Chara,cterization of Maize Germplasm Grown in Eastern ... - cimmyt

Chara,cterization of Maize Germplasm Grown in Eastern ... - cimmyt

Chara,cterization of Maize Germplasm Grown in Eastern ... - cimmyt


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<strong>Chara</strong>,<strong>cterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maize</strong> <strong>Germplasm</strong><strong>Grown</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> and Southern Africa

CIMMYTThe International <strong>Maize</strong> and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) is an <strong>in</strong>ternationally funded, nonpr<strong>of</strong>itscientific research and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g organization. Headquartered <strong>in</strong> Mexico, the Center works withagricultural research <strong>in</strong>stitutions worldwide to improve the productivity and susta<strong>in</strong>ability <strong>of</strong> maize andwheat systems for resource-poor farmers <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g countries. It is one <strong>of</strong> 16 similar centerssupported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The CGIARcomprises over 50 partner countries, <strong>in</strong>ternational and regional organizations, and privatefoundations. It is co-sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) <strong>of</strong> the United Nations,the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), the United NationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).Contact InformationCIMMYT-Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP163, Harare, Zimbabwe. Phone +2634301807 or 301945; FAX+2634301327 or 301945; email: CIMMYT-ZIMBABWE@CGIAR.ORG.AcknowledgementThese trials were supported by the collaborators listed <strong>in</strong> Section 5, the Swiss Agency forDevelopment and Cooperation (SDC), the Department for International Development (DFID), and theRockefeller Foundation.Correct Citation: Vivek B., M. Banziger and K.v. Pixley. 2002. <strong>Chara</strong><strong>cterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> maize germplasmgrown <strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa: Results <strong>of</strong> the 2001 regional trials coord<strong>in</strong>ated by CIMMYT.Harare, Zimbabwe. CIMMYT.Accuracy <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>formation: The <strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong> this publication is based on results available at the time<strong>of</strong> publication. This does not exclude that the germplasm may perform differently if grown at othersites, or underdifferent conditions.Plant breeders' rights: <strong>Germplasm</strong> developed by CIMMYT is made freely available for anyagricultural research or breed<strong>in</strong>g purposes. Recipients are free to release for commercializationCIMMYT research products <strong>in</strong> the form they are provided. Prior to the application for any form <strong>of</strong>IPR on CIMMYT germplasm or related <strong>in</strong>formation, written permission from CIMMYT must beobta<strong>in</strong>ed. <strong>Germplasm</strong> developed by <strong>in</strong>stitutions other than CIMMYT (private seed companies,National Agricultural Research Programs) are subject to restrictions imposed by those <strong>in</strong>stitutionson their germplasm Evaluation <strong>of</strong> germplasm by CIMMYT does not imply endorsement orrecommendation.

Contents1./ntroduction<strong>Maize</strong> germplasm 2Trial management 2Data analysis 3How can the results be used? 52. Summary ResultsEarly Matur<strong>in</strong>g Populations (EPOP01 ) 6Intermediate and Late Matur<strong>in</strong>g Populations (ILPOP01) 8Early and Intermediate Matur<strong>in</strong>g Hybrids (EIHYB01) 10Intermediate and Late Matur<strong>in</strong>g Hybrids (ILHYB01) 12Yellow Populations (YPOP01) 14Elite and Advanced Inbred L<strong>in</strong>es (EAIL01) 163. Descriptions <strong>of</strong>Traits Recorded 214. Trial Sites Names and Classification 235. Collaborators 266. Individual Site ResultsEPOP01 ,29ILPOP01 37EIHYB01 44ILHYB01 54YPOP01 621

1. Introduction<strong>Maize</strong>germplasmThe trials evaluated elite pre-release and released maize germplasm supplied by CIMMYT,IITA, National Agricultural Research Programs, and private seed companies from southernAfrica.CIMMYT received the germplasm, grouped it accord<strong>in</strong>g to vigor and maturity, and formed sixreplicated trials:EPOP01: early to <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g open-poll<strong>in</strong>ated varieties (OPV's)ILPOP01: <strong>in</strong>termediate to late matur<strong>in</strong>g open-poll<strong>in</strong>ated varieties (OPV's)EIHYBOl' early to <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybridsILHYB01: <strong>in</strong>termediate to late matur<strong>in</strong>g hybridsYPOPO 1: yellow open-poll<strong>in</strong>ated varieties (OPVs)EAIL01: elite and advanced <strong>in</strong>bred l<strong>in</strong>esEach trial had an alpha (0,1) lattice design with three replicates while EAIL01 had tworeplicates.Trial managementThe trials were grown by CIMMYT, National Agricultural Research Programs. private seedcompanies and non-governmental organizations <strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa.Collaborators were encouraged to grow the trials underdifferent types <strong>of</strong>conditions:Well..fertllized/raln·fed conditions: trials were grown us<strong>in</strong>g optimal site-specificagronomic practicesManaged nitrogen stress: trials were grown <strong>in</strong> fields that had been depleted <strong>of</strong>nitrogen by grow<strong>in</strong>g unfertilized, non-legum<strong>in</strong>ous crops for several seasons andremov<strong>in</strong>g the crop biomass after each season. Nitrogen fertilization to maize trials wasdesigned so that yields under managed N stress averaged 20-35% <strong>of</strong> the yield <strong>of</strong> awell-fertilized maize crop atthat site.Managed drought stress: trials were grown dur<strong>in</strong>g a ra<strong>in</strong>-free period, with irrigationapplied at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the season to establish a good plant stand. Afterwards,irrigation was withheld so that the crop suffered drought stress dur<strong>in</strong>g flower<strong>in</strong>g andgra<strong>in</strong>-fill<strong>in</strong>g, result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> average yields <strong>of</strong>about 1-3 t/ha.Managed low pH stress: trials were grown <strong>in</strong> fields with high alum<strong>in</strong>um saturation(desirably:; 60%) and/or low amounts <strong>of</strong> plant-available phosphorus (desirably 3-4ppm P; i.e. 20-25% <strong>of</strong> the recommended levels). The objective was to achieve maizeyields that were 50-65% below the optimal maize yield at the same site.Artificial <strong>in</strong>oculation/<strong>in</strong>festation <strong>of</strong> biotic stress factors: trials (ma<strong>in</strong>ly EAIL01)were grown under artificial <strong>in</strong>oculation/<strong>in</strong>festation <strong>of</strong> leaf diseases, stem borers, andmaize gra<strong>in</strong> weevils.A complete list <strong>of</strong>the sites can be found <strong>in</strong> Section 4.2

Data analysisIn each Table, entries are grouped by anthesis date and sorted accord<strong>in</strong>g to the average rankfor yield across all sites. With<strong>in</strong> each maturity group, best rank<strong>in</strong>g entries are listed at the top.For present<strong>in</strong>g gra<strong>in</strong> yields. sites were grouped <strong>in</strong>to the follow<strong>in</strong>g sixenvironments:Lowland tropics, ra<strong>in</strong>fed/well-fertilizedMidaltitudes <strong>in</strong> eastern Africa, ra<strong>in</strong>fed/well-fertilizedMidaltitudes <strong>in</strong> southern Africa, ra<strong>in</strong>fed/well-fertilizedManaged and random drought stressManaged N stressLow pH stressThis group<strong>in</strong>g was done based on the location (for mak<strong>in</strong>g the division among ra<strong>in</strong>fed/wellfertilized sites, see Fig.1) and the management <strong>of</strong> the sites (ra<strong>in</strong>fed/well fertilized, manageddrought stress, managed N stress, low pH).Each trial is presented with two Summary Tables and <strong>in</strong>dividual site results.Summary Tab/esThe Summary Tables present gra<strong>in</strong> yields averaged across sites with significant differencesbetween entries, for each <strong>of</strong> the five to six environments. Data on agronomic performancesuch as anthesis date, plant and ear height, ear position, root and stem lodg<strong>in</strong>g, husk cover, earrot, leaf diseases, gra<strong>in</strong> weevil and stem borer damage, gra<strong>in</strong> texture and gra<strong>in</strong> moisture wereaveraged across all sites that provided results with significant differences between entries. If nodata are presented for these traits, no trial data demonstrat<strong>in</strong>g significant differences for thesetraits was available.With<strong>in</strong> each maturity group, gra<strong>in</strong> yields, root and stem lodg<strong>in</strong>g, husk cover, ear rot, leafdiseases, weevil and borer damage traits were color-coded. With<strong>in</strong> a maturity group, colorsthat have no letter <strong>in</strong> common <strong>in</strong> the legend are different by at least one 'Least SignificantDifference' (LSD, P~O.05). LSDs were calculated from the mean square error that was pooledacross sites. Note: colors can only be used to compare traits with<strong>in</strong> a certa<strong>in</strong> maturity group.For compar<strong>in</strong>g traits between maturity groups, use the LSD listed at the bottom <strong>of</strong>the Table.With<strong>in</strong> a maturity group,colors that have no letter<strong>in</strong> common are differentby at least one LSD.endVery goodGoodAveragePoorVery poorA description <strong>of</strong> all measurements can be found <strong>in</strong> Section 3.3

Fig 1. Classification <strong>of</strong>locations basedon CIMMYT<strong>Maize</strong> Mega-Environments.Day lengthDryLoWlands-<strong>Eastern</strong> AfricaMidaltitudes-<strong>Eastern</strong> AfricaLowlands-Southern Africa11 5 d 200 mm4

Individual site resultsThese Tables present gra<strong>in</strong> yields for <strong>in</strong>dividual sites, grouped by environment. Adescription <strong>of</strong>the sites can be found <strong>in</strong> Section 4.Howcan the results be used ....... byNationalAgriculturalResearch Programs?» Request seed <strong>of</strong> the very best stress-tolerant, responsive OPV's and hybrids fromCIMMYT, other National Programs, and private seed companies, and further test them <strong>in</strong>the National <strong>Maize</strong> Evaluation Trials.» Conduct National <strong>Maize</strong> Evaluation Trials not only under optimal conditions but also underthe most important stresses present <strong>in</strong> farmers' fields. Consider performance under stressconditions and farmers' preferences when mak<strong>in</strong>g decisions on release <strong>of</strong>germplasm.» Request and use seed <strong>of</strong> best CIMMYT germplasm (<strong>in</strong>bred l<strong>in</strong>es, OPV's) <strong>in</strong> your breed<strong>in</strong>gprogram and for registration..... byPrivate Seed Companies?» Foster the distribution <strong>of</strong> cultivars that are not only high yield<strong>in</strong>g under optimal conditionsbut as well underthe most important stresses present <strong>in</strong> farmers' fields.» Cont<strong>in</strong>ue to submit seed <strong>of</strong> your best germplasm for evaluation <strong>in</strong> Regional Trials (toCIMMYT) and/or National <strong>Maize</strong> Evaluation Trials (to National Agricultural ResearchPrograms <strong>of</strong><strong>in</strong>dividual countries).» Request and use seed <strong>of</strong> best CIMMYT germplasm (<strong>in</strong>bred l<strong>in</strong>es, OPV's) <strong>in</strong> your breed<strong>in</strong>gprogram and for commercialization..... bySeed-Distribut<strong>in</strong>gAgencies?» Use data from Regional Trials (available from CIMMYT-Zimbabwe) and National <strong>Maize</strong>Evaluation Trials (available from National Agricultural Research Programs <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividualcountries) for mak<strong>in</strong>g decisions on which seed to distribute to farmers.» Distribute quality seed <strong>of</strong>the very best stress-tolerant, responsive hybrids and OPV's thatare currently available.Conclusion: Foster the availability and distribution <strong>of</strong>quality seed <strong>of</strong> the very best maize cultivars - those thatare not only high yield<strong>in</strong>g under optimal conditions but aswell under the stresses present <strong>in</strong> farmers' fields.5

Across MldAlt MldAlt Low N Low Drought AnthRelGY Rank SA EA lands stress pH Date% Avg Stdev Vha Vha Vha Vha VhaVha4 ZEWNB F1 CIMMYT 116 7 4.~ 5.3 1.7 2,8 --60.0OPVs with days to anthesls between 57 and 61 days3 ZM303 CIMMYT 102 11 5 4,9 47 1.4 1.5 2.2 61.12 ZM301 C1 CIMMYT 102 12 5 5.3 4.2 1.4 1.9 2.2 60.31 [EARLY-MID-1/KATUMANI-SR]-# CIMMYT 95 14 5 3,8 4.8 3.8 1.3 2.5 2.3 58.717 KATUMANI-ST TANZANIA 94 15 5 3.7 4.9 4.4 1.2 1.8 2.0 60.919 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA BOTSWANA 92 16 5 4.0 4.5 4.0 11 2.2 2.1 59.812 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 CIMMYT 92 16 5 3.5 4.6 3.8 1.4 1.8 2.3 59.7-Color legend~VerygOOdAS GoodBe Average~poor14 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 83 18 6~ 3.9 11 1.8 2.0 57.0 Very poor13 POOL 16 SEQ C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 82 19 5 3.7 1.2 1.7 1.1 60.5Maturity group average 95 14 5 3.8 4.7 4.1 1.3 2.0 2.2 59.8With<strong>in</strong> a maturity group.OPVs with days to anthesls between 62 and 65 days colors that have no letter <strong>in</strong>8 ZM521 F1 CIMMYT 124 5 3 1.8 2.8 2.9 63.9 common are different by at(j) 10 ZM521-FLINT F1 CIMMYT 127 5 4 1.7 2.2 2.9 63.3 least one LSD.7 ZM421-FLINT F1 CIMMYT 121 5 3 1.7 2.2 2.8 63.7LSDs were calculated from9 ZM521 F2 CIMMYT 113 8 5 4.8 1.7 2.1 I2.8 645 was pooled across sites.5 ZM421 F1 CIMMYT 113 8 5 50 1.6 2.5 2.6 63.8 the mean square error that16 KAFULA MALAWI 104 11 5 4.3 1.4 2.7 2.5 63.06 ZM421 F2 CIMMYT 104 12 5 4.1 1.5 2.4 2.0 62.024 LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 92 15 9 4.6 1.0 0.6 2.3 62.923 LOCAL CHECK 1 Various 89 15 8 4.7 4.0 4.2 1.0 1.4 2.2 63.615 DTP C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 89 16 5~.11 1.6 1.8 64.4I11 POOL 15 aPM SR CIMMYT 89 17 5 ,, 1.6 2.0 62.118 MATUBA SEED-CO 86 18 5 4.1 1.3 2.4 18 63.2Maturity group average 104 11 5 4.5 4.9-4.6 1.4 2.1 2.4 63.4OPVs with days to anthesls over 66 days-22 IWDCO IITA 109 9 6 4.4 5.7 1.4 2.2 2.4 67.221 SIN93 TZUTSR-W IITA 94 13 7 34 5.0 4.9 1.2 2.4 2.1 67.920 KEP NTS 90 16 7 3.9 4.7 Ir.l*.10 26 2.0 66.6Maturity group average 98 13 7 3.9 5.2 4.6 1.2 2.4 2.2 67.2Mean 100 13 5 4.2 4.9 4.4 1.3 2.1 2.3 62.5LSD (0.05) 0.4 0.4 0,4 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.5M<strong>in</strong> 82 5 3 3,2 3.7 3.5 1.0 0.6 1.7 57.0Max 127 19 9 5,1 6.1 5,4 1.8 2,8 2,9 67.9

""'l% Avg Sldev d em 0-1 % % % % 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 # 1-9 g-foree4 ZEWNB F1 116 7 4 600 185 0,44 179 9,3 8,1 10,1 \37-2.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.7 6,S 66.33 ZM303 102 11 5 611 189 0.47 20.9 7,4 7.5 9,8 2.6 20 2.3 2.2 3.4 5.8 68,0ZM301 C1 102 12 5 60,3 188 0.41 16.3 7.6 7.4 • 2.4 2.1 2.4 2.6 95 5.2 77.01 lEARLY-MIO-1/KATUMANI-SR]-# 95 14 5 58.7 186 0.47 27.4 15.2 8.2 9.2 2.9 2.2 2.1 2.5 2,9 5.7 65.7..19 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA 92 16 5 59.8 188 0.44 19.2 12.0 7.4 15.2 31 2.3 2.6 2.5 4.5 66.712 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 59.7 173 0.44 20.2 11.8 9.5 9.9 2,1 2.3 3.3 4.8 72.0-14 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 57,0 171 0.44 22.8 9.2 6.5 143 3.0 24 2.7 2.3 3.5 67 64.717 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 60.9 201 0.47 23.9 12.8 6.0I10.5 2.8 2.0 2.1 3.0 2.9 5.7 71.713 POOL 16 SEQ Cl ZAMBIA 82 19 5 60.5 168 0.48 25.4 12,6 7.9 11.4 2.7 2.2 2.0 2.9 3.2 I99 6.2 58.0Maturity group average 95 14 5 59,8 183 0.45 21.5 10.9 7.6 116 2.8 2.2 2.3 2.6 3,0 97 5.6 67.8OWs wltll days to IlIiPleslll between 62 and 65 days-8 ZM521 F1 124 5 3 63.9 196 0.47 16.6 53 8.9 11.3 2.3 1.8 2.1 2.7 3.1 4.5 70.0~10 ZM521-FLINT F1 127 5 4 63.3 199 0.46 17.3 5.9 7.3 10.5 2.0 2.02.3 101 5.2 67.07 ZM421-FLINT F1 121 5 3 63.7 197 0.49 17.2 6.0 7.8 6.9 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.0 5.2 62.75 ZM421 F1 113 8 5 63.8 196 0.47 15.7 7.0 7.9 9.0 2.5 2.2 2.0 ~ 2.7 99 4.7 68.0147-16 KAFULA 104 11 5 63.0 198 0.49 19.6 8.4 6.6 2.2 2.3 2.7 5.0 74.79 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 64.5 196 0.48 19.0 3.9 8.3 9.8 2.4 1.8 1.9 2.7 2.8 67 64.36 ZM421 F2 104 12 5 62.0 184 0.46 17.8 9.1 8.8 13.-4 2.5 2.2 2.0 2.6 2.8 5.7 65.324 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 62.9 193 0.45 22.3 14.6 9.3 6.3 2.3 2,0 1.9 2.9 2.4 147 5.8 63.023 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 63.6 192 0.46 22.0 11.3 6.3 6.1 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.2 78 6.7 05.3OPVs WiUliI.1yS to antflllllis between 57 and 61 days15 OTP C1 ZAMBIA 89 16 5 64.4 184 0.44I 151 3,4 7.7 123 2.3 1 2.0 1.9• 27..71.711 POOL 15 QPM SR 89 17 5 62.1 185 0.45 26.3 4.9 8,8 10.7 2.5 2.0 2.2 1.8 68.0•---•18 MATUBA 86 18 5 63.2 192 0.50 17.4 7.7 6.7 6.8-2.1 2.0 2.3 5.7 62.0• • •Malurity group average ~104 11 5 63.4 193 0.47 18.9 7.3 7.9 9.8 2,5 2,1 2.1 2.6 2,5 98 5.7 66.8OPVs wllh days to anlhesis over 66 days-22 IWOCO 109 9 6 67.2 205 0.49 17.4 6.9 6.4 7.8- 68.713.0 1.9 2.5 2.5 3.6 5.5 61.321 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 67.9 205 0.48 18.3 7.7 5.8 12.5 1.7 2,7 3.1 6.0 61.020 KEP 90 16 7 66,6 206 0.50 19.3 8.1 27 2.2 2.1 4.3 5.5IMaturity group average 98 13 7 67.2 206 0.49 18.3 7.6 6.7 16.1 2.8 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.7 111 5.7 63.7ean 100 13 5- 62.5 191 0.46 19.8 8.7 7.6 11.3 2.6 2.1 2.2 2.7 2.8 99 5.7 66.80.5 3 0.01 5.7 3.6 t.4 4,1 0.2 0,3 0.3 0,4 0.2 3 1.2 8.482 5 3 57,0 168 0.41 15.1 3.4 5.8 6.1 2.1 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.8 69 4.5 58.0127 19 9 67.9 206 0.50 27.4 15.2 9.5 22.9 3.2 2.4 2.7 4.0 4.3 147 8.2 77.0

