A STRONG TITS ALTERNATIVE 1. Introduction The goal of this ...

A STRONG TITS ALTERNATIVE 1. Introduction The goal of this ...

A STRONG TITS ALTERNATIVE 1. Introduction The goal of this ...


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A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong>EMMANUEL BREUILLARDAbstract. We show that for every integer d ∈ N, there is N(d) ∈ Nsuch that if K is any field and F is a finite subset <strong>of</strong> GL d (K), whichgenerates a non amenable subgroup, then F N(d) contains two elements,which freely generate a non abelian free subgroup. This improves theoriginal statement <strong>of</strong> the Tits alternative. It also implies a growth gap anda co-growth gap for non-amenable linear groups, and has consequencesabout the girth and uniform expansion <strong>of</strong> small sets in finite subgroups <strong>of</strong>GL d (F q ) as well as other diophantine properties <strong>of</strong> non-discrete subgroups<strong>of</strong> Lie groups.<strong>1.</strong> <strong>Introduction</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>goal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>this</strong> paper is to show the following theorem and some consequences<strong>of</strong> it.<strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong><strong>1.</strong> For every d ∈ N there is N(d) ∈ N such that if K is anyfield and F a finite symmetric subset <strong>of</strong> GL d (K) containing 1, either F N(d)contains two elements which freely generate a non abelian free group, orthe group generated by F is virtually solvable (i.e. contains a finite indexsolvable subgroup).By F N(d) = F · ... · F we mean the set <strong>of</strong> elements which can be writtenas a product <strong>of</strong> at most N(d) elements from F, and by symmetric we meanthat if f ∈ F then f −1 ∈ F. This statement is a strengthening <strong>of</strong> the classicalTits alternative [39], which asserts that any finitely generated subgroup〈F 〉 <strong>of</strong> GL d (K), where K is any field, either contains a non abelian free subgroupor contains a solvable subgroup <strong>of</strong> finite index. It also improves earlierstrengthenings <strong>of</strong> the Tits alternative, due to Eskin-Mozes-Oh [18] (for freesemigroups) and to T. Gelander and the author [14] (for free groups), whichshowed a statement <strong>of</strong> a similar form, except that the integer N(d) dependedon the group Γ generated by F (not on the generating set) but was not independent<strong>of</strong> the field <strong>of</strong> coefficients. Note that N(d) cannot be boundeduniformly in d (see Remark <strong>1.</strong>4).<strong>The</strong> present paper essentially contains the geometric part <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong><strong>1.</strong> <strong>The</strong> arithmetic part is the object <strong>of</strong> the paper [13]. <strong>The</strong> readerDate: March 2008.1

2 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDonly interested in the GL 2 case can read a self-contained pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem<strong>1.</strong>1 (both arithmetic and geometric parts) and its consequences in <strong>this</strong> specialcase in [12].<strong>The</strong> novelty <strong>of</strong> the above statement resides precisely in the fact that theinteger N(d) can be taken to depend only on d and not on F nor 〈F 〉 . Assuch <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 is a statement <strong>of</strong> a different nature. What it really assertsis an inclusion <strong>of</strong> countably many algebraic varieties into another algebraicvariety. Indeed, the condition on a k-tuple <strong>of</strong> matrices in say GL d (C) thatthey generate a virtually solvable group is an algebraic one (see Prop. 7.1below). On the other hand to say that no two words <strong>of</strong> length at most N(d)with letters in <strong>this</strong> k-tuple are generators <strong>of</strong> a free group is itself a countableunion <strong>of</strong> algebraic conditions. This way <strong>of</strong> interpreting the result allows toderive, via an effective Nullstellensatz, several corollaries about the girth infinite simple groups <strong>of</strong> Lie type, as well as some diophantine properties <strong>of</strong>non-discrete subgroups <strong>of</strong> GL n (C), in the spirit <strong>of</strong> the works <strong>of</strong> Kaloshin-Rodnianski, Helfgott and Bourgain-Gamburd ([26], [22], [9], [10]).Comments on the pro<strong>of</strong>.Tits’ pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> his alternative consists <strong>of</strong> two parts. In a first arithmeticstep, he exhibits a semisimple element <strong>of</strong> 〈F 〉 which has some eigenvalue <strong>of</strong>absolute value |λ| > 1 for a clever choice <strong>of</strong> absolute value on K. <strong>The</strong>nin a second geometric step, he studies the action <strong>of</strong> 〈F 〉 on the projectivespace P(k n ) under some suitably chosen linear representation, where k is thecompletion <strong>of</strong> K with respect to that absolute value. <strong>The</strong> free group is thenobtained by building a so-called ping-pong pair acting on P(k n ) (see [39]).<strong>The</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 consists in reproducing Tits’ pro<strong>of</strong> almost wordby word while making sure that each step can be done in a uniform way.<strong>The</strong> arithmetic step is much harder to perform, as we need a uniform gap|λ| > 1 + ε, where ε is allowed to depend on d only. This first arithmeticstep is the content <strong>of</strong> the paper [13], which shows a height gap theorem fornon amenable linear groups (see <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3). <strong>The</strong> key idea there and alsoin the present paper is to introduce arithmetic heights in order to treat allabsolute values <strong>of</strong> K on an equal footing. This first arithmetic step is neededonly in characteristic zero. In a second arithmetic step, we find an absolutevalue for which the geometric conditions needed for the ping-pong to workare fulfilled. This is done in Section 6 by estimating the Arakelov heights <strong>of</strong>the characteristic subspaces <strong>of</strong> the matrices in F in terms <strong>of</strong> the normalizedheight ĥ(F ) introduced in [13] and by making use <strong>of</strong> another result from[13] which says that ĥ(F ) can be realized up to a multiplicative factor asthe height <strong>of</strong> some conjugate <strong>of</strong> F inside SL d (Q). Once the right absolutevalue has been found, the actual geometric construction <strong>of</strong> the ping-pong

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 3pair follows Tits’ geometric step very closely (unlike the argument in [14]) ;the only notable difference is that our estimates need to be uniform over alllocal fields. This requires a bit <strong>of</strong> care and is performed in Sections 4 and 5.Some consequences.<strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 admits several consequences about the structure <strong>of</strong> nonamenablelinear groups. <strong>The</strong> first is a gap for the growth exponent, namely:Corollary <strong>1.</strong>2. (Uniform exponential growth) For every d ∈ N, there existsa constant ε = ε(d) > 0 such that if K is any field and F is a finite subset<strong>of</strong> GL d (C) containing 1 and generating a non amenable subgroup, then forall n ≥ 1|F n | ≥ (1 + ε) nHence1ρ F = limn→+∞ n log |F n | ≥ log(1 + ε) > 0Remark <strong>1.</strong>3. It is possible that the assumption “non-amenable” in theabove corollary can be replaced by “<strong>of</strong> exponential growth”. However weobserved in [11] that <strong>this</strong> would imply the Lehmer conjecture about theMalher measure <strong>of</strong> algebraic numbers. We also observed there that althoughevery linear solvable group <strong>of</strong> exponential growth contains a free semigroup,no analog <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 holds for solvable groups, namely one may find setsF n in GL 2 (C) containing 1 and generating a solvable subgroup <strong>of</strong> exponentialgrowth, such that no pair <strong>of</strong> elements in (F n ) n may generate a free semigroup.Remark <strong>1.</strong>4. Examples due to Grigorchuk and de la Harpe [21] (see also [3])show that there is a sequence <strong>of</strong> groups Γ n with finite generating set F n whichare virtually a direct product <strong>of</strong> finitely many copies <strong>of</strong> the free group F 2 suchthat ρ Fn → 0 as n → +∞. Those examples can be embedded in SL m (Z) forsome possibly large m = m(n). <strong>The</strong>refore we must have N(d) → +∞ andε(d) → 0 as d → +∞ in <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 and Corollary <strong>1.</strong>2.<strong>The</strong> following corollary says that non-amenable linear groups have fewrelations: there is a co-growth gap.Corollary <strong>1.</strong>5. (Co-growth gap) For every d, k ∈ N, there is ε > 0 such thatif K is a field and F = {a 1 , ..., a k } generates a non virtually solvable subgroup<strong>of</strong> GL d (K), then for every n ∈ N, the proportion <strong>of</strong> relations w(a 1 , ..., a k ) = 1in the free group F k <strong>of</strong> word length at most n among all elements in F k <strong>of</strong>word length at most n is at most exp(−εn).Von Neumann showed that groups containing a free subgroup are nonamenable, i.e. have a spectral gap in l 2 . <strong>The</strong> uniformity in <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1implies also a uniformity for the spectral gap (see [36] for <strong>this</strong> observation).More precisely:

4 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDCorollary <strong>1.</strong>6. (Uniform Spectral Gap in l 2 ) For every d ∈ N, there isε = ε(d) > 0 with the following property. If K is a field and F is a finitesubset <strong>of</strong> GL d (K) containing the identity and generating a non amenablesubgroup and if Γ is any countable subgroup <strong>of</strong> GL d (K) containing F andf ∈ l 2 (Γ), then there is σ ∈ F such that∑∣ f(σ −1 x) − f(x) ∣ 2 ≥ ε · ∑|f(x)| 2x∈ΓIn particular, if F in GL d (K) is a finite subset containing the identityand generating a non amenable subgroup, then for every finite subset Ain GL 2 (K), we have |F A| ≥ (1 + ε)|A|.This shows also that if µ is a uniform probability measure on a set F<strong>of</strong> cardinal k in GL d (K), then the Kesten spectral radius <strong>of</strong> µ (see [24]) isuniformly bounded away from 1 by a bound depending only on k and d.Hence the return probability <strong>of</strong> the simple random walk on the group 〈F 〉decays exponentially with an exponential rate depending only on k and d.<strong>The</strong> uniformity in <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 allows to reduce mod p and we obtain astatement giving a lower bound on the girth <strong>of</strong> subgroups <strong>of</strong> GL d in positivecharacteristic:Corollary <strong>1.</strong>7. (Large girth) Given d, k ∈ N, there is N 0 , N ∈ N and ε 0 , C >0 such that for every prime p and every field K <strong>of</strong> characteristic p and anyfinite k-element subset F generating a subgroup <strong>of</strong> GL d (K) which containsno solvable subgroup <strong>of</strong> index at most N, then F N 0contains two elementsa, b such that w(a, b) ≠ 1 in GL d (K) for any non trivial word w in F 2 <strong>of</strong>length at most f(p) = C · (log p) ε 0.Corollary <strong>1.</strong>8. (Expansion <strong>of</strong> small sets) <strong>The</strong>re is ε = ε(d) > 0 suchthat given k, N ∈ N, there is a constant C k,N,d such that for any fieldK <strong>of</strong> charateristic p > 1 and any subset F <strong>of</strong> GL d (K) with k elementsgenerating a subgroup which has no solvable subgroup <strong>of</strong> index at mostN, we have max f∈F |A △ fA| ≥ ε|A| for all subsets A in GL d (K) with|A| ≤ C k,N,d log log log p.It was conjectured in [20] that the statement <strong>of</strong> Corollary <strong>1.</strong>7 holds forgenerating subsets F <strong>of</strong> GL 2 (F p ) with ε 0 = <strong>1.</strong> It was also proved therethat a random k-regular Cayley graph <strong>of</strong> GL 2 (F p ) has girth at least (1 −o(1)) log k−1 (p).In a similar fashion one can derive the following weak diophantine propertyfor subgroups <strong>of</strong> GL d (C). Let d be some Riemannian distance on GL d (C).x∈Γ

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 5Corollary <strong>1.</strong>9. (Weak diophantine condition) Given d ∈ N, there is N 0 ∈ Nand ε 1 > 0 with the following property. For every finite set F ⊂ GL d (C) generatinga non virtually solvable subgroup, there is δ 0 (F ) > 0 such that for everyδ ∈ (0, δ 0 ) there are two short words a, b ∈ F N 0such that d(w(a, b), 1) ≥ δfor every reduced word w in the free group F 2 with length l(w) at most(log δ −1 ) ε <strong>1.</strong>In [26] Kaloshin and Rodnianski proved that for G = SU(2, R) ≤ GL 2 (C)almost every pair (a, b) ∈ G×G satisfies d(w(a, b), 1) ≥ exp(−C(a, b)·l(w) 2 )for all w ∈ F 2 \{e} and some constant C(a, b) > 0. Besides it is easy to seethat if a, b ∈ GL 2 (Q) then the pair (a, b) satisfies the stronger diophantinecondition d(w(a, b), 1) ≥ exp(−C(a, b) · l(w)). It is conjectured in [34] and[20], that <strong>this</strong> stronger condition also holds for almost every pair (a, b) ∈SU(2, R).Our result also allows us to estimate the number <strong>of</strong> words <strong>of</strong> length ≤ nthat fall in a shrinking neighborhood <strong>of</strong> 1 in GL d (C). More precisely,Corollary <strong>1.</strong>10. (Weak equidistribution) Given d ∈ N, there are τ, ε 1 , C > 0with the following property. For every {a, b} ≤ GL d (C) which generates anon virtually solvable subgroup, there is δ 0 (a, b) > 0 such that for everyδ ∈ (0, δ 0 ) and every n ≤ C(log δ −1 ) ε 1, the proportion <strong>of</strong> elements w inthe free group F 2 <strong>of</strong> word length n such that d(w(a, b), 1) ≤ δ is at mostexp(−τn).In [19], Gamburd, Jacobson and Sarnak, showed for G = SU(2, R) that ifa pair (a, b) ∈ G satisfies the conclusion <strong>of</strong> Corollary <strong>1.</strong>10 with ε 1 = 1 andC > C 0 (for some explicit C 0 > 0) then (a, b) has a spectral gap on L 2 (G). In[9], Bourgain and Gamburd showed that if a pair (a, b) ∈ G satisfies the abovecondition with ε 1 = 1 and some C = C(a, b) > 0, then (a, b) has a spectralgap on L 2 (G). This latter condition is automatically satisfied if (a, b) satisfiesthe stronger diophantine condition above, for instance if (a, b) ∈ GL 2 (Q).Remark <strong>1.</strong>1<strong>1.</strong> Corollaries <strong>1.</strong>7, <strong>1.</strong>9 and <strong>1.</strong>10, are derived from <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1by using we use a standard version <strong>of</strong> the effective Nullstellensatz due toMasser and Wustholz (see [29]) after reformulating <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 in terms <strong>of</strong>inclusion <strong>of</strong> algebraic varieties. See Section 7.Contents<strong>1.</strong> <strong>Introduction</strong> 12. Minimal norm and spectral radius formula 63. Normalized height and Height gap 7

