datasheet - Dolomite Microfluidics

datasheet - Dolomite Microfluidics

datasheet - Dolomite Microfluidics


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The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdUnit 1, Anglian Business Park, Orchard Road,Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5TW, UKT: +44 (0)1763 242491F: +44 (0)1763 246125E: sales@dolomite-microfluidics.comW: www.dolomite-microfluidics.com<strong>Dolomite</strong> <strong>Microfluidics</strong> – North America OfficeBlacktrace Inc, 29 Albion PlaceCharlestown, MA 02129, USAC: 617 803 6655T: 617 848 1121F: 617 500 0136E: salesus@dolomite-microfluidics.com2 Reagent Droplet Chipsproduct <strong>datasheet</strong>pageDescription 2Benefits 3Specification 4Sealing Interface 5Geometry 5Channel Geometry 6Surface Coatings 7IP License 7Droplet Formation 8Custom Options 8Optical Transmission 9The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre Limited Page 1 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdPart namePart number2 Reagent Droplet Chip (100μm etch depth) 32002412 Reagent Droplet Chip (100μm etch depth), hydrophobic 32002422 Reagent Droplet Chip (50μm etch depth) 32002862 Reagent Droplet Chip (50μm etch depth), hydrophobic 3200287DescriptionDesigned for a wide range of applications such as high throughput chemistry, biochemicalanalysis of cells, Janus particle formation and polymerization research, <strong>Dolomite</strong>’s 2Reagent Droplet Chips are glass microfluidic devices for generating droplets containing 2reagents.The 2 reagent streams meet close to the junction, so that mixing is minimised prior to theformation of droplets. The <strong>Dolomite</strong> flow focussing junction design enables thousands ofreactions per second to be carried out in volume controlled compartments isolated by aflowing carrier stream.Quick fluidic connection can be made using <strong>Dolomite</strong>’s Chip Interface H (Part No.3000155) and two Linear Connectors 4-way (Part No. 3000024) providing a straightthrough flow path from chip to tube which is beneficial for droplet collection.2 Reagent Droplet Chip (Part No. 3200241) Example of 2 Reagent Droplets(above) and Chip Interface H with 2Linear Connector 4-way (below)MAR-000058 v1.4 Page 2 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdBenefitsRapid generation of droplets containing 2 reagentsIdeal for carrying out reactions inside dropletsHydrophilic and hydrophobic versionsHigh visibility (excellent access for optics)Compatible with <strong>Dolomite</strong> Multiflux® Linear Connectors for quick and reliablefluidic connectionStraight through flow path for improved droplet collectionWide temperature and pressure rangeExcellent chemical compatibilityMAR-000058 v1.4 Page 3 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdSpecificationSpecification 3200241 3200242 3200286 3200287Channel cross-section atjunction (depth x width)Wide channel cross-section(depth x width)100μm x 105μm100μm x 300μm50μm x 55μm50μm x 250μmDroplet size range 20 - 150μm* 20 - 75 μm*Surface coating Hydrophilic Hydrophobic Hydrophilic HydrophobicNumber of inputs 4Number of outputs 1Chip size(length x width x thickness)Chip top and base layerthicknessChannel length afterjunctionBack pressure with100µl/min flow of waterSurface roughness ofchannels (R a )Max. operating pressureMaterialFabrication* depending on chemicals used22.5mm x 15.0mm x 4mm2.0mm11.5mm0.02bar5nmup to 30barGlassHF etching and thermal bondingMAR-000058 v1.4 Page 4 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdSealing InterfaceConnector body(PEEK)SealGlass microfluidic chipConnector tubing PTFE, FEPMicrochannelGeometryMAR-000058 v1.4 Page 5 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdChannel GeometryChanneldepth =100 mChannel width = 105 mChanneldepth =100 mChannel width = 300 mAbove Left: Part No. 3200241, 3200242 layout of flow junction, Above Right: Cross-section ofthe isotropically etched channels in junctionChanneldepth =50 mChannel width = 55 mChanneldepth =50 mChannel width = 250 mAbove Left: Part No. 3200286, 3200287 layout of flow junction, Above Right: Crosssectionof the isotropically etched channels in junctionMAR-000058 v1.4 Page 6 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdSurface CoatingsThe glass channel surface is naturally hydrophilic. This will form organic droplets in anaqueous carrier phase. To form aqueous droplets in an organic phase, a hydrophobiccoating is required. Part numbers for the two chip types are shown below:H 2 O (Aqueous) DropletsOil (Organic) Droplets2 Reagent Droplet Chip –Hydrophobic (3200242, 3200287)2 Reagent Droplet Chip –Hydrophilic (3200241, 3200286)The hydrophobic coating is resistant to organic solvents. It can be removed using acidic orbasic solutions, for example a 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide for 24 hours.IP license<strong>Dolomite</strong> is a licensee of Japan Science and Technology Agency (“JST”) under JST’smicrodroplet generation technology. Please see our website for further details.MAR-000058 v1.4 Page 7 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdDroplet FormationThe size, consistency, and production rate of droplet formation is a function of severalphysical parameters, including:Channel sizeViscosity and surface tension of the various fluidsPresence of surfactantsMiscibility of the fluidsUse of hydrophobic or hydrophilic coating on the channel wallsTotal flow rate and relative flow rate of each fluidFlow stabilityTo accelerate development work in droplet microfluidics, <strong>Dolomite</strong> offers a range ofmodular micro droplet systems featuring <strong>Dolomite</strong>’s industry leading microfluidic pumps,connectors and chips. The Droplet Advanced System is recommended for use with the 2Reagent Droplet Chip for optimum results. This features the Mitos P-Pump, whichprovides stable, pulse-free flow for generation of droplets with extremely consistentdiameters (monodisperse). Please contact <strong>Dolomite</strong> to configure a droplet system that fitsyour requirements.Mitos P-Pump, Flow Resistors and Droplet Chips featured in the Droplet Advanced SystemCustom OptionsOther chip configurations are available on request. If you would like to generate dropletsof a different size, operate with challenging fluids or perform complex droplet functions,<strong>Dolomite</strong> can design the junction geometry required. The range of <strong>Dolomite</strong> servicesavailable covers all aspects of the development process from characterization of liquidsfor droplet generation to the design of commercial instruments in the field of dropletmicrofluidics. Please contact <strong>Dolomite</strong> to discuss your application.MAR-000058 v1.4 Page 8 of 10

Transmittance, %The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdOptical TransmissionSpectral Transmittance of 2mm glass layer100806040200250 350 450 550 650 750Wavelength, nmOptical Transmission of Glass (Part No. 3200241 and Part No. 3200242)MAR-000058 v1.4 Page 9 of 10

The <strong>Dolomite</strong> Centre LtdMAR-000058 v1.4 Page 10 of 10

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