Low N Low Drought AnlhRelGY Rank SA EA lands stress pH Oats% Avg Stdev Vha Vha tlha tlha Vha tlha dOPVs with days to anthesls between 68 and 70 days1 P501/P502 SR F1 CIMMYT 124 4 4--5,7 3,6 2,2 1.7 2,8 68,13 P502-SRCO-F2 CIMMYT 115 8 5 4.8 5.9 3.1 2,2 1.6 2.7 69,95 ZM605C4 F3 CIMMYT 104 11 6l 4.7 4.8 3.0 1,9 1.2 2,6 68.09 ZM621-FLINT F1 CIMMYT 112 8 6 5.2 4.8 23 2,1 0,8 2.7 69,013 MASIKA MALAWI 104 11 6~ 4.7 3.8 2,0 1.2 3.0 68.7 Color legendMaturity group average 112 9 5 4.9 5.2 3.2 2.1 1.3 2,8 68.7 ~V."'.OOd-OPVs with days to enthesis betw8iln 70 and 73 days- AS Good~7 ZM621 F1 CIMMYT 121 6 4 2,9 2.1 1.1 3.1 70,4 Be Average-.5,68 ZM621 F2 CIMMYT 113 8 5 5,4 3,0 2,0 0,8 3.0 70,2'~poor10 ECAVL1-DLN CIMMYT 113 9 6 5,0 2,4 2.; 1.5 2,8 72.7 Very poor6 WEEVILAxB F1 CIMMYT 110 10 5 5.3 3.5 1.9 1.3 3.1 70,4r2 P501-SRCO-F2 CIMMYT 108 10 6 4.3 5.6 3,3 1.8 16 3.2 71.1With<strong>in</strong> a maturity group,co 4 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 CIMMYT 101 12 6 4,4 53 2.7 1.8 1.2 2.7 72,3colors that have no letter <strong>in</strong>-12 OBATANPA aPM GHANA 94 14 5 4,4 4.3 2.9 1.6 0.4 2.4 71.5 common are different by at20 TZLCOMP3 C2 IITA 96 14 5 4.3 4,6 2,4 1.8 0.9 ,2.3 71.9 least one LSD.15 POP10 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 97 14 4 4.2 4.8 2,8 1.7 1.4 2.3 70.314 AC7844 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 93 15 6 41 4.6 2.8 1.4 1.1 2.5 72,2 LSDs were calculated from17 ZM601 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 74 21 3 1.5 0.5 72.924 LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 113 17 7 3,4 5,2 2,8 1.3 0,4 2.5 72.0the mean square error that23 LOCAL CHECK 1 Various 86 17 6 3.8 4,6 2.7 ...1.3 1,0-2.2 70,6was pooled across sites.16 POP25 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 86 18 3 40 4.1 2,2 14 0.7 2,5 72.2Maturity group average 98 13 5 4,3 4.9 2.7 1.7 1.0 2,6 71.5OPVs with days to anlhesls betWeen 7·3 and 76 daY;--- -~-11 ECAVL2-DLN CIMMYT 112 7 5 2,4 1.9 1.8 2.7 73.9I18 TZ9043DMRSR IITA 100 13 6 4,6 4,8 2.1 1.5 1.1 2.8 75.522 TZLCOMP4 C2 IITA 98 14 6 4,3 5.2 2,3 1.5 0,8 2,3 75.921 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W IITA 82 17 6 41 3.8 2.2 11 0.7 2.3 73.519 ACR9222-SR IITA 72 21 3 1.6 12 0.3 2.0 74.7Maturity group average 93 15 5 4.3 4,5 2.1 1.5 0,9 2,4 74.7-Mean100 12 5 4.4 4.9 2..7 1.7 1.0 2.11 71.5LSD (0.05) 0.3 0.8 1.0 Q.3 Q.8 GoA 0.5M<strong>in</strong> n3 3.3 3.3 1.5 1.1 0.3 2.0 68.0Max 124 21"1 5.4 5.9 3.8 2.2 1.8 3.2 75.9

CD% Avg Sldev d em 0·1 % % % % 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 # % # g-foreeOPVII w'l~ dayi to anthtsia btlWeen 68 and 711 days-1 P501/P502 SR F1 124 4 4 68.1 191 0.48 3.3 4.3 15.3 15.7 2.3 1.9 19 1.5 1.3 3.3 02 67.83 P502-SRCO-F2 115 8 5 69.9 190 0.48 3..4 5.9 16.8 15.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 U 1.4 3.1II!OX) 7199 ZM621-FLINT F1 112 8 6 69.0 203 0.49 5.7 8.3 13.4 16.1 20 22 2.3 2.2 1.6 2.2 10.1' 0.2 64.15 ZM605C4 F3 104 11 6 68.0 200 0.49 8.0 7.6 12.04 23.7 2.3 1.9 2.2 2.~ 1.7 2.6 0.1 68.213 MASIKA 104 11 6 68.7 198 0.50 9.4 7.9 13.8 2.3 ~2.2 2.3 1.4 2.9 74 9.7 0.0 562Maturity group average 112 9 5 68.7 196 0.49 5.9 6.8 14.3 16.4 2.3 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.5 2.8 73-9.9 0.1 65.7OPVs with ~ 10 Inthesl$ betWeen 70 Ind 73 dlYS- --7 ZM621 F1 121 6 4 70.4 208 0.50 6.6 10.3 11.5 13.6 23 2.2 1.0 3.1 0.1 61.78 ZM621 F2 113 8 5 70.2 205 0.51 8.2 11..3 10.5 14.7 2.3 2.2 I.e 3.3 9.5 0.2 66.410 ECAVL1-DLN 113 9 6 72.7 201 0.49 65 2..3 12.9 211 1.1 3.8 10.9 64.66 WEEVILAxB F1 110 10 5 70.4 203 0.52 6.7 9.8 10.2 8.2 1.2 2.4 11 II 00 64.012 OBATANPA QPM 94 14 5 71.5 211 0.52 6.7 4.7 16.6 2.3 2.6 2.8 1.4 3.4 0.1 61.94 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 101 12 6 72.3 203 0.51 1.3 2.6 7052 P501-SRCO-F2 108 10 6 71.1 197 0.50 41 5.3 12.4 13.8 2.7 2.1 1.2 2.8 10.6 02 65.67.2 1l.~ 10.5 2.4 2.0 20 TZLCOMP3 C2 96 14 5 71.9 196 0.53 ~38 7.2 5." 18.8-2.3 2.5 2.8 1.7 1.8 I0.0 59.515 POP10 C1 ZAMBIA 97 14 4 70.3 206 0.50 9.2 8.0. 0.2- 10.9 23 27 2.1 2.3 1.3 2.2 0.2 64.614 AC7844 C1 ZAMBIA 93 15 6 72.2 198 0.54 8.5 7.9 __-~5 2.6 2.3 2.3 3.1 11 2.8 D.' 61.8-- -24 LOCAL CHECK 2 83 17 7 72.0 207 0.53 13.5 7.4 10.5 14.1 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.5 119 18.9 0.0 68.423 LOCAL CHECK 1 86 17 6 70.6 209 0.51 10.7 6.7 11.7 21.1 2.4 2.5 2.1 3.0 1.6 2.4 47 10.7 0.1 52.916 POP25 C1 ZAMBIA 86 18 3 72.2 201 0.51 9.3 9.1 72 15.7 2.5 2.4 :z.5 3.0 1.3 2.1 02 65.517 ZM601 C1 ZAMBIA 74 21 3 72.9 184 0.49 9.0 8.2 72 17.5 2.7 1.5 3.0 0.1 65.0--Maturity group average 98 13 5 71.5 202 0.51 8.3 7.7 9.0 15.4-2.5 2.3 2.2 2.6 1.4 2.7 81 10.8 0.1 63.7OPVs WtIh days to anthesis between 731nd 76 days- --11 ECAVL2-DLN 112 7 5 73.9 204 0.52 8.7 8.7 73 21.0 2.0 2.3 15 2.4 0.1 68.S--Ii::18 TZ9043DMRSR 100 13 6 75.5 222 0.53 11.6 48 6.8 19.7 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.5 1.2 3.8 14,5 0.0 61.622 TZLCOMP4 C2 98 14 6 75.9 216 0.53 I 62 U 4.7 21.4 25 2.3 2.3 22 1.3 3.6 0.1 57.321 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W 82 17 6 73.5 201 0.53 10.6 H.1 5.4 18.6 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.5 1.1 2.6 0.1 b4.519 ACR9222-SR 72 21 3 74.7 202 0.54 8.4 14.3 38 146 31 1.2 2.9~rity group average 93 15 5 74.7 209 0.5 9.1 9.6 5.6 19.1 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.5 1.2 3.0 63 13.7 0.1 61.4- - ---Meln 100 12 5 71.5 202 0.51 8.0 7.9 9.5 16.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.4 1.4 2.8 73 11.1 0.1 63.7LSD (G.05) 0.5 4 0.01 5.0 3.6 3.0 7.9 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 2 1.0 0.1 9.1M<strong>in</strong> 72 4 3 68.0 184 0.48 3.3 2.3 3.8 8.2 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.4 1.0 1.8 45 11.0 0.0 52.9Mill 124 21 7 75.9 222 0.54 17.2 14.3 16.8 23.7 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.7 2.1 3.8 121 21.3 0.5 71.9

EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and Intermediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIM~YT. DR&~ Monsa~t~ Pil~nllr &s~ CQ,acr,oss 1.~,s.i~es . - -- ~<strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa 2000/01. Individual site resulls on page s 44-53. Color legend on pages 6, 8 or 14, ... _. ~fnlly Name Orig<strong>in</strong> AcrossMldAIt IlIdAlI low N LowAnIhReIGY RankSA EA lands stress pHCale% Avg Sidev I/ha I/ha I/ha Vha I/ha I/haHybrids with anthesls dale less than 62 days29 ZS257 ZS257Maturity group averageHybrids with anthesls date between 6U4 daysDR&E 100100242412125.9 5.75.9- CZH00012 CML440/CZL00005/1CZL00001/CML31232 SC403 SC40333 SC407 SC40736 SC515 SC515MatUrity group averageHybrids with anthesis dale between 64i6 daysCIMMYT 113SEED-CO 109SEED-CO 105SEED-CO 9810616182022199111112116.3 6.25.9 6.96.0 6.96.0 6.46.0 DK8031 DK803116 CZH00011 / CML395/CML440//CZL000015 CZH99015 CML395/CML312/1CML44019 CZH00014 CML312/CZL99014/1CML44020 CZH00015 CZL99013/CML312/1CML20523 CZH00018 CZL99014/CMl202/1CML44035 SC513 SC51338 SC521 SC5212 CZH99005 CZL00007/CZL00008/ICML3121CZL9901413 CZH00008 CMl442/CML4451/CML4401 CZH99002 CZL00007/CZl99014/1CML31241 LOCAL CHECK 1 LOCAL CHECK 137 SC517 SC51728 ZS255 ZS25534 SC501 SC501Maturity group averageH willI s/IllI"'1s dale between 61>89 days18 CZH00013 CML395/CML3121/CZL0000115 CZH00010 CML197/CML440/lCZL000034 CZH99014 CML444/CML395/1CML44026 CZH00021 CML395/CML216/ICZL9901421 CZHOOO 16 CML202lCML395/1CML4403 CZH99010 CZL99013/CML3121ICZL0000639 PAN31 PAN3125 CZH00020 CML395/CML202l/CZL9901414 CZH00009 CML395/CML44111CZLOOOOl11 CZH00006 CML197/CML445/1CML44024 CZH00019 CML197/CML3121/CML2058 CZH00003 CZL00003/CML444/ICML44031 DK8041 DK804122 CZH00017 CML202lCML395/1CML20542 LOCAL CHECK 2 LOCAL CHECK 240 PAN6479 PAN647927 CZH00022 CML206/CML312/1CML2057 CZH00002 CZL00002/CML395/1CML44010 CZH00005 CMl445/CML395/1CML4406 CZHOOOOl CZLlio001/CML395/1CML440MatUrity group averagenLSD 10.05)IIIMONSANTO 115CIMMYT 110CIMMYT 108CIMMYT 110CIMMYT 109CIMMYT 102SEED-CO 102SEED-CO 101CIMMYT 101CIMMYT 102CIMMYT 98Various 94SEED-CO 95DR&E 97SEED-CO 88102CIMMYT 128CIMMYT 113CIMMYT 112CIMMYT 108CIMMYT 107CIMMYT 104PANNAR 106CIMMYT 108CIMMYT 104CIMMYT 107CIMMYT 104CIMMYT 105MONSANTO 103CIMMYT 100Various 94PANNAR 93CIMMYT 92CIMMYT 89CIMMYT 80CIMMYT 7997100241416161718212121222223232424282113151718181818191920202022232526273134222.940109101010991312111113111212111012101311121111141110111411111071011~_.._6865 6.362 615.9 6.66' 6.35.9 6.12 6756 126.1 5.95.4 ",6.15.9 6.365.96~ 5.9a2 6.4.2545.95.8 5.8S,9 6.10.4 0.813 0.91.5 a.l5.114S4.74 I4.5a94.54.54.654.$72.22.0232. 61.9.H221,~171.11.21..11.31.0t'i1.01.212o1.01.21.21.l0421.3.3313.035273.,'S22.92.7I2.62.812.82.8333.764.865.665.765.065.864.565964.464064.864.365264964.365.965.067366267.668.466968.466.867.367.466.768.066.466.667067.867667.266.466668.36736580.66O.T1\9010

EIHye01: Rnull!o 01 wllualton 01 early and Inlermadiate mawr<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIUMYT. DR&E, MOI1l;anlo. PannOlr & Seed Co ICfll55 46 fill! -<strong>in</strong> eaSteriiland soulhem Africa 2000/011 Indlvldualsile filliul15.on pa.!lIlS .....53. Color legend on palle5 6. 8 0' 14. .Enl7y HameAn1II PWII EarHutk EMP.sorg Elu•• IISV lrll'" W...mRelGY RankDate Height Position Root Stem Cover RotText TQblfl WIlBom% Avg Sidev em 0-1 % % % % 1-5 1·5 1-5 1·5 1-5 1-5 % 1·5flytJr1tls with anthesis dale less than 62 days29 ZS257 100 24MatUrity group average 100 24HyIltlft'wrth anthesls date between 62-&4 days17 CZH00012 113 1632 SC403 109 1833 SC407 105 2036 SC515 98 22Maturity group average 106 19Hybrids with anlhesl, date between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 1416 CZHOOOll 110 165 CZH99015 108 1619 CZH00014 110 1720 CZH00015 109 1823 CZH00018 102 2135 SC513 102 2138 SC521 101 212 CZH99005 101 2213 CZH00008 102 221 CZH99002 98 2341 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 2337 SC517 95 2428 ZS255 97 2434 SC501 88 28Maturity group average 102 21Hybrid. with an,hesll dale between 66-69 days18 CZH00013 128 915 CZH00010 113 134 CZH99014 112 1526 CZHOOO21 108 1721 CZH00016 107 183 CZH99010 104 1839 PAN31 106 1825 CZH00020 108 1814 CZH00009 104 1911 CZH00006 107 1924 CZH00019 104 208 CZH00003 105 2031 DK8041 103 2022 CZH00017 100 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 2340 PAN6479 93 2527 CZH00022 92 267 CZH00002 89 2710 CZH00005 80 316 CZHOOOOl 79 34Maturity group average 97 22Mean100 21LSD (0.05}M<strong>in</strong>Max2412894012121111121110910101099131211111311121211810912101311121111141110111411111077101161460.760.763562.763.463.563364.865.665765.065.864.565.964.464.064864.365.264.964.365.965067.366.267.668.468.968.466867.367466768066466667.067867667.268.466.66836736~80.680.769.018718718218919319218919116318418419217419518119317419718418819019418720120218620517320718819919818319918819218718917719318817717618918841592070.430.430.430.440.430.490440.480.450.460.470.48OAl0.480.480.450.440.420.450.480.450.460.460.460.480.480.480.470.460.470.470.450.480.490.470.480.490.480.460440.460.45OAl0.5OAll0.00.420.4915615.6IJ.a6.,08.3136.,~IBB15.29.4987},19.8f2.910.9I 112 ,7.312-492879.25.2-0.516.810510.535jBI>,364.614.744. 3:MU212lU24.925.624.917.724.221.724.''1.72.0to1,81.7t91."1.91.9/ ~'';6~1j 92.32.02,32.217162.0III.2.2182.12.7181812.3V1 J1.92.0f 1.52.1 1.5Ul 1.5_,",I,............;.2.32.0 1.52.0 1.60.3 0.91.4 1.03A 3.03.3332.\3010912ll12514210273115119100100103113120as1051477nro12719108107107337014711.

