curry and rice, boerewors rolls,pancakes and sweets on sale. Tables will be rented out tocrafters at R30 each. And there will be a choir to entertainthe public.Who Sanette Steyn at DAY SERVICEWhen Sunday, 14 March at 9.30amWhere Kingswood College chapelWhat Kingswood College brass ensembleWho Alke Bradfi eld on 046 603 6670JS BACH CONCERTOWhen Friday, 19 March at 7pmWhere Kingswood music school auditoriumWho Alke Bradfi eld on 046 603 6670 or a.bradfi

16homeFINDERPROPERTY SUPPLEMENTGill Meyer082 651 9976Chris Armitage084 444 ARMITAGE ESTATES81 CHURCH SQUARE TEL. 046 622 4134E-mail: armitageestatesgill@telkomsa.netFriday, 26 February 2010Chris has hadover 30 yearsexperience in theGrahamstownproperty market.BRIAR ROSE OVERLOOKS ST ANDREW’S - From R1 350 000OATLANDS NORTH - R990 000SOMERSET HEIGHTS - R1 950 000Modern 3 bedroomed lock-up and go apartments overlooking Lower Field. Approximately 106m²3-Bedroomed home with magificent views in secure newcomplex.Spacious 4-bedroomed family home with pool. Largesitting room and entertainment lounge. Garden flat.OATLANDS NORTH - R1 250 000KINGSVIEW ESTATE FROM R1 050 000COUNTRY RESIDENCE - R2 000 000OATLANDS - R1 395 000PRICE REDUCTION4-Bedroom secure family home close toGraeme College. Large grounds and pool.Luxury units in secure estateDUAL MANDATEJust 5 minutes outside Grahamstown.4 Bedroom home on 4 hectares.NEW RELEASEA rare find. 3 Bedroomed home inprime locality.SUNNYSIDE - R860 000CENTRAL - R1 425 000OATLANDS - R1 900 000HILLSVIEW - R2 250 000Charming Victorian 4-bedroomed home with wooden floorsand garden flat. Currently let to students. Good investment.NEW RELEASEInvestment opportunity. Student lease in place.5 Bedrooms & 2 bedroomed flatlet. Walk to RhodesLarge family home with pool. 3 Bedrooms,2 bathrooms, open plan living and granny flat.Newly renovated home with tasteful guestsuite and flatlet set in treed garden.Tel: 046 622 5546 Fax: 046 622 AWARD WINNING AGENTFOR INSTITUTE OF ESTATE AGENTS ANDIPC 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008MONIKA GAYBBA082 855 0015EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE HOMEwith a lot of potential. Large erf,extra flat. Priced to sell atR700 000SUNNYSIDE CENTRAL KINGSWOOD VERY CENTRALJUSTRELEASED!!!SOLEMANDATESOLEMANDATENEW RELEASE JUST RELEASED JUST RELEASEDJUSTRELEASED!!!HUGE PRICEREDUCTIONJUSTRELEASED!!!A RARE FIND – a place to startwith the potential to grow.Open to offersJUSTRELEASED!!!CALLING INVESTERS:2BR units in small complex onthe doorstep of Rhodes.R695 000SUNNYSIDE WESTHILL/HILL 60SOLEMANDATESOLEMANDATEINVEST TODAY & earn for yearsto come. 3 BR home with 2 additionalflats. Walking distance toRhodes. R1 250 000STARTER HOME withinwalking distance to work & school.A bargain at R580 000CALLING FIRST TIME BUYERS.Immaculate home, ready to movein & make it your own.ONLY R695 000LOCK-UP & GO OR BUSINESSPOTENTIAL. Versatile property ingood position.R2 370 000CHARMING B&B with 6 sizeablebedrooms, 5 with en suites. Easywalk to town & Rhodes.R2 350 000EXCEPTIONAL EXECUTIVESTYLE HOME in park-likegarden. Close to private schools.POAOATLANDS NORTHNEWRELEASEOATLANDS NORTHNEWRELEASESMALL HOLDINGWESTHILLSUNNYSIDESMALL HOLDINGCHANGE YOUR OUTLOOK.Double storey home withstunning views over town. Ahouse to call home. R1 385 000PERFECT FOR GROWINGKIDS. Spacious home with childfriendlygarden, just a short walk toGraeme. R1 250 000BREATHING SPACE APLENTY.Versatile home in tranquil countrysetting, just minutes from town.R1 300 000EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT!!!915m2 property a stones throwfrom SAC, DSG & Rhodes. Buildthe home you want to own! POASPACE, SUN & SWIMMINGPOOL. All set in a secure,established garden. A home for allseasons.R2 250 000OAK TREES & OPEN SPACE.Uniquely positioned home withabundance of space overlookingthe hills of Grahamstown. POAWE ARE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL REFERRAL NETWORK. CONTACT US IF YOU ARE MOVING OUT OF TOWN.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010HOMEFINDER17<strong>Front</strong>ierweb: African StreetP.O. Box 7090, Grahamstown North, 6148Tel: 046 622 6061Fax: 046 622 3741Broker/OwnerDavidRodgersonGail Shanley 083 307 0852INVESTMENTS CRUMBLE BUT PROPERTY REMAINS THE BASIS OF WEALTHKINGSWOOD R950 000SOLE MANDATESUNNYSIDE R765 000SOLE MANDATEOATLANDS NORTH R1 350 000SOLE MANDATEWESTHILL FROM R1 350 000A STEP AWAY FROM ST ANDREW’SMAIN SPORTS FIELDWHAT A VIEW!ONLY2 LEFTOLDE WORLDE CHARM. Walk to KingswoodCollege. A unique 3 bedroomed family home withcharacter features and large rooms. Ideal for Kingswoodor Graeme parents. A must to view.WEBREF: 300283750JEAN 082 772 0396PERFECT FOR 1ST TIME BUYER. 3 Bedroomedfamily home with magnificent views. Sit in a lovelyposition. Flatlet for extra income.WEBREF: 300280194JEAN 082 772 0396ALEXANDRIAAUCTION AUCTION AUCTIONIMMACULATE HOME. Peaceful and perfectlypositioned home with panoramic views. Immaculatehome for everyday living.WEBREF: 300198397JEAN 082 772 0396THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING IN 2010?SOMERSET HEIGHTS R760 000SOLE MANDATETop quality finishes throughout. 3 Bedrooms, open plan living area and kitchen, underfloorheating. Double doors out to patio with magnificent views of St Andrew’s College Lower Field.Also included: Lift, washing machine, tumble drier, fridge, oven & hob.WEBREF: 300265729JEAN 082 772 0396SUNNYSIDE R899 000SOLE MANDATECENTRALPOASOLE MANDATEPUBLIC AUCTIONPurchaser to pay on day of auction 5% deposit of purchase price,10% of purchase price for agent’s commission.1) Drews Cottage2) Residential House in Republiek St3) Loose goodsDate: Saturday 27 February 2010Time: 09h30Venue: Corner of Drewand Charles StreetVenue:15 Republiek StreetUPMARKET FINISHES THROUGHOUT.3 Bedroom and 2 bathroom townhouse at the priceyou can afford. Immediate occupation.WEBREF: 300279517JEAN 082 772 0396CENTRAL R535 000SOLE MANDATEDELIGHTFUL FAMILY HOME - Immediateoccupation on registration. Very neat kitchen, 3bedrooms, 1 bathroom with separate toilet. Doubleerf. Single garage. A must to view!WEBREF: 300280599JEAN 082 722 0396SUNNYSIDE R695 000SOLE MANDATECENTRALLY SITUATED INVESTORS. Call me toview. This property comprises of a 4 bedroom homeand 6 bachelor flats. Good rental return in a perfectlocation to the University.WEBREF: 300280952JEAN 082 772 0396HIGHLANDS COUNTRYESTATE From R570 000DUAL MANDATEDrew’s CottageDrew’s LaneQuaint historic 2 bedroom cottage inmagnifi cent condition.3 bedroom home + flat.Home comprising of 3 bedrooms,1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, wellestablished garden + 80m² fl at.NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK.Ideal student accommodation 300m from Rhodes insecure complex with 24-hour security guards. Callme now to view.WEBREF: 300279517JEAN 082 772 0396NEWLY BUILT 4 X 2 BEDROOM FLATS - size64sqm. Sectional Title. With BIC, bathroom, openplan lounge and kitchen with built in oven andbalcony. 