August 25th - Special Council Minutes - The Township of Uxbridge

August 25th - Special Council Minutes - The Township of Uxbridge August 25th - Special Council Minutes - The Township of Uxbridge
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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCILMONDAY, AUGUST 25 TH , 2008COUNCIL CHAMBERSUXBRIDGE, ONTARIOPRESENT: DEPUTY MAYOR HOWIE HERREMACOUNCILLORSJACK BALLINGERTED ENGGORD HIGHETPAT MIKUSEBEV NORTHEASTABSENT: MAYOR BOB SHEPHERD(AMO Conference)CAOINGRID SVELNIS(AMO Conference)STAFF PRESENT: TREASURERAL SHULTZCLERKDEBBIE LEROUXDIRECTOR OF PUBLICWORKSBEN KESTERMANAGER OF DEVELOPMENTSERVICESRICH VANDEZANDECHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL BRIAN PIGOZZOSTUDENT PLANNERSTUART DAVIDCLERKS’ ASSISTANT LAURA RUPPRECHTThe Special Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Township ofUxbridge was called to order by Deputy Mayor Herrema at 9:30 a.m.I. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERALNATURE THEREOF.There were none.II.ANNOUNCEMENTSa) Councillor Mikuse provided an update on the events at the CNE respecting the“100 Years of Anne” celebration advising that to date it has been very successful.Councillor Mikuse publicly thanked Jim McMillan, president of the CNE, for hisassistance.b) Deputy Mayor Herrema reminded Council of the Durham Region Plowing Matchtaking place on August 29, 2008 at the Roger Feasby Farm on Concession 5.c) Councillor Ballinger provided a brief update on the Ribfest which took place inJuly 2008. Councillor Ballinger advised that a complete analysis of the event’ssuccess will be available shortly and that the Legion intends to hold anotherRibfest next year which will include a car and motorcycle show.d) Deputy Mayor Herrema called on senior staff to introduce their new staff toCouncil.Al Shultz, Treasurer, introduced Sheree Wood as the new Tax Collector andDonna Condon as Capital Asset Project ManagerDerrick Andersen, By-law Enforcement Supervisor, introduced Andre Gratton asthe new By-law Enforcement Officer

MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCILMONDAY, AUGUST 25 TH , 2008COUNCIL CHAMBERSUXBRIDGE, ONTARIOPRESENT: DEPUTY MAYOR HOWIE HERREMACOUNCILLORSJACK BALLINGERTED ENGGORD HIGHETPAT MIKUSEBEV NORTHEASTABSENT: MAYOR BOB SHEPHERD(AMO Conference)CAOINGRID SVELNIS(AMO Conference)STAFF PRESENT: TREASURERAL SHULTZCLERKDEBBIE LEROUXDIRECTOR OF PUBLICWORKSBEN KESTERMANAGER OF DEVELOPMENTSERVICESRICH VANDEZANDECHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL BRIAN PIGOZZOSTUDENT PLANNERSTUART DAVIDCLERKS’ ASSISTANT LAURA RUPPRECHT<strong>The</strong> <strong>Special</strong> Meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Corporation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Uxbridge</strong> was called to order by Deputy Mayor Herrema at 9:30 a.m.I. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERALNATURE THEREOF.<strong>The</strong>re were none.II.ANNOUNCEMENTSa) <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse provided an update on the events at the CNE respecting the“100 Years <strong>of</strong> Anne” celebration advising that to date it has been very successful.<strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse publicly thanked Jim McMillan, president <strong>of</strong> the CNE, for hisassistance.b) Deputy Mayor Herrema reminded <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Durham Region Plowing Matchtaking place on <strong>August</strong> 29, 2008 at the Roger Feasby Farm on Concession 5.c) <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger provided a brief update on the Ribfest which took place inJuly 2008. <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger advised that a complete analysis <strong>of</strong> the event’ssuccess will be available shortly and that the Legion intends to hold anotherRibfest next year which will include a car and motorcycle show.d) Deputy Mayor Herrema called on senior staff to introduce their new staff to<strong>Council</strong>.Al Shultz, Treasurer, introduced Sheree Wood as the new Tax Collector andDonna Condon as Capital Asset Project ManagerDerrick Andersen, By-law Enforcement Supervisor, introduced Andre Gratton asthe new By-law Enforcement Officer