RelGY s,,", pH Dale% Avg Sidev Vha Uha Vha Uha VhaH~brtds with anthesls date < 65 days28 983WH23 983WH23 DR&E 82 33 4.6 4.8 1.4 2.4 2.2 64.4Maturity group average 82 33 4.6 4.8 1.4 2.4 2.2 64.4Hybrids with antheals date between 69 and 72 days17 CZHOO025 CML440/CML444//CML445 CIMMYT 112 16 10 2.1 33 31 70.338 SC627 SC627 SEED-CO 108 18 10 1.7 3." 3.2 71139 SC633 SC633 SEED-CO 106 18 11 16 2.8 3.0 71.421 CZHOO029 CZLOO031/CML395//CML312 CIMMYT 109 18 9 1.8 3.1 3.3 71215 CZHOO023 CML395/CML440//CML445 CIMMYT 109 19 10 5.7,3.0 3.:; 70.437 SC621 SC621 SEED-CO 106 19 12 5.6 '2.2 2.7 3.8 70631 PAN5503 PAN5503 PANNAR 107 22 11 5. 22 2.9 3.3 70630 PAN67 PAN67 PANNAR 93 27 8 5.5 5.7 13 23 29 71.712 CZH99055 (OPM) CML182JCML1751/0BATANPA CIMMYT 88 30 10 53 1.7 2.5 U 69614 CZH99063 (OPM) CML175/CML176//0BATANPA CIMMYT 83 31 10 52"15 2.8 70.4Maturity group average 102 22 10 5.7 59 1.8 2.8 3.2 707Hybrids with anthesls dale between 72 and 75 days18 CZHOO026 CML395/CML444//CML442 CIMMYT 128 9 13 2.9 74.66 CZH99038 CML197/CML444I/CML443 CIMMYT 126 10 U. 3" 7418 CZH99044 CML444/CML442 CIMMYT 126 10 2.0 .u 7405 CZH99037 CML395/CML444//CML443 CIMMYT 122 11 2.0 2.8 73.919 CZHOO027 CZLOO025/CML312J/CML444/CML395 CIMMYT 119 12 9 1.6 H 74.24 CZH99030 CML395/CML216//CML312 CIMMYT 112 15 11 1.9 3.1 2-8 74.916 CZHOO024 CML395/CML312J/CML445 CIMMYT 115 15 10 2.1 3.2 3.4 72.72 CZH99021 CML395/CML2021/CML312 CIMMYT 112 16 11 1.8 2.9 3.2 7437 CZH99040 CML197/CML3951/CML443 CIMMYT 111 16 10 1.6 3.1 3.1 74.420 CZHOO028 CZLOO025/CML312J/CML395/CML202 CIMMYT 110 16 7 1.8 3.0 3.1 73.736 DK8051 DK8051 MONSANTO 107 19 12 21 3.3 3.4 72.533 PHB30G97 PHB30G97 PIONEER 104 20 11 2.0 2.4 3.1 72.341 SC713 SC713 SEED-CO 101 21 12 11 2.1 3.1 74022 CZHOO030 CZL000311CML395//CML197/CML312 CIMMYT 99 24 11 33 28 72.940 SC709 SC709 SEED-CO 95 24 12 1.8 2.~ 74.929 PAN6573 PAN6573 PANNAR 97 25 9 2.9 3.0 72.243 LOCAL CHECK 1 LOCAL CHECK 1 Various 91 26 12 5.8 2.8 2.6 72.144 LOCAL CHECK 2 LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 92 27 13 56 2.4 29 74.09 CZH99049 (OPM) CML181/CML175//CML176 CIMMYT 93 27 10 14 3.1 72.535 PHB30R73 PHB30R73 PIONEER 86 29 13 III 2.9 72.713 CZH99061 (OPM) CML144/CML1591/0BATANPA CIMMYT as 32 9 2.5 72.926 1368/(9071xBabamgoyo)-1//9091 1368/(9071xBabamgoyo)-1//9091 IITA 82 33 11 .20 2.9 73.425 1368/9071119091 1368/90711/9091 IITA 78 35 9 2.5 ~A 73.4Maturity group average 104 20 10 6.1 5.9 2.7 3.1 73.5Hybrids with anthesls date between 75 and 78 days3 CZH99025 CML395/CML202I/CML197/CML312 CIMMYT 114 14 10 1.5 31 H! 75.21 CZH99020 CML395/CML202I/CML197 CIMMYT 104 19 14 1.5 2.3 2.6 77.542 SC715 SC715 SEED-CO 97 22 15 t7 27 1.8 76.827 9071/(KU1403x1368)-2-11/1393 9071/(KU1403x1368)-2-1II1393 IITA 95 25 9 5.8 5.4 1.4 2.6 za 76.034 PHB30H83 PHB30H83 PIONEER 90 26 15 5.6 53 19 2.0 2.4 75.032 PHB30H37 PHB30H37 PIONEER 88 28 11 5.3 5.4 1.6 I 2.9 75.023 TZ9043DMRSRJ9071 TZ9043DMRSRJ9071 IITA 88 29 9 5.5 5.5 11 2.3 2.4 76.224 102/13681/9071 102/1368//9071 IITA 86 30 10 52 5.6 10 2.4 2.6 75.510 CZH99052 (OPM) CML144xCML159//CML176 CIMMYT 74 36 7 1.3 II 23 75.011 CZH99053 (OPM) CML141xCML1441/CML176 CIMMYT 71 38 6 1.3 1.8 17 75.5Maturity group average 91 27 11 5.7 56 1.4 2.2 2.5 75.8an 100 23 10 5.9 5.8 1.7 2.6 3.0 13.2(0.051 0." 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.6In 71 9 . 6 4.2 ".2 1.0 1.1 1.7 64.4Max 128 38 15 7.4 7.3 2.3 4.0 4.4 77-517

RelGY Rank Date Height Position Root Stem Cover WtLoss% AV9 Stoev em 0·1 % % % % 1·5 1-5 1·5 1·5 1·5 1·5 %Hybrids with anthesis date < 65 days28 983WH23 82Malutlly group average 82333364.464.41891890430.436.76.715. with anthesis date between 69 and 72 days17383921153731301214CZH00025SC627SC533CZH00029CZH00023SC521PAN5503PAN67CZH99055 (OPM)CZH99053 (OPM)11210810610910910610793888316181818191922273031Matunly group average 102 2210101110121110101070.371171.471.270.470.670.671.769.670.470.71942142062081912201792092002012020.480.500.470.430.440500.450.480.470.470.476.76.7o.a6.36.1U4.87.5IIIa10.46710.8rLQ18. U172.2­1:2122.01&223.9n24.412­LIl.61 223.22a.126.523.32.32.0262.'362752. with anthesis date between 72 and 75 days18685194162203633412240294344935132625CZH00026CZH99038CZH99044CZH99037CZH00027CZH99030CZH00024CZH99021CZH99040CZH00028DK8051PHB30G97SC713CZH00030SC709PAN6573LOCAL CHECK 1LOCAL CHECK 2CZH99049 (OPM)PHB30R73CZH99061 (OPM)1368/(9071xBabam90yo)·1I/90911368/9071119091128126126122119112115112111110107104101999597919293B6858278910101112151516161619202124242526272729323335Maturity group average 104 2011101110712111211121213101391191074.674.174.073974.274.972.774.374473.772.572374.072.974.972.•~z.8.1•11.112.810.211.2t,.luq,31.615.514.914T9.ljll.~10.7'.011.814.83.~J1614.4In15.218712.012.310.9198:1.29.922125,&~22.811In26.826.525.824.522.128.229.327.134.527.733725.427.925.526.41.71Ji16Ii1.;'92.01.61'"t31.'!Il9282741\!8373121819774838.27.51097.9••11.85.613.313.79511.1410.1369.2Hybrids wllh anlh••Js date bll!Ween 75 and 78 days314227343223241011CZH99025CZH99020SC7159071/(KUI403xI368)·2·1111393PHB30H83PHB30H37TZ9043DMRSRl9071102/1368119071CZH99052 (OPM)CZH99053 (OPM)114104979590B88886747114192225262829303638Maturity group average/lIMn91lOP2723LSD (0.05)~ nMuU8101415915119107111061575.277.576.876.075.075076.275575075.575.873.20.664.477.522322921919920019222020620219920920551792290.520.540.510.480.460.510.500.480.450.480.50.480.020..130.5412.31~1I711.7M7.96.91808.09.610.'aIn14,59.4H14.49.48.710912.97.12.238,8111,2z.z.29.911IITB3U23"6I364~28.426.27.812.13'",2,;2.7222.62.9.5U42.213

Low N Low Drought AnthRelGY Rank SA lands stress pH Date% Avg Stdev tlha tlha tlha tlha tlha dOPV with days to anthesis at 51 daysColor legend-1- - - - ~VerygOOd-3 CEEY-SR(BC1 )F2-# CIMMYT 52 9 0.4 2.7 2.8 0.7 0.2 2.4 51.0 AS GoodMaturity group average 52 9 0.4 2.7 2.8 0.7 0.2 2.4 51.0- -OPVs with days to anthesis between 71 and 75 days- - -~9 LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 136 2 1 5.8 5.6 1.8 1.4 4.2 73.48 LOCAL CHECK 1 Various 120 4 2 6.0 4.2 1.5 1.5 3.0 71.2 With<strong>in</strong> a maturity group,SRSY(S2BULK)-# 101 4 1 5.2 4.0 .1 1.3I 0.7 2.7 73.3 colors that have no letter <strong>in</strong>4 CIMMYT common are different by atII6 EV8728-SR.-# CIMMYT 103 5 2 4.8 5.51.3 0.8 2.6 72.7least one LSD.• _-1.5 2·°12 ACROSS 8328BNSR(BC1)F2-# CIMMYT 99 5 2 4.7 I 4.8 1.3 0.9 2.9 74.3 LSDs were calculated fromthe mean square error that5 S94SUWAN-1-SRF2-# CIMMYT 98 5 3 5.3 4.3 0.8 1.0 2.5 74.5was pooled across sites.7 SIVN-3 (ANGOLA) Angola 106 6 3 2.1 72.01 CIMCALl92SA-3SR(BC1 )F2-# CIMMYT 86 6 2 4.0 I 1.2 2.8 71.1~Maturity group average 106 5 2 5.1 4.4 1.3 1.1 2.8 72.8Mean- -95 5 2 4.8 4.3 1.3 1.0 2.8-70.4LSD (0.05) 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.9 1.6M<strong>in</strong> 52 2 0 2.7 2.8 0.7 0.2 2.0 51.0Max 136 9 3 6.0 5.6 1.8 2.1 4.2 74.5Ii

......01RalGY Rank Date Helaht Position Ro<strong>of</strong> SlBm Covel' Rot Te~ TotalF1OPV with days 1o antMsls \It 51 days% Avg Sidev d em 0-1 % % % % 1·5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 # %-_._-~----3 CEEY-SR(BC1 )F2-# 52 9 0.4 51.0 149 0.32 8.3 11.0 7.0 26.5 3.6 2.8 30 2.3 1.9 88 12.1Maturity group average 52 9 0.4 51.0 149 0.32 8.3 11.0 7.0 26.5 3.6 2.8 3.0 2,3 1,9 88 12.1- ---.- -9 LOCAL CHECK 2 136 2 1 73.4 210 0.47 72 52 52 100 1.8 2.8 13 2.3 37 119 18.9OPlJli with days (0 anthesis between 71 ,and 7S days8 LOCAL CHECK 1 120 4 2 71.2 193 0.49 95 7.9 7.7 19,5 2.6 26 17 3.1 3.4 47 10.74 SRSY(S2BULK)-# 101 4 1 73,3 209 0.51 __206 56 12.1 28 3.41.7'"3.6 72 11,06 EV8728-SR.-# 103 5 2 72.7 194 0.49 4.0 10,6 5.9 15.2 2.7 3.3 _1.3_ .2.0 3,0 68 13,6- -2 ACROSS 8328BNSR(BC1)F2-# 99 5 2 74.3 201 0.48 6.8 16.7 17 12.5 28 3.2 3.0 2.8 3.5 69 11.65 S94SUWAN-1-SRF2-# 98 5 3 74.5 202 0.48 7.0 19,8 S2 2

EAlL01; Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> elite Inbred l<strong>in</strong>es from CIMMYT across 20 sItes In eastern and soulhem Africa, 2000101 (sorted by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>ganthesis date~ Cauaon: Outcrosseslvolunteers may have large gra<strong>in</strong> yields and may affect heIght lodgmg & diseases~ Color legend on pgs. 6. 8. 14.Entry Narne Pedigree 1W1erolk: Orig<strong>in</strong> Across Gra<strong>in</strong> yieldGroup RelGY Rank Mvuazi ORe Rattray limOptimalOptimal% Avg Stdev l/ha Rank l/ha Rank13 CZLOOO09 INTA-F2-192-2-1-1-1-B'5 A CIMMYT 122 18 16 0.2 42 2.3 263 CML440 G16SeqC1 F47-2-1-2-1-B'6 AB CIMMYT 67 34 12 0.4 33 1.3 401 CZL99014 [COMPE21P43-SRl/COMPE2]FS#-20-1-1-B-l-B'4 AB CIMMYT 91 25 6 0.2 41 23 2439 CML205 CMl205 B CIMMYT 102 22 13 0.7 11 32 1115 CZLOOOll INTB-F2-90-2-1-1-B'7 B CIMMYT 73 32 12 0.9 5 1.0 4217 CZLOOO13 ZM605C2Fl-17-2-B-2-BB B GIMMYT 117 19 17 0.6 14 4.1 527 CZLOO023 INTA-155-2-2-2-B'4 A CIMMYT 81 29 13 0.1 45 2.0 3010 CZLOOO05 INTB-91-1-2-2-1-B'5 B CIMMYT 99 23 12 0.8 7 1.6 367 CZLOOOOl INTA-191-2-1-2-B'5 A CIMMYT 82 28 10 06 21 2.1 288 CZLOOO03 DRB-F2-60-1-1-1-B'4 AB CIMMYT 127 14 9 0.4 32 4.0 820 CZLOOO16 DTPWC8F31-4-2-1-2-B B CIMMYT 104 22 16 15 1 2.7 1734 CZLOO030 INTA-2-1-3-1-B'5 A CIMMYT 99 21 8 03 37 1.9 3118 CZLOOO14 DTPl WC7F123-1-2-4-1-B-3-BBB B CIMMYT 93 24 11 0.5 23 1.7 3521 CZLOOO17 DTPWC8F31-4-2-1-5-BBB AB CIMMYT 114 18 13 0.7 9 30 149 CML445 [fTUXPSEO)Cl F21P49-SRJF2-45-7-5-1-6*5 AB CIMMYT 115 20 15 07 10 1.6 3722 CZLOOO18 DTPWC8F31-4-2-1-6-B AB CIMMYT 115 18 14 0.4 35 2.9 1635 CZLOO031 SNSYNF2[SC/ETO-B-90)-17-X-3-2-BSR-B'4 B CIMMYT 105 20 12 0.6 13 4.1 628 CZLOO024 SNSYNF2[N3/TUX-A-90j-220-X-4-1-BSR-2-BB A CIMMYT 98 23 11 0.4 32 2.5 2319 CZLOOO15 DTPWC8F31-1-1-2-2-BBB AB CIMMYT 121 17 16 0.6 19 1.7 3412 CZLOOO08 [SW1SRlCOMPE1-W###S2#J-126-2-1-B'3 B CIMMYT 70 31 8 0.5 27 17 3430 CZLOO026 INTA-219-1-1-1-B-l-B'3 A CIMMYT 84 29 13 0.6 12 2.6 2123 CZLOOO19 [fTUXPSEOjC1F21P49-SRjF2-45-3-2-1-B'4 A CIMMYT 113 18 9 02 40 2.9 152 CML441 ZM605C2Fl-17-1-B-l-BBB B CIMMYT 69 32 7 0.5 29 2.1 2931 CZLOO027 LATA-26-1-1-1-1-1-BB A CIMMYT 97 23 10 0.2 44 1.5 3816 CZLOOO12 SC/ZM605#b-19-2-Xl-1-2-X-l-l-B*7 B CIMMYT 127 14 12 0.5 27 2.6 2243 CML390 CML390 A CIMMYT 100 22 10 0.5 25 2.6 195 CML442 M37WIZM607#bF37sr-2-3sr-6-2-XJ-8-2-X-l-B*7 A CIMMYT 139 10 9 0.9 6 4.2 429 CZLOO025 SNSYNF2[N3/TUX-A-90]-102-1-2-2-BSR-B'4 A CIMMYT 79 29 11 0.5 23 2.3 256 CML443 [AC83421IKENNE{lj8149SRl/PL9A)C1Fl-500-4-X-1-1-BB-1-B'4 AB CIMMYT 73 30 13 0.6 16 0.7 4336 CZLOO032 [[NAW5867/P30SRj-40-1/[NAW5867/P30SR]-25-1]-17-2-2-B-l-B*2 A CIMMYT 69 32 9 0.6 19 1.1 4132 CZLOO028 SNSYNF2[N3/TUX-A-90j-57-X-1-2-B-9-BB A CIMMYT 132 14 11 0.2 38 3.8 924 CZLOO020 [fTUXPSEOjC1F2/P49-SRJF2-45-5-1-2-B'4 A CIMMYT 89 27 9 05 27 1.8 3211 CZLOOO06 [SWl SRlCOMPE1-W###S2#j-19-5-1-B'4 A CIMMYT 77 28 11 0.9 4 2.6 1833 CZLOO029 SNSYNF2[N3/TUX-A-90]-57-X-3-4-B-3-BB A CIMMYT 118 17 13 0.6 19 4.0 726 CZLOO022 (CML2021LPSC3H297-2-1-1-2-2-#)-B-3-1-1-8-BB B CIMMYT 158 7 5 0.5 24 48 125 CZLOO021 [[TUXPSEO)Cl F21P49-SR)F2-45-7-3-2-B'4 A CIMMYT 56 35 14 06 15 0.3 4545 LOCAL CHECK: LOCAL CHECK 122 19 13 08 8 4.6 314 CZLOO010 INTB-117-1-2-1-1-B'5 B CIMMYT 63 36 7 1.2 2 1.3 3942 CML312 CML312 A CIMMYT 74 33 13 0.6 17 0.6 4438 CMl202 CML202 B CIMMYT 129 14 13 0.3 37 3.0 1344 CML395 CML395 B CIMMYT 144 14 10 0.4 30 2.2 2741 CML216 CML216 AB CIMMYT 85 26 11 0.2 43 2.6 204 CML444 P43C9-1-1-1-1-1-B'7 B CIMMYT 126 13 1.0 3 3.3 1040 CML206 CMl206 A CIMMYT 97 23 9 0.4 35 3.2 1237 CML197 CML197 A CIMMYT 89 26 13 0.2 40 47 2Maturity group average 100 23 11 0.5 23 2.5 23llean 100 23 11 0.5 2.5LSD (0.05) 0.9 1.2PnsM<strong>in</strong> 56 7 5 0.1 0.3Max 158 36 17 1.5 4.816

EAIUl1~ Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> ellt! Inbred l<strong>in</strong>es from CIMMYT across 20 sites <strong>in</strong> eastern and southem Africa. 2000101 (sorted by Increas<strong>in</strong>ganthesis dale). Caul/on: Outcrosses/Volunreers may tlalle larg8 gra<strong>in</strong> yields and may affect height. lodg<strong>in</strong>g & diseases. Color legend on pgs. 6. B. 1•.Gra<strong>in</strong> yieldCffl!al '" Glendale Zlm RTFa lim Amshlll .ltllleKenl33~oell1M~ ilIle ugaOpllnml o nmlopflmalOllllmalOpUD'GiIOptlmalOptimal% AV9 Sidev l/ha Rank l/ha Rank Vha Rank l/ha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank13 CZL00009 1223 CML440 57CZL99014 3139 CML205 10215 CZL00011 7317 CZL00013 11727 CZL00023 8110 CZL00005 997 CZLOOOO 1 828 CZL00003 12720 CZL00016 10434 CZL00030 9918 CZL00014 9321 CZL00017 1149 CML445 11522 CZL00018 11535 CZL00031 i0528 CZL00024 9819 CZL00015 12112 CZL00008 7030 CZL00026 8423 CZL00019 1132 CML441 6931 CZL00027 9716 CZL00012 12743 CML390 1005 CML442 13929 CZL00025 796 CML443 7336 CZL00032 6932 CZL00028 13224 CZL00020 8911 CZL00006 7733 CZL00029 11826 CZL00022 158'-5 CZL00021 5645 LOCAL CHECK: 12214 C L00010 6342 CML312 7438 CML202 12944 CML395 14441 CML.216 854 CMl.444 12640 CNQ206 9737 GML 197 89MatuMly group average 100lOll183425223219292328142221241820182023173129183223142210293032142728173519363314'4261323262323161261312171312109168111315141211168139101210911139119111351413131310II791311Il0.

