December 12th - Council Minutes - The Township of Uxbridge

December 12th - Council Minutes - The Township of Uxbridge December 12th - Council Minutes - The Township of Uxbridge
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COUNCIL 4DECEMBER 12 th , 2011NO. 152. AND THAT the owner/applicant ensure that the lot area and lotfrontage and the setbacks of the buildings on the severed parcelsatisfy the requirements of the Township of Uxbridge Zoning By-law81-19, as amended and that the applicant shall provide the Townshipwith written confirmation signed by an OLS that the lot area and lotfrontage of the parcels and setbacks of the buildings on the severedparcel conform with the Township of Uxbridge Zoning By-law 81-19,as amended;3. AND THAT an agreement between the Township and theowner/applicant be prepared and registered on the title of the landsthat would address, but is not limited to, the following:a. A drainage and grading plan be submitted by theowner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Township indicatingthe feasibility of siting a dwelling on the retained lot.b. That the retained lot be serviced by municipal water andsewers and the connections installed to the satisfaction of theTownship and the Region’s Works Department.c. That an entrance from the retained lot onto Fourth Ave isinstalled to the satisfaction of the Township.d. Elements of the Township of Uxbridge’s Allocation Policy thatare planned to be addressed as part of the development of theretained lot.e. The owner/applicant would be responsible for all costsassociated with the preparation and registration of theagreement.CARRIEDb) CAROLINE SCHULTZ, CHRIS MCGUCKIN AND RYAN ESSEX, AGGREGATEFORUM OF ONTARIO re Voluntary Aggregate Improvement Program for OntarioChris McGuckin, Lafarge Canada, introduced herself and fellow members of theAggregate Forum of Ontario (AFO), Caroline Schutlz, Ontario Nature and RyanEssex, Miller Paving who were also present.With the assistance of a Power Point presentation, Mr. McGuckin explained thatthe AFO’s primary goal is to provide significant, voluntary improvement ofaggregate operations across Ontario. Mr. McGuckin advised that it is a forummade of interested parties for discussion and design of a certification program,policy changes, community benefits and environmental benefits.Caroline Schultz continued by listing the AFO members and provided both theIndustry and ENGO’s perspective of the AFO. Ms. Schultz also spoke to anumber of Forum discussion topics including aggregate certification, greenprocurement and municipal and community benefits.Ryan Essex concluded the presentation by presenting the ‘next steps’ whichincluded incorporating the Aggregate Forum of Ontario, assessing Deloitteresearch on certification, developing standards and practices for a certificationprogram, engaging experts and interested parties on standards development andexpanding stakeholder dialogue.

COUNCIL 5DECEMBER 12 th , 2011NO. 15c) JOE DOMINGOS re Site Plans for 97 Brock Street WestJoe Domingos introduced himself as the owner/contractor of 97 Brock Street West.Mr. Domingos advised that he was in attendance to present their latest project at97 Brock Street West, the former Len Graphics. Mr. Domingos explained that thebuilding will be a combination of residential and commercial space. A largeportion of the lower level and second level will consist of commercial usesincluding accessible ramping. The third level will consist of a residentialcomponent to be used as their future residence. The other portion of the lowerlevel will be used as residential and a two car garage and storage. Mr. Domingosconcluded by speaking to parking, driveways and landscaping.The General Purpose and Administration Committee recessed at 11:15 a.m. andreconvene at 11:25 a.m.V. APPROVAL OF MINUTESMOVED by Councillor Mikuse, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 28 th , 2011be adopted.”CARRIEDVI.CORRESPONDENCE175 Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration re 2012 Volunteer Service AwardsProgramMOVED by Councillor Mikuse, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT Correspondence Item No. 175 be received for information;AND THAT a copy of same be sent to local non-profit groups and servicegroups;AND THAT a list of such groups be provided by Councillor Mikuse.”CARRIED176 Region of Durham to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario reBaagwating Community Association – Request for Support to Expand CurrentOperationsMOVED by Councillor Mikuse, SECONDED by Councillor Ballinger“THAT Correspondence Item No. 176 be received for information.”CARRIED177 Donald Igbokwe, Durham Region Multi-faith World Religion Committee 2012 reInvitation to World Religion Day 2012MOVED by Councillor Northeast, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT Correspondence Item No. 177 be received for information.”CARRIED178 Rosemary McConkey re “Local Look Back” essay/speech competition

COUNCIL 5DECEMBER 12 th , 2011NO. 15c) JOE DOMINGOS re Site Plans for 97 Brock Street WestJoe Domingos introduced himself as the owner/contractor <strong>of</strong> 97 Brock Street West.Mr. Domingos advised that he was in attendance to present their latest project at97 Brock Street West, the former Len Graphics. Mr. Domingos explained that thebuilding will be a combination <strong>of</strong> residential and commercial space. A largeportion <strong>of</strong> the lower level and second level will consist <strong>of</strong> commercial usesincluding accessible ramping. <strong>The</strong> third level will consist <strong>of</strong> a residentialcomponent to be used as their future residence. <strong>The</strong> other portion <strong>of</strong> the lowerlevel will be used as residential and a two car garage and storage. Mr. Domingosconcluded by speaking to parking, driveways and landscaping.<strong>The</strong> General Purpose and Administration Committee recessed at 11:15 a.m. andreconvene at 11:25 a.m.V. APPROVAL OF MINUTESMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT the minutes <strong>of</strong> the Regular <strong>Council</strong> Meeting <strong>of</strong> November 28 th , 2011be adopted.”CARRIEDVI.CORRESPONDENCE175 Ministry <strong>of</strong> Citizenship and Immigration re 2012 Volunteer Service AwardsProgramMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT Correspondence Item No. 175 be received for information;AND THAT a copy <strong>of</strong> same be sent to local non-pr<strong>of</strong>it groups and servicegroups;AND THAT a list <strong>of</strong> such groups be provided by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse.”CARRIED176 Region <strong>of</strong> Durham to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission <strong>of</strong> Ontario reBaagwating Community Association – Request for Support to Expand CurrentOperationsMOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mikuse, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Ballinger“THAT Correspondence Item No. 176 be received for information.”CARRIED177 Donald Igbokwe, Durham Region Multi-faith World Religion Committee 2012 reInvitation to World Religion Day 2012MOVED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Northeast, SECONDED by <strong>Council</strong>lor Highet“THAT Correspondence Item No. 177 be received for information.”CARRIED178 Rosemary McConkey re “Local Look Back” essay/speech competition

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