4 units to choose from.WEBREF: 300264939JEAN 082 772 0396PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE with the primarygoal being to create an upmarket and aesetheticallypleasing and secure eco estate and secure livingenvironment. ±15km from Grahamstown. Only 15plots available. All with magnificent views. All plotsserviced.WEBREF: 300274745JEAN 082 772 0396KINGS GARDENS R720 000CENTRAL R1 550 000SOLE MANDATEWESTHILL R1 395 000SOLE MANDATEFORT ENGLANDPRICEREDUCTIONR795 000SOMERSET HEIGHTS R780 000SECURE LIVING. Situated in secure complex with24 hour security guard, surveillance camera andelectric fence. Private enclosed garden per unit andundercover verandah. 2 units availableBUSINESS AND/OR RESIDENTIAL PREMISES.Zoned Business 1. Well situated property can bebought as property only or student based Café/Bar.Call for details.TOP SUBURB. Gorgeous character home close toSACs & DSG. Call me now, this is a must see!GREAT STARTER. Immaculate condition and views3 bedroom home PLUS flat ideal for granny, nannyor to let. Currently a busy self-catering business.CONVENIENCE AND STYLE. 3 bedroooms.Secure living at its most convenient. Situated withinsuperb cluster of townhouses.WEBREF: 300279446 & 300279515JEAN 082 772 0396WEBREF: 300277274ALEXIS 083 461 5572WEBREF: 300221587ALEXIS 083 461 5572WEBREF: 300257995ALEXIS 083 461 5572WEBREF: 300263973ALEXIS 083 461 5572OATLANDS NORTH R1 350 000GREAT BIG FAMILY home with gorgeous viewsand brand new separate flat..WEBREF: 300220666ALEXIS 083 461 5572CENTRAL R2 600 000COSY CHARACTER. Prime position - gorgeousrenovated Victorian, stroll to Rhodes, College &DSG. Ideal lock up and go. Business potential too.WEBREF: 300251827ALEXIS 083 461 5572COUNTRY RESIDENCE R5 000 000PERFECTLY POSITIONED Large family home on±1ha of gorgeous mature gardens 1km from town.Amazing security in a fabulous sun filled home.WEBREF: 300276744ALEXIS 083 461 5572KINGSWOOD R995 000SOLE MANDATECLOSER YOU WON’T FIND. 4 bedroomed homevery close to Kingswood College. 2 batrhooms andoutside laundry which could easily be converted to aflatlet for extra income.WEBREF: 300284433LEON 078 760 1884RENTAL DIVISION• 1 Market Street – 2 rooms @ R 1650,00• 18 Market Street – 2 rooms @ R 1900,00including water and lights• 5 Glastonbury – 2 Flats @ R 1800,00each (Bar Fridge and 2 plate stove available• 22 Kings Gardens – 1 Room@ R 2250,00 female only• Helm Street – 2 Bedroom Cottage@ R 2500,00 available 1st March 2010• Helm Street – 3 Bedroom house@ R 4500,00 available1st March 2010CHARMAINE 079 491 8355Jean RodgersonSales AssociateManageressAlexis BowkerSales AssociateLeon KrugerFarming & LifestyleAssociateMeyrick BowkerFarmingAssociateDave MullinsAuctioneerFarming AssociateCharmainevan StadenRentalAssociate

18HOMEFINDERGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010“Artfully uniting extraordinary properties with extraordinary lives”MOSDENE CLOSE - R1 230 000HILLSVIEW - R945 000VILLA D ESTE - R695 000Web Ref No: 0000 595 140Web Ref No: 0000 594 174Web Ref No: 0000 591 177Sole MandateSole MandateSole MandateImmaculate house with small garden in secure cul-de-sac. A must see for the peace and quietthis property affords. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, new kitchen, separate laundry, spacious lounge,large diningroom and beautiful treated pine floors.CALLING INVESTORSThis older digs has wooden floors, cottagepane windows and leaps of potential. It has twoseparate income-producing flats and plenty ofoff-street parking.Immaculate townhouse with great securityavailable in the Graeme College area. Justmove in and enjoy!THE GREENS - R555 000ELLENOR COURT - R680 000SUNNYSIDE - R510 000GOWIE STREET - R700 000OATLANDS - R1 895 000Web Ref No: 0000 591 158Web Ref No: 0000 471891Web Ref No: 0000 479 864Web Ref No: 0000 564 294Web Ref No: 0000 527 962Sole MandateSole MandateSeldom does a one bedded unit come up atThe Greens! Spacious living area with lovelynorth-facing aspect and balcony. Tennatedfor 2010.Student accommodation currently tenantedfor 2010 with good rental income. Two bedroomsin secure block - close to everything!Don’t miss out!LOCK-UP-AND-GO APARTMENT2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen andsecure off-streeet parking. Close to shoppingcentre.STUDENT ACCOMODATION ASTONES THROW AWAY FROMRHODES.2 bedroomed flat with large open-plan livingarea.EXECUTIVE FAMILY HOMEThis beautiful property is tucked away in aquiet, rural part of Oatlands. The living andentertainment areas are just stunning! Allnorth facing with a sparkling pool in a prettygarden.BOWLERS CLOSE - R1 000 000Web Ref No: 0000 565 595THORNCLIFFE - R750 000Web Ref No: 0000 550 213Coffee shop for saleCLONCORE - R575 000Web Ref No: 0000 591 199EXTENTION 4R 395 000.00GREAT LOCATION, GREATINVESTMENT5 man student digs. Lease signed for 2010.Remote access and securePeaceful secure townhouse living at its best.This neat property is well priced and in greatconditionLooking for a people-orientatedbusiness? We have a quaint, vibeycoffee-shop for sale which is afavourite with the locals. Thisopportunity is ideal for someonelooking for a creative outlet!P.O.AInvestment opportunity. Tenanted until Nov2010 with a good rental income.