6 EMMANUEL BREUILLARD4. Proximality 105. Ping-Pong 176. Height bounds and pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 267. Applications 37References 382. Minimal norm and spectral radius formulaIn <strong>this</strong> section, we recall results obtained in [13] about the spectral radius<strong>of</strong> a finite set <strong>of</strong> matrices. Given a local field k, we defined the standardnorm || · || k on k d to be the canonical Euclidean (resp. Hermitian) norm if kis R (resp. C) and the sup norm if k is ultrametric. This induces on operatornorm on the space <strong>of</strong> d × d matrices M d (k), which we again denote by || · || k .Given a finite subset F <strong>of</strong> matrices in M d (k), we define its norm ||F || k tobe the maximal norm <strong>of</strong> any given element <strong>of</strong> F. We define the followingquantitiesE k (F ) =inf ||gF g −1 || kg∈GL d (k)Λ k (F ) = max{|λ| k , λ eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> some f ∈ F }where k is an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> k and | · | k is the absolute value on kextended (uniquely) to k. We also set the spectral radius <strong>of</strong> F to be:R k (F ) =limn→+∞ ||F n || 1 nk<strong>The</strong>se quantities enjoy the following key properties.Lemma 2.<strong>1.</strong> (Spectral Radius Formula for F, [13], Lemma 2.<strong>1.</strong>)(a) If k is ultrametric, then for any compact set F containing 1 in M d (k),there is a positive integer q ≤ d 2 such that Λ k (F q ) = E k (F ) q . In particular,E k (F ) = R k (F ) = max 1≤q≤d 2 Λ k (F q ) 1 q .(b) If k is archimedean, there is a constant c = c(d) ∈ (0, 1) such thatfor any compact set F in M d (k), there is a positive integer q ≤ d 2 suchthat Λ k (F q ) ≥ c · E k (F ) q . In particular, c · E k (F ) ≤ max 1≤q≤d 2 Λ k (F q ) 1 q ≤R k (F ) ≤ E k (F ).Remark 2.2. This lemma expresses in a condensed form some ideas presentin the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the main result <strong>of</strong> [18] by Eskin-Mozes-Oh. It is useful toproduce elements with large eigenvalues in F n for some small n.We also record the following:

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 7Lemma 2.3. ([13], Proposition 2.5.) Suppose k is archimedean (i.e. k isR or C). <strong>The</strong>n for every n ∈ N and every compact subset F in SL d (k)containing 1, we haveE k (F n ) ≥ E k (F )√ n8d3. Normalized height and Height gapIn <strong>this</strong> section we recall results obtained in [13] about heights. In [13],we introduced the notion <strong>of</strong> normalized height ĥ(F ) <strong>of</strong> a finite subset <strong>of</strong>matrices F in SL d (Q). A similar definition can be made over the algebraicclosure F p (t) <strong>of</strong> F p (t). Below we recall the relevant definitions and notations.Let Ω be either Q or F p (t) for some prime p > <strong>1.</strong> By a global field K, wemean a field isomorphic to a finite algebraic extension <strong>of</strong> K 0 , where eitherK 0 = Q or K 0 = F p (t) for some prime p > <strong>1.</strong> We denote by V K the set<strong>of</strong> equivalence classes <strong>of</strong> non trivial absolute values on K. We make thefollowing standard choice <strong>of</strong> representatives | · | v for each v in V K . Everyv ∈ V K induces on K 0 an absolute value v 0 ∈ V K0 . We first determine aset <strong>of</strong> representatives <strong>of</strong> V K0 , then pick in each v ∈ V K the representativewith that normalization. If K 0 = Q then any absolute value is equivalentto either the standard absolute value over R or the p-adic absolute valuenormalized so that |p| p = <strong>1.</strong> <strong>The</strong>se form our representatives. If K p 0 = F p (t),then every absolute value is equivalent to either | P | Q 0 = p deg P −deg Q or | P | Q π =(vπ(Q)−vπ(P ))·deg πp where π ∈ F p [t] is a monic irreducible polynomial andv π (P ) is the valuation <strong>of</strong> π in the prime factor decomposition <strong>of</strong> P ∈ F p [t].<strong>The</strong>se form our representatives. For background on these issues see Weil’sbook [43].Each v ∈ V K gives rise to a local field K v which is the completion <strong>of</strong> Kaccording to <strong>this</strong> absolute value. Let n v be the dimension <strong>of</strong> K v over theclosure <strong>of</strong> K 0 in K v . <strong>The</strong> product formula reads∑(1)n v log |x| v = 0v∈V Kfor every x ∈ K. We can now recall the definition <strong>of</strong> the standard Weil height<strong>of</strong> an algebraic number. Let x ∈ K\{0},1 ∑h(x) =n v log + |x| v ,[K : K 0 ]v∈V Kwhere log + = max{log, 0}.In [13], we introduced the following heights for F a finite subset <strong>of</strong> M d (K)\{0},1 ∑(2) h(F ) =n v log + ||F || v[K : K 0 ]v∈V K

8 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDWe also defined the normalized height <strong>of</strong> F as1ĥ(F ) = limn→+∞ n h(F n 1 ∑) =n v log + R v (F )[K : K 0 ]v∈V Kand the minimal height <strong>of</strong> F as1 ∑e(F ) =n v log + E v (F )[K : K 0 ]v∈V Kwhere we have denoted by E v (F ) (resp. R v (F )) the quantity E Kv (F ) (resp.R Kv (F )) defined above. Observe that the height h(F ) depends on the choice<strong>of</strong> basis in K d , while the normalized height ĥ(F ) and minimal height e(F )do not. We will <strong>of</strong>ten write h = h f + h ∞ to distinguish the finite part andthe infinite part <strong>of</strong> the height in the obvious way.In [13] we proved the following results:Lemma 3.<strong>1.</strong> ([13] Proposition 2.18) <strong>The</strong>re is a constant c 1 = c 1 (d) > 0 suchthat for every finite subset F in M d (Ω)e(F ) ≥ ĥ(F ) ≥ e f(F ) + c 1 · e ∞ (F ) min{1, e ∞ (F )}It is easy to verify that ĥ(F ) = 0 if and only if e(F ) = 0 if and only if〈F 〉 is virtually unipotent. Note in particular that if char(Ω) > 0, there areno infinite places so the normalized height and the minimal height coincide,andLemma 3.2. If char(Ω) = p > 0 then ĥ(F ) = 0 if and only if 〈F 〉 finite.Pro<strong>of</strong>. <strong>The</strong> if part follows from the definition <strong>of</strong> ĥ(F ). Suppose now thatĥ(F ) = 0. <strong>The</strong>n for every eigenvalue λ <strong>of</strong> an element g ∈ F, h(λ) = 0,hence λ is <strong>of</strong> finite order and belongs to F p . Hence g also is <strong>of</strong> finite orderas both the semisimple part g s and the unipotent part g u are <strong>of</strong> finite order.But Shur’s theorem (see [16]) says that any finitely generated torsion lineargroup is finite.□<strong>The</strong> main theorem <strong>of</strong> [13] is the following.<strong>The</strong>orem 3.3. (Height Gap, [13] <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1) <strong>The</strong>re is a constant ε =ε(d) > 0, such that if F is a finite subset <strong>of</strong> SL d (Q) generating a non virtuallysolvable subgroup, thenĥ(F ) > εGiven a Chevalley group G, there is a special choice <strong>of</strong> basis <strong>of</strong> the Liealgebra g = Lie(G) which is made <strong>of</strong> weight vectors <strong>of</strong> a maximal split torusand defines a Z-structure on G (see Steinberg’s notes [38], and Paragraph 6.3below). With respect to <strong>this</strong> basis and viewing G as a subgroup <strong>of</strong> SL d (g)we may define the height h(g) for any g ∈ G(Ω) as in (2). We then have:

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 9<strong>The</strong>orem 3.4. ([13] Proposition 3.3) If G is a Chevalley group, then thereis a constant C = C(G) > 0 and a Zariski open subset O = O(G) <strong>of</strong> G × Gsuch that for any choice <strong>of</strong> Ω and for any pair (a, b) ∈ O(Ω), there is g ∈ G(Ω)such that, setting F = {a, b},(3) h(gF g −1 ) ≤ C · ĥ(F )Unlike <strong>The</strong>orem 3.4, there is no analog <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3 for Ω = F p (t). In[13], we proved <strong>The</strong>orem 3.4 when Ω = Q because we were only concernedwith characteristic zero. However the pro<strong>of</strong> we gave works the same wordby word in the positive characteristic case, and is even simpler since in thatcase there are no infinite places : in particular the additive constants C ∞and C ′ ∞ that are obtained along the way vanish and the use <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3to get rid <strong>of</strong> them is not needed (see [13]).3.<strong>1.</strong> Arakelov Height on Grassmannians. Here we record some wellknownfacts about Arakelov heights. Let K be a global field. <strong>The</strong> Arakelovheight on the projective space P(K d ) is defined as follows (see [6]) for x =(x 1 : ... : x d ),1 ∑h Ar (x) =n v log ||x|| v[K : K 0 ]v∈V Kwhere ||x|| v is the standard norm on Kv d as defined above. It is well definedthanks to the product formula (1) and always non-negative. This allows todefine the height <strong>of</strong> a projective linear subspace <strong>of</strong> P(K d ). Indeed if W ≤P(K d ) is such then we seth Ar (W ) = h Ar (Λ dim W W )where Λ dim W W is the wedge product <strong>of</strong> W viewed as a projective point in theprojective space P(Λ dim W K d ). By convention we set h Ar ({0}) = 0. Recallthat the following holds for two projective linear subspaces (see [6]) V andWh Ar (V ) + h Ar (W ) ≥ h Ar (V + W ) + h Ar (V ∩ W ).Moreover for every linear form f, seen as a point in the dual space (K d ) ∗ ,h Ar (f) makes sense as we have (see [6]),h Ar (ker f) = h Ar (f)and more generally, h Ar (W ) = h Ar (W ⊥ ), where W ⊥ is the orthogonal <strong>of</strong> Win (K d ) ∗ .Also note that if g ∈ SL d (K) and W is a subspace <strong>of</strong> K d , thenh Ar (gW ) ≤ d · h(g) + h Ar (W )where h(g) = h({g}) as defined in the last paragraph.h(g −1 ) ≤ (d − 1)h(g).Note also that

10 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDDefinition 3.5. Given A ∈ SL d (K), we will say that a vector subspaceW (or its projectivization) is A-admissible if it is a sum <strong>of</strong> generalizedeigenspaces <strong>of</strong> A. We also denote by W c its complementary subspace, i.e.the sum <strong>of</strong> the remaining generalized eigenspaces.Lemma 3.6. Let W be an A-admissible subspace. <strong>The</strong>nh Ar (W ) ≤ d 2 · (2h(A) + ε Ω log 2)where ε Ω = 0 if car(K) > 1 and 1 if car(K) = 0.Note that if A, B ∈ M d (K), then h(A + B) ≤ h(A) + h(B) + ε Ω log 2.Moreover, if α is an eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> A, then h(α) ≤ h(A). Also h Ar (ker A) ≤(rk(A)) · h(A). Indeed h Ar (ker A) = h Ar ((ker A) ⊥ ) = h Ar (ImA t ). But forB ∈ M d (K), h Ar (ImB) ≤ (rk(B)) · h(B), since we may choose a subset <strong>of</strong>the canonical basis, say e 1 , ..., e k such that Be 1 , ..., Be k generates ImB, and||Be 1 ∧ ... ∧ Be k || v ≤ ||B|| k v where k = rk(B). With these observations inhand we can prove Lemma 3.6.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We have W = ⊕ E α for some eigenvalues α <strong>of</strong> A, where E α is thecorresponding generalized eigenspace. Hence h Ar (W ) ≤ ∑ h Ar (E α ). If n α =dim E α , then E α = ker(A − α) nα . Hence h Ar (E α ) ≤ d · h((A − α) nα ) =dn α · (2h(A) + ε Ω log 2). Hence the result.□4. ProximalityIn <strong>this</strong> paragraph we recall the well-known notion <strong>of</strong> a proximal elementin SL d (k), where k is a local field, and we show some precise estimates asto how such elements act on the projective space P(k d ). <strong>The</strong> results <strong>of</strong> <strong>this</strong>paragraph are contained in Lemma 4.6 and Lemma 4.7 below.A element a ∈ SL d (k) is said to be proximal if there is a unique (multiplicityone) eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a with maximum modulus Λ k (a). We will also needto consider almost proximal elements where the eigenvalues which are largerthan, say, some ω are much larger than all other eigenvalues.Lemma 4.6 computes the rate <strong>of</strong> convergence to the attracting point <strong>of</strong>powers <strong>of</strong> a given proximal element a in terms <strong>of</strong> three quantities : its norm||a||, the modulus <strong>of</strong> its maximal eigenvalue Λ k (a) and the modulus <strong>of</strong> itssecond to maximal eigenvalue λ k (a). A similar estimate is given for an almostproximal element depending on the choice <strong>of</strong> the cursor ω. Lemma 4.7 is aconverse statement originally used by Tits in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> his alternativewhich gives a sufficient condition for a ∈ SL d (k) to be proximal : it is assoon as a stabilizes some open subset where it contracts distances.We had to be careful in those estimates, and they differ in some non insignificantways from the estimates used in earlier works (as in [1][14]). In

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 11particular they are uniform over all ultrametric local fields. <strong>The</strong> multiplicativeconstants C k,i ’s that appears in the estimates always disappears when kis ultrametric. This will turn out to be crucial for us in the sequel.4.<strong>1.</strong> <strong>The</strong> Fubini-Study metric on P(k d ). Let k be a local field and k analgebraic closure <strong>of</strong> k. Recall that we endow the projective space P(k d ) withthe standard (Fubini-Study) distance defined by(4) d([u], [v]) =||u ∧ v||||u|| · ||v||for any u, v ∈ k d \{0} and || · || is the standard norm on k d (i.e. Euclideannorm if k is archimedean and sup norm if k is non archimedean). To avoidheavy notation, we will denote by the same letter a non zero vector, orsubspace <strong>of</strong> k d and its projectivization in P(k d ). This ambiguity should notlead to any serious confusion.We denote by K k the maximal compact subgroup <strong>of</strong> SL d (k) equal toSO(d, R) if k = R, SU(d, R) if k = C, and SL d (O k ) is k is ultrametric.Its action on P(k d ) preserves d (in fact <strong>this</strong> characterizes d up to compositionby some positive function).Lemma 4.<strong>1.</strong> Let h ∈ SL d (k). <strong>The</strong>n Lip(h) ≤ (||h||·||h −1 ||) 2 ≤ ||h|| 2d , whereLip(h) is the smallest constant L ≥ 0 such that d(hx, hy) ≤ L · d(x, y) forall x, y ∈ P(k d ).Pro<strong>of</strong>. Writing h in Cartan’s K k AK k decomposition <strong>of</strong> SL d (k), one sees thatwe can assume that h is diagonal and we are thus reduced to a straightforwardverification.□Recall that if H is a hyperplane in k d , and f a non zero linear form on k dwith kernel H, then if u ∈ k d \{0}, its distance to H is(5) d(u, H) = |f(u)|||f|| · ||u||where ||f|| = sup{|f(x)|, ||x|| ≤ 1, x ∈ k d }. More generally, if V and W aretwo k-subspaces in direct sum, i.e. V ⊕ W = k d , then(6) d(V, W ) =||v ∧ w||||v|| · ||w||where v = v 1 ∧ ... ∧ v l and w = w 1 ∧ ... ∧ w d−l for any basis (v 1 , ..., v l ) <strong>of</strong> Vand (w 1 , ..., w d−l ) <strong>of</strong> W. In particular, when k is archimedean, two subspacesare orthogonal if and only if they are at distance <strong>1.</strong> Let (e 1 , ..., e d ) be thecanonical basis in k d .