EAIL01:'Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> elite Inbred l<strong>in</strong>es from CIMMYT across 20 stIes <strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Ahica, 2000/01 (sonad by Increas<strong>in</strong>ganlhesis date). Caution: Outcrosses!volunt&ers m'!y have large gra<strong>in</strong> yields and may affect heigh', lodg<strong>in</strong>g at diseases. Color legend on pgs. 6,8, 14.Entry NIlIllll Across Gra<strong>in</strong> yieldR,IGY Rank Hanne-DR&E Zim MakohohZim HarareZlm Mlnmf1llam MvuazlORC Chil'lKlIl ZlmLowN LowN LowN low ,,101 Low pH Oroughl% Avg Stdev Uha Rank Uha Rank Vha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank13 CZLOOOO9 122 18 16 0.7 11 0.0 26 0.6 35 1.1 6 00 18 1.6 83 CML440 67 34 12 0.7 8 0.1 13 0.5 40 14 5 0.0 43 1.0 231 CZL99014 91 25 6 0.6 16 0.6 36 0.0 42 0.8 3039 CML205 102 22 13 04 28 13 9 06 11 0.0 27 1.3 1115 CZLOOO11 73 32 12 0.3 36 0.1 17 04 43 0.7 9 0.0 10 1.2 1617 CZLOOO13 117 19 17 0.6 13 0.0 23 1.6 3 -01 32 0.0 3227 CZLOOO23 81 29 13 0.0 45 0.1 22 0.5 41 1.1 7 0.0 30 1.2 1510 CZLOOOO5 99 23 12 0.7 6 0.2 10 1.3 7 02 21 0.0 9 0.9 287 CZLOOOO1 82 28 10 0.5 19 0.2 8 1.3 10 0.5 16 0.0 7 1.0 258 CZLOOO03 127 14 9 0.7 9 0.0 26 1.0 19 1.6 3 0.0 33 1.3 1220 CZLOOO16 104 22 16 0.5 17 0.2 9 0.8 28 0.0 29 01 1 2.0 334 CZLOOO30 99 21 8 0.6 14 0.2 11 1.0 14 0.8 8 0.1 2 1.2 1718 CZLOO014 93 24 11 0.7 10 04 2 1.1 11 0.1 4 0.5 3621 CZLOOO17 114 18 13 0.6 13 0.2 5 1.1 13 1.8 2 0.0 12 20 29 CML445 115 20 15 0.5 21 0.1 15 0.6 34 0.7 10 0.0 40 1.7 722 CZLOO018 115 18 14 04 24 04 1 0.7 30 0.5 17 0.0 26 23 135 CZLOO031 105 20 12 0.8 3 0.1 13 1.1 12 0.5 15 0.0 35 03 4128 CZLOO024 98 23 11 0.3 35 0.9 24 -0.3 34 0.1 6 1.0 2619 CZLOOO15 121 17 16 0.7 7 0.2 7 2.0 1 0.2 20 0.0 45 1.9 512 CZLOOO08 70 31 8 04 31 0.1 19 0.7 29 04 18 0.0 36 0.2 4330 CZLOO026 84 29 13 0.1 42 0.5 42 0.0 26 0.0 39 0.8 3323 CZLOO019 113 18 9 04 29 0.0 29 0.7 32 06 14 0.0 17 1.1 182 CML441 69 32 7 04 32 0.8 26 00 31 0.8 3131 CZLOOO27 97 23 10 04 26 0.1 18 1.0 20 0.0 27 0.0 8 0.7 3416 CZLOO012 127 14 12 08 4 03 4 13 8 0.6 13 00 28 1.8 643 CML390 100 22 '10 0.5 23 0.0 30 1.0 16 0.1 22 0.0 34 0.8 295 CML442 139 10 9 0.9 04 3 1.5 4 0.6 12 0.0 11 1.0 2429 CZLOOO25 79 29 11 0.2 39 0.1 22 1.0 18 -as 35 0.0 15 0.5 386 CML443 73 30 13 03 34 0.0 28 06 33 0.0 44 1.1 2136 CZLOOO32 69 32 9 0.1 43 03 44 ·1.8 36 0.0 19 0.9 2732 CZLOOO28 132 14 11 0.9 2 0.1 20 1.0 17 0.1 5 1.5 924 CZLOOO20 89 27 9 04 26 0.8 25 1.5 4 0.0 20 1.5 1011 CZLOOO06 77 28 11 0.1 44 0.7 31 ·01 30 0.0 23 0.2 4233 CZLOOO29 118 17 13 0.5 18 0.1 16 0.9 22 0.1 23 0.0 14 0.8 3226 CZLOOO22 158 7 5 0.6 15 14 6 0.1 3 1.9 425 CZLOOO21 56 35 14 0.2 41 0.2 45 04 19 0.0 41 1.2 1445 LOCAL CHECK: 122 19 13 04 30 0.5 39 2.8 1 0.0 13 1.0 2214 CZLOOO10 63 36 7 03 37 0.2 0.5 38 0.1 24 00 25 1.1 1942 CML312 74 33 13 0.2 40 0.6 37 0.0 24 0.3 4038 CML202 129 14 13 0.4 27 0.0 27 14 5 0.0 16 04 3944 CML395 144 14 10 0.5 20 1.6 2 0.0 25 0.0 37 11 2141 CML216 85 26 11 0.3 38 1.0 21 ·0.1 31 0.0 29 0.5 374 CML444 126 13 7 0.8 5 0.1 13 1.0 15 -0.1 33 0.0 21 1.3 1340 CML206 97 23 9 0.5 22 0.0 24 0.9 23 0.0 28 00 38 06 3537 CML197 89 26 13 0.3 33 0.8 27 0.0 22 0.1 44Maturity group average 100 23 11 0.5 23 0.1 16 0.9 23 04 19 0.0 23 1.1 23ean 100 23 11 0.5 0.1 0.9 0.4 0.0 1.1D(0.05) 0.4 0.3 0.6 1.6 0.1 0.8P ns ns nsIn 56 7 5 0.0 0.0 0.2 -1.8 0.0 0.1Max ts8 36 17 0.9 0.4 2.0 2.8 0.1 2.318

EAILD1: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> elite Inbred l<strong>in</strong>es from CIMMYT across 20 sites In eastern and soulhem Africa. 2000101 (sorted by Increas<strong>in</strong>ganthesis dale). Caution: OutcrosseSIVolunreers lIIay have large gram yields and may affect/Ie/gill, lodg<strong>in</strong>g & diseases. Color legend on pgs. 6. 8. 14.Enlly NJmeMlh POOlI Ear lodg<strong>in</strong>gFar GLll p~ E.liJlc MSV p GrJ<strong>in</strong>RlII GYDalJ! HillQhl POIW!onRotrextWeevilrotalF1 WILD...% Avg Sidev em 0-1 % % % % 1·5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 %13 CZL00009 1223 CML440 67CZL99014 9139 CML205 10215 CZL00011 7317 CZL00013 11727 CZL00023 8110 CZL00005 997 CZLOOOO 1 828 CZL00003 12720 CZL00016 10434 CZL00030 9918 CZL00014 9321 CZL00017 1149 CML445 11522 CZL00018 11535 CZL00031 10528 CZL00024 9819 CZL00015 12112 CZL00008 7030 CZL00026 8423 CZL00019 1132 CML441 6931 CZL00027 9716 CZL00012 12743 CML390 1005 CML442 13929 CZL00025 796 CML443 7336 CZL00032 6932 CZL00028 13224 CZL00020 8911 CZL00006 7733 CZL00029 11826 CZL00022 15825 CZL00021 5645 LOCAL CHECK 12214 CZL00010 6342 CML312 7438 CML202 12944 CML395 14441 CML216 854 CML444 12640 CML206 9737 CML197 89Maturity group average 100tan 100LSD 0.05)M<strong>in</strong> 56Max 158183425223219292328142221241820182023173129183223142210293032142728177351936331414261323262323736161261312171312109168111315141211168139101210111391191113514131313101113111151767.170070.771.071.271.471.671872.372773.273.673.673.773.773.773.974.274.474.474.574574.674.775.575676.176.176376.876.977177577577577678.378378.478.479.780.881.481.683.575.375,3t)!i.21 E7.912.420.215.113.11148.85220.914.016.62112318.416.715.311.49.514.3241885'oJ14514.51382.840.00.6-'0.210.4-0.15.3·0.1-• 93.3-0.112.0300.40.32.8loll1.4793904.·,\'2.38.1415l34.,e.o91455 ~36.2H-24Q37.5II41.728.834.8'117~.437.6l'"',19Z32.6a36.836.838.238.743.12&.734.7f2.;, 82.02.11 J111222.12.0182.02.22·1,5, 816, 7182.0I B2.1\6192.2111641.611103,~I~25812310314211211211813.23311.1591035.911.12.837lla10. 124 8.72.47"--:-\2'="4:----:8.70.4 45 12.11.2 36 0.042 258 36.719

ASt EaI'5/ Laaf ASI LeafRelGY Ran~ Plan' Sene! PIon Plan' Senes% Avg Sldev d # 1-10 d # d # 1-1013 CZLOOO09 122 18 16 3.0 0.65 7.4 4.5 0.55 -2.0 0.98 5.53 CML440 67 34 12 4.3 0.66 70 4.0 0.07 3.0 0.91 631 CZL99014 91 25 6 4.0 0.60 74 4.0 0.05 -2.0 100 6.739 CML205 102 22 13 5.3 0.54 7.0 4.5 0.13 1.5 0.95 5.915 CZLOO011 73 32 12 2.5 0.84 6.6 5.0 0.41 -3.0 1.28 5.517 CZLOO013 117 19 17 3.5 0.84 6.2 5.0 0.1727 CZLOO023 81 29 13 5.8 0.15 70 4.5 0.30 1.0 0.91 5.510 CZLOOO05 99 23 12 43 0.74 6.3 4.0 0.13 -0.5 102 5.27 CZLOOO01 82 28 10 4.8 0.91 6.6 4.0 0.65 55 0.81 628 CZLOOO03 127 14 9 6.8 0.78 65 4.5 0.72 3.0 0.99 4.920 CZLOOO16 104 22 16 2.0 0.71 6.7 4.5 0.47 -1.0 0.96 5A34 CZLOOO30 99 21 8 2.8 0.83 6.6 6.0 0.38 0.5 0.97 5.718 CZLOOO14 93 24 11 3.3 0.82 5.9 5.0 0.00 9.1 0.63 5.821 CZLOO017 114 18 13 2.0 0.77 6.3 4.5 0.13 -1.3 0.96 529 CML445 115 20 15 2.3 0.74 7.4 5.0 0.46 0.0 0.95 4.922 CZLOOO18 115 18 14 0.5 0.78 6.8 4.0 0.30 -1.5 1.02 5.635 CZLOOO31 105 20 12 6.0 0.72 62 4.5 0.22 5.5 0.59 5.328 CZLOOO24 98 23 11 4.5 0.57 6.1 5.0 0.34 15 0.70 6119 CZLOO015 121 17 16 1.3 0.79 6.3 5.0 0.50 -0.5 1.06 5.912 CZLOOO08 70 31 8 4.0 0.66 6.2 5.0 0.75 2.5 0.47 6930 CZLOO026 84. 29 13 12.5 0.28 7.0 5.0 0.14 4.0 0.55 6.323 CZLOOO19 113 18 9 4.0 0.85 6.9 4.0 0.75 2.4 1.01 4.92 CML441 69 32 7 6.3 0.64 6.5 -0.05 4.1 0.65 5.731 CZLOO027 97 23 10 2.3 0.65 6.6 4.5 0.82 -1.5 0.94 5.316 CZLOOO12 127 14 12 7.0 0.80 5.9 14.0 0.25 2.5 1.03 4.643 CML390 100 22 10 4.5 0.77 6.0 4.0 0.38 0.5 0.83 5.55 CML442 139 10 9 2.0 0.89 7.0 4.5 0.64 2.1 0.73 4.529 CZLOO025 79 29 11 6.0 0.52 6.2 5.0 OA7 1.0 0.68 4.56 CML443 73 30 13 6.5 0.66 6.1 5.0 0.00 2.1 1.07 4.436 CZLOOO32 69 32 9 9.0 041 6A 3.0 0.06 2.0 0.88 4.932 CZLOO028 132 14 11 4.3 0.85 5.8 3.0 0.00 2.5 0.91 4.124 CZLOOO20 89 27 9 4.5 0.88 6.5 3.5 0.80 -1.0 0.95 4.611 CZLOOO06 77 28 11 6.5 0.22 6.3 6.0 046 4.9 0.27 6.033 CZLOO029 118 17 13 3.8 0.87 5.9 5.0 0.15 2.1 077 4.926 CZLOO022 158 7 5 1.8 0.80 5.8 0.05 0.1 1.03 4.825 CZLOO021 56 35 14 3.3 0.39 6.8 3.5 0.25 0.0 1.26 4.745 LOCAL CHECK: 122 19 13 7.0 0.57 5.5 5.0 1.20 0.9 0.77 4.614 CZLOOO10 63 36 7 3.5 0.72 64 4.0 0.13 -0.5 0.86 4.542 CML312 74 33 13 7.3 0.44 5.6 0.00 20.9 0.28 5.338 CML202 129 14 13 8.5 0.66 5.1 5.0 0.00 4.0 1.01 5144 CML395 144 14 10 4.5 0.65 5.5 040 24 0.87 4.641 CML216 85 26 11 4.3 0.37 5.3 0.17 5.5 0.58 4.64 CML444 126 13 7 0.5 0.77 5.9 0.23 -1.0 0.94 4340 CML206 97 23 9 4.0 0.72 5.1 5.0 0.65 8.1 0.78 4.637 CML197 89 26 13 12.5 0.67 5.7 oeo 4.5 0.84 4.3Malurity group average 100 23 11 4.6 0.67 6.3 0.33 2.1 0.86 5.2Mean 100 23 11 4_6 0.67 6.3 0.33 2.1 0.86 5.2LSD (0.05) 4.4 0.26 0,7 0.55 H 0.39 0.9MIn 58 7 ~ 0.5 0.15 5.1 -0.05 -3,0 0,27 •.1Mall 1 36 17 12 0.91 7..4 .20 20.9 .28 6.920

3. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Traits RecordedReI. GYRank Avg.Rank Stdev.Gra<strong>in</strong> yieldAnthesis datePlant HeightEar HeightEar positionRoot Lodg<strong>in</strong>gStem Lodg<strong>in</strong>gHusk CoverEar RotGLSP. sorghiE. turcicumDMPLSRelative gra<strong>in</strong> yield expressed as percentage <strong>of</strong> the mean gra<strong>in</strong> yield <strong>of</strong> the trial. Valuesabove 100% <strong>in</strong>dicate above-average performance; values below 100% <strong>in</strong>dicate belowaverageperformance.Average rank for gra<strong>in</strong> yield across all trials. Small values <strong>in</strong>dicate superiorperformance; large values <strong>in</strong>dicate <strong>in</strong>ferior performance.Standard deviation <strong>of</strong> rank for gra<strong>in</strong> yield across all trials. Small values <strong>in</strong>dicate stableperformance; large values <strong>in</strong>dicate variable performance.Shelled gra<strong>in</strong> weight per plot adjusted to 12.5% gra<strong>in</strong> moisture and converted to tonsper hectare.Measured as number <strong>of</strong> days after plant<strong>in</strong>g when 50% <strong>of</strong> the plants shed pollen.Measured as height between the base <strong>of</strong> a plant to the <strong>in</strong>sertion <strong>of</strong> the first tasselbranch <strong>of</strong> the same plant.Measured as height between the base <strong>of</strong> a plant to the <strong>in</strong>sertion <strong>of</strong> the top ear <strong>of</strong> thesame plant.A ratio <strong>of</strong> ear height to plant height. Small values <strong>in</strong>dicate low ear position; large values<strong>in</strong>dicate high ear position.Measured as percentage <strong>of</strong> plants that show root lodg<strong>in</strong>g, i.e. those stems are <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gby more than 45°.Measured as percentage <strong>of</strong> plants that show' stem lodg<strong>in</strong>g, i.e. those stems are brok nbelow the ear.Measured as percentage <strong>of</strong> plants with ears that are not completely covered by thehusks.Percentage <strong>of</strong> ears that are rotten.Score for the severity <strong>of</strong> gray leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis) symptoms rated ona scale from 1 (= clean, no <strong>in</strong>fection) to 5 (= severely diseased).Score for the severity <strong>of</strong> common rust (Pucc<strong>in</strong>ia sorghi) symptoms rated on a scalefrom 1 (= clean, no <strong>in</strong>fection) to 5 (= severely diseased).Score for tl,e severity <strong>of</strong> northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) symptoms rated ona scale from 1 (= clean, no <strong>in</strong>fection) to 5 (= severely diseased).Score for the severity <strong>of</strong> Downy Mildew (Pernosclerospora sp.) symptoms rated on ascale from 1 (= clean, no <strong>in</strong>fection) to 5 (= severely diseased).Score for the severity <strong>of</strong> Phaeosphaeria leaf spot (Phaeosphaeria maydis) symptomsrated on a scale from 1 (= clean, no <strong>in</strong>fection) to 5 (= severely diseased).Borer damageScore for lI,e severity <strong>of</strong> stem borer (Busseola and Chilo) damage rated on a scalefrom 1 (= clean, no damage) to 5 (= severe damage).21

Busseola larvaeCount <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> Busseola larvae. Higher the number <strong>in</strong>dicates susceptibility.Leaf toughnessGra<strong>in</strong> weevil(Total F1)Gra<strong>in</strong> weevil(Wt loss)Gra<strong>in</strong> textureGra<strong>in</strong> moistureASIEPPForce required to puncture leaves between ve<strong>in</strong>s as measured by the penetrometer.Genotypes with lower numbers tend to be susceptible to borers.Number <strong>of</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> weevils hatch<strong>in</strong>g and emerg<strong>in</strong>g from an <strong>in</strong>fested gra<strong>in</strong> samplewith<strong>in</strong> a given period. Large values <strong>in</strong>dicate susceptibility to gra<strong>in</strong> weevils, small values<strong>in</strong>dicate partial resistance to gra<strong>in</strong> weevils.Loss <strong>of</strong> weight <strong>of</strong> the gra<strong>in</strong> samples caused by weevil feed<strong>in</strong>g dur<strong>in</strong>g a given period<strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>cubation. Large values <strong>in</strong>dicate susceptibility to weevils.Rated on a scale from 1 (= fl<strong>in</strong>t) to 5 (=dent).Percent water content <strong>of</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> as measured at harvest.Anthesis-silk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terval. Determ<strong>in</strong>ed by (i) measur<strong>in</strong>g the number <strong>of</strong> days after plant<strong>in</strong>gwhen 50% <strong>of</strong> the plants shed pollen (anthesis date, AD) and show silks (silk<strong>in</strong>g date,SO), respectively, and (ii) calculat<strong>in</strong>g: ASI = SO - AD. If measured under drought or Nstress, small or negative values <strong>in</strong>dicate stress tolerance.Number <strong>of</strong> ears per plant. Counted as number <strong>of</strong> ears with at least one fully developedgra<strong>in</strong> divided by the number <strong>of</strong> harvested plants. An EPP <strong>of</strong> below 1.0 <strong>in</strong>dicates partialbarreness, an EPP <strong>of</strong> above 1.0 <strong>in</strong>dicates partial prolificacy. If taken under drought or Nstress, values <strong>of</strong> greater or equal to 1.0 <strong>in</strong>dicate stress tolerance.Leaf roll<strong>in</strong>gSenescenceLeaf roll<strong>in</strong>g score measured under drought stress on a scale from 1 (unrolled, turgidleaves, desirable) to 5 (severely rolled leaves, undesirable).Leaf senescence score on a scale from 1 to 10. Taken dur<strong>in</strong>g gra<strong>in</strong>-fill<strong>in</strong>g by estimat<strong>in</strong>gthe percentage <strong>of</strong> dead leaf area and divid<strong>in</strong>g it by 10. If taken under drought or Nstress, small scores <strong>in</strong>dicate stress tolerance.1 = 10% dead leaf area; 6 = 60% dead leaf area2 = 20% dead leaf area; 7 = 70% dead leaf area3 = 30% dead leaf area; 8 = 80% dead leaf area4 = 40% dead leaf area; 9 = 90% dead leaf area5 = 50% dead leaf area; 10 = 100% dead leaf area22