“Plot and Plan” opportunity!New house to your owndesign! Facebrick, quietstreet, affordable!Phone Mzolibefore its gone!Joy Miles 084 320 9238Marinda van Achterbergh 082 598 7776Heather Rader 071 445 7937Mzoli Luzipo 078 527 5465Peppergrove Mall, African Street, Grahamstown. Tel: 046 636 1388 Offi ce is Independently Owned and Operated1st Floor Eskom Building Postnet Suite 7 Tel/Fax: 046 636 2636110 High Street Private Bag X1672 365 000CHARMING STONE ONE BEDROOMCOTTAGE set in well treed garden. Pool.Space to extend or build. Ideally situatedfor private schools and varsity.Phone Marion Hendry 083 244 6409OATLANDS NORTHR1 350 000SPACIOUS MODERN HOME plus FLAT- with splendid panoramic views enjoyedfrom large wooden decking.Phone Andrea Ginn 079 284 6265IRVING HEIGHTSR270 000HELP ME... to be beautiful again!!! Giveme a makeover and some TLC and I willgive you a home with 2/3 bedrooms, 1½bathrooms, open plan living area set oncorner stand.Phone Marion Hendry 083 244 6409KINGS HEIGHTSR315 000BYO... BUILD YOUR OWN. Lovelyelevated plot with magnificent views overcity centre. Secure established complex.Architectural guidelines.Phone Marion Hendry 083 244 6409SUNNYSIDER860 000OLDE WORLDE CHARM... this delightfulold home with modern amenities has 4bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus outside flat.Off street parking. Enclosed garden area.Phone Natalia Kavalenia 072 214 4700BUSINESS FOR SALEFAST FOOD OUTLETR180 000Well established business inprime position. Phone MarionHendry 083 244 6409RENTALSVarious COMMERICALPROPERTIES available to rentin New Street 60m² and larger.Water included. Lights byPre-paid meter. 6-month lease orlonger termPhone Andrea 079 284 Hill Street (Cnr Hill & Beaufort St)g 046 636 1174 • Fax: 046 636 1186Jeff 082 940 1418RESIDENTIAL RENTALSBeaufort Strt 1 room available in 5 b/r house R1 880/m(furnished)Ilchester Rd 1 b/r flat (incl. w & e) R2 300/mAries Nest Brand new 2 b/r unit R5 000/min secure block available April 2010Bertha Street 2 b/r house with a carport R4 000/mMosdene Close 3b/r family home R8 800/m negclose to Greame & KingswoodE-mail us, ring us,or come see us at our officeMatched?Hatched?Despatched?For all youradvertisingneeds contactGrocott’s<strong>Mail</strong>40 High StreetGrahamstown6140Tel: 622 7222Fax: 622 7282Need an advertin thenewspaper?ContactTamie

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010Homefinder19GRAHAMSTOWNOFFICE 046 622 2778FAX 046 622 7877EMAIL R750 000EXTENSION 4 R290 000HIGHLANDSR3.2 MILLIONKINGSWOOD R580 000Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1|WEB ACCESS 1GC1001256THORNCLIFFECome home to luxury finishes and a secure environmentin this low maintenance townhouse.EXTENSION 9 R210 000Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1017530GOOD AS NEWThis beautifully renovated home in a sought after area isthe perfect place to call home.CENTRAL R450 000Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1004575HONEY HILL FARMDo you want space, freedom and the joy of country living,yet all the advantages of being close to town? This is amust see.CENTRAL R495 000Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 |CRADOCK HEIGHTSWEB ACCESS 1GC1004608BE THE FIRSTStill to be built, you can choose your own finishes foryour brand new home. Plans are approved and the land isflat and fenced.Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551R1.095 MILLIONBedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |WESTHILLWEB ACCESS 1GC1001865OWN YOUR HOMECute cottage with tiled floors throughout. The yard isfenced and secure. Modern kitchen and bathroom.R3.25 MILLIONBedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 1 |CENTRALWEB ACCESS 1GC1015930URBAN LIVINGThis cute semi-detached home has open plan livingspaces and an enclosed garden. Why pay rent when youcan invest in your own home?R1.425 MILLIONBedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1015773BEAUTIFUL FINISHESAdmired by many but can be owned by you. This doublestoreytownhouse is brand new and tiled throughout.Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551EXCLUSIVE NEW DEVELOPMENTFROM R1.25 MILLIONBedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1002125FOR THE FAMILY STARTING OUTBrand new three-bedroom home with two full bathrooms.Open plan living with quality finishes. Double garage, anda view of the city lights.Daphné Timm 082 809 4283EXTENSION 1 R225 000Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 3 | Garage 2 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1008237GRANDE DAME WITH PRESSED CEILINGSFive-bedroom grande dame set on large grounds withwooden floors, high ceilings, veranda, pool, borehole andflatlet. On St Andrew’s doorstep.Bedrooms 7 | Bathrooms 3 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1017392INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITYGood investment opportunity – centrally situated andwithin walking distance of Rhodes. Five-bedroom homewith 2-bedroom flatlet.Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 Daphné Timm 082 809 4283KINGSVIEWR1.495 MILLIONOATLANDSR4.6 MILLIONBedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1012648FOR THE WEEKEND VISITDesigned with parents of boarders in mind –perfect lock-up-and-go for weekend visits. Superiorfinishes throughout.Daphné Timm 082 809 4283WESTHILL SOMERSET HEIGHTSR3.25 R1.95 MILLIONBedrooms 1 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 |AFRICAN STREETWEB ACCESS 1GC1013924GET A FOOT IN THE DOORLovely starter home – neat and well maintained. Secureboundary on a large stand.Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877R2.37 MILLIONBedrooms 2/3 | Bathrooms 2.5 | Garage 2 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1010181NORTH-FACING UNITGorgeous unit with beautiful finishes in secure complex.Access to pool and tennis court.Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 |Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Debi Brody 083 656 4697RINI R350 000WEB ACCESS 1GC1009036TRANQUIL SETTINGLuxurious home set in a park-like garden with a flat andstudio as added extras.SUNNYSIDER1.25 MILLIONBedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 |LIKE HENS’ TEETHSpacious family home with a flat to supplementyour bond.Debi Brody 083 656 4697WEB ACCESS 1GC1016698SUNNYSIDE R560 000Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1005484PRIME LOCATIONLock-up-and-go family cottage just a stone’s throwfrom all amenities, schools and university. Ideal for officesor accommodation.Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877HIGHLANDS COUNTRY ESTATE FROM R570 000Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1016973EXTENSION 4Family home with walled garden in sought after area.Adéle Barnard 084 509 by | 082 454 8242Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1016874INVESTMENTHome in a lovely area. Subsidise your bond by renting outthe two flats on the property.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1009163APARTMENTSituated in a secure complex in Sunnyside, this is idealstudent living.Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 |WEB ACCESS 1GC1014689ENJOY FINE COUNTRY LIVINGOn the doorstep of Grahamstown – surrounded by rollinghills dotted with dams and wild flowers – this estateoffers an escape from the confines of city life.Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Angus Sholto-Douglas 083 406 0147Contact ooba today. Call us on 0860 00 66 22.PGP_Grocotts_20100226.<strong>indd</strong> 12/17/10 11:15 AM

classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 8. Motoring 9. LegalsFriday, 26 February 2010201. PERSONALBirthday GreetingHAPPY BIRTHDAYMARGARETHello, kyk wie word60 Jaar: 28-02-2010.Van kinders en kleinkinders.And you Love.Psalms 139:5DeathRANCHHOD Daheebhen Govindpassed away peacefully Tuesday23 February 2010 at 11pm atUmghlanga Hospital, Durban.Cremation, Thursday 25 Februaryat 1.30pm at Port ElizabethCrematoriam.Health & BeautyGRAHAMSTOWNFor all your beautytreatmentsContact046 648 1419Laser hair removal availablePHYSIOTHERAPISTSports, Spinal &General PracticeMed aids acceptedMark AndersonBSc(Hons)079 381 4466046 603 2314Health ShopNOW AVAILABLE!!!Wylies Dairy• Milk• Yoghurt withProbioticsPeppergrove MallPhone/Fax: 046 636 1496In MemoriamTROLLIP MIETAIn loving memoryof our mother, Mietawho passed awayon 25/02/2007. It’s 3years ago, gone but neverforgotten. With loveDesmond and DeanCONSTANCE Doyle (JuffrouPansy). A year has passed butit seems like yesterday. Fondmemories will always remainwith us. Sadly missed by yourchildren.Thank youCASSELS FAMILY. We wish tothank everyone who supportedus during the sad time. Specialthanks to our community for theunending support.2. ANOUNCEMENTSNoticesAA PROTEA GROUP. Antic Hall,7.30pm Monday nights. 22 AlbanyRoad, next to New Apostolic Church.Cell: John 083 550 4221. Wilfred073 292 6057 and Antony 082682 1234. If anyone, anywherereaches out for help we want thehand of the AA to be there.BOOK SALESt George’s HallSaturday27/02/20109am - 12noonDATE : Sat 27 February2010TIME: 10amVENUE : Scout HallVIEWING TIMEFriday 26 February 2010Items for sale : Origon pinedesk, origon pine six seatertable, origon pine coffeetable, origon pine bedsidecabinets, Origon beams,origon fl ooring boards,origon ceilling boards, pinefl ooring boards, 2x imbuiaball and claw lounge suite,beds, 4 x kitchen chairs&table, exercise bicycle,+-40 precast slabs, bookcase, soft arm lounge suite.Sundries to numerous tomention.Will collectContact Mike046 636 1137073 264 88453. SALES & SERVICESBooks & Stationery129 High St 6223549BOOKSANDSTATIONERYWELCOME ALLRHODIANS. HAVEA GREAT YEARDriving SchoolsALBANY DRIVING SCHOOL.133 High Street, Grahamstown.Telefax 046 622 3211 forprofessional driving lessons.DrivingSchoolCode 10 - POACode 8 - POAMike: 082 430 Cash? Bank can’t help.We can. Blacklisted welcome.James 072 754 3758 orPieter 073 443 5215. 64 GovenMbeki, Port Elizabeth.Reduce you interest rate &extend you terms...Phone Shirley Robinson @ AlphaDebt Counselling on082 083 5709 or 046 622 8064.Room 15 EPBSBuilding Cnr of 87 High & Hill StreetFurnitureBuyers & SellersbentwoodsSelect 2 nd Hand FurnitureAntiques & Collectables2A Cawood Street(Up the road from Village Green)Tel: 046 622 5171BIRITE27 Bathurst StreetTelephone 622 2983Buyers & Sellers of• New and SecondhandFurnitureThe Knock ShopCottage FurnitureAntiques2nd Hand FurnitureFurniture Removalsetc.TEL: 622 3473CELL: 072 399 1678GardeningGRASS CUTTING. Once offclean ups. Refuse removal. Treefelling/pruining, hedge trimmingand weed spraying. Generalmaintenance. 082 696 6831 or071 897 6569.Home MaintenanceClassic Blinds7 Beadle Street, Grahamstown083 468 0887 046 622 5634Office Hours After HoursFor Professional andAffordable BlindsVenetian Blinds / Vertical BlindsGrass & Bamboo BlindsRepairs to BlindsWe render services in andaround Grahamstown/PortAlfred/Kenton-on-Sea etcFor free quotations contact Bennie&CleaningServicesMobile Auto Valet ServiceCarpets/Upholstery/WindowsHousehold/Office CleaningMaid Service046 636 1214 * 073 217 8258Marius Barnard. Plumbing& renovations. Roof,gutters, watertank, drivewaysteamcleaning and Buildingcontract. 24hr service. Cell:079 968 7299The SunshineCleaningCom pa nyCell: 082 820 5598Tel: 046 622 3937Personal Supervision• Carpets • Upholstery• Windows • Offi ce Valet• Car Valet• Maid service - su per visedCommercial and DomesticJewellery70 High StreetGrahamstownTel/Fax 046 622 3115Services Offered• Engraving• Watch & JewelleryRepairsStockists of:• Watches• Jewellery• Trophies• Medals• Gifts• African Curios• Zippo LightersMiscellaneous SalesBakkie loadthornwoodDELIVERED @ R250: 074 112 0116POOL cleaner. Zodiac Pacer asnew. R850. Lang Tel 046 6228540.To advertise herecontact Sivuyile on046 622 7222FOR SALEDAY OLDBROILER CHICKSTo meet your orderFeb-March 2010:R4.50 (excl vat) EachContactSalem Agri-FEEDS046 622 7656/7 orCell 083 278 4201Old Kynoch FertiliserBuilding, Industrial Area,Grahamstown, 6140Miscellaneous WantedOREGON floor boards. Also a goodindustrial type carpet cleaner.Please phone 046 622 3473.PetsDOGS.ETCPuppy SocialisationAND Basic Obedience ClassesWe also offer: Individualised, Home-Based Behavioural & EnvironmentalAssessments and Family-OrientedEducation & TrainingFor more informatione-mail: dogs.etc.ght@gmail.comor phone: Leigh-Ann – 083-3521936Henriette – 082-7814281FAIRBAIRNKENNELS& CATTERYTel: 046 622 3527Cell: 082 552 3829For Well Cared-for,Happy PetsSPCA046 622 3233,EMERGENCY: 079 037 3466ANIMALS FOUND• Cattle and donkeys found aroundGrahamstown• Boxer Tan and white, found Pear Lane• Small Tabby kitten, very friendly and thinfound Milner StreetANIMALS FOR ADOPTION• Small tan dog neutered, found and neverclaimed will make an excellent pet.• German Shepherd female, affectionateabout 5 years old.• Male cross-breed Baggs, neutered male,looking for a loving home.