12 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDLemma 4.2. Let f be a non-zero linear form on k d and H = ker f. Let Va k-subspace in k d and V ∗ the orthogonal <strong>of</strong> V in the dual <strong>of</strong> k d . <strong>The</strong>n forevery v ∈ V,(7) d(v, H) = d(v, V ∩ H) · d(f, V ∗ )Pro<strong>of</strong>. Observe that as K k permutes transitively the k-subspaces <strong>of</strong> givendimension and preserves d, we may assume that V = 〈e 1 , ..., e p 〉 for some p ∈[0, d]. <strong>The</strong>n we may write f in the dual canonical basis f = ∑ f i e ∗ i = f < +f >where f < is the part <strong>of</strong> the sum involving indices i ≤ k and f > the other part.Let e > = e ∗ p+1 ∧ ... ∧ e ∗ d . <strong>The</strong>n ||f|| · d(f, V ∗ ) = ||f ∧ e|| = ||f < ∧ e|| = ||f < ||.On the other hand note that f < coincides with f on V. Hence for v ∈ V ,d(v, V ∩ H) =do obtain (7).|f(v)|||f < ||·||v||. As d(v, H) =|f(v)|||f||·||v||, combining these relations we□Lemma 4.3. Let V ⊕ W = k d and H a hyperplane in k d with V H. Let πbe the linear projection onto V with kernel W . <strong>The</strong>n for every u ∈ P(k d )\Wwe haved(πu, V ∩ H) ≥ d(u, W + V ∩ H) · d(V, W )Pro<strong>of</strong>. Write u = πu + πu ⊥ ∈ V ⊕ W . If v 1 , ..., v k−1 is a basis <strong>of</strong> V ∩ H andw 1 , ..., w d−k a basis <strong>of</strong> W we set v = v 1 ∧...∧v k−1 and w = w 1 ∧...∧w d−k . Wehave d(πu, V ∩H) ≥ d(πu, W +V ∩H) = ||πu∧v∧w||||u||= d(u, W +V ∩H)· .||πu||·||v∧w|| ||πu||We may assume u /∈ V , then on the other hand d(V, W ) ≤ d(πu, πu ⊥ ) =||u∧πu ⊥ ||≤ ||u||||πu||·||πu ⊥ || ||πu||. We are done.□4.2. Contraction properties <strong>of</strong> proximal and almost proximal elements.For a ∈ SL d (k) we set E λ its generalized eigenspace with eigenvalueλ. In <strong>this</strong> paragraph, we will assume that eigenvalues <strong>of</strong> a belong to k. We letΛ k (a) = max{|µ| k , µ eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a} and λ k (a) the modulus <strong>of</strong> the secondheighest eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a. An element a ∈ SL d (k) is said to be proximal ifλ k (a) < Λ k (a).To deal with non proximal elements we introduce some positive real numberω > 0, such that Λ k (a −1 ) −1 < ω ≤ Λ k (a). We set Λ ω k (a) = min{|µ| k, µeigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a, |µ| k ≥ ω} and λ ω k (a) = max{|µ| k, µ eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a, |µ| k < ω}.Lemma 4.4. Suppose a ∈ SL d (k) and let A = Λ k (a)Λ k (a −1 ) ≥ <strong>1.</strong> For everyε > 0 there is η = η(ε, d) > 0 and ω such thatand(8) A η ·Λ k (a −1 ) −1 < ω ≤ Λ k (a)( ) 1Λk (a)εΛ ω k (a)≤Λ ω k (a)λ ω k (a)

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 13Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let λ 1 , ..., λ d be the eigenvalues <strong>of</strong> a ordered as |λ 1 | k ≥ ... ≥ |λ d | k . Letl i = log |λ i||λ i+1≥ 0. Fix ε > 0 and take some η > 0. We claim that for η small|enough, there exists i 0 ∈ [0, d−2] such that l i0 +1 −η log A ≥ 1 ·(l ε 1 +...+l i0 ).Indeed, otherwise we would have l 1 < η log A, l 2 < η log A + 1l ε 1, etc, untilwe get log A = l 1 + ... + l d−1 ≤ C(ε, d)η log A for some computable constant1C(ε, d), a contradiction if η is smaller than say . Let ω = |λ 2C(ε,d) i 0 +1| k . Weare done.□When ε is fixed and ω so given by Lemma 4.4, we will refer to a as beingalmost proximal for ω.We will let Haω be the vector subspace equal to the sum <strong>of</strong> the E λ ’s forwhich |λ| k ≤ λ ω k (a). Similarly, we denote its complementary subspace byVaω = ⊕ E λ , the sum being over those λ’s such that |λ| k ≥ Λ ω k (a). We let πω abe the linear projection onto Vaω with kernel Ha ω . We also set l ω = dim Va ω .If a is proximal, we will drop the superscript ω (and set it to be Λ k (a)) andsimply denote by V a , H a , and π a the corresponding quantities.Remark 4.5. Note that if a ∈ GL d (k), then its eigenvalues belong to theextension <strong>of</strong> k generated by all algebraic extensions <strong>of</strong> k in a given algebraicclosure k <strong>of</strong> degree at most d (there are finitely many such). So <strong>this</strong> extensionis also a local field. Hence up to passing to <strong>this</strong> finite extension one mayalways assume that the eigenvalues <strong>of</strong> a belong to k.Lemma 4.6 below is the main result <strong>of</strong> <strong>this</strong> section. Its pro<strong>of</strong> will occupythe subsequent two paragraphs. When k is archimedean, let C k = 2 andC k,1 = d. When k is ultrametric set C k = C k,1 = <strong>1.</strong> Let also p(d) = 10 d(these are only given as crude estimates, we made no attempt at findingsharp constants in <strong>this</strong> statement). Finally let L ω k (a) = 1 if k is ultrametricwhile L ω k (a) =Λ ω k (a)if k is archimedean.(a)Λ ω k (a)−λω kLemma 4.6. Let a ∈ SL d (k) whose eigenvalues belong to k and assume ωis a real number such that Λ k (a −1 ) −1 < ω ≤ Λ k (a). Let l ω = dim Vaω and πaωthe projection on Vaω with kernel Ha ω . <strong>The</strong>n for any u ≠ v ∈ P(k d ), and anyinteger n ∈ N(9)d(a n u, π ω a (a n u)) · d(u, H ω a ) ≤ (C k · ||a|| k ) p(d) ·Furthermore(10)d(a n u, a n v) · d(v, H ω a ) · d(u, H ω a )d(u, v)(C lωk,1 ·≤ (C k·L ω k (a)·||a|| k ) p(d)·( ) ) lω−1 Λk (a)Λ ω k (a) · λω k (a)nΛ ω k (a)(C 2lω+2k,1·( ) ) 2lω−1Λk (a)Λ ω k (a) · λk(a)nΛ k (a)

14 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDObserve that (9) says nothing if the quantity inside the bracket is not < <strong>1.</strong><strong>The</strong> following Tits Converse Lemma is useful when one needs to build anelement x such that both x and x −1 are proximal.Lemma 4.7. (Tits Converse Lemma [39]) Let a ∈ SL d (k). Assume thatthere exists a point v ∈ P(k d ) and an open neighborhood U <strong>of</strong> v such thataU ⊂ U and such that Lip(a |U ) < 1, where Lip(a |U ) is the smallest constantL > 0 such that d(ax, ay) ≤ L·d(x, y) for every x, y ∈ U. <strong>The</strong>n a is proximal,V a ∈ U and λ k(a)Λ k (a) ≤ Lip(a |U).Pro<strong>of</strong>. <strong>The</strong> compact subset aU is stable under a and on it a contracts distances.It follows immediately that all orbits (a n u) n≥0 converge to the uniquefixed point v a <strong>of</strong> a in aU. Let α be the eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a with eigenvector v a .Let β be another eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a (if α has multiplicity higher than 1, we maytake β = α). <strong>The</strong>re is a non zero vector w such that aw = βw + κv a forsome κ ∈ k. Let ε ∈ k\{0} with |ε| k arbitrarily small. <strong>The</strong>n one computesfrom (4) lim |ε|→0d(a(v a+εw),v a)d(v a+εw,v a)thus |β||α| ≤ Lip(a |U) < <strong>1.</strong> We are done.= |β||α| . If |ε| k is small enough, v a + εw ∈ U and4.3. Four intermediary geometric lemmas. In <strong>this</strong> paragraph, we stateand prove four intermediary results needed in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 4.6. Unlessotherwise stated a ∈ GL d (k) and its eigenvalues belong to k.Lemma 4.8. Let a ∈ GL d (k) and α an eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> a. <strong>The</strong>n there is someh ∈ K k such that hah −1 is a lower triangular matrix with top left entry equalto α.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since eigenvalues <strong>of</strong> a belong to k, a and hence also its transpose a tare triangularizable over k, i.e. a t stabilizes a full k-flag F. We may alsoassume that F starts with the line kv, where v is an eigenvector <strong>of</strong> a t witheigenvalue α. But full k-flags are conjugate under GL d (k). Hence F = gF 0where F 0 is the standard flag generated by the canonical basis <strong>of</strong> k d andge 1 = v. <strong>The</strong> Iwasawa decomposition reads GL d (k) = K k B 0 where B 0 isthe Borel stabilizing F 0 . Thus we may assume that g ∈ K k . Thus g −1 a t gstabilizes F 0 and is upper triangular. Hence h = g t ∈ K k will do. □Let C k,1 be equal to d if k is archimedean and equal to 1 if k is ultrametric.Lemma 4.9. Let a ∈ GL d (k). <strong>The</strong>n there exists an h ∈ SL d (k) such that‖hah −1 ‖ ≤ C k,1 Λ k (a) and max{‖h‖ , ||h −1 ||} ≤ ‖a‖ d−12.Pro<strong>of</strong>. By Lemma 4.8, one may assume that a ∈ GL d (k) is lower triangular.Let h = t d+12 diag(t −1 , ..., t −d ) ∈ SL d (k). Choose t ∈ k such that |t −1 | k =||a|| k . <strong>The</strong>n max{‖h‖ , ||h −1 ||} ≤ ‖a‖ d−12and the <strong>of</strong>f-diagonal coefficients <strong>of</strong>hah −1 are <strong>of</strong> modulus ≤ <strong>1.</strong> As ||a|| ≤ C k,1 max |a ij |, we are done. □□

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 15Remark 4.10. Note that we also get ||Λ 2 (hah −1 )|| ≤ C 4 k,1 Λ k(a)λ k (a).Recall that C k is 2 if k is archimedean and 1 if k is ultrametric.Lemma 4.1<strong>1.</strong> Let a ∈ SL d (k) and ω with Λ k (a −1 ) −1 < ω ≤ Λ k (a). Letl ω = dim Va ω and L ω k (a) = 1 if k is ultrametric while Lω k (a) = Λ ω k (a)if kΛ ω k (a)−λω k (a)is archimedean. <strong>The</strong>n d(Va ω , Ha ω ) −1 ≤ (C k · L ω k (a)||a||l ) ((d l)−1) .Pro<strong>of</strong>. First let us assume a is proximal (and ω = Λ k (a)) with eigenvalue<strong>of</strong> maximal modulus α 1 , and let α 2 , ..., α d be the remaining eigenvalues. ByLemma 4.8, one may assume that a ∈ SL d (k) is lower triangular with α 1 inthe upper left corner. Let V a ∈ k d \{0} be such that aV a = α 1 V a . As V a /∈H a = 〈e 2 , ..., e d 〉 , we may assume that V a = (1, x 2 , ..., x d ) in the canonicalbasis. <strong>The</strong>n d(V a , H a ) = 1/||V a ||. Decomposing aV a = α 1 V a in coordinates,we obtain (α 1 − α 2 )v 2 = a 21 , (α 1 − α 3 )v 3 = a 31 + a 32 v 2 , etc. This allowsto recursively estimate each v i and at the end we get that ||V a || ≤ (1 +L 2 k||a|| 2Λ k (a) 2 ) (d−1)/2 ≤ 2 (d−1)/2 · L d−1(k· ||a||d−1Λ k (a))when k is archimedean while( d−1 ||a||Λ k (a)).when k is ultrametric ||V a || ≤ L d−1kWe now explain how to reduce the general case to the proximal case.Let (v 1 , ..., v l ) and (w 1 , ..., w d−l ) be respective basis <strong>of</strong> Va ω and Ha ω . Let v =v 1 ∧ ... ∧ v l and w = w 1 ∧ ... ∧ w d−l . From (6) we have d(Va ω , Ha ω ) = ||v∧w|| . ||v||·||w||<strong>The</strong> canonical map Λ l k d × Λ d−l k d → k establishes an isomorphism betweenΛ d−l k d and the dual <strong>of</strong> Λ l k d . Under <strong>this</strong> identification w is a linear form onΛ l k d and formulae (6) and (5) coincide, i.e. d(Va ω , Ha ω ) = d(Λ l Va ω , ker w). Onthe other hand Λ l a is proximal on Λ l k d with V Λ l a = Λ l Va ω and H Λ l a = ker w.Hence by the above d(Λ l V a , ker w) −1 ≤ (C k · L ω k (Λl a) ·where||Λ l a||Λ k (Λ l a) )D−1D = dim Λ l k d = ( dl)and the result follows as Λk (Λ l a) ≥ <strong>1.</strong> □Recall that C k,1 is d if k is archimedean and 1 if k is ultrametric.Lemma 4.12. Let a ∈ SL d (k) with Λ k (a −1 ) −1 < ω ≤ Λ k (a) and l ω =dim Va ω . Set V = 〈e 2 , ..., e lω 〉, H = 〈e lω+1, ..., e d 〉 . <strong>The</strong>re exists h ∈ SL d (k)with hVa ω = V, hHa ω = H such that if we set ã = hah −1 then ∥ ∥∥ã|H ≤C k,1 λ ω k (a) and ∥ (∥√ ) d(d+1)∥ã|V ≤ Ck,1 Λ k (a) and ‖h −1 2Ck,1‖ ≤‖a‖ d−1d(Va ω,Hω a ) 2.Pro<strong>of</strong>. First note that applying Lemma 4.8 we can assume that a is lowertriangular and that Ha ω = H. <strong>The</strong>n observe that for any subspace F <strong>of</strong> k d ,one may find a basis f 1 , ..., f p <strong>of</strong> F such that ||f 1 ∧ ... ∧ f p || = 1 and ||f i || = 1for each i = 1, ..., p. Choose such a basis, say v 1 , ..., v l <strong>of</strong> Vaω and, for µ ∈ k tobe defined later, denote by h 1 ∈ GL d (k) the map h 1 v i = e i if i < l, h 1 v l = µe land h 1 e i = e i for i > l. <strong>The</strong>n compute h −11 e 1 ∧ ... ∧ h −11 e d = det(h −11 )e =