4. SitesTrial Classification Site Country CollaboratorDroughtRandom Drought Hukuntsi Botswana L. LekgariManaged Drought Chiredzi Zimbabwe CIMMYTManaged Drought Chitala Malawi A. ChimphambaRandom Drought Ezolimo RSA M. Anthony & S. FankomoRandom Drought Friedenheim RSA M. AnthonyRandom Drought Tshiombo RSA Dept Of Agric. N-RegionManaged Drought Arusha Tanzania Z. MdurumaManaged Drought Nanga Zambia C. MungomaManaged Drought Save Valley Zimbabwe X. MhikeRa<strong>in</strong>fedlWell fertilizedLowlands Malange AngolaLowlands Mazozo Angola F. SitoLowlands Poligono AngolaLowlands SVicente Angola F. SitoLowlands Mvuazi DRC M. MbeyaLowlands Tshibati DRC M. MushambanyiLowlands Baka Malawi P. BandaLowlands Chitala MalawiLowlands Ngabu MalawiLowlands Angonia MozambiqueLowlands Chokwe Mozambique D. MarioteLowlands Nampula MozambiqueLowlands Umbeluzi Mozambique J. CarlosLowlands Iionga Tanzania C. Mbuya & L. MwangaMidAlt eastern Africa Bako EthiopiaMidAlt eastern Africa Pawe Ethiopia S. Ashebir, T. Malie & K. YphannuMidAlt eastern Africa Bungoma Kenya S. EsmailMidAlt eastern Africa Kakamega Kenya S. MugoMidAlt eastern Africa Kiboko Kenya S. MugoMidAlt eastern Africa Kitale Kenya S. EsmailMidAlt eastern Africa Arusha Tanzania Z. MdurumaMidAlt eastern Africa Katr<strong>in</strong> Tanzania A. LiampaweMidAlt eastern Africa Mbulumbulu Tanzania F. SwaiMidAlt eastern Africa Selian Tanzania Z. MdurumaMidAlt eastern Africa Weruweru Tanzania Z. MdurumaMidAlt eastern Africa Kamenyamiggo UgandaMidAlt eastern Africa Namulonge UgandaMidAlt eastern Africa Serere Uganda J. ImanywohaMidAlt southern Africa Goodhope Botswana L. LekgariMidAlt southern Africa Machache Lesotho L. MoremoholoMidAlt southern Africa Maseru Lesotho L. MoremoholoMidAlt southern Africa Bvumbwe Malawi S.DT PhiriMidAlt southern Africa Chitedze Malawi G. NhlaneMidAlt southern Africa Makoka MalawiMidAlt southern Africa Mbawa Malawi A. Thulu23

Trial Classification Site Country CollaboratorMidAlt southern Africa Susundenga MozambiqueMidAlt southern Africa Greytown RSA P. HerbstMidAlt southern Africa Betlehem RSA ARC-IGCMidAlt southern Africa Greytown RSA M. BarrowMidAlt southern Africa L<strong>in</strong>kseed RSA P.HerbstMidAlt southern Africa Lwamongo RSA Dept Of Agric N- regionMidAlt southern Africa Potchefstroom RSA GCIMidAlt southern Africa Setlagole RSA ARC-IGCMidAlt southern Africa Viljoonskroon RSAMidAlt southern Africa Golden Valley ZambiaMidAlt southern Africa Magoye ZambiaMidAlt southern Africa Masumba Zambia C MungomaMidAlt southern Africa Misamfu ZambiaMidAlt southern Africa Msekera Zambia C. MungomaMidAlt southern Africa Mt. Makulu ZambiaMidAlt southern Africa Zamseed Zambia B.N. Verma, H. MasoleMidAlt southern Africa Kadoma Zimbabwe SeedCoMidAlt southern Africa ART Farm Zimbabwe CIMMYTMidAlt southern Africa Harare-DR&E Zimbabwe N. MangombeMidAlt southern Africa Kadoma Zimbabwe MonsantoMidAlt southern Africa Kadoma Zimbabwe SeedCoMidAlt southern Africa Makoholi Zimbabwe CIMMYTMidAlt southern Africa Mazowe Zimbabwe MonsantoMidAlt southern Africa Rattray Zimbabwe SeedCoOptimal Mvuazi DRC M. MbeyaOptimal Bako EthiopiaOptimal Kitale Kenya S. EsmailOptimal Chitala MalawiOptimal Friedenheim Valley RSA M. AnthonyOptimal Arusha Tanzania Z. MdurumaOptimal Masaka UgandaOptimal Namulonge UgandaOptimal Zamseed Zambia B.N. Verma, H. MasoleOptimal ART Farm Zimbabwe CIMMYTOptimal Glendale Zimbabwe CIMMYTOptimal Rattray ZimbabweN stressManaged N stress Chianga AngolaManaged N stress Mazozo Angola F. SitoManaged N stress Sebele Botswana L. LekgariManaged N stress Chitedze Malawi V. KabambeManaged N stress Mphimbi Malawi V. KabambeManaged N stress Sussundenga MozambiqueManaged N stress Umbeluzi Mozambique D. MarioteManaged N stress Arusha Tanzania Z. MdurumaManaged N stress Golden Valley Zambia C. MungomaManaged N stress Harare-DR&E Zimbabwe N. Mangombe

Trial Classification Site Country CollaboratorManaged N stress Harare Zimbabwe CIMMYTManaged N stress Makoholi Zimbabwe OR&EAcid $ollsLow pH Chianga AngolaLow pH Mvuazi ORC M. MbeyaLow pH Leribe Lesotho L. MoremoholoLow pH Mahobong Lesotho Sima, Ntlou. Moremoholo, Mapuboe,AlchosLow pH Lunyangwa Malawi W. KaundaLow pH Potchefstroom RSA ARC-GCILow pH Misamfu ZambiaArtificial <strong>in</strong>oculation and<strong>in</strong>festationsMSV Harare Zimbabwe CIMMYTBusseola Embu Kenya S. MugoChilo Embu Kenya S. MugoChilo Kiboko Kenya S. Mugo<strong>Maize</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> weevil Harare Zimbabwe T. Ohliwayo25

5. CollaboratorsCountry Organization Collaborator P.O. Box CityAngola Institute de Investigacao Agronomica Fernando P. Sito Caixa Postal 2104 LuandaBotswana Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research Lekgari Lekgari Private Bag 0033 GabaroneDRC INERA Mergo Mbeya B.P. 2037 K<strong>in</strong>shashaDRC M. MushambanyiEthiopia EARO K. Yphannu PaweEthiopia EARO S. Ashebir PaweEthiopia EARO T. Malie PaweKenya CIMMYT-Kenya Alpha O. Diallo P.O. Box 25171 NairobiKenya CIMMYT-Kenya S. Mugo P.O. Box 25171 NairobiKenya KARl, Embu Regional Research Centre Macharia Gethi P.O. Box 27 EmbuKenya KARl, Kakamega Regional Research Centre Omari M. Odongo P.O. Box 169 KakamegaKenya KARl, Kitale Regional Research Centre George Ombakho P.O. Box 450 KitaleN Kenya Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Jackson Njuguna P.O. Box 30148 Muguga, Nairobi0>Kenya Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Jane In<strong>in</strong>da P.O. Box 30148 Muguga, NairobiKenya Western Seed Saleem Ismail P.O. Box 49464 NairobiLesotho Agricultural Research Division Alchos PO.Box 829 MaseruLesotho Agricultural Research Division L. Moremoholo PO.Box 829 MaseruLesotho Agricultural Research Division Mapuboe P.O.Box 829 MaseruLesotho Agricultural Research Division N. Ntlou P.O.Box 829 MaseruLesotho Agricultural Research Division Sima PO.Box 829 MaseruMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Baka Research Station Paul Banda PO. Box 97 KarongaMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> AgricUlture, Bembeke Research Station H.M. Mlenga BembekeMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Bolero Research Station WWKaunda BoleroMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Bvumbwe Research Station S.DT Phiri PO. Box 5748 LimbeMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Chitala Research Station A. Chimphanba ChitalaMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> AgricUlture, Chitedze Research Station Gresham W Nhlane P.O. Box 158 LilongweMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Chitedze Research Station Patrick Khonje P.O. Box 158 Lilongwe

Country Organization Collaborator P.O. Box CityMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Chitedze Research Station Vernon H. Kabambe PO. Box 158 LilongweMalawi M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Mbawa Research Station A.F. Thulu MbawaMozambique INIA Miloje Denic Avenida Populares, Mavalane MaputoMozambique INIA, Sussundenga Research Station David Mariote Caixa Postal 42 ChimoioMozambique INIA, Sussundenga Research Station Marco Langa Caixa Postal 42 ChimoioMozambique SEMOC J. Carlos Caixa Postal 2402 MaputoMozambique Umbeluzi Research Station P. Chauque Avenida Populares, Mavalane Maputo 8South Africa Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Lowveld Research Unit Marc Anthony Private Bag X11219 Nelspruit 1200South Africa Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Lowveld Research Unit S. Fankomo Private Bag X11219 Nelspruit 1200South Africa L<strong>in</strong>k Seeds P. Herbst PO. Box 755 GreytownSouth Africa PANNAR Mike Barrow P.O. Box 19 Greytown 3500Tanzania M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g L. Mwanga P.O. Box Iionga KilosaN Tanzania M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Nick Lyimo PO. Box 400 Uyole-JTanzania Selian Agricultural Research Institute Zawadiel Mr<strong>in</strong>ji P.O. Box 6024 ArushaTanzania Selian Agricultural Research Institute Zubeda O. Mduruma P.O. Box 6024 ArushaTanzania A. LiampaweTanzania M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g C. Mbuya PO.llonga KilosaTanzania Selian Agricultural Research Institute F. Swai P.O. Box 6024 ArushaUganda Namulonge Agriculture Research Institute Justus Imanywoha P.O. Box 7084 KampalaZambia M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Golden Valley Research Centre Cather<strong>in</strong>e Mungoma P.O. Box 54 Fr<strong>in</strong>gillaZambia Zamseed, Zambia B.N. Verma PO. Box 35441 LusakaZambia Zamseed, Zambia Herbert Masole PO. Box 35441 LusakaZimbabwe ART Farm Langton Mutemeri P.O. Box MP84 HarareZimbabwe Cargill Hybrid Seeds Lewis Machida P.O. Box 5398 HarareZimbabwe CIMMYT-Zimbabwe Elliot Tembo P.O. Box MP163 HarareZimbabwe CIMMYT-Zimbabwe Kev<strong>in</strong> Pixley P.O. Box MP163 HarareZimbabwe CIMMYT-Zimbabwe Marianne Banziger PO. Box MP163 Harare

RelGY ~1IIk Across GoodhOJNl Bot MHkeralam MIIIIOY·l.tm Ml.Mokillu lam BelIehlll'l RSA potclltrt!rllOll1 RSA MO'WW,Zlm% Avg Sldev Vhe Rank Uha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Uha Ran~OPV, with daPlo anthesls bolWeen ~ and 61 dJY5ZEWAlB F1 CIMMYT 116 7 4 45 8 32 20 1.5 4 18 20 4.6 12 7.3 7 6.4 15 5.5 113 ZM303 CIMMYT 102 11 5 4.5 9 3.6 10 1.4 12 2.2 10 4.5 13 7.0 9 5.8 20 6.8 32 ZM301 C1 CIMMYT 102 12 5 4.2 10 3.4 14 1.5 2 3.4 1 4.8 11 6.4 10 7.1 4 4.9 161 [EARLY-M ID-1/KATUMAN I-SR]-# CIMMYT 95 14 5 3.8 14 2.8 21 1.4 7 1.6 22 3.9 18 6.3 12 8.5 13 5.4 1317 KATUMANI-ST TANZANIA 94 15 5 3.7 17 2.5 23 1.2 23 2.2 11 3.4 22 5.8 18 5.7 21 5.0 1519 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA BOTSWANA 92 16 5 4.0 14 3.3 17 13 14 2.4 8 4.4 14 6.1 14 7.0 5 49 1712 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 CIMMYT 92 16 5 3.5 19 3.3 19 1.2 19 1.0 23 4.3 17 6.1 15 56 22 4.3 2214 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 83 18 6 3.2 20 3.3 18 1.2 17 2.1 14 3.5 20 5.4 23 6.3 18 5.2 1413 POOL 16 SEQ C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 82 19 5 3.2 20 2.7 22 1.2 21 20 17 44 15 5,4 22 5.5 23 4.0 23Maturity group average 95 14 5 3.8 15 3.1 18 13 13 21 14 4.2 16 6.2 14 6.2 16 5.1 15OPV. wllh1IIylI10 anthK18 betw"'n 62 .nd 65 day.8 ZM521 F1 CIMMYT 124 5 3 5.0 4 40 8 1.7 1 3.1 3 6.:l 1 5.9 17 6.9 7 6.9 110 ZM521-FLINT F1 CIMMYT 127 5 4 5.1 6 3.9 9 1.4 9 2.9 5 5.0 10 7.5 6 6.8 8 5.5 12IV

(.oJ0% Avg Stdev Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha RankOPVa with days to IIJthei;IB belwaelI $7 ~lf61 dayt4 ZEWAJB F1 116 7 4 4.5 8 4.9 13 3.6 8 2.3 6 1.6 13 6.3 7 2.4 2 5.3 7 4.7 33 ZM303 102 11 5 4.3 10 4.8 14 3.5 9 2.4 3 1.6 14 6.2 8 1.8 16 4.9 12 4.5 62 ZM301 C1 102 12 5 4.8 6 4.6 17 3.8 6 1.8 11 2.2 1 5.2 13 1.8 18 53 9 4.8 21 [EARLY-MID-1/KATUMANI-SR]-# 95 14 5 3.4 18 4.0 21 3.9 5 1.6 14 1.8 10 4.4 19 1.3 24 4.8 14 3.8 1717 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 3.5 17 5.2 10 3.0 16 1.2 20 1.3 22 5.4 11 1.4 22 4.9 12 4.1 1219 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA 92 16 5 3.8 14 3.9 22 4.4 2 2.0 9 1.6 15 4.8 17 2.1 10 4.5 15 3.2 2012 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 3.2 20 3.8 23 2.7 18 1.6 15 1.2 23 4.1 21 2.2 4 4.6 15 4.2 1014 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 2.5 24 4.2 19 2.4 19 1.0 24 1.9 7 3.6 23 1.8 15 4.0 19 3.8 1813 POOL 16 SEQ C1 ZAMBIA 82 19 5 3.1 22 3.5 24 2.4 20 1.7 12 1.5 17 2.9 24 1.8 13 4.0 19 2.9 23nG2and 65 days95 14 5 3.7 15 4.3 18 3.3 11 1.7 13 1.6 14 4.8 16 1.9 14 4.7 14 4.0 128 ZM521 F1 124 5 3 4.8 5 6.1 5 4.3 3 2.4 2 2.1 3 6.7 5 1.8 17 5.7 5 4.6 410 ZM521-FLINT F1 127 5 4 5.5 1 6.8 1 4.7 1 2.2 8 1.5 16 7.8 2 2.7 1 6.1 3 5.2 17 ZM421-FLINT F1 121 5 3 5.3 2 6.4 3 4.0 4 2.3 4 2.0 4 68 4 2.2 5 5.5 7 4.1 135 ZM421 F1 113 8 5 4.0 11 6.4 2 3.6 7 2.2 7 2.0 5 6.2 9 1.4 23 5.3 9 4.2 119 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 4.8 4 6.3 4 3.5 10 1.7 13 1.9 8 6.1 10 2.4 3 5.4 8 4.0 1416 KAFULA 104 11 5 4.4 9 5.3 8 3.2 12 2.3 5 1.7 12 5.1 14 2.2 7 48 13 4.46 ZM421 F2 104 12 5 4.0 13 4.5 18 3.1 15 1.5 16 1.8 11 5.4 12 2.1 9 4.9 12 3.9 1624 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 3.6 16 5.2 9 2.2 22 1.8 10 1.9 6 8.0 1 2.2 6 4.6 15 2.4 2423 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 5.2 3 5.1 11 1.8 24 1.4 18 1.4 20 7.1 3 1.7 20 4.0 19 3.0 2215 DTP C1 ZAMBIA 89 16 5 4.0 12 5.6 6 3.4 11 1.0 23 1.4 18 4.9 16 2.0 11 4.3 16 4.3 911 POOL 15 QPM SR 89 17 5 3.7 15 4.6 16 3.1 14 1.1 21 1.4 19 4.0 22 1.8 14 4.4 16 4.5 718 MATUBA 86 18 5 3.2 19 4.2 20 2.0 23 1.3 19 1.4 21 4.7 18 1.9 12 3.7 22 3.7 19Maturity group average 104 11 5 4.4 9 5.6 9 3.2 12 1.8 12 1.7 12 6.1 10 2.0 11 4.9 12 4.0 12~OPVt. wlttl d.~to lIl1lhet1a O'/K 66 days-22 IWDCO 109 9 6 4.7 7 5.6 7 3.1 13 1.4 17 1.0 24 6.3 6 2.1 8 5.7 7 4.6 521 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 3.1 23 46 15 2.3 21 1.1 22 1.9 9 4.3 20 1.8 19 5.0 11 3.1 2120 KEP 90 16 7 3.1 21 5.0 12 29 17 2.4 1 2.2 2 5.1 15 1.6 21 4.7 15 3.9 15Ma.lurity group average 98 13 7 3.6 17 5.1 11 2.8 17 1.6 13 1.7 12 5.3 14 1.8 16 5.2 11 3.9 14.100 13 54.0 5.0 3.2 1.7 1.7 5.5 1.9 4.9 12 4.0LBD 10.05) U 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.9" - - ... .. nl ...ntI~ 82 5 3 2.5 3.5 1.8 1.0 1.0 2.9 1.3 3.7 3127 19 9 5.5 6.8 4.7 2.4 2.2 8.0 2.7 6,1 22 5.