• Collie-type, black, easy to train.• Large German Shepherd male, verygood looking.• A young and vibrant male Collie• Black Lab X Boerboel (we think) largeand badly needs a home.• 2 Cross breed puppies very playful andhealthy.• Africana pepper/salt colour, we call herUgly Betty, she really is a lovely puppydog.• We have a few pretty and playful kittens,all colours.• We also have several loverly adult cats,all colours and friendly.SPCA says a big thank you to Pick n Payand Nestlé for the fantastic cat and dogfood donation. Ruth Jackson and studentsof Milner House, for blankets, dog foodand so much more.A reminder:Please note that we are getting manycases of parvo (CPV) at the moment, ahighly contagious disease that affects thedigestive tract and/or cardiac musles ofdogs, especially pups under 6 months.Remind your friends, family and staff tokeep vaccinations up to day. Vomitting,runny tummies and hightemperatures are indicators and must betreated by a vet immediately. Please dogowners ensure that you pet wears acollar and ID Tag.WAGSProfessional Dog GroomingFor All DogsCell: 072 088 5139

21classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 6. Businesses 8. Motoring 9. LegalsFriday, 26 February 2010SecurityEast CapeAccess Systems“For all your access controland vehicle security needs”Electic gates, burglar bars,pallisade fencing, VESAapprovedcar alarms/immobilisers/gearlocksCall 046 622 5668 or visitus in Anglo-African Streetfor a free quotationDennis van der MerweTRELLIDORAGENTTel: 082 657 3719Swimming PoolsEAST CAPE POOLSFor everything your pool needs.• Construction andFibre-glassing - Design yourown pool.• Pre-moulded fibre-glassmoulds - 24 to choose from.• Repairs - Re-fibre-glass andre-paint your old pool.• Pool maintenance contracts.• Pumps, filters, heaters, poolcovers, etc.All materials are SABS approved.Emile 073 321 9944We manufacture thewidest rangeof quality affordablefiberglass swimming &splash pool shells andoffer installationthroughout the EasternCape.DIY KITS AVAILABLE046 624 2128 /082 719 5285Philip or Melinda’SPOOLSSpecial Combo’s now on!!• 5m x 3m pool + 6m x 4m lapaR32 000• 6m x 3m pool + 6m x 4m lapaR35 000• 7m x 4m pool + 6m x 4m lapaR39 000• 8m x 4m pool + 6m x 4m lapaR43 000Contact Richard at072 460 1194Services OfferedDIRTY Scratch CD’s. Let me cleanand repair. Call 079 555 0526.WANT to start a business. Let mehelp. EC- registration, businessplans. CV’s, business profi les.Call 079 555 0526.4. EMPLOYMENTEmployment OfferedEXPERIENCED debtors clerkrequired for mornings only position.Phone Louise or Ronel on046 622 7222.VACANCY:DEBTORS CLERKfor a large well-known businessRequirements:MatricComputer Literate, Excel andWordPastel AccountingPrevious Accounts experienceDebt CollectingPlease fax CVs to086 543 4962Applications close on26/02/2010TEMP WANTED. To assist in abusy copy shop. Must be computerliterate. Fax CV to 046 6227276.Local company seekingtechnician. Experience inelectrical or access controlsystems would beadvantageous. Code 8Drivers license essential.Salary negotiable.APPLY BEFORE 19 MARCH2010. INTERVIEWS WILLTAKE PLACE FROM THE22 MARCH 2010. Pleasesend CV to: The Manager,PO Box 6111, MarketSquare, 6141.Nolte Smit Inc.has a vacancy for aProfessionalAssistant(litigation)Remunerationcommensuratewith experienceApplications may beaddressed,or PO Box 268,Grahamstown, 6140.5. ACCOMMODATIONAccommodationOfferedALL facilities available inserviced rooms. Phone 046622 4464. HELEN WALLACEESTATE AGENT.To Let4 FAMILY houses near GeorgeStreet, African Street, FitzroyStreet & Graeme College. HELENWALLACE ESTATE AGENT 046622 4464.LUXURY one-bedroom fl at at 3Frere Street. For R2 400 a monthinclusive. Sorry no children.Geoff 072 257 5192.6. BUSINESSBusinessFor SaleSMALL business with healthyturnover in High Street. Willsustain one person. Good growthpotential. Financials available toapproved buyers. Owner relocating.Contact Joy 084 320 9238or Marinda 082 598 MOTORINGMotoring SalesTOYOTA Hi-Ace for sale. Excellentcondition. R69 900 neg. Pleasecontact 082 871 3419Motoring ServicesPARKHILLMOTORSYOUR VOLKSIE SPECIALISTS046 622 2978082 730 1527083 760 0576MIKE & GRANTREPAIR & SERVICEALL MAKES OF CARS9. LEGALSTenders are hereby invitedfor the removal of Pigswillat the Military Base 6 SouthAfrican Infantry Battalionclosing date is on the31 March 2010.For further informationplease contact WarrantOfficer VJ Nelson at079 881 8382 andCaptain MJ Matjele at078 144 7781SOCIETY FORTHEPHYSICALLYDISABLEDHelping the personwith a disabilityand his/her supportsystem, adjust tothe disability.Tel / Fax 046 622 5359PO Box 274ESTATE LATEIn the estate of the late:ZWELINZIMA PATRICK GIDANAIdentity Number:630724 5618 080Date of death:27-09-2008Marital Status:UnmarriedLast address:38(B) Street, Fingo Location,GrahamstownEstate number: 3186/2008The First and Final Liquidationand Distribution Account in theabove-named estate will liefor inspection at the offi ces ofthe Master of the High Court,Grahamstown for a period of 21days from the date of publistionhereof.XOLANI MVULANANettelton’s Attorneys118A High StreetGrahamstownTel: 046 622 7149ESTATE LATEIn the estate of the late ALLENJAMES SELLER DUNCAN (ID No390104 5033 087) of VARNAMFARM, Grahamstown, born 4January 1939 and who died on10 January 2010.Estate No. 418/2010All persons being indebted toor having claims against theabove estate are hereby calledupon to lodge their claims withand pay their debts within thirtydays from the date of publicationhereof to:AR WHITELEY & COAgents for ExecutorPO Box 26140, GRAHAMSTOWNESTATE LATEEstate late: JAMES GORDONHEATHER. Identity No 2304115072 088 of Frail Care, SomersetPlace, Grahamstown, 6139who died on the 27th January2006.Estate No. 844/2006All persons having claims againstthe above Estate are requiredto lodge such claims with theAttorney named hereunder withinthirty days from date of publicationhereof.Dated at Grahamstown this 11thFebruary 2010JD HAYDOCK ATTORNEYAttorneys for ExecutrixEskom Building110 High StreetGrahamstown6139ESTATE LATEIn the estate of the late:TOZAMILE PHILMONMATIWANAIdentity Number:671127 5387 088Date of death:02-03-2007Marital Status:Married in community of propertyto NONTUTHUZELO BEATRICENTSHOKO, ID 591025 0709 081Last address:4 Pringle Street, GrahamstownEstate number: 1482/2007All persons having claims againstthe above estate are herebycalled upon to fi le their claimswith the under-mentioned within30 days from the date of publicationhereof.LEON KEYTERPO Box 720Grahamstown6140Tel: 046 622 9401Fax: 046 622 9402do you offerANYHOMEMAINTENANCEService?Advertiseon ourspecial centrespread inGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> on16 March 2009 atthe bargain price ofR160.00 for abusiness card sizeadvert.All advert designs will beFREE.Contact:Ronél046-622’s <strong>Mail</strong>40 High StreetGrahamstown 6140Tel: 622 7222Fax: 622 7282Need a advert inthenewspaper?Contact orSivuyile on046 622 7222