SPECIAL COUNCIL 2 AUGUST 25 TH , 2008Fire Chief Scott Richardson introduced Matt Alexander as the Fire Department’snewly-appointed full-time firefighter.e) <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger reminded <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Downtown Revitalization “PrimerEvening” taking place on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. <strong>Council</strong>lorBallinger advised that James Stiver <strong>of</strong> Orangeville will be in attendance and thatthe meeting will be open to the public.III.DELEGATIONSa) DR. BARBARA FRACKOZIAK re Zoning Amendment at 120 Toronto StreetSouthDr. Frackoziak was not in attendance.b) BILL TALBOT & IAN WISDOM re New Fill By-lawIan Wisdom introduced himself as Bill Talbot’s General Manager and advisedthat both he and Mr. Talbot were in attendance to provide an outline <strong>of</strong> Mr.Talbot’s plans for filling a portion <strong>of</strong> Lot 20, Concession 2, <strong>Uxbridge</strong>. Mr.Wisdom explained that the pit at this location has been nearly completely minedout with only one viable section remaining. Mr. Wisdom advised that it was Mr.Talbot’s intention to convert approximately one third <strong>of</strong> the land at this pit fromits current use as an aggregate pit to a horse farm and homestead for himself andhis family. Mr. Wisdom suggested that <strong>Council</strong> look to neighbouringmunicipalities such as Whitchurch-Stouffville and Scugog when preparing the<strong>Township</strong>’s Fill By-law. Mr. Wisdom continued by providing a list <strong>of</strong> benefitsthis concept would bring to the <strong>Township</strong> including revenue for the <strong>Township</strong>,job creation, and the elimination <strong>of</strong> roadside dumping. Mr. Wisdom concluded byencouraging <strong>Council</strong> to prepare a realistic fill by-law in a timely manner.c) CORRADO & CONNIE BARTOLO, TONY MASANSONG, P. ENG. ANDDAN & SYLVIA BARKEY re Fill Permit Application at 1389 Brock RoadCorrado & Connie Bartolo, Tony Masansong and Dan & Sylvia Barkey were notin attendance.IV.CORRESPONDENCE212 Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs re Proposed Amendments to theGeneral Nutrient Management RegulationMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT Correspondence Item No. 212 be received for information;AND THAT a copy <strong>of</strong> same be referred to staff for a report in order todetermine the impact <strong>of</strong> the proposed Regulation.”CARRIED213 Drinking Water Source Protection re Draft Proposed Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference in theCTC Source Protection Region214 Drinking Water Source Protection re Proposed Draft 2, Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference forDevelopment <strong>of</strong> the Assessment Report & Source Protection Plan – SevernSound, Nottawasaga Valley and Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching-Black RiverSource Protection Areas

SPECIAL COUNCIL 3 AUGUST 25 TH , 2008MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT Correspondence Item Nos. 213 and 214 be received forinformation;AND THAT a notice be placed in the <strong>Township</strong> page and on the<strong>Township</strong> web site advertising the public meeting on the Central LakeOntario Source Protection Area at 6:00 p.m. on September 10, 2008 atRegion <strong>of</strong> Durham Headquarters.”CARRIED215 Bev Leslie, Business Improvement Area re Removal <strong>of</strong> snow from the sidewalksalong Toronto Street SouthMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT Correspondence Item No. 215 be received for information;AND THAT a copy <strong>of</strong> same be forwarded to staff for a report on proposedalternatives for snow clearing.”CARRIED216 Rich DuBeau re Request for a six-month building permit and performance bondextension for 9221 Concession 2, <strong>Uxbridge</strong>MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> support Rich DuBeau’srequest for a six-month building permit and performance bond extensionfor 9221 Concession 2, <strong>Uxbridge</strong>.”CARRIED217 Eric Jylha, <strong>Uxbridge</strong> Major Peewee AE Stars re Request for support <strong>of</strong> an outdoormovie night at Elgin ParkMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> support the <strong>Uxbridge</strong>Major Peewee AE Stars’ request to use Elgin Park for an outdoor movienight at Elgin Park on September 19, 2008.”CARRIED218 Big Brothers, Big Sisters <strong>of</strong> North Durham Region re Request for Use <strong>of</strong> BandShell in Elgin Park on Saturday, September 27, 2008MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> support the request <strong>of</strong>the Big Brothers, Big Sisters <strong>of</strong> North Durham Region to use the BandShell in Elgin Park on Saturday, September 27, 2008 at no cost;CARRIED219 William P. Wilder re Objection to proposed uses for former Kwak property onBrock RoadMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT Correspondence Item No. 219 be received for information;AND THAT a copy <strong>of</strong> same be forwarded to the Fill Committee forconsideration.”CARRIED