16 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDµ −1 v ∧ w where e = e 1 ∧ ... ∧ e d , v = v 1 ∧ ... ∧ v l and w = e l+1 ∧ ... ∧ e d .Now choose µ ∈ k so that det(h 1 ) = 1, then |µ| k = ||v ∧ w|| = d(Va ω , Ha ω ).<strong>The</strong>n ||h −11 || ≤ |µ −1 | k when k is ultrametric and ||h −11 || ≤ √ d|µ −1 | k when kis archimedean.So h 1 ah −11 stabilizes V and H. Now applying Lemma 4.9 on V and on H,we can find h 0 ∈ SL d (k), stabilizing V and H such that ||h 0 h 1 ah −11 h −10|V || ≤C k,1 Λ k (a) and ||h 0 h 1 ah −11 h −10|H || ≤ C k,1λ ω k (a) and ||h−1 0 || ≤ ||h 1 ah −11 || d+12 . Seth = h 0 h 1 we are done.□4.4. Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 4.6. For l ∈ [1, d − 1] set as above V = 〈e 2 , ..., e l 〉and H = 〈e l+1 , ..., e d 〉 . Let b ∈ SL d (k) be such that bV = V and bH = Hand let π b be the linear projection onto V with kernel H. We first claim thatfor every u ∈ P(k d )(11) d(u, H) · d(bu, π b (bu)) ≤ ||b |H || · ||(b |V ) −1 ||Indeed, note that d(u, H) = ||u∧w||||u||≤ ||π b(u)||||u||where w = e l+1 ∧...∧e d and writingu = π b (u) + π b (u) ⊥ we have d(bu, π b (bu)) = ||b |Hπ b (u) ⊥ ∧π b (u)||||bu||Combining both inequalities we get (11).Now we claim that for any u ≠ v ∈ P(k d ) we claim that:(12)d(u, H) · d(v, H) · d(bu, bv)d(u, v)≤ ||b |H||·||u||||bπ b (u)|| .≤ max{||Λ 2 b |V ||, ||Λ 2 b |H ||, ||b |H ||·||b |V ||}·||(b |V ) −1 || 2Indeed, using Cartan’s K k AK k decomposition on V and H separately, wemay assume that b is diagonal diag(α 1 , ..., α l ). <strong>The</strong>n write bu ∧ bv = bu |V ∧∑bv |V + bu |H ∧ bv |V + bu |V ∧ bv |H + bu |H ∧ bv |H . Since bu |H ∧ bv |V + bu |V ∧ bv |H =1≤i≤l α ie i ∧(u i v |H −v i u |H ) we get ||bu∧bv|| ≤ max{||Λ 2 b |V ||, ||Λ 2 b |H ||, ||b |H ||·||b |V ||} · ||u ∧ v||. On the other hand ||bu|| ≥ ||u |V ||(resp. ||bv|| ≥ ||v |V ||||b −1|V || ||b −1 ||)and|Vd(u, H) ≤ ||u |V ||(resp.d(v, H) ≤ ||v |V ||). This shows (12).||u|| ||v||We now prove (9) and (10). For n ∈ N and a ∈ SL d (k), we may applyLemma 4.12 and Remark 4.10 to a and get h ∈ SL d (k) with ã = hah −1 ∈SL d (k) satisfying ãV = V (resp. ãH = H) and ||ã |H || ≤ C k,1 λ ω k (a) (resp.∥ ∥||ã |V || ≤ C k,1 Λ k (a) and ||Λ 2 ã |V || ≤ C 4 k,1 Λ k(a)λ k (a)). Note that∥ ∥1det ã |Vã |V l ω−1≤1translate asΛ ω k (a) ·d(u, H ω a ) · d(a n u, π ω a (a n u)) ≤ Lip(h −1 ) 2 ·∥ ≤( ) lω−1C k,1 · Λk(a)Λ . Let b = (ã) n . <strong>The</strong>n (11) and (12)ωk (a)(C lωk,1 ·∥ã −1|V( ) ) lω−1 Λk (a)Λ ω k (a) · λω k (a)nΛ ω k (a)

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 17d(u, H ω a )·d(v, H ω a )·d(a n u, a n v) ≤ Lip(h −1 ) 3 Lip(h)·(C 2lω+2k,1·( ) ) 2lω−1Λk (a)Λ ω k (a) · λk(a)nΛ ω k (a)Recall that by Lemma 4.1, Lip(h) and Lip(h −1 ) are at most ||h −1 || 2d . FromLemma 4.11 we have d(Va ω , Ha ω ) −1 ≤ ( C k · L k (a) · ||a|| l) (( d l)−1) . <strong>The</strong>n fromLemma 4.12||h −1 || ≤( √Ck,1· (L k (a)C k ) ((d l)−1) ) d(d+1)2‖a‖ d−12 +l((d l)−1) d(d+1)2Note that, when k is archimedean, inequality (9) is trivial if λ ω k (a) ≥ 1 2 Λω k (a).<strong>The</strong>refore we may assume in the archimedean case that L k (a) ≤ 2. As8d( d−1+l(( ) )d2 l − 1 d(d+1)) ≤ 10 d estimating the constant we do indeed obtain2(10) and (9).5. Ping-PongIn <strong>this</strong> technical section, we work with a fixed local field k and we explainhow to construct two short words x and y with letters in some finite setF in SL d (k) such that x and y form a ping-pong pair and thus generate afree subgroup. <strong>The</strong> <strong>goal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>this</strong> introductory paragraph is to give a list <strong>of</strong>several conditions <strong>of</strong> geometric nature (i) to (vi) on F and state two lemmas,Lemma 5.1 and 5.3 below, which assert precisely that these conditions aresufficient to construct the ping-pong pair. <strong>The</strong>se two statements are the onlyones which will be used in further sections.As in Tits [39], the construction <strong>of</strong> the ping-pong pair follows two steps.First, starting from a proximal element a lying in F or in a bounded power<strong>of</strong> F, we need to build a short word with letters in F , say x, such that bothx and x −1 are proximal elements (Lemma 5.1). Second, we need to find aconjugate <strong>of</strong> it, say y = cxc −1 such that x and y together play ping-pong(Lemma 5.3).<strong>The</strong> construction presented here follows verbatim that <strong>of</strong> Tits. But whileTits needed only asymptotic statements which held for sufficienlty high powers<strong>of</strong> group elements, no matter how high, we need to have control on thelength <strong>of</strong> the words. We thus have to give a quantified version <strong>of</strong> Tits’ argumentand give precise estimates at each step. More importantly, while Titsdid not need to care about the choice <strong>of</strong> a distance on P(k d ) (any one insidethe “admissible” class he defined was good for his purposes), it is crucialfor us that we work with the Fubini-Study distance introduced in Section4. <strong>The</strong> reason is that all constants then disappear and are equal to 1 forall ultrametric local fields, hence giving to us the possibility to bound thelength <strong>of</strong> the generators <strong>of</strong> the free subgroup independently <strong>of</strong> the choice<strong>of</strong> the local field.

18 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDLet (k i ) 1≤i≤4 be four positive integers and ε 0 , T 0 , T 1 , T 2 > 0 be positivereal numbers. Let ε > 0 with ε ≤ ε 0 /12d 2 . Let k 0 be a local field. SupposeF ⊂ SL d (k 0 ) is a finite set containing <strong>1.</strong> All eigenvalues and eigenspaces <strong>of</strong>elements in the group generated by F are defined over a fixed finite extension<strong>of</strong> k 0 <strong>of</strong> degree at most d!. Let k be <strong>this</strong> extension. For a subspace V ink d we denote by V ⊥ its orthogonal in the dual space <strong>of</strong> k d . We say that anon-trivial subspace W <strong>of</strong> k d is a-admissible for a ∈ SL d (k 0 ) if it is a sum <strong>of</strong>generalized eigenspaces <strong>of</strong> a. We also denote by W c its complementary, i.e.the sum <strong>of</strong> the remaining generalized eigenspaces, so that k d = W ⊕ W c .List <strong>of</strong> Conditions for ping-pong (i)-(vi):Let a ∈ F k 1, b ∈ F k 2, t ∈ F k 3. Assume(i) a is proximal(ii)(13) ||F || k > C 2dk,1(14)(iii)( ) 1Λk (a)ε 0≥ Λk (a) ≥ ||F || T 1kλ k (a)(iv) For any a-admissible subspace W (see Def. 3.5) we have(15) d( t b ±1 · H ⊥ a , W ⊥ ) > ||F || −T 0k(16)(17)(v) For any a-admissible subspace W we haved(tV a , W c + W ∩ b −1 H a ) ≥ ||F || −T 0kd(t −1 V a , W c + W ∩ bH a ) ≥ ||F || −T 0kNote that condition (15) on b implies that W c + W 1 ∩ b ±1 H a are hyperplanes,so these distances are computable via (5).Lemma 5.<strong>1.</strong> <strong>The</strong>re is τ 1 (d, ε) ∈ N and τ 3 = τ 3 (d, k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , ε 0 , ε, T 0 , T 1 ) ∈ Nsuch that if T 1 ≥ τ 1 and T 3 ≥ τ 3 , there is l = l(d, k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , ε 0 , ε, T 0 , T 1 , T 3 ) ∈N such that for some l 0 , l 1 ∈ [0, l] the element x = a l 0ba −l 1t is proximal aswell as x −1 and Λ k (x) ≥ Λ k (a) T 3λ k (x) and Λ k (x −1 ) ≥ Λ k (a) T 3λ k (x −1 ) andd(V x , H x ) ≥ Λ k (a) −2T 3and d(V x −1, H x −1) ≥ Λ k (a) −2T 3.We let k 4 = 2k 1 l + k 2 + k 3 so that x ∈ F k 4.Remark 5.2. As Y. Benoist observed in [4] (see also J-F. Quint [32]) itis possible to construct Zariski-dense semi-groups, say in SL 3 (Q p ) whichare made exclusively <strong>of</strong> proximal elements whose inverses are not proximal.Hence our method does not allow in general (the SL 2 case is fine however)to construct the generators <strong>of</strong> a free subgroup as positive words in F .

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 19Assume T 1 and T 3 satisfy the assumptions <strong>of</strong> Lemma 5.1 let x be theelement we get. Assume that there is c ∈ F k 5such that(vi)(18) d(c ±1 (V x ∪ V x −1), H x ∪ H x −1) ≥ 1||F || T 2kLemma 5.3. <strong>The</strong>n there is l 2 = l 2 (d, (k i ) 1≤i≤5 , ε, ε 0 , (T i ) 0≤i≤3 ) ∈ N such thatfor every n ≥ l 2 , x n and y = cx n c −1 play ping-pong on P(k d ) and generate afree subgroup <strong>of</strong> SL d (k).5.<strong>1.</strong> Cayley-Hamilton trick. In [39] Tits used the fact that if a 0 ∈ GL d (k)has all eigenvalues <strong>of</strong> the same modulus and if a vector v lies far from ahyperplane H then for a set <strong>of</strong> positive density <strong>of</strong> n ∈ N the vectors a n · v liefar from H. In [18], Eskin-Mozes-Oh made clever use <strong>of</strong> the Cayley-Hamiltontheorem in order to show a statement <strong>of</strong> a similar nature which also gives abound on the smallest appropriate n. <strong>The</strong> following lemma is a reformulation<strong>of</strong> the same trick.Recall that C k,2 is d2 d when k is archimedean and 1 when k is ultrametric.<strong>The</strong> following lemma, which we will use in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim 0 below,expresses the same idea.Lemma 5.4. Let a 0 ∈ GL d (k), let H be a hyperplane in k d and let v ∈ P(k d ).<strong>The</strong>n there is some integer j 0 ∈ [1, d − 1] such that(19) d(a j 00 v, H) ≥ 1 ( ) j0 Λk (a 0 )·· | det a 0| k · d(v, H)C k,2 ||a 0 || k Λ k (a 0 )dPro<strong>of</strong>. Let Λ ∈ k such that |Λ| = Λ k (a 0 ) and set ã 0 = a 0Λ. According tothe Cayley-Hamilton theorem, there are coefficients (c j ) 1≤j≤d−1 in k suchthat ∑ d−1j=1 c jã j 0 = det ã 0 . Moreover |c j | k ≤ ( dj)≤ 2 d when k is archimedean,when |c j | k ≤ 1 when k is ultrametric. Let f be a linear form on k d with||f|| k = 1 and ker f = H. <strong>The</strong>re must exist some j 0 ∈ [1, d − 1] such thatj|c j0 f(ã 0 0 v)| k ≥ | det ã 0| kC k,1· |f(v)| k where C k,1 is d if k is archimedean and 1 ifk is ultrametric. Hence |f(a j 00 v)| k ≥ 1C k,2· Λ k (a 0 ) j0 · | det a 0| kΛ k (a 0· |f(v)|) d k and (19)follows.□5.2. Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 5.<strong>1.</strong> Recall that a is proximal but a −1 may not be.However, as we have fixed ε > 0, Lemma 4.4 gives us some ω for whicha −1 is almost proximal. Let α = λω k (a−1 ). It also give η = η(d, ε) > 0.Λ ω k (a−1 )Recall that ε 0 , T 0 and T 1 are defined in (13) to (16). We assume here thatT 1 ≥ τ 1 := max{2/η, 3/ηε, 4/ε 0 } and ε ≤ ε 0 /12d 2 and let ε 1 = ε 04.