EnlJy Name ACfOas Gra<strong>in</strong> yIeld· Mid attitudes e¥t&l1l Africa.RelGY Rank AMhaTan BungomaKen Bako Eth Pawe Eth Namulonge UIIlI Serere Uga Klboko Ken Katrln2 Tan Katr<strong>in</strong>1 Tan% Avg Stdev tlha Rank t/ha Rank tlha Rank t/ha Rank t/ha Rank t/ha Rank t/ha Rank tlha Rank t/ha RankOPVs willi days to anthesis between 57 and 61 days4 ZEWAIB F1 116 7 4 3.7 4 2.6 20 5.9 8 8.2 8 5.5 12 6.5 9 7.0 2 4.6 6 5.3 33 ZM303 102 11 5 2.8 13 4.9 7 4.7 19 8.0 10 6.8 2 6.9 6 5.0 19 4.3 9 4.2 112 ZM301 C1 102 12 5 3.5 5 5.5 3 5.3 14 7.9 11 5.4 14 7.4 3 5.4 15 3,9 15 4,1 131 [EARLY-MID-1/KATUMANI-SR]-# 95 14 5 3.2 9 4.8 8 4.4 22 7.4 15 5.0 19 5.7 13 6.3 7 3.2 21 3.8 1717 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 2.7 15 4.0 15 6.6 5 7.9 12 6.6 3 5.4 14 5.5 13 4.1 14 4.8 819 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA 92 16 5 2.9 12 4.1 13 4.9 18 6.7 20 5.1 17 5.3 15 5.7 10 3.6 17 3.4 2212 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 2.5 20 3.9 16 4.1 24 6.4 22 4.9 21 5.0 21 5.9 8 4.1 13 4.0 1514 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 3.5 6 26 21 4.7 20 6,2 23 4.9 20 4.9 22 4.4 21 3.3 19 3.4 2113 POOL 16 SEQ C1 ZAMBIA 82 19 5 2,4 21 2.1 24 4.6 21 5.9 24 4,3 22 5.0 20 5.3 16 3.4 18 3,6 20Maturity group average 95 14 5 3.0 12 3.8 14 50 17 7.2 16 5.4 14 5.8 14 5.6 12 3.8 15 4.1 14OPVs wtth days to anthesls between 62 and 65 days8 ZM521 F1 124 5 3 3.3 7 5.3 4 5.5 12 8.8 3 6.2 6 6.6 8 6.6 3 4.3 10 5.7 2w 10 ZM521-FLINT F1 127 5 4 4.2 1 5.6 2 7.2 3 9.2 2 6.5 4 7.0 5 6.6 3 5.3 2 5,1 6->.7 ZM421-FLINT F1 121 5 3 3.8 3 4.2 12 5.9 7 7.7 13 5.8 10 7.5 2 7.6 1 4.6 7 4.7 95 ZM421 F1 113 8 5 3.2 8 4.4 10 5.2 16. 8.6 5 6.2 7 6.8 7 5.2 17 5.3 3 5.0 79 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 3.8 2 5.7 1 5.7 10 7.6 14 6.8 1 7.2 4 6.4 6 4,3 12 5.3 416 KAFULA 104 11 5 3.1 10 4.1 14 5.9 9 7.2 16 6.2 8 5.7 12 5.5 13 4.3 11 3.2 236 ZM421 F2 104 12 5 2.7 16 3.7 17 5.4 13 8.6 6 5.4 13 5.8 11 5.9 8 4.7 5 4.5 1024 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 1.2 24 5.2 5 8.0 1 8.1 9 4.1 24 5.2 18 5.0 19 2.8 24 5.2 523 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 3.1 11 3.4 18 6.3 6 7.0 17 6.3 5 5.2 17 3.2 24 3.1 23 3.2 2415 DTP C1 ZAMBIA 89 16 5 2.3 22 4.4 9 5.6 11 6.9 18 5.7 11 5.2 16 3.9 22 3.1 22 4.0 1411 POOL 15 QPM SR 89 17 5 2.8 14 2,5 22 5.2 15 6.8 19 5.1 15 5.1 19 5.1 18 4.5 8 3.7 1818 MATUBA 86 18 5 2.6 19 2.3 23 4.1 23 6.6 21 4.3 23 4.3 24 3.5 23 3.3 20 3.6 19Maturity group average 104 11 5 3.0 11 4.2 11 5.8 11 7.8 12 5.7 11 6.0 12 5.4 13 4.1 12 4.4 12OPVs with dayfo.tQ"iiilihe~ls over 66 ds,VI-.------ . . -22 IWDCO 109 9 6 2.7 18 4.3 11 6.9 4 8.5 7 5.9 9 7.6 1 5.6 11 5.7 1 6.3 121 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 2.7 17 5,1 6 5.1 17 8.7 4 5.0 18 6.1 10 6.6 3 4,9 4 4.2 1220 KEP 90 16 7 1.9 23 3.2 19 7.5 2 9.6 1 5.1 16 4.4 23 5.6 11 3.7 16 4.0 16Maturity group average 98 13 7 2.4 19 4.2 12 6.5 8 8.9 4 5.4 14 6.0 11 5.9 8 4.8 7 4.8 10.Mean 100 13 5 2.9 4.1 5.6 7.7 5.6 5.9 5.5 4.1 4.3LSD 10.05) 0.8 12 1.6 1.2 1.8 1.7 2.0 0.9 1.4P... .., .. ~.nsM<strong>in</strong> 82 5 3 1.2 2.1 4..1 5.9 .4.1 4.3 3.2 2.8 3.2127 19 9 4.2 5.7 8.0 9.6 6.8 7.6 1.6 5.7 6.~

WWGra<strong>in</strong> yield· Nitrogen ItrelsRelGY Rank MlIZOZoAng MilZOiZQ Ang CIIltata lbl NgabuMaI Bakl Mal !longaTan Acroa Sebele Bot UmbtluzJ Moz% Avg Stdev Uha Rank Uha Rank tlha Ran. tlha Rank tlha Rank Uha Rank tlha Rank l'ha Rank Uha RankOPV. wlth dayllo anthesls between 57 and 61 dayl4 ZEWNB Fl 116 7 4 4.7 6 43 13 63 11 3.7 9 67 6 36 8 1.7 4 4.2 4 ·i.5 103 ZM303 102 11 5 4.4 7 4.7 8 65 10 3.3 4 6.8 5 3.4 13 14 12 4.5 1 1.5 82 ZM301 Cl 102 12 5 3.8 14 4.2 14 58 13 3.2 12 5.6 14 42 2 14 10 41 7 1.5 71 [EARLY-MID-l/KATUMANI-SR]-# 95 14 5 3.2 20 3.7 20 55 18 2.9 22 5.2 16 3.4 15 13 14 2.4 20 0.9 2317 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 3.6 17 41 16 68 8 36 3 5.2 17 3.6 9 1.2 17 32 17 0.9 2119 ZM301 Cl BOTSWANA 92 16 5 31 21 4.0 17 5.4 19 3.3 7 6.1 12 3.9 5 11 19 33 14 '1 1812 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 2.4 22 4.2 15 48 22 3.1 17 5.0 19 36 10 1.4 10 35 11 09 2414 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 3.7 16 4.4 11 4.5 23 3.5 2 5.1 18 3.4 16 1.1 17 28 18 10 1913 POOL 16 SEQ Cl ZAMBIA 82 19 5 4.0 12 3.8 19 35 24 26 21 4.9 20 29 23 12 17 24 21 0.9 22Maturity group average 95 14 5 3.7 15 4.1 15 5.4 16 3.2 11 5.6 14 35 11 1.3 13 34 13 11 17OPVs wllh days to anthl!$ls between 62 <strong>in</strong>d 65 days8 ZM521 Fl 124 5 3 4.4 8 51 3 7.2 5 'j,i 5 6.5 9 3.1 20 1.8 4 43 3 1.3 1510 ZM521-FLINT Fl 127 5 4 5.2 2 5.2 1 73 3 3.7 10 67 7 3.8 6 17 5 32 15 16 47 ZM421-FLINT F1 121 5 3 5.3 1 4.5 10 79 1 3.8 6 6.6 8 41 3 1.7 {) 41 6 1.4 115 ZM421 Fl 113 8 5 49 5 4.8 5 72 4 33 19 7.0 4 3.9 4 16 10 3.7 ~ 1.7 29 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 5.0 4 4.6 9 67 9 3.9 8 7.5 2 36 11 1.7 5 36 10 14 1216 KAFULA 104 11 5 4.1 11 47 7 6.2 12 3.2 15 6.4 11 42 1 14 10 19 23 16 56 lM421 F2 104 12 5 43 9 4.7 6 5.8 14 36 14 5.5 15 27 24 15 10 3.4 12 12 1724 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 1.8 24 43 12 5.5 17 3.3 20 4.3 24 3.0 21 1.0 17 22 22 13 1423 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 3.4 18 21 24 53 20 27 24 64 10 3.U 22 1.0 18 16 3.15 DTP Cl ZAMBIA 89 16 5 3.9 13 33 22 5.6 16 3.3 13 4.5 22 3.4 14 1.1 t8 3.2 16 1.5 911 POOL 15 QPM SR 89 17 5 3.7 15 3.6 21 5.7 15 4.3 1 4.7 21 31 19 11 18 2.7 19 1.0 2018 MATUBA 86 18 5 3.3 19 3.9 18 5.3 21 34 11 5.6 13 3.2 16 1.3 12 38 8 14 13Maturity group average 104 11 5 4.1 11 42 12 6.3 11 3.5 12 6.0 12 3.4 14 1.4 11 33 13 1.4 10OPV. with day, to anthesls over 66 days22 IWDCO 109 9 6 4.3 10 4.9 4 7.7 2 3.2 16 7.4 3 3.7 7 1.4 13 34 13 2.0 121 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 5.1 3 5.1 2 6.9 7 32 18 7.5 1 3.5 12 12 17 4.2 5 1.6 620 KEP 90 16 7 23 23 2.2 23 69 6 28 23 43 23 3.4 17 1.0 20 4.4 2 '.3 16Maturity group average 98 13 7 39 12 41 10 7.2 5 3.0 19 64 9 3.5 12 1.2 16 40 7 1.6 8Maan 100 13 5 3.9 4.2 6.1 3." 5.9 3.5 1.3 13 3.4 1.3LSD (0.05) 1.5 1.3 1.l 0.5 1.2 1.1 0.3 1.5 0.6P - .. .... ... ...ns • nsM<strong>in</strong> 82 5 3 1.8 2.1 3.5 2.6 4.3 2.7 1.0 4 1.9 0,9Max 127 19 9 5.3 5.2 7.9 4.3 7.5 4.2 1.8 20 4.5 . 2.0

GraIn yield· Nitrogen etrouReIGY Renk M.kohonZlm Herar..DR&fZlm ChllngaAng HIl1IreZim AnJshl Tan ACfOS$ MISIllT1U ZJIm Pot.chtfltroom RSA ChlangeAng% Avg Stdev Vha Rank I/ha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank I!ha Rank Uha Rank Vha Rank Vha RankOPVs with dllJs 10 8I1I11esl. between /iT and 61 days4 ZEWAIB F1 116 7 4 20 2 16 4 0.4 4 1.7 8 2.8 3 28 4 4.8 3 3.8 8 0.7 43 ZM303 102 11 5 20 3 1.3 15 02 12 1.4 16 2.0 is 15 20 2.8 21 4.3 3 0.3 192 ZM301 C1 102 12 5 13 15 1.4 10 0.5 1 1.1 20 25 5 1.9 18 35 15 32 21 03 211 [EARLY-M 10-1 lKATU MANI-SR)-# 95 14 5 1.3 13 1.3 14 0·; 10 1.4 15 1.0 16 2.5 12 4.6 6 3.8 9 0.3 1717 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 10 23 13 13 0, 19 1.3 18 21 14 Us 13 32 17 32 20 05 819 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA 92 16 5 1.3 14 11 20 0.·, 21 0.9 23 1.9 18 2.2 10 4.0 12 35 12 05 712 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 1.5 12 1.6 3 0.3 9 1.7 9 1.8 19 1.8 15 32 16 3:> 18 04 1314 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 11 22 1.5 6 0.1 :::~ 0.9 24 2.1 12 18 17 3.1 18 3.8 7 04 1613 POOL 16 SEQ C I ZAMBIA 82 19 5 1.3 18 12 i8 02 I~; 1.0 21 22 8 1.7 14 3.0 19 3.3 17 05 9Maturity group average 95 14 5 1.4 14 1.4 12 0.3 13 13 17 2.1 ·12 2.0 13 3.6 14 3.6 13 0.4 13OPVs with days to anthesls btlWeen 62 and 65 days8 ZM521 F1 124 5 3 2.2 1 19 1 03 7 2.1 3 2S 6 28 4 4.9 2 4.1 5 07 510 ZM521-FLINT F1 127 5 4 1.6 10 14 8 0.5 3 2.1 3 29 1 2.2 9 3.7 14 4.6 2 07 3~ 7 ZM421-FLINT Fl 121 5 3 1.8 8 1.4 9 05 2 1.9 6 2.7 4 22 12 4.0 9 4.2 4 0.4 155 ZM421 Fl 113 8 5 19 6 1.3 16 0.2 20 2.2 1 23 7 25 10 4.7 5 3.7 10 0.4 149 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 1.9 4 1.7 2 0.3 6 1.6 11 2.9 2 2.1 17 40 11 3.3 16 0.1 2216 KAFULA 104 11 5 1.5 11 1.4 11 04 5 1.6 12 21 9 2.7 12 5.3 1 29 24 01 236 ZM421 F2 104 12 5 19 5 1.6 5 02 15 15 13 2.2 10 ~ .' 7 3.9 13 3.4 13 1.0 124 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 13 19 0.2 24 03 11 20 5 14 24 06 24 13 24 3.1 22 0.0 2423 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 06 24 0.6 23 02 16 2.1 4 1.4 23 1.4 '.0 2.6 22 3.6 11 0.3 1815 DTP Cl ZAMBIA 89 16 5 1.2 20 12 17 0.3 8 13 17 1.7 20 1.6 20 29 20 33 15 03 2011 POOL 15 OPM SR 89 17 5 1.3 16 1.2 18 0·) .. 14 1.2 19 1.6 22 '1.6 13 2.5 23 3.4 14 0.8 218 MATUBA 86 18 5 17 9 1.3 12 0.2 13 1.7 7 1.7 21 2.4 9 4.4 7 3.0 23 0.4 11MatUrity group average 104 11 5 1.6 11 1.3 12 0.3 10 1.8 8 2.1 12 2.1 13 3.7 13 3.6 13 0.4 13apve wIth d.ys to enthesls over 66 deye22 IWOCO 109 9 6 1.8 7 14 7 0.1 23 1.5 14 2.1 13 22 10 4.0 10 4.7 I 0.4 1021 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 1.3 17 0.8 21 01 24 1.6 10 21 11 2.4 10 4.4 8 33 19 04 1220 KEP 90 16 7 1.1 21 0.7 22 0.2 17 1.0 22 1.9 17 26 5 47 4 38 6 0.6 6Maturity group average 98 13 7 1.4 15 1.0 17 01 21 14 15 20 14 24 8 4.4 7 39 9 05 9Mean 100 13 5 1.5 1.3 0.3 U 2.1 2.1 13 3.7 3.8 0.4LSD (O.O~ 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.9 1.0 0,4p.. ... .. .. . . n.M<strong>in</strong> 82 5 3 0.8 0.2 . 0.1 0.9 1.4 0.6 4 1.3 U 0.0Max 127 19 9 2.2 1.9 0.5 2.2 2.9 2.S 24 5.3 . 4.7 . 1.0

(..J01Gra<strong>in</strong> yi&ld • Droughll1rll$SRelGY Rank ChlanllllAn9 Lul1)'llllgwa Mal Mahobong Lea Leribll Las ACf08S Hukunlsl 801 Nanga lam Sav.Zlm EmlimoRSA% Avg Sidev tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank Vila Rank tlha Rank L'ha Ran~OPV. wtth days to iI11lhe61e balWoen 57 and 61 days4 ZEWNB Fl 116 7 4 0.2 21 05 2 3.7 3 1.2 21 29 4 23 5 3.9 21 3.2 3 2.4 23 ZM303 102 11 5 06 1 0.2 14 2.7 13 1.7 5 2.2 14 19 10 59 1 21 14 2.0 162 ZM301 Cl 102 12 5 03 10 02 19 3.4 4 1.1 22 2.2 13 2.3 2 3.2 24 19 15 2.3 81 [EARLY-MID-1/KATUMANI-SRj-# 95 14 5 05 5 0.2 16 27 14 1.5 11 23 10 21 7 5,3 6 2.6 8 2.4 517 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 0.4 7 0.2 18 2.6 \6 1.3 14 2.0 16 23 3 36 22 1.6 22 23 719 ZM301 Cl BOTSWANA 92 16 5 0.3 13 0.2 20 28 11 1.3 13 21 15 17 15 44 13 1.8 19 1.6 2012 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 03 17 0.4 9 2.3 20 1.6 8 2.3 14 19 11 5.6 4 26 7 2.1 1514 POOL 113 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 03 11 01 21 2.7 12 1.1 23 2.0 15 1.5 19 42 18 19 16 2.4 313 POOL 16 SEQ C1 ZAMBIA 82 19 5 0.3 15 0.2 17 22 24 15 10 1.7 22 19 12 44 14 14 24 14 23Malurity group average 95 14 5 0.4 11 0.2 15 28 13 '4 14 2.2 14 20 9 45 14 2.1 14 2.i 11OPV. wllJl dIyw 10 .n!heel. betwsen 62 and 65 day.a ZMS21 F1 124 5 3 03 14 0.3 11 3.0 8 18"2.9 5 1.6 16 4,3 16 2.6 6 24 610 ZM521·FLlNT Fl 127 5 4 05 4 04 5 32 6 1.7 3 2.9 5 ;'.u 9 43 15 3.2 2 21 117 ZM42 1-FLINT 1=1 121 5 3 0.2 24 0.5 1 3.8 2 2.1 1 2.8 6 i.7 16 4.8 9 3.0 4 2.3 95 ZM421 F1 113 8 5 0.3 16 0.4 7 3.1 7 14 12 2.6 8 2.2 6 4.7 10 2.5 10 24 49 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 0.4 8 04 4 2.8 10 1.2 20 2.8 8 2.4 1 51 8 3.3 1 1.9 1816 KAFULA 104 11 5 0.3 18 0.4 8 3.2 5 1.6 9 2.5 8 1.9 13 3.9 20 2.5 11 2,56 ZM421 F2 '104 12 5 06 2 0.3 12 24 18 l.i 4 2.0 16 2.0 8 3.5 23 1.8 18 2.2 1224 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 05 3 05 3 27 15 13 15 23 12 46 11 l.3 5 13 2423 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 02 23 0.2 15 4.5 I 1.2 18 2.2 15 1.7 14 54 5 24 12 1.5 2215 OTP C I ZAMBIA 89 16 5 04 9 04 6 23 22 0.9 24 1.8 19 1.5 2Q 59 2 1.8 17 18 1911 POOL 15 aPM SR 89 17 5 04 6 0.3 13 24 17 1.2 17 2.0 19 2.3 4 5.7 3 18 20 2.1 1418 MATUBA 86 18 5 03 19 03 10 23 19 1.6 6 1.8 19 11 23 40 19 1 7 21 2.0 17Maturity group average 104 11 5 04 12 0.4 8 3.0 11 1.5 11 2.4 11 19 12 47 '2 2.5 11 20 13OPVa with dayt to an1hetlt over 66 days22 IWDC(J 109 9 6 0.3 20 0.1 23 2.2 24 1.3 16 2.4 10 1.2 22 5.1 7 25 9 2.3 \021 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 02 22 00 24 23 21 1.6 7 2.1 16 16 17 45 12 22 13 22 1320 KEP 90 16 7 0.3 12 0.1 22 2.9 9 1.2 19 2.0 16 1.5 21 4.3 17 1.5 23 1.6 21Maturity group average 98 13 7 03 18 0.1 23 2.5 18 14 14 22 14 14 20 46 12 2.0 15 20 15Mun 100 13 5 0.4 0.3 2,8 U 2.3 13 1.9 4.8 2,3 2,1LSO{O,OS) 0,3 0.3 1.3 0.9 U 0.8 2.6 0,9 0.6P ns + n. lIS Of n.M<strong>in</strong> 82 5 3 0.2 0.0 2.2 U 1.7 4 1.1 3,2 1.• 1.3127 19 9 0,6 0.5 4.6 2.1 U 22 2.4 5.9 3.3 2.5

