Document - FAVV

Document - FAVV

Document - FAVV

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Evaluation of immunoassay kits for determination of ochratoxin A in cereals4. LFDAs the LFD reader of Charm generates directly readings in concentration (ng/g), a different approach was used.Calibration curves using linear regression were constructed, the matrix effect was calculated by comparing theslopes 72 .Equation 16 CR = Slope [Diluted matrix] / Slope [Undiluted matrix] * 1004.1.4.4 Work package IV: Accuracy4. Study design4. Data handling and statistical analysesSamples are firstly analysed using the manufacturers protocol.The following protocol was used 73 .Equation 17xe-xt= (t*sd) / √NWith:x e: experimental mean (ng/g)x t: true value (ng/g)t: statistic value at 95% confidence level for levels of probabilityN: Number of replicate measurements4.1.4.5 Work package V: Blank sample analysis4. Study design3 extracts of blank matrices (wheat, oats, winter barley) are prepared according to the manufacturers guidelines. Onthree different days each extract was determined. Data handling and statistical analysesSamples are firstly analysed using the manufacturers protocol preferably at least three analyses per sample.Using a protocol described by reference 73 for estimation of detection limit.72Matuszewski BK. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2006 Jan 18;830(2):293-30073Skoog, West & Holler, Fundamentals of Analytical chemistry, 7 th Edition4-44 Experimental evaluation | CODA-CERVA

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