20 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDClaim 0: <strong>The</strong>re is n 0 = n 0 (k 1 , T 0 , T 1 , ε, d) ∈ N such that for all n ≥ n 0there exists j 0 (n), j 1 (n) ∈ [1, d − 1] such thatmin { d(a −nj 0(n) t −1 V a , bH a ), d(a −nj 1(n) tV a , b −1 H a ) } ≥||F || −rkC k,2 · (C k,1 · α −ε ) dn · C p(d)+1kwhere r = 2T 0 + k 1 (2p(d) + d(d − 1)) and p(d) = 10 d .Claim 1: Let ε 1 = ε 04. <strong>The</strong>re exists n 1 = n 1 (k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , T 0 , T 1 , ε, ε 0 , d) ∈ Nsuch that for every n ≥ n 1 the ball B n = B(V a , Λ k (a) −ε1n ) (resp. B n ′ =B(t −1 V a , Λ k (a) −ε1n ) is mapped into Bn − = B(V a , Λ k (a) −2ε1n ) (resp. B n ′− =B(t −1 V a , Λ k (a) −2ε1n )) by x n = a nj0(n) ba −nj1(n) t (resp. x −1n ).Claim 2: Under the assumptions <strong>of</strong> Claim 1, there is n 4 ∈ N dependingonly on k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , T 0 , T 1 , ε, ε 0 and d such that for any n ≥ n 4 we also haveLip(x n|Bn ) ≤ Λ k (a) −ε1n (resp. Lip(x −1 ) ≤ Λn|Bn− k (a) −ε1n ).<strong>The</strong> pro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> these claims are straightforward once we have at our disposalthe Lemmas proved in Section 4 and in particular Lemma 4.6. Neverthelesswe provide full details in the next paragraph below.With these claims in hands we can quickly prove Lemma 5.<strong>1.</strong> Indeedlet n = T 3 /ε 1 . If T 3 ≥ ε 1 · max{n 0 , n 1 , n 4 } we get by Claim 2 and 3 thatx n sends B n into itself and x −1n sends Bn − into itself, while the Lipschitzconstants are ≤ Λ k (a) −ε1n . We are thus in a position to apply Tits ConverseLemma, Lemma 4.7, which says that x n and x −1n are proximal andsatisfy λ k(x n), λ k(x −1n )≤ Λ Λ k (x n) Λ k (x −1n )k(a) −T 3. Finally by Claim 2, x n maps B n into thesmaller ball Bn − , which must then contain V xn while B n cannot intersectH xn . It follows that d(V xn , H xn ) ≥ d(B n , (Bn − ) c ). But we see that in both thearchimedean and the ultrametric case:d(B n , (B − n ) c ) ≥ 1 C kΛ k (a) −T 3≥ Λ k (a) −2T 3as soon as Λ k (a) −T 3< 1/C k , which holds if T 3 ≥ 1 for instance. A similarargument takes place for x −1n . This ends the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 5.<strong>1.</strong>5.2.<strong>1.</strong> Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim 0. Let W = V ωa −1 and hence W c = H ω a −1 and π theprojection on W with kernel W c . Recall that (14) gives(20) α ≤ Λ k (a) −η ≤ ||F || −ηT 1When k is archimedean <strong>this</strong> together with (13) forces L ω k (a−1 ) ≤ 2 if ηT 1 ≥ 2.Indeed, we have α ≤ ||F || −ηT 1≤ 1 2 i.e. λω k (a−1 ) ≤ 1 2 Λω k (a−1 ).We do the calculation for u = tV a , keeping in mind that an entirely analogouscalculation can be done for u − = t −1 V a at the same time at each step.Let n ∈ N be arbitrary.

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 21Since as d(u, W c ) ≥ d(u 0 , W c + W ∩ b −1 H a ) ≥ ||F || −T 0we can combineLemmas 4.4, 4.6 (a) and (16) to get(d(a −n u, π(a −n (21) u)) ≤ (C k · ||a −1 || k ) p(d) ·≤C p(d)k· ||F || T 0+dk 1 p(d)kOn the other hand according to Lemma 4.3,C lω 1k,1 ·( ) )Λk (a −1 lω−1n)· λω k (a−1 )· d(u, W c ) −1Λ ω k (a−1 ) Λ ω k (a−1 )· (C d k,1 · α 1−dε) n(22) d(πu, W ∩ b −1 H a ) ≥ d(u, W c + W ∩ b −1 H a ) · d(W, W c )But by Lemma 4.11(23) d(W, W c ) −1 ≤ (C 2 k · ||a −1 || lω ) (( dlω )−1) ≤ (C k · ||a −1 || k ) p(d)because when k is archimedean L ω k (a−1 ) ≤ 2 as explained above. Hence (22)(23) and (16) give(24) d(πu, W ∩ b −1 H a ) −1 ≤ C p(d)k· ||F || T 0+dk 1 p(d)kWe may now apply Lemma 5.4 to a 0 = a −n restricted to W. We find j 1 ∈[1, d − 1] such that(25)(d(a −nj 1 ||aπu, W ∩b −1 H a ) −1 −1 || k≤ C k,2·Λ k (a −1 )) nj1·(Λk (a −1 )Λ ω k (a−1 )) lωn·d(πu, W ∩b −1 H a ) −1But Lemma 4.9 applied to a −1 gives an h ∈ SL d (k) such that ||ha −1 h −1 || ≤C k,1 · Λ k (a −1 ) and max{||h||, ||h −1 ||} ≤ ||a −1 || d−12 . Hence ||a −n || k ≤ ||h|| ·||h −1 || · (C k,1 · Λ k (a −1 )) n and ||a−n || k≤ Λ k (a −n ) ||a−1 || d−1 · Ck,1 n . Thus combining (24)and (25) and bearing in mind that(26)Λ k (a −1 )Λ ω k (a−1 ) ≤ α−ε(<strong>this</strong> is 8), we get(27)d(a −nj 1πu, W ∩ b −1 H a ) −1 ≤ C k,2 · (C k,1 α −ε ) nd · C p(d)k· ||F || T 0+dk 1 p(d)+k 1 d 2 (d−1)kCompare (21) and (28). When k is ultrametricd(a −n u, π(a −n u)) ≤ ||F || T 0+dk 1 p(d)kα n(1−dε)< ||F || −T 0−dk 1 p(d)−k 1 d 2 (d−1)kα εnd< d(a −nj 1πu, W ∩ b −1 H a )

22 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDas soon as α n(1−2dε) < ||F || −rkwhere r = r(T 0 , d) := 2T 0 +dk 1 (2p(d)+d(d−1)).As α −1 ≥ Λ k (a) η by Lemma 4.4, <strong>this</strong> happens as soon asrn >T 1 η(1 − εd)Similarly, if k is archimedean, d(a −n u, π(a −n u)) ≤ 1 2 d(a−nj 1πu, W ∩ b −1 H a )as soon as n > n 0 (T 0 , T 1 , ε, d) for some computable constant n 0 . Finallywhether k is archimedean or ultrametric we get:(28)d(a −nj 1u, W ∩ b −1 H a ) ≥ C −1k,2 · (C−1 k,1 · αε ) dn · C −p(d)−1k· ||F || −T 0−k 1 p(d)−k 1 d 2 (d−1)k·Finally applying Lemma 4.2 and (15) we getd(a −nj 1u, b −1 H a ) ≥ d(a −nj 1u, W ∩ b −1 H a ) · d( t b −1 · H ⊥ a , W ⊥ )≥ C −1k,2 · (C−1 k,1 · αε ) dn · C −p(d)−1k· ||F || −rkThis ends the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim <strong>1.</strong> First recall as in Claim 0 that L ω k (a−1 ) ≤ 2 whenk is archimedean (since ηT 1 ≥ 2, which we assume). We give the pro<strong>of</strong> forx n and B n keeping in mind that the same arguments are being performed atthe same time and at each step for x −1n and Bn − .We first justify the following:Claim <strong>1.</strong>1: <strong>The</strong>re is m 0 = m 0 (d, ε, k 3 , T 0 , T 1 ) ∈ N such that for n ≥ m 0and u ∈ B(V a , α 3dεn )1(29) d(tu, W c ) ≥ 1 C kd(tV a , W c ) ≥C k ||F || T 0kIndeed, the second inequality is just (16), while to get the first, it is enough1that d(tu, tV a )

which by Claim 0 reduces to showA <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 23(32) d(a −nj1(n) tu, a −nj1(n) tV a ) < C −1k,2 · (C−1 k,1 · αε ) dn · C −p(d)−2k· ||F || −rkBut bearing in mind (26) Lemma 4.6 (10), we have for n ≥ m 0d(a −nj 1(n) tu, a −nj 1(n) tV a )d(u, V a )Hence we get (32) as soon asC 3p+3k· C k,2 · ||F || k 1dp+k 3 2d+2T 0 +rk·Since u ∈ B(V a , α 3dεn ) <strong>this</strong> holds as soon as(33) C 3p+3k· C k,2 · ||F || k 1dp+k 3 2d+2T 0 +rk·≤ Lip(t) · d(a−nj 1(n) tu, a −nj1(n) tV a )d(tu, tV a )(C2d+2≤ Lip(t) · (Ck 2 · ||a −1 ||) p k,1α −ε(2d−1)) n·d(tu, W c ) · d(tV a , W c )≤ C 2p+1k· ||F || k 1dp+k 3 2d+2T 0(C2d+2k·k,1α −ε(2d−1)) n(C3d+2k,1α −ε(3d−1)) n· d(u, Va ) < 1(C3d+2k,1α ε) n< 1Since α ε ≤ ||F || −ηεT 1kby (20) and C 3d+2k,1≤ ||F || 2 k by (13) while we assumedηεT 1 ≥ 3, we get the existence <strong>of</strong> n 2 = n 2 (ε, d, T 0 , T 1 , k 1 , k 3 ) ∈ N for which(33) holds for n ≥ n 1 . Hence (30) holds and Claim <strong>1.</strong>2. is proved.With (30) in hand we can apply Lemma 4.6 (9) to positive powers <strong>of</strong> a<strong>this</strong> time and get:Claim <strong>1.</strong>3.: Suppose ε 0 ≥ 12εd 2 and fix ε 1 = ε 0 /4. <strong>The</strong>re is n 3 ∈ N dependingon ε, ε 0 , d, T 0 , T 1 , k 1 , k 2 , k 3 such that for n ≥ n 3 and u ∈ B(V a , Λ k (a) −ε1n )we have for x n = a nj0(n) ba −nj1(n) td(x n u, V a ) < Λ k (a) −ε 1nPro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim <strong>1.</strong>3.: First note that Λ k (a) −ε 1≤ α 3dε because α −1 ≤Λ k (a)Λ k (a −1 ) ≤ Λ k (a) d and ε 1 = ε 0 /4 ≥ 3εd 2 . Lemma 4.6 (9) translates as(d(a nj0(n) ba −nj1(n) tu, V a ) ≤ (C k · ||a|| k ) p(d) · Ck,1 4 · λk(a) ) n· d(ba −nj1(n) tu, H a ) −1Λ k (a)(≤ C p k · ||F ||k 1p(d)+2dk 2 C4) nk,1k·· d(a −nj1(n) tu, b −1 HΛ k (a) ε a ) −10(≤ C 2p+2kC k,2 · ||F || k 1p(d)+2dk 2 +r Cd+4k,1k· · ) nα−εdΛ k (a) ε 0where we have used successively (14) and Claim <strong>1.</strong>2. NowC d+4k,1 · α−εd· ΛΛ k (a) ε k (a) ε 1≤0C d+4k,1Λ k (a) ε 0−ε 1≤ Cd+4 k,1−εd 2 Λ k (a) ε 0/2

24 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDbecause α −1 ≤ Λ k (a)Λ k (a −1 ) ≤ Λ k (a) d and we have assumed ε 0 ≥ 4εd 2 andε 0 = 4ε 1 . <strong>The</strong>n the existence <strong>of</strong> n 3 follows from (13) and (14). Thus Claim<strong>1.</strong>3. is proved.Working out the same three claims for x −1n and B n ′ in place <strong>of</strong> x n and B nwe get Claim <strong>1.</strong>5.2.3. Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim 2. We apply Lemma 4.6 (10) to a nj0(n) and pointsba −nj1(n) tu and ba −nj1(n) tv for u, v ∈ B n . Recall that L k (a) ≤ 2 when k isarchimedean as λ k(a)≤ ||F Λ k (a) ||−T 1ε 0≤ 1 by (13) and (14) and since T 2 1ε 0 ≥ <strong>1.</strong>We getd(x n u, x n v)≤ (C 2d(u, v)k||a|| k ) p(d)·( C4)k,1 λ k (a) n·d(ba −nj1(n) tu, H a ) −1·d(ba −nj1(n) tv, H a ) −1Λ k (a)Since Λ k (a) −ε 1≤ α 3dε Claim <strong>1.</strong>2. applies and we get(d(x n u, x n v)≤ Lip(b −1 ) 2 p(d) C4) nk,1 λ k (a)· ||a|| k ·· Ck,2 2 · (C k,1 · α −ε ) 2dn · C 4p(d)+4kd(u, v)Λ k (a)()≤ C 4p+4kCk,2 2 · ||F || 4dk 2+2r+k 1 p(d)k· C 4+2d α −2dε nk,1Butα −2dεΛ k (a) ≤ 1ε 0 Λ k (a) 2ε 1Λ k (a) ε 0Hence for some computable n 4 , for all n ≥ n 4 and u, v ∈ B nd(x n u, x n v)d(u, v)≤ Λ k (a) −ε 1nA similar argument proves the claim about x −1nproved.and B ′ n. Thus Claim 2 is5.3. Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 5.3. Let n, k ∈ N, k = T 2 + 3dk 5 . Let B k (x) =B(V x , Λ k (a) −kT 3) and B − k (x) = B(V x −1, Λ k(a) −kT 3). Similarly, let B k (c) =B(cV x , Λ k (a) −kT 3) and B − k (c) = B(cV x −1, Λ k(a) −kT 3). Note that d(u, c ±1 V x ) C k ||F || T 2kandd(u, cV x ) ≤ Λ k (a) −kT 3< 1 C kd(cV x , H x )· ||F || 2rkHenced(u, H x ) ≥1C k ||F || T 2k≥1||F || T 2+1k