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 201022 MotoringMini MotoringCorporate policy on texting whilst drivingChrysler Group LLC, parent company to Chrysler SouthAfrica (Pty) Ltd, became the first automaker to establish acorporate policy surrounding company-owned vehicles andcommunication devices. The company prohibits texting orSMSing while driving in order to promote safer driving behaviour.The new policy applies to texting while driving company-ownedvehicles and texting with company-providedcommunication devices while driving personal vehicles.New JeepFurther expanding the Wrangler brand’s reach, Jeep deliversanother high-impact, limited-edition model with theJeep Wrangler Mountain edition. The Jeep Wrangler Mountainedition is based on the Wrangler Sport S package, andis available in Wrangler Unlimited 4x4 models. Exteriorfeatures include a unique Mountain decal on the hood withlatitude and longitude coordinates that represent the actuallocation; grill and bumper appliques; tabular side steps; 32-inch tyres; black tail lamp guards and a fuel-filler door fromMopar. The Jeep Wrangler Mountain option package willalso be available in South Africa.Honda CR-Z sports hybrid coupeThe all-new Honda CR-Z has had its world premiere at theNorth American International Auto Show in Detroit. It is aunique new car, combining the advantages of a clean, efficientpetrol electric hybrid powertrain with a 6-speed manualtransmission and a stylish coupe body. This exciting newcoupe is set to change current perceptions of hybrids, withits driver-focussed chassis and responsive engine assistedby the IMA parallel hybrid system. The European version ofthe CR-Z will debut at the 80th Geneva International MotorShow in March 2010.Massive new influx for Fiat and AlfaA whole raft of new products from the Fiat and Alfa Romeostables will be arriving in 2010, the most exciting being thedebut of Fiat’s 500C and the launch of Alfa’s much-anticipatedGiulietta. The Fiat Panda range will be freshened up witha subtle facelift, the Fiat Punto/Punto Evo will see re-alignmentof the range with the new Punto, the Fiat 500 will havea complete ‘re-launch’, the Alfa MiTo will have the Multiairwand waved over it, the the Alfa Giuliettais the Golf 6 / AudiA3 / Ford Focus rival, and the Alfa Brera and Spider with 1750TBi engine, which is still under investigation.The new SLS AMG to receive an internationallyrenowned design awardThe iF product design award, first presented in 1953, ranksamong the most important design awards of all. The 24-memberjury chose 778 entries from around 2500 candidates in 16categories; the Mercedes Benz SLS was up against numerouswell-known competitors in the “Transportation Design”category, winning its section.Compiled by Stephen PenneyTo advertise here contactTamie or Bongani on046 622 7222.DEMOS2009 TOYOTA PRIUS HYBRID R289 9002009 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 PROFESSIONAL R159 9002009 TOYOTA YARIS T3 A/C R129 900USED PASSENGER2009 VW TENACIITY 1.4 R 75 9002009VW CITI SPORT 1.4I R 84 9002009 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.4 R136 9002009 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.6 T/LINE R152 0002009 VW POLO 1.4I H/B T/LINE R132 9002008TOYOTA COROLLA 1.4 PROF R139 900Charmaine King 082 496 9081Warren Henry 083 391 1177Headman Ndwendwe082 434 5310Motoring tipReplace all cooling systemhoses – upper and lowerradiator hoses, bypass hoses,heater hoses, manifoldcoolant hoses and any otherhoses on your vehicle - wheneveryou even suspect theremay be a problem. All hosesshould be replaced at leastevery two years.2007 HONDA CRV RVSI 2.0 R239 9002005 FIAT PALIO 11 GO R 42 9002003 JEEP CHEROKEE 3.7L AUTO R121 000Allow us to source anypre-owned vehicle you requireSETTLER CITY TOYOTATEL: 046 622 7017USED COMMERCIAL2009TOYOTA HI LUX 2.5D-4D S/C & + CANOPY R174 9002008 MITSUBISHI COLT 2.0 PETROLLWB R 94 9002007 NISSAN HARDBODY 3.0TDI SE R124 9002004 TOYOTA TOYOTA HI LUX 3.0D 4X4 S/C R109 9002004TOYOTA HI LUX 3.0 4X4 S/CAB R111 000JW AUTO - Grahamstown•Michael Lukwe 073 544 9346 •Tel: 046 622 8600 •Fax: 046 622 8601•40 Beaufort Street •Riaan van der Nest 078 655 8258New Vehicles2010 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Tivct 5DR R199 7602010 Ford Ranger 2.5 TD 4X4 D/Cab R325 3602010 Mazda BT-50 3.0 SLX 4.2 LWB A/C R/CD R268 4802010 Ford Everest 3.0 4X4 Auto F/H R379 9502010 Mazda MX-5 Roadster Coupe R319 9502010 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Trend A/C R/CD R169 9502010 Ford Bantam 130 Base A/C + Cnpy R104 9502009 VW Polo 140i Classic A/C R/CD R149 950Survey reveals SA motorists’attitudes towards fuelStaff RepoRteR2009 VW Citi Sport 140i Alloy R/CD R 82 9502009 VW Polo 140 Trend Hatch A/C R/C R139 9502009 VW Tenacity 140i R 74 9502009 Ford Ikon 1.4 TDCi A/C R139 9502009 Ford Bantam 1.6 XLT Montana + Cnpy R139 9502009 Toyota Yaris 5DR A/C R/CD R149 9502008 Ford Focus 1.6 Si A/C R/CD R139 9502008 VW Polo Classic 160 Trend A/C R/C R124 950Used VehiclesLots more to choose from. Give us a callAsurvey conducted by BP Ultimate, revealed that mostSouth Africans don’t really care about the fuel they putinto their cars, which are in all likelihood their secondbiggest investment after a home. Over 2 000 motorists acrossthe country from various backgrounds, were polled accordingto their knowledge of the fuel price, differences between fuelgrades and what benefits particular fuels offered.Government sets the price of fuel in South Africa and allservice stations are obliged to charge the same price for petrol,while diesel trades in a band – varying between 10c and 50c alitre – depending on the service station and different geographicallocations. Yet most unleaded users polled thought they werepaying more than the actual price per litre, and at least 20% ofdiesel users had no idea how much they were paying.Unlike petrol, diesel isn’t regulated in this country as diesel50ppm is slightly more expensive than diesel 500ppm, becauseof the more complex desulphurisation process.Nearly half of all the drivers questioned could not tell the differencebetween unleaded 93 and 95 octane fuels or diesel 50ppmand 500ppm. They also weren’t sure about what lead replacementpetrol is. Interestingly only 48% of the taxi drivers polled – manyof whom fill up a few times a day – know the difference betweenfuel grades. And less than 10% of all motorists know some of thespecific benefits derived from various fuel grades.The difference between diesel 50ppm and 500ppm is that itis ten times cleaner with only 50 parts per million (ppm) of sulphurcompared to the maximum level of 500ppm allowed by thegovernment. Even though one has to pay slightly more for thecleaner diesel, it saves money in the long run by extending acar’s engine life and service intervals.This higher octane fuel is targeted at mainly high performancevehicles which are designed to run exclusively on higheroctane fuels, such as Volkswagen’s Golf 5 and the BMW M-series. Over 83% agreed that fuel quality is an important componentin determining the overall performance and efficiencyof a vehicle and 55% strongly believe that a particular brand offuel plays an important part. When using high quality performancefuels, it enables vehicles to run more efficiently, enablingimproved combustion quality thus reducing fuel consumptionand lowering emissions. Convenience and location are still themain drivers when it comes to selecting a service station with31% of the votes, followed by type of fuel brand at 21% and qualityof service coming in at third place.2008 Opel Corsa 140 Lite R 64 9502008 Chana Benni 1.3 Lux R 62 9502007 Volvo S40 2.0 D Full House R179 9502007 Nissan Tida 1.6 Visia Sedan A/C R/CD R104 9502006 Ford Bantam 1.3i XL R/CD + Canopy R 64 9502006 Hyundai Terracan 2.9 CRD Auto A/C R179 9502005 Mazda 3 1.6 Active Sedan A/C R/CD R104 9502004 Ford Focus 1.8 TDCI Hatch A/C R/CD R 82 950

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 26 February 2010MOTORING23NO GO... This Kia Rio Sport had all four wheels stolen off it this week. When owner Markde Vos walked out the front door of his Lawrence Street house, he was rendered speechlesswith shock. De Vos said there was “absolutely nothing I could say, it was a verystrange feeling”. Photo: Stephen PenneyCLASSIC... This MGB GT was part of St Andrew’s Prep’s anniversary parade which tookplace through the streets of Grahamstown. Photo: Stephen PenneyCONVERTIBLE ECSTASY... This gorgeous 1969 Mercedes Benz convertible was spotted ina parking bay outside Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> earlier this month. Photo: Steven LangTOP SALESMAN... Gary Botha is the new sales manager at Market Square Volkswagen,Grahamstown having taken up the position at the beginning of February. Botha has beenin the trade for eight years and brings to VW his extensive knowledge on most vehiclebrands after being on many sales management courses. He is seen above with the newPolo, of which Market Square, Grahamstown branch has sold 13 in the first month of itsrelease. Photo: Stephen PenneyGM KENRICH 046 622 7312USED LDVS2009 ISUZU KB250 EXT/CAB LE 4X2 R229 9002008 ISUZU KB300D-TEQ EXT/CAB 4X2 R210 0002007 ISUZU KB200 LWB FLEETSIDE R109 9002005 ISUZU KB300TDI D/CAB LX 4X2 R159 9002003 TOYOTA HILUX 300KZTE RAIDER D/CAB R119 9002002 ISUZU KB320 V6 FRONTIER R 89 900USED CARS2009 VW POLO 1.4I TRENDLINE R134 9002009 VW POLO 1.4I TRENDLINE R132 9002008 OPEL ASTRA 1.9CDTI 5DR R172 0002008 OPEL CORSA 1.4I ESSENTIA R127 9002008 OPEL CORSA 1.4I LITE + A/C R 76 9002008 VW POLO CLASSIC 140I SEDAN R114 9002008 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 T3+ HATCHBACK R114 9002007 OPEL MERIVA 1.4 ESSENTIA R105 00018 AFRICAN STREETSPECIALS:NEW OPEL CORSA 1.4 BASE UTILITYNOW ONLY R103 500.00NEW OPEL CORSA 1.4 CLUB UTILITYNOW ONLY R129 300.00NEW ISUZU KB300D-TEQ D/CAB 4X2NOW ONLY R306 000.00NEW ISUZU KB300D-TEQ D/CAB 4X4NOW ONLY R338 000.00We make the Dif fer ence24-HR BREAKDOWN SERVICE082 557 4706Contact : Dean Kent 082 573 3379Richard Axe 082 788 2794Genean Mardon 072 044 8533WWW.KENRICHMOTORS.CO.ZATo advertise here contact our advertising department on046 622 7222 or fax 046 622 7282

24Church Square • Tel: 046 622 7010LUGGAGEGoing away?Visit Birchsfor . . . .Tosca laptop casesSuit casesBrief casesVanity bagsCome and browse ! Come and browse !SPORTS DIARYSATURDAY 27 FEBRUARYRUGBY Eastern Province RugbyUnion, sectional cup, Sedru 1:Rhodes vs Swallows 1st reservesat 2.10pm and 1sts at 3.30pm.CRICKET Grahamstown CricketBoard 1 st league – Cuylervillevs Salem (Shaw Park), Rhodentsvs Southwell (Rhodes), ManleyFlats vs Rhodes Rats (Manleys),Port Alfred vs Makana Sona (PACountry Club).2nd league fixtures – Swallowsvs Port Alfred High School (Albanysports field).ROAD RUNNING Run/Walk For LifeAthletics Club Two Oceans focusedtraining run. Meet at the parking lotat Wimpy at 5.30am and choosebetween a 20km or 40km run.For more information visit: Ultra 50km road run startsfrom Pollok Beach, Port Elizabethat 5am, speed walkers start at4.15am. For more informationcontact Eckart on 083 299 2092.Buffalo Marathon starts at5.30am, 3km on Stutterheim sideof Macleantown and ends at theBuffs Club House, East London. Formore information contact Jameson 079 493 5994.TODAY TO MONDAY 1 MARCHCRICKET St Andrew’s college hoststhe Independent schools cricketfestival, with daily matches at variousSt Andrew’s cricket fields.26 February 2010Young riders ride the wind at equestrian leagueStephen penneyKingswood Junior School made an almostclean sweep at the Grahamstownriding Club’s (GrC) first SouthAfrican national equestrian Federation(Sanef) schools league show last weekend.In the dressage division, Kingswood Junior’staryn-Maie wille won both prelim classeson Assegai’s Garrick with fellow KingswoodianJamie Kent taking second on her pony, Assegai’sFold