Low pH Drought,lSi wI ASI Elft/ ASI Ear1l lMfRei GY RAnk Friedenhelm RSA ChibdaMal Aruaha Tan Chlredzl ZIm HmreZlm Plant Sen.. Plant PIIIII S<strong>in</strong>..% Avg Stdev Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank tlha Rank d # 1-10 d # d # ',10OPVs with days to antheals between 57 and 61 days4 ZEWNB Fl 116 7 4 36 4 32 12 2.4 6 29 10 3.6 15 4.8 088 70 37 0.66 1.3 115 5.93 ZM303 102 11 5 30 9 3.5 6 1.8 15 2.6 14 3.4 16 5.2 094 7.1 62 0.51 1.7 1.08 5.82 ZM301 Cl 102 12 5 2.5 18 3.5 7 2.0 10 3.1 8 4.0 12 5.1 083 6.6 9.4 0.65 25 112 581 [EARLY-MI D-1/KATUMANI-SR]-# 95 14 5 23 20 3.5 5 2.0 8 2.7 12 2.7 18 5.6 098 69 7.0 0.62 2.1 109 5.617 KATUMANI-ST 94 15 5 2.3 22 2.9 16 19 12 2.5 17 3.9 14 57 084 7.1 7b 0.70 1.7 107 5919 ZM301 C1 BOTSWANA 92 16 5 30 7 38 2 1.8 14 32 5 40 13 48 088 73 8? 0.52 14 1.09 0.012 POOL 16 BNSEQ C2 92 16 5 2.9 13 32 11 1.4 20 2.6 15 09 22 2.9 098 7.5 6.8 0.82 0.2 1.13 5914 POOL 16 SR ZAMBIA 83 18 6 2.3 21 3.1 14 15 19 2.6 13 2.4 19 5.3 076 7.6 7.2 0.50 '13 1.08 6313 POOL 16 SEQ C1 ZAMBIA 82 19 5 2.3 23 29 19 1.5 18 2.4 20 2.3 20 4.2 093 6.9 6.2 0.57 0.4 1.05 59Maturity group average 95 14 5 2.7 15 3.3 10 1.8 14 2.7 13 30 17 4.8 089 7.1 7.5 0.62 1.4 109 59OPVs with days to anthesis between 62 and 65 days8 ZM521 F1 124 5 3 3.6 3 31 13 2.8 3 3.6 1 5.1 7 32 093 62 6.7 0.69 11 1.05 5310 ZM521-FLINT F1 127 5 4 3.1 6 3.4 8 2.9 1 34 3 6.6 1 4.3 094 60 5.1 0.60 2.1 106 51W 0)7 ZM421-FLINT F1 121 5 3 3.6 2 3.7 4 2.2 7 2.6 16 5.2 6 50 084 6.3 64 0.64 2.1 0.95 515 ZM421 F1 113 8 5 2.9 11 3.7 3 25 5 3.0 9 5.6 4 4.1 088 6.3 5.7 0.63 2.2 104 519 ZM521 F2 113 8 5 2.9 10 3.3 9 2.9 2 3.5 2 5.8 3 4.3 091 63 6.3 067 27 104 5.016 KAFULA 104 11 5 27 16 29 15 2.5 4 25 19 3.1 17 60 130 6.4 4.5 0.52 2.3 1.01 616 ZM421 F2 104 12 5 2.6 17 46 1 15 17 3.1 6 42 11 38 087 7.1 6.8 0.76 2.0 108 5324 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 15 9 30 8 2.7 21 1.9 11 2.9 11 62 2 5.5 087 6.3 16 0.62 2.4 107 4.723 LOCAL CHECK 1 89 15 8 3.9 1 24 24 0.8 24 3.1 7 5.5 5 82 060 5.8 6.1 043 17 095 5415 DTP C1 ZAMBIA 89 16 5 24 19 27 23 14 21 2.4 23 0.7 23 51 084 62 101 0.58 2.3 1.21 5311 POOL 15 QPM SR 89 17 5 23 24 32 10 1.7 16 2.~ 22 2.0 21 57 087 69 11.0 0.60 2.5 1.00 5818 MATUBA 86 18 5 2.7 15 2.9 17 0.9 23 25 18 5.0 8 51 095 72 6.4 0.73 1.4 096 57Maturity group average 104 11 5 3.0 11 32 12 2.0 11 2.9 lt 4.6 9 5.0 090 64 6.4 0.62 2.1 1.04 5.3OPVs with days to 8nthes~ over 66 days22 IWDCO 109 9 6 2.9 12 2.7 22 20 9 34 4 4.6 9 50 098 6.1 7.9 0.60 35 1.01 4.821 SIN93 TZUTSR-W 94 13 7 2.8 14 28 20 1.1 22 2.2 24 4.4 10 47 0.99 68 6.7 0.63 2.7 0S4 5.420 KEP 90 16 7 3.2 5 29 18 1.8 13 2,4 21 0.0 24 6.1 0.72 65 60 068 5,6 084 4Maturity group average 98 13 7 2.9 10 28 20 1.7 15 27 16 3.0 14 53 089 6.5 6.9 064 39 093 51MAn 100 13 5 2.9 3.2 1.9 2.8 3.8 5.0 0.90 0.7 6.9 0.S2 2.0 1.04 5.5LSD (0.05) 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.3 0.19 0,7 0.7 0.15 1.2 0.14 0.6p ns<strong>in</strong> 82 5 3 2.3 2.4 0.8 2.2 0.0 2.9 0.60 5.8 1.6 0.~3 0.2 0.B4 4.7Max 127 19 9 3.9 4.6 2.9 3.6 . 8,6 8.2 1.30 7.6 11.0 0.82 5.6 1.21 S.3

RelGY Rank Aaroi$ Goodhope Bot Susundengl Mot MaaumbaZMn MlIlJOYa lam MlNakulu la<strong>in</strong> Setlilgole RSA KadOlmZlm Hara,.OR&E Zlm% Avg Sldev tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank t/ha Rank t.1Ia Rank Vha Rank Uha Rank tlha Rank tIha Ran.OPV. with d.1y$ to a.ntheail between 68 and 70 dly'P501/P502 SR F1 CIMMYT 124 4 4 54 4 4.8 3 42 4 1.7 5 2.9 10 6.0 7 6.\ 6 3.9 6 44 13 P502-SRCO-F2 CIMMYT 115 8 5 48 9 44 7 2.9 18 1.5 23 2.5 15 64 6 6.1 9 5.2 1 3.0 169 ZM621-FLINT F1 CIMMYT 112 8 6 52 5 5.0 2 3.7 9 1.6 11 34 2 6.7 4 5.9 14 36 13 34 125 ZM605C4 F3 CIMMYT 104 11 6 4.7 10 4.1 11 2.0 24 18 2 3.0 8 6.8 3 5.5 20 21 24 4.1 313 MASIKA MALAWI 104 11 6 44 13 38 15 2.8 20 1.6 15 34 3 58 9 b6 3 38 8 28 17Maturity group average 112 9 5 4.9 B 44 B 3.1 15 1.6 11 3.0 8 64 6 0.1 10 37 10 35 10OPVs wltfl daya to anlttal, between 70 and 73 daY'7 ZM621 F'! CIMMYT 121 6 4 5.3 4 51 1 3.4 12 18 3 2.7 12 7.4 1 ~2 24 30 19 4.2 28 ZM621 F2 CIMMYT 113 8 5 50 7 38 16 3.1 16 1.6 19 37 1 7.2 2 57 16 35 15 38 510 ECAVL1-DLN CIMMYT 113 9 6 5.0 7 4.2 8 42 3 1.6 13 2.2 21 5.9 8 57 17 4.7 3 3.4 116 WEEVILAxB F1 CIMMYT 110 10 5 47 11 4.2 9 3.4 11 1.7 6 2.5 16 57 12 59 13 3.6 11 3.2 152 P501-SRCO-F2 CIMMYT 108 10 6 4.3 15 35 21 26 22 17 10 31 6 5.2 16 5.7 15 43 4 4.1 4W 4 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 CIMMYT 101 12 6 44 13 29 23 31 15 1.7 8 33 4 4.3 21 tJ2 5 37 10 3.7 7-...J12 OBATANPA QPM GHANA S4 14 5 44 12 4.1 10 3.0 '7 1.8 1 2.3 19 55 13 55 21 :l6 12 37 620 TZLCOMP3 C2 IITA 96 14 5 43 14 4.8 4 33 13 1.6 16 3.1 7 53 14 54 22 2.5 23 2.7 1915 POP10 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 97 14 4 42 16 3.5 22 1.7 7 14 24 2.6 14 43 22 61 8 27 21 3.4 1314 AC7844 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 93 15 6 4.1 16 36 19 3.9 6 1.5 22 2.3 20 47 18 66 2 33 18 1.8 2224 LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 83 17 7 34 21 32 14 1.7 7 21 22 4.7 19 61 10 37 P 02 2423 LOCAL CHECK 1 Various 86 17 6 38 18 3.6 20 37 8 1.7 9 11 24 4.5 20 51 23 29 20 12 2316 POP25 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 86 18 3 4.0 18 3.9 14- 2.9 19 1.6 1/ 2.9 9 41 24 6:' 4 5.0 2 13 1417 ZM601 C1 ZAMBIA ZAMBIA 74 21 3 3.3 21 4.0 12 2.8 21 15 21 1.7 23 41 23 61 7 35 14 2.3 21Maturity group average 98 13 5 4.3 14 3.~ 14 33 13 16 13 2.5 14 52 1" 5.B 13 3.6 1~ 1.9 13OPV, with claY-' to ant1l8$ls between 73 and 76 dlys11 ECAVL2-DLN CIMMYT 112 7 5 5.1 6 47 5 42 2 1.5 20 31 5 6.5 5 57 18 JA 16 3.7 818 TZ9043DMRSR IITA 100 13 6 '16 10 37 17 4.3 1 16 14 2..8 11 58 10 6.0 12 39 7 35 1022 TZLCOMP4 C2 IITA 98 14 6 4.3 15 3.7 18 4.1 5 1.7 4 2.4 18 5.8 11 56 19 27 22 2.7 1821 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W IITA 82 17 6 4.1 15 4.4 6 34 10 1.6 12 2.7 13 5.3 15 6.1 11 31 17 35 919 ACR9222-SR IITA 72 21 3 3.3 21 4.0 13 2.6 23 1.6 18 25 17 47 17 7.2 1 4.1 5 26 20Maturity group average 93 15 5 4.3 13 41 12 3.7 8 1.6 14 2.7 13 5.6 12 61 12 3~ 13 32 13,all100 1.2 5 U 12 4.1 3.4 1.6 2.7 5.5 5.9 U 3.1LSD (0.05) 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.. 1.2 1.3 1.5 . 1.8 0.9p.. .../\I lIS-ns 1\1MIn 12 4 3 3.3 4 2.9 2.0 1.4 11 •.1 5.2 2.1 0I.x 12A 21 7 SA 21 5.1 4.3 1.8 3.7 7." 7.2 5.2 4A

Rei GY Rank ZamseedZam Bvumbwe Mal MbawaMal Makokl Mal Chlledze M.I ARTZIm Makoholi Zlm Aero. KlQle Ken Sellan Tan% Avg Sidev Vlla Rank Vha Rank Vlla Rank Vlla Rank una Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vlla Rank Vha Rank Vha RankOPVs with days to anthesis batween 68 and 70 daysP501/P502 SR Fl 124 4 4 6.1 9 73 1 4.5 5 82 1 7.2 2 6.1 4 09 3 57 5 6.0 9 5.93 P502-SRCO-F2 115 8 5 61 11 63 4 47 2 7.1 3 59 10 5.3 13 09 4 5.9 5 7.2 1 649 ZM621-FLINT Fl 112 8 6 7.2 2 6.5 2 46 3 64 10 60 8 6.2 3 1.1 2 48 13 4.3 17 4.9 125 ZM605C4 F3 104 11 6 5.2 22 58 8 4.1 8 6.6 8 5.8 11 5.9 5 08 8 48 14 5.8 12 ':.0 1613 MASIKA 104 11 6 61 12 5.5 12 39 11 7.0 5 50 18 55 11 06 12 4.7 16 5.8 11 4.1 20Maturity group average 112 9 5 6.1 11 63 5 44 6 71 5 6.0 10 5.8 7 08 6 5.2 11 58 10 52 12OPVs with days 10 anthesis between 70 and 73 days7 ZM621 F1 121 6 4 6.9 3 6.3 3 4.1 9 6.8 6 6.2 6 6.9 1 12 1 5.5 7 6.5 5 648 ZM621 F2 113 8 5 67 4 59 7 4.6 4 7.0 4 57 12 67 2 09 5 54 9 61 8 47 1510 ECAVL l-DLN 113 9 6 7.2 1 5.6 11 43 6 74 2 6.6 5 49 17 0.8 6 50 12 4.9 14 4.9 136 WEEVILAxB F1 110 10 5 5.5 20 57 10 4.1 10 64 11 69 4 5.5 10 08 7 5.3 10 7.2 2 55 92 P501-SRCO-F2 108 10 6 54 21 5.8 9 34 16 6.5 9 54 14 4.5 20 0.5 17 56 6 65 6 64 3W4 Z97SYNGLS(Bj F4 101 12 6 56 18 62 5 4.2 7 6.3 14 6.2 7 56 7 05 15 5.3 9 6.2 7 54 10CO 12 OBATANPA QPM 94 14 5 61 10 5.2 14 3.9 13 55 19 5.9 9 54 12 06 11 4.3 16 3.8 21 4.2 1720 TZLCOMP3 C2 96 14 5 6.0 13 5.3 13 39 12 6.2 15 44 19 45 21 06 10 4.6 15 5.1 13 4.8 1415 POP10 Cl ZAMBIA 97 14 4 6.2 7 5.1 16 37 14 55 17 5.2 17 4.8 18 05 19 4.8 13 4.8 15 52 1114 AC7844 Cl ZAMBIA 93 15 6 55 19 44 20 28 22 58 16 72 1 44 23 06 13 46 14 4.0 18 6.124 LOCAL CHECK 2 83 17 7 5.1 23 4.2 21 2.7 24 50 22 3.7 22 52 14 04 22 52 10 6.8 3 6123 LOCAL CHECK 1 86 17 6 56 17 4.7 19 34 17 5.1 21 43 20 5.6 8 04 21 4.6 14 5.9 10 38 2416 POP25 Cl ZAMBIA 86 18 3 57 16 4.9 18 3.3 18 54 20 53 15 4.4 22 04 23 4.1 19 39 20 4.1 1917 ZM601 Cl ZAMBIA 74 21 3 44 24 39 23 28 21 44 23 40 21 3.5 24 05 16 36 21 30 23 39 23Maturity group average 98 13 5 5.8 14 52 14 3.7 14 6.0 14 55 12 51 14 06 13 4.9 13 5.3 12 51 12OPVs with days to anthesis between 73 and 76 days11 ECAVL2-DLN 112 7 5 63 6 62 6 51 1 64 12 7.1 3 55 9 05 14 55 7 6.6 4 5.9 718 TZ9043DMRSR 100 13 6 6.6 5 5.1 15 3.2 19 6.8 7 54 13 57 6 0.7 9 48 13 4.6 16 4.0 2122 TZLCOMP4 C2 98 14 6 6.2 8 49 17 31 20 63 13 5.2 16 50 16 05 18 5.2 10 4.0 19' 7.0 121 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W 82 17 6 58 14 3.9 22 36 15 55 18 37 23 5.2 15 04 20 38 20 3.0 22 3.9 2219 ACR9222-SR 72 21 3 58 15 2.7 24 28 23 4.0 24 28 24 45 19 03 24 3.3 21 14 24 U 18Maturity group average 93 15 5 6.1 10 4.6 17 36 16 5.8 15 4.9 16 5.2 13 05 17 4.5 14 39 17 5.0 14Mean 100 12 5 6.0 5.3 3.8 6.2 5.5 5.3 0.6 4.9 12 5.1 5.1LSD (0.05) 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.0 0.3 0.6 2.0 1.3PM<strong>in</strong> 72 4 3 U 2.7 2.7 4.0 2.8 3.5 0.3 3.3 5 1.4 3.8Max 124 21 7 7.2 7.3 5.1 8.2 7.2 6.9 1.2 5.9 21 7.2 7.0/J

0Jc.oReIGY AniBIul T<strong>in</strong> W.ru WeruTan Mbulumbulu TIn Bako ElII NBmulongl Uga Embu Ken Kakamega Ken Embu K<strong>in</strong> Acrosl PongonoAng% Avg Sidev tlha Rank lIha Rank t/ha Ran, ~ha Rank tlha Rank Vha Rank tlila Rank tlhB Ran, Vha Rank VIla RankOPVs willi days to anlhll6ls between 681nd 70 dayl1 P501/P502 SR Fl 124 43 P502-SRCO-F2 115 89 ZM621-FlINT Fl 112 85 ZM605C4 F3 104 1113 MASIKA 104 11Maturity group average 112 9OPVs with days to anthesis between 70 Ind 73 days7 ZM621 Fl 121 68 ZM621 F2 113 810 ECAVL1-DLN 113 96 WEEVILAxB Fl 110 102 P501-SRCO-F2 108 104 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 101 1212 OBATANPA QPM 94 1420 TZLCOMP3 C2 96 1415 POP10 Cl ZAMBIA 97 1414 AC7844 Cl ZAMBIA 93 1524 LOCAL CHECK 2 83 1723 LOCAL CHECK 1 86 \716 POP25 Cl ZAMBIA 86 1817 ZM601 Cl ZAMBIA 74 21Maturity group average 98 13OPVs with dayl to anthesls between 73 and 76 days11 ECAVL2-DLN 112 718 TZ9043DMRSR 100 1322 TZLCOMP4 C2 9821 ACR93 TZLCOMP1·W 82 1719 ACR9222-SR 72 21Maturity group averageMean93 100 1512LSD (0.05)PM<strong>in</strong>M72124421404 15034414434402,632384.6312.7353.71.71.5..3113182011112324121921157.1706.2656.1667.27.0576.46.463625.56.35.8625.551576£.,•0.Jl910oII1 I13611.91122232416414171613126.,12.6lIS3.57.733222411171521216141017121198122098511869655958616.170b.66071634453624.14257465761585844535.71.4.1715211412148131521231611621 7201.5122.31.32.2.S2~2.£1H1.5\.92125182.{1...2252gg22282.72.2nl1.22.ll211522241219231781411&1314917.6736.46.369696A6764746.97553516.650606254486.21970554.\51921136182324142~lq~IA1.6U1.7211.61.61.122l.2202219221.9U19232.3521!.a242.0o.e1,13.55B1421192216ISI~\ 16133.63.1233.