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 25Similarly if u ∈ B k (c) then d(u, H x −1) ≥ ||F || −T 2−1kd(u, H x ∪ H x −1) ≥ ||F || −T 2−1k. Finally:and if u ∈ B − k(c), then(34) d(B − k (c) ∪ B k(c), H x ∪ H x −1) ≥ ||F || −T 2−1kSimilarly we check thatd(B − k (x) ∪ B k(x), cH x ∪ cH x −1) ≥ ||F || −T 2−2dk 5 −1kWe know that for each n ≥ 1, x n maps B k into itself and x −n maps B − kintoitself. Similarly we check that cx n c −1 maps B k (c) into itself and cx −n c −1maps B − k(c) into itself.We now check that x n maps B − k (c) ∪ B k(c) into B k and x −n maps B − k (c) ∪B k (c) into B − k . From Lemma 5.1, we have λ k(x)≤ Λ Λ k (x) k(a) −T 3. By Lemma 4.6(9) applied to x, for u ∈ P(k d ),(d(x n u, V x ) · d(u, H x ) ≤ (C k · ||x|| k ) p(d) · C k,1 · λk(x) ) nΛ k (x)≤ ||F || p(d)(1+ld+k 2+k 3 )k· Λ k (a) − T 3 n2Hence if u ∈ B k (c) ∪ B − k (c), then d(u, H x) ≥ ||F || −T 2−1kby (34) andd(x n u, V x ) ≤ ||F || p(d)(1+ld+k 2+k 3 )+T 2 +1k≤ Λ k (a) −kT 3as soon as n ≥ n 5 = n 5 (l, d, (k i ) i , (T i ) i , k). Similarlyd(x −n u, V x −1) · d(u, H x −1) ≤ (C k · ||x −1 || k ) p(d) ·≤ ||F || p(d)d(1+ld+k 2+k 3 )k· Λ k (a) − T 3 n2(C k,1 · λk(x ) −1 n)Λ k (x −1 )· Λ k (a) − T 3 n2and hence d(x −n u, V x −1) ≤ Λ k (a) −kT 3if n ≥ n 6 = n 6 (l, d, (k i ) i , (T i ) i ).We check that similarly, cx n c −1 maps B − k ∪B kinto B k (c) and cx −n c −1 mapsB − k ∪ B k into B − k(c) as soon as n is larger that some fixed number dependingonly on the data (l, d, (k i ) i , (T i ) i ).Finally we check that all balls B − k , B k B − k (c), B k(c) are disjoint, sinced(V x , V x −1) ≥ d(V x , H x ) ≥ Λ k (a) −2T 3and d(V x , cV x −1) ≥ d(H x , cV x −1) ≥||F || −T 2≥ Λ k (a) −k and similarly d(cV x , V x −1) ≥ Λ k (a) −k and d(cV x , cV x −1) ≥||F || −2dk 5Λ k (a) −2T 3≥ Λ k (a) −(k−1)T 3.It follows that x n and cx n c −1 play ping-pong on P(k d ), hence generate afree subgroup. This ends the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 5.3.

26 EMMANUEL BREUILLARD6. Height bounds and pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>16.<strong>1.</strong> A Product formula for subspaces. In <strong>this</strong> paragraph we define theadelic distance δ(V ; W ) between two projective subspaces and we give aproduct formula (36) relating it to the Arakelov heights <strong>of</strong> V, W and V + W.In Paragraph 4.1 we recalled the Fubini-Study metric on P(k d ), where kis a local field. In particular, we had formula (6), which gives the distancebetween two projective linear subspaces. If K is a global field with primefield K 0 and V and W are disjoint projective linear subspace <strong>of</strong> P(K d ), wecan put together the local distances (i.e. at each place <strong>of</strong> K) in a way similarto the way the height <strong>of</strong> an algebraic number is defined. Namely we set:(35) δ(V ; W ) =1[K : K 0 ]∑v∈V Kn v · log1d v (V, W )where d v (·, ·) is the Fubini-Study metric on P(K d v ). Each term in <strong>this</strong> sum isnon negative. In fact, we see from (6) that δ(V ; W ) is linked to the Arakelovheights (see Paragraph 3.1) in the following simple way:(36) δ(V ; W ) = h Ar (V ) + h Ar (W ) − h Ar (V + W ) ≤ h Ar (V ) + h Ar (W )This can be seen as a product formula for subspaces, since when V and Ware points in P 1 (Q) it reduces to the classical product formula on Q.Note moreover that we can similarly define δ(V ⊥ , W ⊥ ) just as δ(V, W ) inthe projective space <strong>of</strong> the dual vector space (K d ) ∗ . Since h Ar (V ) = h Ar (V ⊥ )(see [6]), we also haveδ(V ⊥ , W ⊥ ) ≤ h Ar (V ) + h Ar (W )We will <strong>of</strong>ten denote by δ v (V ; W ) the term <strong>of</strong> the sum in (35) correspondingto the place v, so that1 ∑δ(V ; W ) =n v · δ v (V ; W )[K : K 0 ]v∈V K6.2. <strong>The</strong> Eskin-Mozes-Oh Escape Lemma. In <strong>this</strong> paragraph we recall acrucial Lemma due Eskin-Mozes-Oh, which allows to “escape from algebraicsubvarieties in bounded time”.Recall Bezout’s theorem about the intersection <strong>of</strong> finitely many algebraicsubvarieties (see for instance [35]), namely:<strong>The</strong>orem 6.1 (Generalized Bezout theorem). Let K be a field, and letY 1 , . . . , Y p be pure dimensional algebraic subvarieties <strong>of</strong> K n . Denote by W 1 , . . . , W qthe irreducible components <strong>of</strong> Y 1 ∩ . . . ∩ Y p . <strong>The</strong>nq∑p∏deg(W i ) ≤ deg(Y j ).i=1j=1

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 27Let K be a field and let X be an algebraic variety over K. We set s(X)to be the sum <strong>of</strong> the degree and the dimension <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> its geometricallyirreducible components. <strong>The</strong> following result was shown in [18], Lemma 3.2:Lemma 6.2. [18] Given an integer m ≥ 1 there is N = N(m) such that forany field K, any integer d ≥ 1, any K–algebraic subvariety X in GL d (K)with s(X) ≤ m and any (not necessarily symmetric) subset F ⊂ GL d (K)which contains the identity and generates a subgroup which is not containedin X(K), we have F N X(K).6.3. Irreducible representations <strong>of</strong> Chevalley groups. In <strong>this</strong> paragraphwe define the linear irreducible representations (ρ α , E α ) which are thepossible candidates for the projective representation where we will play pingpong.We also set a particular basis in each E α , which we use to define theheight h(ρ α (g)) and then show Lemma 6.3.Let G be a Chevalley group <strong>of</strong> adjoint type and g its Lie algebra withZ-structure g Z . Let T be a maximal torus and t the corresponding Cartansubalgebra in g. Let Λ R be the lattice <strong>of</strong> roots in the dual <strong>of</strong> g which weidentify with the space X(T ) <strong>of</strong> characters <strong>of</strong> T. Let Λ W be the lattice <strong>of</strong>weights. We fix a set <strong>of</strong> positive roots Φ + and inside a base <strong>of</strong> simple rootsΠ. Since G is <strong>of</strong> adjoint type, to every dominant weight λ ∈ Λ R , therecorrespond a finite dimensional absolutely irreducible representation E <strong>of</strong>G. Let {π α } α∈Π ⊂ Λ W be the fundamental weights. For each α ∈ Π, thereis a smallest integer k α ∈ N such that k α π α ∈ Λ R . Let χ α = k α π α be thecorresponding dominant weight and (ρ α , E α ) the corresponding absolutelyirreducible representation <strong>of</strong> G.For background on Chevalley groups and their representations, see Steinberg’snotes [38]. Let also (ρ 0 , E 0 ) be the adjoint representation. Accordingto [38] Section 2 <strong>The</strong>orem 2, given an absolutely irreducible representation(ρ, E) <strong>of</strong> G, one may find in each E a lattice Λ invariant under the action<strong>of</strong> ρ(G(Z)) and a basis <strong>of</strong> Λ which is made <strong>of</strong> weight vectors. Let us choose<strong>this</strong> basis. It defines a standard norm || · || k on Λ ⊗ Z k and it also defines aheight h in SL(E α ) as in Section 3. Recall that Ω is either Q or F(t) andε Ω = 1 in the first case 0 otherwise. We have:Lemma 6.3. <strong>The</strong>re exists a constant C 0 > 0 such that for every finite subsetF ∈ G(Ω) and every α ∈ Π, h(ρ α (F )) ≤ C 0 · (h(ρ 0 (F )) + ε Ω ).Let χ ρ be the heighest weight <strong>of</strong> ρ, which belongs to the root lattice. LetL be the maximal coefficient appearing in the decomposition <strong>of</strong> χ ρ as a sum<strong>of</strong> simple roots (let L 0 the corresponding integer for ρ 0 = Ad). Let M be thesmallest positive integer such that Mχ ρ ≥ α for every α ∈ Π (for the orderdefined by Π). <strong>The</strong>n Lemma 6.3 follows from:

28 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDLemma 6.4. For every local field k, there is a constant c 0 = c 0 (ρ, k) > 0such that for every g ∈ G(k), we have11L(37)||Ad(g)|| 0 Mk≤ ||ρ(g)|| k ≤ c 0 ||Ad(g)|| L kc 0and c 0 = 1 unless k is Archimedean.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let K k = G(O k ) when k is ultrametric. <strong>The</strong>n ρ(K k ) and Ad(K k ) preservethe norm. By Cartan’s K k T K k decomposition, it suffices to prove theinequalities for g in the maximal torus T. But then ||ρ(g)|| k = |χ ρ (g)| k andmax{|α(g)| v , α ∈ Π} 1 M ≤ |χ ρ (g)| k ≤ max{|α(g)| v , α ∈ Π} L . And max{|α(g)| v , α ∈Π} ≤ ||Ad(g)|| k ≤ max{|α(g)| v , α ∈ Π} L 0. Hence (37).When k is Archimedean, K k stabilizes another norm || · || k,new on Λ ⊗ Z k(resp. Λ R ⊗ Z k). For <strong>this</strong> new norm the same argument gives (37). Since thetwo norms are equivalent, <strong>this</strong> gives us the constant c 0 .□6.4. Combined adelic distance. In <strong>this</strong> paragraph, we define the combinedadelic distance δ(F ) = δ 1 (F ) + δ 2 (F ) <strong>of</strong> all adelic distances δ(V ; W )where V and W range over the relevant projective subspaces involved in theping-pong conditions from Section 5.Let K be a global field. Let (q i ) 1≤i≤5 be five positive integers. Givena ∈ G(K) and α ∈ Π ∪ {0}, let B a,α be the set <strong>of</strong> elements b ∈ G(K) suchthat t ρ α (b)(V c ) ⊥ W ⊥ and t ρ α (b −1 )(V c ) ⊥ W ⊥ for every (V, W ) ∈ A α (a),where A α (a) is the set <strong>of</strong> couples (V, W ) <strong>of</strong> ρ α (a)-admissible (see def. 3.5)non-trivial linear subspaces <strong>of</strong> E α such that dim(V ) = <strong>1.</strong> Given a, b ∈ G(K)with b ∈ B a,α , let T a,b,α be the set <strong>of</strong> elements t ∈ G(K) such that ρ α (t)V W c +W ∩b −1 V c and ρ α (t −1 )V W c +W ∩bV c for every V, W ∈ A α (a) (notethat since b ∈ B a,α , W c + W ∩ b −1 V c and W c + W ∩ bV c are hyperplanes).Recall from Paragraph 6.2 that given an algebraic variety Z over thealgebraically closed field Ω, we denote by s(Z) the sum <strong>of</strong> the dimensionand degree <strong>of</strong> its irreducible components. Given two non-trivial subspacesV and W in E α the set <strong>of</strong> all g ∈ GL(E α ) such that gW ⊂ V or g −1 W ⊂ Vis a Zariski closed subset Z V,W <strong>of</strong> GL(E α ). Moreover s(Z V,W ) is boundedindependently on V and W since the one can pass from one Z V,W to theother by multiplying on the left and right by some automorphism in GL(E α ).From these remarks and Lemma 6.2 we obtain:Lemma 6.5. <strong>The</strong>re is a positive integer q 0 such that for any field K andany finite subset F <strong>of</strong> G(K) containing 1 and generating a Zariski-densesubgroup, any α ∈ Π ∪ {0} and any a ∈ G(K) and b ∈ B a,α , the set F q 0intersects B a,α non trivially and the set F q 0intersects T a,b,α non trivially.We now fix the values <strong>of</strong> q 2 , q 3 and q 5 to be equal to <strong>this</strong> q 0 . <strong>The</strong> values<strong>of</strong> q 1 and q 4 will be specified later. Let Q α be the set <strong>of</strong> 3-tuples (a, b, t)