SPECIAL COUNCIL 5 AUGUST 25 TH , 2008Services re Committee <strong>of</strong> Adjustment Application No. A30/2008, 177Toronto Street South, Ashgrove Estates, that, prior to the Committeedeeming the variances minor in nature and appropriate for thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> the lands they should be satisfied that the applicationmeets <strong>Township</strong> objectives. Appropriate considerations should include:iiiiii<strong>The</strong> Committee consider any comments <strong>of</strong> the neighbours andagencies as the <strong>Township</strong> has not had the benefit <strong>of</strong> such input.<strong>The</strong> requirements <strong>of</strong> the Lake Simcoe Region Authority withrespect to obtaining a permit prior to any site alteration ordevelopment on these lands.Should favorable comments be submitted from the RegionalWorks Department relating to the reduction in the front yard depth,the approval <strong>of</strong> the reduction be restricted to Unit 9 as identified onthe sketch submitted with the application.”CARRIEDc) Report DS 57/08 <strong>of</strong> Richard Vandezande, Manager <strong>of</strong> Development Services reChoko Motor Sports Site Plan Development, Lot 15, Plan 40M-1679, 19Anderson BoulevardMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> endorse therecommendation in Report DS 57/2008 <strong>of</strong> Richard Vandezande, Manager<strong>of</strong> Development Services that Report DS 57/2008 be received forinformation;AND THAT the nitrate dilution capacity for the municipally owned landsknown as Block 33, Plan 40M-1679 in Phase 1, <strong>Uxbridge</strong> Industrial Parkused for storm water retention are assigned to Lot 15, Pan 40M-1679, toaugment the maximum design daily sewage flow in support <strong>of</strong> applicationSPD 2008-04 – Choko Motorsports only and that appropriate wordingindicating this approval be included in the site plan agreement with ChokoMotorsports and that the Regional Health Unit be so advised.”CARRIEDd) Report DS 58/08 <strong>of</strong> Micheal Klose, Building Inspector re Gallo Commercial RBCBank Signage, 307 Toronto Street SouthMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report DS 58/08 <strong>of</strong> Michael Klose, Building Inspectorthat the RBC Bank be permitted to erect 4 signs as applied for providingthat the two signs that are visable from Toronto Street will be lit byexternal means only if required.”CARRIEDe) Report DS 59/08 <strong>of</strong> Michael Klose, Building Inspector re Shoppers Drug MartSigns, Toronto Street SouthMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report DS 59/08 <strong>of</strong> Michael Klose, Building Inspectorthat Shoppers Drug Mart shall be permitted to erect 7 signs on theNortheast and Northwest building elevations.”CARRIED

SPECIAL COUNCIL 6 AUGUST 25 TH , 2008f) Report DS 60/08 <strong>of</strong> Stuart David, Student Planner re LEED/Energy StarBackground InformationMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> receive Report DS60/08 <strong>of</strong> Stuart David, Student Planner re LEED/Energy Star BackgroundInformation for information;AND THAT a copy <strong>of</strong> same be forwarded to the Energy AdvisoryCommittee for consideration.”CARRIEDMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT that the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> direct staff to investigate thepossibility <strong>of</strong> future buildings/additions being built to LEED/Energy Starstandards on a case by case basis.”CARRIEDg) Report DS 61/08 <strong>of</strong> Stuart David, Student Planner re Accessory Residential UnitCreation in Hamlet AreasMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report DS 60/08 <strong>of</strong> Stuart David, Student Planner, asamended, that Report DS 60/08 be received for information;AND THAT <strong>Council</strong> consider amending the Official Plan and/or ZoningBy-law for the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> to allow for the creation <strong>of</strong>accessory residential units in Hamlets;AND THAT staff be directed to come back with a report on theimplementation <strong>of</strong> such a proposal.”CARRIEDh) Report PW 58/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works re Request for SpeedLimit Reduction – Wagg Road between Concession 3 & 4MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report PW 58/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> PublicWorks that the speed limit on Wagg Road between Concession 3 & 4remain at 80 km/hr;AND THAT the Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works contact Durham RegionalPolice and request some enforcement;AND THAT a copy <strong>of</strong> this report be sent to the resident requesting thespeed limit reduction.”CARRIEDi) Report PW 59/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works re Request for SpeedLimit Reduction – Second Avenue South <strong>of</strong> Dominion StreetMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> receive Report PW59/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works re Request for Speed LimitReduction – Second Avenue South <strong>of</strong> Dominion Street for informationand referred back to the Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works to investigate thepossibility <strong>of</strong> making the intersection <strong>of</strong> Dominion Street and SecondAvenue a four-way stop.”CARRIED