a Kiss. Alison Knight on Assegai’s retinar finished first in both novice dressage testsas well as in the 80cm showjumping league.Megan du Preez on her pony rocky II wonthe pony rider equitation welcome test withtaryn-Maie wille second and Jaime Kent third.Alison Knight won on the intermediate leveland in the 60cm show jumping competition,Jaime Kent and Megan du Preez took first andsecond place. taryn-Maie won the pony rider70cm competition and Alison Knight the 80cmcompetition.the schools league allows children to representtheir schools in various equestrian disciplines,including show jumping, dressage,equitation and showing. Pupils can advancethrough the Sanef schools’ qualifying showsto inter-regional shows, inter-provincial showsand finally international school competitions.Kingswood Junior is the first Grahamstownschool to join the Sanef schools league and it ishoped that other schools will soon follow. “theteam system emphasises the interests of theStephen penneySt Andrew’S College will host the U15 IndependentSchools Cricket Festival which starts in Grahamstowntoday. Kingswood College and GraemeCollege will also be taking part in the tournament,while other schools include St Stithian’s, St davids,St Charles, St Alban’s, St Andrew’s Bloemfontein, StJohn’s College and Clifton.teams arrived in Grahamstown yesterday, butmatches start at 9am today, at various school cricketfields in town.the festival continues over the weekend andStephen penneyGrahamstown’s favourite funrun, the Makana Brick 8kmnite race, takes place onschool over those of the individual and alignswith all our schools’ emphasis on team sportsand recognition criteria,” said show convenorKerry Longhurst.Other Grahamstown pony riders that didparticularly well over the weekend includeSarchen Gainsford on Assegai’s Solero whowon both novice dressage tests and both90cm showjumping classes. Similarly, CatheraCockcroft on Assegai’s Sox won both her prelimdressage classes and, along with BridgetFord on Champion, achieved a double clear inthe 70cm showjumping classes. Cathera alsocame second in the best three-gaited pony.that class was won by ruth Plasket on SilverStreak, who also scooped the honours in ShowPony and came second in the welcome equitationand best trotter classes.Pat Pohl made a clean sweep in the adultnovice and elementary dressage on PohlandsVelcro C and Midgard Sabrina respectively.Her daughter Carey Pohl on Pohlands Lindomarwon the 110/120cm showjumping competition.She also won the 130cm competitionon Pohlands witch Hazel. Local rider Jess van’tHof on Kiwi won the 110/120cm show jumping2-phase competition while GrC developmentrider daniel Swartbooi, riding north Breeze,won the 90cm class. Ally O’ donoghue on Assegai’sCanter won the 90/100cm showjumpingCompetition. Many other riders did extremelywell in the weekend show.the GrC will hold its second 2010 show on6 and 7 March.ends with the final matches on and tomorrow’s games will be played overa minimum of 120 overs, with at least 100 overs to bebowled before 4:30pm. Sunday’s matches will be 50overs while Monday’s match times will be decidedby the opposing coaches.U15 Independent Schools Cricket festival fixtures:TODAY St Andrew’s vs St Stithians (St Andrew’sLower Field), Kingswood vs St Johns (KingswoodGane Field), Graeme vs St Albans (St Andrew’sKnowling Field), St davids vs Clifton (St Aidans), StCharles vs St Andrew’s Bloem (St Andrew’s Prep***SEDATE... Megan du Preez on her pony Rocky II, duringthe South African National Equestrian Federations schoolsleague, which was hosted at the Grahamstown Riding Club.Photo: SuppliedIndependent schools pitted against each other at cricket festivalIt’s pineapple time againwednesday 10 March fromthe Albany Sports Club.Organised by Albanyroad runners, the 8km isonce again sponsored byMakana Brick and takes participantsthrough the streetsof Grahamstown.As is tradition with theevent, each finisher will receivea pineapple, as well asa finishers’ medal.Andrew Slaughter of Albanyroad runners said therace will accommodate disabledathletes once again thisyear as it did for the first timein 2009.the overall men’s andwomen’s winners will eachreceive r300, r200 to second,r100 to third and r40for fourth, while there willbe many spot prizes up forgrabs.the race will start at5.30pm and entries will betaken from the Albany SportsClub from 4.30pm. entrieswill cost r10.Last year the first manand woman to cros sthe finishline were George ntshelezain 25:15 and ntombizinto ntshelezain 30:36, both fromPort elizabeth, each settingcourse records for the 8km.the fastest time by a localman is 25:30 set by Simphiwetana in 2007 while the fastesttime by a local woman isterri-Lynn Penney’s 32:02 setat last year’s event.Last year’s race attractedabout 700 participants andAlbany road runners donatedproceeds from the race tothe Sun City nursery Schooland the rotary Club who assistedwith refreshments.Boerewors rolls and otherrefreshments will be on saleduring and after the race.For more informationplease contact Misty on 084890 3445 or Andrew at 083 7112623 or Field).SATURDAY St Andrew’s vs St Johns (Lower),Kingswood vs St Albans (Gane), Graeme vs Clifton(Crawhall), St davids vs St Andrew’s Bloem (Knowling),St Charles vs St Stithians (St Aidans).SUNDAY 28 FEBRUARY St Andrew’s vs St Charles(Lower), St Albans vs Clifton (Knowling), Graeme vsSt Andrew’s Bloem (St Aidans), St davids vs Kingswood(Gane), St Stithians vs St Johns (Crawhall).MONDAY 29 FEBRUARY St Andrew’s vs Clifton(Lower), Kingswood vs St Andrew’s Bloem (Gane),Graeme vs St Stithians (St Aidans), St davids vs St Albans(Crawhall), St Charles vs St Johns (Knowling).SOLID DEFENCE... Luke Hobson of St Andrew’s Prepblocks a delivery during the U11A match against GraemeCollege on Saturday. The Graeme side batted first making125/7 with Mark Amm top scoring on 23 not out and MatthewRobinson making 20. St Andrew’s managed 95/8with Graeme winning by 30 runs. Graeme top bowlerswere Matthew Robinson with 2 for 8 runs and Arnouw Nelwho took 2 for 12 runs. Other junior results: U9A matchended in a draw. U11B Graeme won by nine wickets,U13C Graeme won by eight wickets and U13B Graemewon by 127 runs. Photo: Stephen Penney

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