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 29such that a ∈ F q 1, b ∈ F q 2∩ B a,α , and t ∈ F q 3∩ T a,b,α . Let R α be the set <strong>of</strong>couples (x, c) such that x ∈ F q 4, c ∈ F q 5∩ B x,α . Lemma 6.5 ensures that if Fgenerates a Zariski-dense subgroup, then for any a ∈ F q 1there are b, t suchthat (a, b, t) ∈ Q α and also for any x ∈ F q 4there is c such that (x, c) ∈ R α .Now define for any finite symmetric subset F in G(K), and i = 1, 2δ i (F ) =∑δα(F i )andandδ α,(a,b,t) (F ) =∑(V,W )∈A α(a)δ 1 α(F ) =δ 2 α(F ) =α∈Π∪{0}∑δ α,(a,b,t) (F )(a,b,t)∈Q α∑δ α,(x,c) (F )(x,c)∈R αδ( t ρ α (b)(V c ) ⊥ ; W ⊥ ) + δ( t ρ α (b −1 )(V c ) ⊥ ; W ⊥ ) +δ(ρ α (t)V ; W c + W ∩ ρ α (b −1 )V c ) + δ(ρ α (t −1 )V ; W c + W ∩ ρ α (b)V c )∑δ α,(x,c) (F ) = δ(ρ α (c)V ; W ) + δ(ρ α (c −1 )V ; W )(V,W )∈A α(x)6.5. Height bounds for subspace separation. In <strong>this</strong> paragraph, applyingthe results <strong>of</strong> Paragraphs 3.1 and 6.1, we obtain (38) and (39) which givebounds for the combined adelic distances δ i (F ) in terms <strong>of</strong> the height h(F )and the number <strong>of</strong> elements in F only.Namely, if r = rank(G) and D = (r + 1) max α∈Π∪{0} 24 · 4 dα d 2 α with d α =dim E α , we have for every (a, b, t) ∈ Q α (F ),∑δ α,(a,b,t) (F ) ≤ d 2 α · (h(ρ α (b)) + h(ρ α (t))) + 4(h Ar (W ) + h Ar (V )) +≤V,W ∈A α(a)Hence using Lemma 6.3,+2(h Ar (W c ) + h Ar (V c ))h(ρ α (F q 0)) + 12 · 4 dα · max{h Ar (W ), W a-admissible}≤ 24 · 4 dα d 2 α · (q 0 + q 1 )h(ρ α (F )) + 12 · 4 dα d 2 α · ε Ω log 2δ 1 (F ) ≤ D|F | q 1+2q 0(q 0 + q 1 ) · h(ρ α (F )) + D · ε Ω log 2≤ D|F | q 1+2q 0(q 0 + q 1 )C 0 · (h(Ad(F )) + ε Ω )Note that if char(Ω) = 0, then by the Height Gap <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3, we haveh(Ad(F )) ≥ ĥ(Ad(F )) ≥ g > 0 where g is the gap. So at any case for all

30 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDcharacteristic,(38) δ 1 (F ) ≤ D 1( |F |5) q1 +2q 0h(Ad(F )),where D 1 = D5 q 1+2q 0(q 0 + q 1 )C 0 (1 + g −1 ). Similarly one obtains( ) q4 +q |F |0(39) δ 2 (F ) ≤ D 2 h(Ad(F )),5where D 2 = D5 q 4+q 0(q 0 + q 4 )C 0 (1 + g −1 ).6.6. Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong><strong>1.</strong> <strong>The</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> is done in three steps. Firstwe reduce to the situation when F generates a Zariski-dense subgroup inG(Ω) where G is a simple Chevalley group <strong>of</strong> adjoint type to be chosenamong a finite list <strong>of</strong> such. Second we show that we may assume thatF = {1, X, X −1 , Y, Y −1 }, i.e. F is a symmetric set with 4 elements plusthe identity. And finally, in the third and most difficult step, we check thatthere exists a place v <strong>of</strong> the field K <strong>of</strong> coefficients for which the sufficientconditions (i) to (vi) stated in Section 5 are fulfilled with some explicit choice<strong>of</strong> constants depending only on G, and thus yield the desired ping-pong pair.Remark 6.6. It is not clear whether or not the assumption F symmetricis a necessary condition in <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong><strong>1.</strong> Our pro<strong>of</strong> however requires <strong>this</strong>assumption (see Remark 5.2). If one needs only a free semi-group instead <strong>of</strong>a free group, then it is not necessary.6.6.<strong>1.</strong> Preliminary reductions.In <strong>this</strong> paragraph, we prove the first two steps, Claims 1 and 2. Beforethat note that we may assume that the field K is either Q or F p (t), i.e. thatK = Ω. This follows from Proposition 7.3 below when K has characteristic0 and from [14] Lemma 3.1 and the remark following it in general.So we assume K = Ω. We have:Claim 1: In <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1, we may assume that F generates a Zariskidensesubgroup in G(Ω) where G is a simple Chevalley group <strong>of</strong> adjointtype.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since F generates a non virtually solvable subgroup 〈F 〉, the connectedcomponent G 0 <strong>of</strong> the Zariski-closure G <strong>of</strong> 〈F 〉 is not solvable. Modingout by the solvable radical <strong>of</strong> G 0 , which is a normal subgroup <strong>of</strong> G, we seethat we can assume that G 0 is a non trivial semisimple algebraic group. Welet G act on G 0 by conjugation we obtain a homomorphism <strong>of</strong> G in Aut(G 0 ad )where G 0 ad is the adjoint group <strong>of</strong> G0 whose image contains G 0 ad . However by[7] IV.14.9. Aut(G 0 ad )/G0 ad is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> the automorphisms <strong>of</strong> the Dynkindiagram <strong>of</strong> G. In particular it is a finite group whose order is bounded in

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 31terms <strong>of</strong> dim G only, hence in terms <strong>of</strong> d only. Recall (see for instance [13]Lemma 4.6.),Lemma 6.7. Let F be a finite subset <strong>of</strong> a group Γ containing <strong>1.</strong> Assumethat the elements <strong>of</strong> F (together with their inverses) generate Γ. Let Γ 0 bea subgroup <strong>of</strong> index k in Γ. <strong>The</strong>n F 2k+1 contains a generating set <strong>of</strong> Γ 0 .Applying <strong>this</strong> lemma, we may therefore assume that G = G 0 ad is a semisimplealgebraic group <strong>of</strong> adjoint type. Further projecting to one <strong>of</strong> the simplefactors, we may assume that G is a simple algebraic group <strong>of</strong> adjoint typeover Ω. As Ω is algebraically closed, G(Ω) is the group <strong>of</strong> Ω-points <strong>of</strong> aChevalley group (see [38]).□Let O be the Zariski-open subset <strong>of</strong> G × G obtained in <strong>The</strong>orem 3.4.Claim 2: In <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1, we may assume that F = {1, X, X −1 , Y, Y −1 }for some (X, Y ) ∈ O(Ω).Pro<strong>of</strong>. This claim was already proven in Proposition 4.14 <strong>of</strong> [13] in the specialcase <strong>of</strong> characteristic 0 making key use <strong>of</strong> Jordan’s theorem about finitesubgroups <strong>of</strong> GL n (C). This argument fails in positive characteristic so wenow give a different (and more involved) argument. Let G be a simpleChevalley group. Following an idea used in [14] Section 7, we have:Lemma 6.8. <strong>The</strong>n there is a proper closed subvariety W <strong>of</strong> G × G suchthat, for any choice <strong>of</strong> Ω, every pair (x, y) /∈ W(Ω) with x <strong>of</strong> infinite ordergenerates a Zariski-dense subgroup <strong>of</strong> G.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let g be the Lie algebra <strong>of</strong> G (see [7] I.3.5). Let W be the subset <strong>of</strong>pairs (x, y) in G(Ω)×G(Ω) such that the associative subalgebra <strong>of</strong> End(g)generated by Ad(x) and Ad(y) is proper. Note that W is a closed algebraicsubset with equations over Z. It is also proper because one can constructpairs (x, y) for which the group they generate acts irreducibly on g (see forinstance [8] VIII. 2. ex.8. and [2] §3). Suppose (x, y) /∈ W(Ω) and x hasinfinite order. Let H be the Zariski closed subgroup generated by x and y.<strong>The</strong>n dim H ≥ 1 and the Lie algebra <strong>of</strong> H is non trivial and invariant underAd(x) and Ad(y), hence equal to g. By [7] I.3.6 we conclude that H = G. □In order to apply <strong>this</strong> lemma, we show:Lemma 6.9. <strong>The</strong>re is a constant N = N(d) ∈ N such that, for any choice<strong>of</strong> Ω, if F is a finite symmetric subset <strong>of</strong> G(Ω) containing 1 and generatinga Zariski dense subgroup, one may find a subset F 0 <strong>of</strong> F N such that for allintegers n ≥ 1 the subset F0n is made only <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> infinite order andthe subgroup generated by F 0 and F0 −1 is Zariski dense in G.Before going into the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 6.9 let us explain how we deduceClaim 2 from <strong>this</strong>.

32 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDPro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Claim 2. By Lemma 6.9, we can replace F by F 0 . Now accordingto Lemma 6.2 applied to G × G and F 0 × F 0 there is a constant M ∈ Ndepending only on W and O, hence on d only, such that F0M contains a pair(x, y) such that (x, y) ∈ O and (x, y) /∈ W. By Lemma 6.9, x has infiniteorder, hence by Lemma 6.8, x and y generate a Zariski dense subgroup <strong>of</strong>G, and Claim 2 is proved.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 6.9. Let d 0 = dim G. We have:Lemma 6.10. <strong>The</strong>re is a constant N 0 = N 0 (d 0 ) ∈ N and k ≤ d 0 elementsα 1 , ..., α k in F N 0<strong>of</strong> infinite order and such that the connected components C i<strong>of</strong> the Zariski closures <strong>of</strong> each cyclic subgroup generated by each α i togethergenerate G as an algebraic group.Pro<strong>of</strong>. First we check that there is some α <strong>of</strong> infinite order in a boundedpower <strong>of</strong> F, say F N <strong>1.</strong> This follows from <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3 in characteristic 0 (seeCorollary <strong>1.</strong>2). In positive characteristic it follows directly from the fact that〈F 〉 is finite as soon as ĥ(F ) = 0 (Lemma 3.2) and Lemma 2.1 (a) whichsays that F d2 0 already contains an element with eigenvalue <strong>of</strong> absolute value> <strong>1.</strong>Let 〈α〉 be the cyclic group generated by α and C 1 the connected component<strong>of</strong> its Zariski closure. <strong>The</strong>n dim C 1 = <strong>1.</strong> Set α 1 = α. Suppose j ≥ 1and we have built α 1 , ..., α j and let C i be the connected component <strong>of</strong> theZariski closure <strong>of</strong> 〈α i 〉 and H i the algebraic subgroup generated by all C m for1 ≤ m ≤ i. We show by induction that α i = w i−1 αw −1i−1 for some w i−1 ∈ F i−1and dim H i ≥ i. If H j ≠ G, as G is simple and 〈F 〉 Zariski dense, there mustexist some β j ∈ F such that β j H j β −1j ≠ H j , hence some i ≤ j such thatβ j C i β −1j is not contained in H j . Let α j+1 = β j α i β −1j , i.e. w j = β j w i−1 ∈ F j .<strong>The</strong>n C j+1 = β j C i β −1j and dim H j+1 ≥ dim H j + <strong>1.</strong> □We look at G viewed inside SL(g) via the adjoint representation. We knowfrom <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3 and Lemma 2.1 that either there is a non archimedeanplace v <strong>of</strong> Ω for which Λ v (F d2 0 ) > 1 or there is an archimedean place forwhich Λ v (F d2 0 ) > 1 + ε where ε is the Height Gap. Let f ∈ Fd 2 0 be such thatΛ v (f) = Λ v (F d2 0 ). At any case, in one <strong>of</strong> boundedly many irreducible representations<strong>of</strong> G over the local field K v , f acts as a proximal transformationwith a contracting eigenvalue and its action on the associated projectivespace P(Kv D ) is described by Lemma 4.6. Let v f be its attracting pointand H f be the repelling hyperplane. By Lemma 2.1, we may conjugate Finside GL D (K v ) so that ||F || v is less than say Λ v (f) c 0where c 0 is some constantdepending only on d 0 . Up to changing f into f c 0we may assume that||F || v ≤ Λ v (f).

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 33Let α 1 , ..., α k be the elements from Lemma 6.10. According to Lemma 5.4,there is some n i ∈ [1, d 0 ] such that d(α n ii v f , H f ) −1 is bounded above by somebounded power <strong>of</strong> ||F || v . If follows from Lemma 4.6 that there is compactsubset C <strong>of</strong> the projective space P(Kv D ) which is the complement <strong>of</strong> someneighborhood <strong>of</strong> H f , such that after replacing f by some bounded power <strong>of</strong>it if necessary, the elements f, α n 11 f, ..., α n kkf are all proximal, send C insideitself, and have a Lipschitz constant < 1 on C. Let F 0 = {f, α n 11 f, ..., α n kk f}.We check that F 0 satisfies the desired conditions. It lies in a bounded power<strong>of</strong> F , every positive word with letters in F 0 preserves C and is proximal byTits’ converse Lemma 4.7, hence <strong>of</strong> infinite order. Finally the group 〈F 0 〉generated by F 0 contains each 〈α n ii 〉, hence its Zariski closure contains theconnected component C i <strong>of</strong> the cyclic group 〈α i 〉 . Since the C i ’s generate Gas an algebraic group by Lemma 6.10, we get that 〈F 0 〉 is Zariski dense, and<strong>this</strong> ends the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma 6.9.□6.6.2. End <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong><strong>1.</strong>So from now on we assume that G is a simple Chevalley group <strong>of</strong> adjointtype over Ω viewed as embedded inside SL(g) (g = Lie(G)) where it actsvia the adjoint representation. We also assume that F = {1, X, X −1 , Y, Y −1 }generates a Zariski-dense subgroup <strong>of</strong> G and (X, Y ) lies in the Zariski-opensubset O defined in <strong>The</strong>orem 3.4.Constants.We now define or recall our constants. All these constants depend onlyon G (equivalently only on dim G) and not on the field <strong>of</strong> coefficients wechoose. And <strong>this</strong> is all that matters, so the reader may freely ignore theirprecise definition, all the more so since we did not try at all to give the bestconstants we could. However there dependence and order in which they aredefined are important in the logic <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong>.Recall that the constant C k,1 from Section 5 was defined to be 1 if k is ultrametricand equal to the dimension <strong>of</strong> the vector space if k is Archimedean.Below we set the value <strong>of</strong> d to be the max d α where d α = dim E α forα ∈ Π∪{0} (recall that we chose to denote by E 0 the adjoint representation,so d 0 = dim G).D = (rk(G) + 1) max α∈Π∪{0} 24 · 4 dα d 2 α.L is defined to be the maximum coefficient in the expression <strong>of</strong> the heighestweight χ α (for each α ∈ Π ∪ {0}) as a sum <strong>of</strong> simple roots.M is the smallest positive integer k such that kχ ρα − β is positive for anychoice <strong>of</strong> simple roots α, β ∈ Π.c 0 (v) is the maximum <strong>of</strong> the constants denoted c 0 in Lemma 6.4 for eachρ α , α ∈ Π ∪ {0} for a given place v (c 0 = 1 when v is finite and c 0 (v) is afixed constant c 0 (∞) if v is infinite).