SPECIAL COUNCIL 7 AUGUST 25 TH , 2008j) Report PW 60/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works re South Townlinebetween Concession 6 and Brock Road (Regional Road 1)MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report PW 60/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> PublicWorks that the Clerk’s Department prepare a by-law that reduces thespeed limit from 80 km/hr to 50 km/hr on the South Townline betweenConcession 6 and Brock Road.”CARRIEDk) Report PW 62/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> Public Works re StormwaterManagement Committee Lake Simcoe Clean Up FundMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report PW 62/08 <strong>of</strong> Ben Kester, Director <strong>of</strong> PublicWorks that the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA)submit test results to <strong>Uxbridge</strong> Stormwater Management Committee withan executive summary <strong>of</strong> their interpretation <strong>of</strong> the results;AND THAT a meeting be requested with LSRCA to explain the LakeSimcoe Clean Up Fund and what type <strong>of</strong> projects the <strong>Township</strong> shouldapply for;AND THAT <strong>Council</strong> support applying for a project grant from LakeSimcoe Clean Up Fund provided <strong>Council</strong> agrees to the project prior toapplying for the funds.”CARRIEDMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> direct staff toinvestigate the status <strong>of</strong> Elgin Pond including any evidence <strong>of</strong>phosphorous;AND THAT staff investigate the availability <strong>of</strong> funds for the clean up <strong>of</strong>Elgin Pond;AND THAT staff organize a meeting with Lake Simcoe RegionConservation Authority and Totten Sims Hubicki to discuss the condition<strong>of</strong> Elgin PondAND THAT information concerning previous attempts to clean up ElginPond be provided to <strong>Council</strong> prior to the meeting.”CARRIEDm) Report CL-010/08 <strong>of</strong> Debbie Leroux, Clerk re Nicholson Drive – Parts 15, 16, 17and 18, Plan 733MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report CL-010/08 <strong>of</strong> Debbie Leroux, Clerk thatReport CL-010/08 be received for information;AND THAT staff be directed to make contact with the adjacent propertyowners who expressed an interest in the properties to determine if there isstill interest;AND THAT a resolution be adopted by <strong>Council</strong> declaring the landssurplus to the needs <strong>of</strong> the Municipality.”CARRIED

SPECIAL COUNCIL 8 AUGUST 25 TH , 2008n) Report 12/08 <strong>of</strong> Ingrid Svelnis, CAO re ORC Class EA Process – Kennedy HouseMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> accept therecommendation in Report 12/08 <strong>of</strong> Ingrid Svelnis, CAO that <strong>Council</strong>approve the recommendation <strong>of</strong> the CAO that the letter to the OntarioRealty Corporation (ORC) and the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Culture be signed by theClerk <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> and sent to ORC to complete the ClassEA process.”CARRIEDVI.BY-LAWSBy-laws Requiring Three ReadingsMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law Nos. 2008-105 to 2008-117and the same be read a first and second time.”CARRIED2008-105 Being a By-law to execute a Part Lot Control Exemption for AllianceButternut Inc., with regard to Block 24 on Plan 40M-2308, nowdesignated as Plan 40R-25528, Parts 1 through 7, in the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Uxbridge</strong>. (Alliance Butternut Homes Residential Development, BrockStreet West)2008-106 Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 81-19 with respect to certainlands located in Part <strong>of</strong> the East Half <strong>of</strong> Lot 28, Concession 6 to removethe Holding (H) Symbol (Ashgrove Estates Inc.).2008-107 Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 81-19 with respect to certainlands located in Part <strong>of</strong> Lot 17, Concession 2 (Goodwood), to remove theHolding (H) Symbol (Far Sight Investments Limited).2008-108 Being a By-law to govern the proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Municipal <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> and <strong>of</strong> its Committees, and the conduct <strong>of</strong> itsMembers; and to repeal By-law No. 95-039, as amended.2008-109 Being a By-law to establish a policy with respect to the sale and otherdisposition <strong>of</strong> municipal lands.2008-110 Being a By-law to authorize entering into a Funding Agreement with HerMajesty the Queen in Right <strong>of</strong> Ontario as represented by the Minister <strong>of</strong>Energy and Infrastructure for the commission <strong>of</strong> an energy audit <strong>of</strong> thePublic Library, 9 Toronto Street South.2008-111 Being a By-law to authorize the completion <strong>of</strong> a Letter <strong>of</strong> Agreement withthe Ontario Trillium Foundation for renovations and equipment purchasesfor the <strong>Uxbridge</strong> Public Library.2008-112 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with MichaelTaylor and Le Luu, operating as 1680977 Ontario Limited, for theoperation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> Arena Concession Stand.2008-113 Being a by-law to authorize entering into a Site Plan Agreement with<strong>Uxbridge</strong> Heights Plaza Ltd. with respect to lands described as Part <strong>of</strong> Lot27, Concession 6, Part 3 on Reference Plan 40R-9713 and to repeal BylawNo. 2008-081, being a by-law to authorize entering into a Site PlanAgreement with <strong>Uxbridge</strong> Heights Development Ltd.