34 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDc(d 0 ) v is the constant appearing in the Comparison Lemma, Lemma 2.<strong>1.</strong>It is 1 if v is finite, a fixed constant c(d 0 ) ∞ if v is infinite.g is the Height Gap from <strong>The</strong>orem 3.3 in SL d0 (Q).If char(Ω) > 1, then we set n 1 = 1, otherwise we set n 1 to be the firstinteger such that exp( 4√ g n1) ≥ max{c(d 8d 0) −2 , d 4LMd , c 0 (∞) 2LM }.q 0 is the integer obtained by escape in Lemma 6.5.q 1 is n 1 d 2 .ε 0 is 1 . Lε is ε 0 /12d 2 .T 1 is the maximum <strong>of</strong> the integers τ 1 (d α , ε) obtained in Lemma 5.1 foreach representation ρ α , α ∈ Π ∪ {0}.C is the constant from <strong>The</strong>orem 3.4, applied to G inside SL d0 .C 0 is the constant from Lemma 6.3.Let m = 48T 1 n 1 CL 2 .Let D 1 = D5 q 1+2q 0(q 0 + q 1 )C 0 (1 + g −1 )Let T 0 = 24CD 1 LMLet k 1 = d 2 m, k 2 = k 3 = k 5 = q 0 .Let T 3 be the maximum <strong>of</strong> the integers τ 3 obtained in Lemma 5.1 forthe above values <strong>of</strong> d α , k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , ε 0 , ε, T 0 and T 1 for each representation ρ α ,α ∈ Π ∪ {0}.Let l be the maximum <strong>of</strong> the integers l obtained in Lemma 5.1 for theabove values <strong>of</strong> d α , k 1 , k 2 , k 3 , ε 0 , ε, T 0 , T 1 and T 3 for each representation ρ α ,α ∈ Π ∪ {0}.Let k 4 = 2k 1 l + k 2 + k 3 .Let q 4 = n 1 k 4 .Let D 2 = D5 q 4+q 0(q 4 + q 0 )C 0 (1 + g −1 ).Let T 2 = 24CD 2 LM.Let l 2 be the maximum <strong>of</strong> each value l 2 (d α , (k i ) 1≤i≤5 , ε, ε 0 , (T i ) 0≤i≤3 ) obtainedin Lemma 5.3 for each representation ρ α , α ∈ Π ∪ {0}.Choice <strong>of</strong> a place v.Applying <strong>The</strong>orem 3.4, we may change F into a conjugate <strong>of</strong> it by someelement in G(Ω) and hence get, summing (3), (38) and (39),(40) h(Ad(F )) + 1 D 1δ 1 (F ) + 1 D 2δ 2 (F ) ≤ 3C · e(Ad(F ))Let K be the (global) field generated by the coefficients <strong>of</strong> F .Claim: <strong>The</strong>re is a place v <strong>of</strong> K such that the following holds: e v > 0 if vis a finite place, e v ≥ g if v is infinite and in both cases4

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 35(41)log ||Ad(F )|| v ≤ 12C · e vδ 1 (F ) v ≤ 12CD 1 · e vδ 2 (F ) v ≤ 12CD 2 · e v ,where e v = log E v (Ad(F )) and δ i (F ) v is the part <strong>of</strong> δ i (F ) associated to v,i.e.δ i 1 ∑(F ) =n v · δ i (F ) v[K : K 0 ]v∈V KPro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> claim: This is an easy verification. Indeed, splitting the infinitepart and the finite part write e = e(Ad(F )) = e ∞ + e f . If e ∞ < e 2 , thene ≤ 2e f and (40) impliesh f (Ad(F )) + 1 D 1δ 1 f(F ) + 1 D 2δ 2 f(F ) ≤ 6C · e f (Ad(F ))where the subscript f means that we have restricted the sum to the finiteplaces. <strong>The</strong>n the existence <strong>of</strong> a finite place v such that e v > 0 and (41) holdsis guaranteed. On the other hand, if e ∞ ≥ e , then we have2h ∞ (Ad(F )) + 1 D 1δ 1 ∞(F ) + 1 D 2δ 2 ∞(F ) ≤ 6C · e ∞ (Ad(F ))Let V + be the set <strong>of</strong> places v ∈ V ∞ for which e v ≥ e∞ . We have2e ∞2 ≤ 1 ∑n v e v[K : K 0 ]v∈V +Andh ∞ (Ad(F )) + 1 D 1δ 1 ∞(F ) + 1 D 2δ 2 ∞(F ) ≤ 12C ·1[K : K 0 ]∑v∈V + n v e vwhich surely guarantees the existence <strong>of</strong> a place v ∈ V + such that (41) holds,and as v ∈ V + , e v ≥ e ≥ g . qed.4 4Verification <strong>of</strong> the Ping-Pong conditions (i) to (vi) from Section 5.We are going to build an element a ∈ F q 1and choose an α ∈ Π for whichall the six conditions <strong>of</strong> Section 5 are going to be satisfied with a m in place<strong>of</strong> a and ρ α (F n 1) in place <strong>of</strong> F.According to Lemma 2.3,E v (Ad(F n 1)) ≥ E v (Ad(F ))≥√ n18dmax{c(d 0 ) −2v , CK 4LMdv,1 , c 0 (v) 2LM }.

36 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDFrom Lemma 2.1,Λ v (AdF q 1) ≥ Λ v (AdF n 1d 2 0 ) ≥ c(d0 )E v (AdF n 1)≥ E v (AdF n 1) 1 2 ≥ ||AdF ||112Cv > 1Let us choose a ∈ F q 1such that Λ v (Ad(a)) = Λ v (AdF q 1). Let also α ∈ Π besuch that |α(a)| v = max{|β(a)| v , β ∈ Π}. <strong>The</strong>n the representation ρ α (definedin Subsection 6.3) and Ad satisfy Λ v (Ad(a)) ≤ |α(a)| L v and Λ v (ρ α (a)) ≤|α(a)| L v by definition <strong>of</strong> L. Hence |α(a)| v > <strong>1.</strong> Moreover, by definition <strong>of</strong> ρ αand ε 0 = 1 we haveL(42)Λ v (ρ α (a))λ v (ρ α (a)) = |α(a)| v > 1It follows that ρ α (a) is proximal. Moreover( ) 1Λv (ρ α (a))ε 10(43)= |α(a)|ε 0vλ v (ρ α (a))and≥ Λ v (ρ α (a))Λ v (ρ α (a)) ≥ |α(a)| v ≥ Λ v (Ad(a)) 1 L ≥ ||AdF ||112CLvOn the other hand, by Lemma 6.4, we have ||ρ α (F n 1)|| v ≤ c 0 (v)||AdF n 1|| L v ≤||AdF n 1|| vL+1 ≤ ||AdF || n 12Lv soAndΛ v (ρ α (a)) ≥ ||ρ α (F n 1)||124CL 2 n 1v(44) Λ v (ρ α (a m )) ≥ ||ρ α (F n 1)|| T 1vRaising a to the power m, (42) gives condition (i), while (43) and (44) givecondition (iii). On the other hand Lemma 6.4 gives(45) ||ρ α (F n 1)|| v ≥ c 0 (v) −1 ||AdF n 1|| 1LMv ≥ ||AdF n 1||12LMv≥ C 2dK v,<strong>1.</strong>Hence condition (ii) is fulfilled.We now check (iv) and (v). By (41) we have δ 1 (F ) v ≤ 12CD 1 · e v . Sinceδ 1 (F ) v is a sum <strong>of</strong> positive terms, we get in particular for any (b, t) such that(a, b, t) ∈ Q α (just pick one!)∑δ( t ρ α (b)Ha ⊥ ; W ⊥ ) v + δ( t ρ α (b −1 )Ha ⊥ ; W ⊥ ) v ≤ 12CD 1 · e vWwhere H a the generalized eigenspace <strong>of</strong> ρ α (a) corresponding to eigenvaluesthat are < Λ v (ρ α (a)) (it is a hyperplane since ρ α (a) is proximal), and the

A <strong>STRONG</strong> <strong>TITS</strong> <strong>ALTERNATIVE</strong> 37sum is made over all non trivial ρ α (a)-admissible subspaces W . This givesd v ( t ρ α (b)Ha ⊥ ; W ⊥ ) ≥ E v (Ad(F n 1)) −12CD 1≥ ||Ad(F n 1)|| −12CD 1v≥ ||ρ α (F n 1)|| −24CD 1LMv≥ ||ρ α (F n 1)|| −T 0vSimilarlyd v ( t ρ α (b −1 )Ha ⊥ ; W ⊥ ) ≥ ||ρ α (F n 1)|| −T 0vThis proves (iv). Condition (v) is derived in exactly the same way.<strong>The</strong>refore we are in the situation where we may apply Lemma 5.<strong>1.</strong> Ityields an element x ∈ F n 1k 4= F q 4such that ρ α (x) is very proximal andsatisfies the conclusions <strong>of</strong> Lemma 5.<strong>1.</strong> Pick c ∈ F q 0such that (x, c) ∈ R α(there are such c by Lemma 6.5). <strong>The</strong> third inequality in (41) gives for everyρ α (x)-admissible subspaces V and W with dim V = 1,δ(ρ α (c)V ; W ) v + δ(ρ α (c −1 )V ; W ) v ≤ 12CD 2 · e vWe may take V = V x or V x −1 and W = H x or H x −1 and <strong>this</strong> indeed givescondition (v) with T 2 = 24CD 2 LM.Finally Lemma 5.3 yields that x n and cx n c −1 generate a free subgroup assoon as n is larger than the constant l 2 (l 2 is expressible explicitly in terms<strong>of</strong> all the other constants introduced so far).This ends the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the main theorem. Q.E.D.7. ApplicationsIn <strong>this</strong> section we briefly discuss the corollaries. We shall be brief as each<strong>of</strong> them is derived in exactly the same way as in the GL 2 case, so we willrefer the reader to the paper [12] for details. <strong>The</strong> pro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Corollaries <strong>1.</strong>7,<strong>1.</strong>9 and <strong>1.</strong>10 rely only on the characteristic 0 part <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 and ona reformulation <strong>of</strong> that theorem in terms <strong>of</strong> algebraic varieties. So we willcontent ourselves to give <strong>this</strong> reformulation and briefly explain below whatmakes <strong>this</strong> translation possible. <strong>The</strong> following fact is standard,Proposition 7.<strong>1.</strong> (see e.g. [13] Proposition 7.4.) Let G = GL d (C). Forevery integer k, let V be the set <strong>of</strong> k-tuples (a 1 , ..., a k ) ∈ G k which generatea virtually solvable subgroup. <strong>The</strong>n V is a closed algebraic subvariety <strong>of</strong> G k .It is proved via the following proposition:Proposition 7.2. <strong>The</strong>re exists N = N(d) such that (a 1 , ..., a k ) ∈ G k generatesa virtually solvable subgroup if and only if they leave invariant acommon finite subset <strong>of</strong> at most N points on the flag variety G/B, where Bis the subgroup <strong>of</strong> upper triangular matrices.

38 EMMANUEL BREUILLARDLet N = N(d) be the integer obtained in the statement <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1and let B(n) be the ball <strong>of</strong> radius n in the free group F 2 on two generators.For n ≥ 1 let W n be the set <strong>of</strong> couples (A, B) ∈ GL d (C) 2 such that forany words w 1 and w 2 in B(N) there exists a word w ∈ B(n)\{1} such thatw(w 1 (A, B), w 2 (A, B)) = <strong>1.</strong> Clearly W n is a closed subvariety <strong>of</strong> GL d (C) 2 .We obtain:Proposition 7.3. <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 for K = C is equivalent to the statement:W n ⊂ V for every n ≥ <strong>1.</strong>This allows to use the following effective version <strong>of</strong> Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz:<strong>The</strong>orem 7.4. ([29]) Let r, d ∈ N, h > 0 and f, q 1 , ..., q k be polynomials inZ[X 1 , ..., X r ] with logarithmic height at most h and degree at most d. Assumethat f vanishes at all common zeros (if any) <strong>of</strong> q 1 , ..., q k in C[X 1 , ..., X r ]. <strong>The</strong>nthere exist a, e ∈ N and polynomials b 1 , ..., b k ∈ Z[X 1 , ..., X r ] such thataf e = b 1 q 1 + ... + b k q kwith e ≤ (8d) 2r , the total degree <strong>of</strong> each b i at most (8d) 2r +1 and the logarithmicheight <strong>of</strong> each b i as well as a is at most (8d) 2r+1 +1 (h + 8d log(8d)).Since the polynomial equations defining W n have degree linear in n andheight exponential in n, one can get from <strong>The</strong>orem 7.4 the desired boundon the degree and height <strong>of</strong> the b i ’s and on a and e. This readily allows todeduce Corollaries <strong>1.</strong>7, <strong>1.</strong>9 and <strong>1.</strong>10 from <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>1.</strong>1 and Corollary <strong>1.</strong>5.Corollary <strong>1.</strong>8 is derived in a similar fashion. See [12] for more details.Acknowledgments 7.5. I am grateful to J. Tits for his encouraging remarksat an early stage <strong>of</strong> <strong>this</strong> project. I also thank J-F. Quint for telling me abou<strong>this</strong> results and those <strong>of</strong> Y. Benoist on proximal maps over the p-adics. I alsothank J. Bourgain and A. Gamburd for the discussions we had about theapplications to finite groups.References[1] H. Abels, G. Margulis, G. Soifer, Semigroups containing proximal linear maps, IsraelJ. Math. 91 (1995), no. 1-3, 1–30.[2] Barnea Y., Larsen M., Random Generation for semisimple algebraic groups over localfields, J. Algebra 271 (2004), no. 1, 1–10.[3] Bartholdi L., de Cornulier Y., Infinite groups with large balls <strong>of</strong> torsion elements andsmall entropy, to appear in Archiv der Mathematik.[4] Y. Benoist, Propriétés asymptotiques des groupes linéaires, Geom. Funct. Anal. 7(1997), no. 1, 1–47.[5] Bilu, Y, Limit distribution <strong>of</strong> small points on algebraic tori, Duke Math. J. 89 (1997),no. 3, 465–476.

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