SPECIAL COUNCIL 9 AUGUST 25 TH , 20082008-114 Being a By-law to appoint Sheree Wood as Tax Collector for the<strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong>.2008-115 Being a By-law to authorize the conveyance <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong> Block 15 onPlan 40M-1330, being a narrow boulevard strip on the south side <strong>of</strong>Lormick Drive, from the <strong>Township</strong> to Joyce Brown, 294 Main StreetNorth.2008-116 Being a By-law to appoint Andre Gratton as a By-law EnforcementOfficer for the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong>.2008-117 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2008-093, being a by-law toauthorize the acquisition <strong>of</strong> lands forming Part <strong>of</strong> Lot 20, Concession 6,Geographic <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> Scott, for road widening purposes that wouldbring the Leaskdale Road Right-<strong>of</strong>- Way, in part, to a uniform width <strong>of</strong>sixty-six (66) feet and to grant a right-<strong>of</strong>-way over the lands to thetransferor until such time as the lands are dedicated as Public Highway.(<strong>The</strong> amendment corrects the legal description to include Part 4 on Plan40R-25494 in addition to Part 3 on that Plan.MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT By-law No. 2008-105 to 2008-117 be now read a third time,finally passed and the Mayor and the Clerk duly sign and seal same.”CARRIEDVII.UNFINISHED BUSINESS<strong>The</strong>re was none.VIII. OTHER BUSINESSa) <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse advised that Heritage <strong>Uxbridge</strong> has selected the heritagebuildings whose image will appear on the windows facing Toronto Street on thenew Shopper’s Drug Mart.b) <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger advised that he and <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng are working on theconcept <strong>of</strong> holding the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong>’s 1 st annual Halloween parade indowntown <strong>Uxbridge</strong> for Friday, October 31 st , 2008.c) MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> agree to reopendiscussion on By-law 2008-108, being a by-law to govern the proceedings<strong>of</strong> the Municipal <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> and itsCommittees.”CARRIEDMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT all electronic devices be turned <strong>of</strong>f upon entering into <strong>Council</strong>Chambers.”DEFEATED<strong>Council</strong> recessed at 11:35 a.m. and reconvened at 11:42 a.m.

SPECIAL COUNCIL 10 AUGUST 25 TH ,2008MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast“THAT <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> reconsider the motionrespecting Inaugural Meetings that was defeated during the July 21 st , 2008<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Council</strong> meeting.”DEFEATEDd) Richard Vandezande provided <strong>Council</strong> with a copy <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>of</strong>Adjustment Decisions as well as comments from TRCA for Committee <strong>of</strong>Adjustment Applications A29/2008 and A30/2008 as they relate to Reports DS55/2008 and DS 56/2008 discussed earlier under Reports to <strong>Council</strong>.e) MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> go into ‘In-Camera’ asthe matters to be discussed concern the receiving <strong>of</strong> advice that is subjectto solicitor-client privilege; including communications necessary for thatpurpose.”CARRIEDMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Eng“THAT the <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> rise from ‘In-Camera’with nothing to report.”CARRIED<strong>The</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Township</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Uxbridge</strong> went ‘In Camera’ at 12:05 p.m. and rosefrom ‘In Camera’ at 12:06 p.m.IX.CONFIRMING BY-LAWBY-LAW NO. 2008-118MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 2008-118 being a bylawto confirm the proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong> at its <strong>Special</strong> Meeting <strong>of</strong><strong>August</strong> 25 th , 2008 and the same be read a first and second time.”CARRIEDMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT By-law No. 2008-118 be now read a third time, finally passedand the Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.”CARRIEDADJOURNMENT<strong>The</strong> Deputy Mayor adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:10 p.m.____________________________DEPUTY MAYOR____________________________CLERK

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