~oMazozoAng S. Vicente Ang MlllozoAng Ilongll-.n Aero" SUS8ll11denQil MOl MakoholJ.DR&E ZJm Hamt-DR&E ZJm Chlall!l8Ang MphlmblMlI1% Avg Stdev Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank l!ha Rank Vha Rank tit'OI REn~pOPVs wllh days 10 anlhesla between 68 and 70 days1 P501/P502 SR F1 124 43 P502-SRCO-F2 115 89 ZM621-FLINT F1 112 85 ZM605C4 F3 104 1113 MASIKA 104 11Maturity group average 112 9OPVs wllll days to Bntllesl, between 70 and 73 day7 ZM621 F1 121 68 ZM621 F2 113 810 ECAVL1-DLN 113 96 WEEVILAxB F1 110 102 P501-SRCO-F2 108 104 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 101 1212 OBATANPA QPM 94 1420 TZLCOMP3 C2 96 1415 POP10 Cl ZAMBIA 97 1414 AC7844 Cl ZAMBIA 93 1524 LOCAL CHECK 2 83 1723 LOCAL CHECK 1 86 1716 POP25 Cl ZAMBIA 86 1817 ZM601 Cl ZAMBIA 74 21Maturity group average 98 13OPVll with days to anthesis between 73 and 76 days11 ECAVL2-DLN 112 718 TZ9043DMRSR 100 1322 TZLCOMP4 C2 98 1421 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W 82 1719 ACR9222-SR 72 21Maturity group average93 15M100 12LSD (0.051M<strong>in</strong>hi7212442161221111013121141592019142318241316171164£U3]413A31413!U2£454D322£38353.836304323.5S.1,1ns2.;8U10152212191321231217111418201621U2.!1.111A221.71.61.7111.6151212171041.5091.0191.4111.'121.107080.70.808U11lDM1DMQ91.3Q703~03~03Q7OA0506070,5050.70.1m0,21.331117152324221421122019161318179121095731013527191410278694565665546763356.0504.6384.64.8~~4.4U~ou~4139~U~214044.3385548454.64.51.9ns2.76.02024136.1~5!~~~5.4~4B4]~4.4513£71605656415.85.41.6ns3.67.121141413495618162422185867212011623416122437171859~11171291522380.001004010.001QOQOQ3~~ODQ303QO01~~~~Ql03OB000.0000.20.20.5ns0.00.820101718614232235151021191671413241211535.15657485.348122292.,3221]U19191~1112151£1104OAI!1£1!1.413151.B1.11.41.60,50.42.J5321014647B91121161420242317121418191513221703010.10001010201010.10.10.0010.301010.1010,10102010,10.1Q.3n,0.0D.!2£131979312189520B',416101711'1415101.,812131.61'>1.1JItI!13!.I1.51.71£1.5lA151.01.72.41314, 5lA0,9III0.8U20313232417179iB1119211256101142241161512

~-J..J:- ~-.0 _. _ _ • - .,1Gl'il<strong>in</strong> yield. Low pH Gra<strong>in</strong> yield. Drought slIessRelGY Rank Harare Zlm Anlsh~ Tan Across MfumfuZam Chl3ngAAng ChianllaAnll Lunyangwa Mal Across N.nlJil lam% Avg Stdev t/ha Rank t/ha Rank t/ha Rank t/ha Rank t/ha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank t/ha Rank tJha RankOPVs with days to anthesls between 68 and 70 days1 P501/P502 SR F1 124 4 4 2.1 3 2.6 10 1.7 2 6.8 1 02 16 0.2 21 17 2 28 7 3.6 123 P502-SRCO-F2 115 8 5 17 7 3.4 1 16 4 53 2 0.2 24 02 22 1.6 4 2.7 12 4.0 59 ZM621-FLINT F1 112 8 6 1.7 5 2.8 8 08 16 51 3 03 14 05 1 0.8 16 27 11 3.1 185 ZM605C4 F3 104 11 6 1.4 13 33 3 1.2 9 3.4 15 0.5 1 0.3 16 1.2 9 2.6 11 47 113 MASIKA 104 11 6 1.5 12 26 11 12 8 43 7 0.4 7 02 23 12 8 30 7 39 7Maturity group average 112 9 5 17 8 2.9 7 13 8 50 6 0.3 12 03 17 13 8 28 10 89 9OPVs wltll day3 to anlhasis between 70 and 73 days7 ZM621 F1 121 6 4 2.1 2 3.3 4 1.1 11 4.5 6 0.5 3 0.4 5 1.1 11 3.1 5 :J.4 148 ZM621 F2 113 8 5 1.7 6 29 7 0.8 17 4.9 4 0.4 5 0.

Jjj1iJhfI3i'}}1:VID1tJ1iUIOWUOOiIiWl\ljilit-' Wffi!'1tItI~llIEntry Name Across Gra<strong>in</strong> yield - Drought stress Gra<strong>in</strong> yield· MSVRelGY Rank Tshlombo RSA SaveZlm Frledenhelm Valley RSA Chitala Mal ArUSM Tan Chlredzl Zlm HarareZlm% Avg Sldev Uha RanK tlha Rank Vha Rank Uha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha RankOPVs with days to anthesls between 68 Ind 70 days1 P501/P502 SR F1 124 4 4 2.5 3 16 2 35 9 2.9 19 24 7 42 1 6.7 43 P502-SRCO-F2 115 8 5 23 7 2.1 12 3.5 7 2.7 18 1.9 15 4.0 2 66 59 ZM621-FLINT F1 112 8 6 1.9 15 19 8 36 1 3.7 14 2.5 6 2.9 15 5.3 85 ZM605C4 F3 104 11 6 1.3 23 17 9 3.7 2 3.8 8 2.0 13 3.0 14 4.4 1413 MASIKA 104 11 6 1.5 22 1.3 13 3.6 5 4.5 5 2.5 4 3.6 7 43 15Maturity group average 112 9 5 1.9 14 17 9 3.6 S 3.5 13 23 9 3.6 8 5.4 9OPVs wiln days to anthesis between 70 and 73 days7 ZM621 F1 '12'1 6 4 2.4 5 2.1 4 3.4 11 43 4 26 2 3.6 8 51 98 ZM621 F2 113 8 5 21 10 2.4 1 3.1 17 37 10 2.6 3 3.4 10 53 710 ECAVL1-DLN 113 9 6 1.7 21 16 11 3.5 8 2.9 24 31 1 3.4 9 35 186 WEEVILAxB F1 110 10 5 2.4 4 18 10 3.3 14 4.2 9 2.5 5 3.8 5 68 22 P501-SRCO-F2 108 10 6 2.1 9 18 5 3.4 12 4.8 1 2.1 10 40 3 6.9.j::>.4 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 101 12 6 2.0 12 1.1 15 29 19 4.9 2 2.1 11 2.9 17 6.8 3N12 OBATANPA QPM 94 14 5 2.1 11 0.9 22 33 13 3.7 7 15 19 3.6 6 35 1720 TZLCOMP3 C2 96 14 5 1.8 18 1.1 19 3.6 3 3.6 6 1.4 22 31 12 5.1 1115 POP10 C1 ZAMBIA 97 14 4 1.7 20 1.3 16 26 20 3.1 20 2.1 12 2.8 19 3.1 2114 AC7844 C1 ZAMBIA 93 15 6 18 16 2.0 3 2.2 24 3.5 15 1.5 20 29 18 36 1624 LOCAL CHECK 2 83 17 7 20 13 32 16 2.4 23 2.2 9 29 16 2.5 2323 LOCAL CHECK 1 86 17 6 12 24 12 17 3,6 4 3.5 16 1.8 16 23 24 3.5 1916 POP25 C1 ZAMBIA 86 18 3 2.4 6 1.1 18 3.0 18 4.3 12 1.9 14 2.7 21 34 2017 ZM601 C1 ZAMBIA 74 21 3 1.7 19 1.1 23 2.7 21 28 21 1.4 21 2.8 20 02 24Maturity group average 98 13 5 2.0 13 15 13 3.1 14 3.7 12 2.1 12 3.2 13 4.2 14OPVs with days to anthesls between 73 and 76 days11 ECAVL2-DLN 112 7 5 2.3 8 12 7 26 22 3.4 13 2.3 8 39 4 • 5.5 618 TZ9043DMRSR 100 13 6 18 17 18 6 3.5 6 3.9 11 1.3 23 3.3 11 5.1 1022 TZLCOMP4 C2 98 14 6 2.7 2 1.5 14 3.4 10 3,5 17 1.6 18 2.6 22 4.9 1221 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W 82 17 6 2.8 1 0.6 21 2.5 23 45 3 09 24 3.1 13 4.5 1319 ACR9222-SR 72 21 3 20 14 09 20 3.2 15 3.1 22 17 17 2.4 23 3.1 22Maturity group average 93 15 5 2.3 8 1.2 14 3.0 15 3.7 13 1.6 18 31 15 4.6 13Mean 100 12 5 2.0 1.5 3.2 3.7 2.0 3.2 4.6LSD (0.05) 0.9 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.1p nsns0 ..M<strong>in</strong> 72 4 3 1.2 0.6 2.2 2A 0.9 2.3 0.2Max 12.4 21 7 2.8 U 3.8 4.lI 3.1 4.2 6.90

,F#:1I!!'WtljNl" 1 't 1Il Tl"IYJ.1'7f'Low pH DroughtAS) EanJ leaf ASI AS.I Ears! leafRelGY Rank Plant Senes Plant Senes% Avg Stdev d # 1-10 d d # 1-10OPVs with days to anthesls between 68 and 70 days1 P501/P502 SR F1 124 4 4 13.7 0.75 5.8 8.2 35 111 583 P502-SRCO-F2 115 8 5 10.3 0.62 5.5 1.0 28 1.12 5.99 ZM621-FlINT F1 112 8 6 14.7 061 5.9 77 65 0.98 555 ZM605C4 F3 104 11 6 177 0.63 5.7 7.5 61 1.04 6213 MASIKA 104 11 6 11.7 056 5.4 12.0 76 1.03 60Maturity group average 112 9 5 13.6 063 57 73 53 1.06 59OPVs with days to anthesls between 70 and 73 days7 ZM621 F1 121 6 4 15.7 0.54 5.8 12.9 5.4 1.08 568 ZM621 F2 113 8 5 8.0 055 59 9.0 3.3 1.04 5.710 ECAVL1-DLN 113 9 6 11.3 0.58 5.7 5.0 3.7 084 5.76 WEEVILAxB F1 110 10 5 12.0 0.57 5.6 9.0 69 1.08 562 P501-SRCO-F2 108 10 6 10.7 0.61 6.1 2.0 6.7 1.11 50~ 4 Z97SYNGLS(B) F4 101 12 6 16.0 058 57 2.0 53 096 5.5w12 OBATANPA aPM 94 14 5 9.3 0.55 63 306.3 1.06 6.020 TZLCOMP3 C2 96 14 5 9.7 0.54 58 8.0 5.7 1.16 6115 POP10 C1 ZAMBIA 97 14 4 14.7 0.48 6.1 77 4.8 0.93 6.514 AC7844 C1 ZAMBIA 93 15 6 14.0 0.43 6.3 8.0 4.9 0.88 6.224 LOCAL CHECK 2 83 17 7 190 0.40 59 6.3 13.0 0.84 6.223 LOCAL CHECK 1 86 17 6 25.3 0.37 62 14.0 78 087 6216 POP25 C1 ZAMBIA 86 18 3 163 0.50 54 6.0 52 0.96 5.817 ZM601 C1 ZAMBIA 74 21 3 13.3 0.54 5.3 16.0 39 1.06 5.3Maturity group average 98 13 5 140 0.52 5.9 7.8 59 0.99 5.8OPVs with days to anthesls between 73 and 76 days11 ECAVL2-DLN 112 7 5 13.7 0.64 5.8 8.0 -0.4 1.00 6.218 TZ9043DMRSR 100 13 6 123 0.53 5.7 8.0 4.5 1.01 6822 TZLCOMP4 C2 98 14 6 50 0.54 6.1 4.0 1.9 0.97 5.921 ACR93 TZLCOMP1-W 82 17 6 9.7 0.48 6.7 0.0 08 1.11 5.B19 ACR9222-SR 72 21 3 16.7 0.49 65 13.0 -1.3 0.94 6.5Maturity group average 93 15 5 115 0.54 62 6.6 1.1 1.01 6.2ean 100 12 5 13.4 0.55 6.9 7,4 4.9 1.01 5.9LSD (0.051 7.5 0.10 0.6 0.4 4.5 0.15 0.7PIn 72 4 3 5.0 0.37 5.3 0.0 -1.3 0.84 5.0Max 124 21 7 25.3 0.75 6.7 16.0 13.0 1.16 6.8

EIHY801: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and Intermediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, DR&E. Monsanto. Pannar &SlNld Co across 46 sites<strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa 2000101.PedlgrMOrIgInGrilln ylold • Mid altitudes southern AfricaRei OYRankACTOIS GoodtloPt Sot Mlumfu Z8m~:. Uha ~nk Ran RankHybrids wtlll snthesls date less Illan 6'2 days29 2S257 ZS257 DR&E 100 24 12 5.9Malunly grouP average 100 24 12 59Hybf!c1s with anthesls eIIt. bttw n 62-64 days17 CZHOOO1 CML44C/CZLOOOO511CZLOOOO11CML312 CIMMYT 1 3 16 9 b.3J", SCol03 SC403 SEED-CO 109 18 11 5.933 SC407 SC407 SEED-CO 105 20 11 6036 SCS1S SCStS SEED- 0 98 :12 12 60MatUrity group average t06 19 11 60Hyblfds with anUlt$!s dille belwun 64-6li days30 Ke031 OK8031 MONSANTO 115 14 10 6676 CZHOOO11 CML395JCML4401lCZLOOOO1 CIMMYT tlO 16 6.55 2H9901 CML3951CML 12/1CMLo440 C1MMYT 1116 16 0 219 CZHOOO1* CML31 ICZL9901411CML440 CIMMYT 110 17 10 5,920 CZHOOO15 CZL.990 13ICML3121ICML205 CIMMYT 109 18 10 6.523 CZHOOO18 CZL990 14/CML202l1CML440 CIMMYT 102 11 9 5935 SC513 SC513 SEED-CO 102 21 9 6238 SC521 SC521 SEED-CO 101 21 13 6,02 CZH99005 CZLOOOO7ICZLOOOOBlICML3121CZL99014 IMMYT 101 22: 12 6213 CZHOOO08 CML442ICML44SIICML440 CIMMYT 102 22 11 S,61 CZH99002 CZLOOOO IC L9901411CML312 CIMMYT sa 23 11 6141 LOCAL CHECK 'I LOCAL CHECK 1 anous 94 ;/3 1J _437 SC517 SC517 SEED·CO 95 24 11 0.12B Z 255 ZS255 DR&E 97 24 12 5234 SC5Q1 Se50' SEED- 0 88 28 12 UMaturity group average 102 21 11 5.9Hybrtds with anthesls dlt. betwHn 66-69 days18 CZHOOO13 CML395/CML3 I 2IICZLOOOOl CIMMYT 128 9 7.5lS CZHOO010 CML1971CML4040llCZLOOO03 CIMMYT 113 13 10 7.04 CZH99014 CML4044ICML3951ICML440 CIMMYT 11 15 9 6.326 ZHOOO21 C L395/CML2161ICZL99014 CIMMYT 108 17 12 6521 CZHOOO16 CMLl021CML39511CML440 CIMMYT 107 18 'iO 6.13 CZH99010 CZL99013/CML31211CZLOOO06 CIMMYT 104 18 13 6539 PAN31 PAN31 PANNAR 106 18 11 6.325 CZHOO020 CML3951CML202llCZL99014 CIMMYT 108 18 12 6.314 CZHOOO09 CML395ICML441/ICZLOOOOl CIMMYT 104 19 11 6.11 CZHOOO06 CML 197/CML4451/CML440 CIMMYT 107 19 11 6124 CZHOO019 CML1 7ICML3121ICML20S CI MYT 104 20 14 6.78 CZHOOO03 CZLOOO03/CML444IICML440 CIMMYT 105 20 11 6.231 DK8041 DK80041 MONSANTO 103 20 10 6222 CZHOOO17 CML202/CML39511CML20S CIMMYT 100 22 11 6,242 LOCAL CHECK 2. LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 94 23 14 6.140 PAN6479 PAN6479 PANNAR 93 25 11 5927 CZHOO022 CML2061CML31211CML20S CIMMYT 92 26 11 627 CZHOOO02 CZLOOOO21CML39511CML440 CIMMYT 89 27 10 5610 CZHOOOOS CML445/CML39SIICML440 CIM ~YT 80 31 7 4.46 CZHOOO01 CZLOOOO11CML39SIICML440 CIMMYT 79 34 7 4.9Maturity group average 97 22 10 58M"n 100 21 11 5.9LSD (0.05) 0.4PMIn 24 9 6 1.3Max 128 40 14 7.51525172422202113IS182315242.02019272126202934217918152117161815211619202020232027343521224145 35 9345 35 93 ...til 6 53 275.9 lEi 74 45.9 14 6.S 54,3 37 57 20S.b 18 63 1459 12 65 115.3 27 74 361 7 5.9 175,0 31 5.9 195.8 19 5.9 1651 29 953 28 55 2459 11 U 365.7 20 6_8 646 33 4.6 324.6 34 68 74.5 36 45 345.9 13 6.2 125.4 5.0 306.8 16 43 3754 23 5.8 206.1 9 10170 1 5.7 2162 5 '5.5 256.4 3 49 315.2 28 5.2 286.0 10 41 386.7 2 4.4 356.1 8 5.2 2951 30 6.85.8 18 6.5 105.7 21 60 156.4 4 59 185.5 24 56 2J49 32 45 333.4 40 5.7 225.7 22 5.5 2656 23 6.1 135.8 17 6.1 1435 39 3.4 403.3 41 3.8 395.2 21 52 25U 5.61.1 2.110.9 0.87.0 10.144

EIHYB01; Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, DR&E. Monsanto, Pannar & Seed Co atross 46 sites<strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa 2000/01.Entry Name AtnIss Gra<strong>in</strong> yield - Mid altitudes soulllem -'friceReIGY Rank Msekera lam Milgoy lam Mt Melrulu lam Golden Valley lam Lwamongo RSA V11jool1skroon RSAOJ,0 Avg Sldev Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank t1ha RankHybtlds with anlhasis date leu than 62 days29 ZS257 100 24 12 1.8 6 4.0 11 54 35 72 33 4.1 34 7.4 21Maturity group average 100 24 12 1.8 6 4.0 11 54 35 7.2 33 .\1 34 7.4 21Hybrids with anthesis dale between E2.-64 days17 CZHOO012 113 16 17 16 46 5 6.6 22 8.3 i5 4.3 33 a4 632 SC403 109 18 11 1.5 35 2.8 33 5.9 30 7.5 28 60 4 5.7 4033 SC407 105 20 11 18 10 4.6 4 70 13 7.7 26 5.0 23 83 836 SC515 98 22 12 1.7 13 3.6 20 7.2 7 7.9 22 3.5 38 83 7Maturity group average 106 19 11 1.7 19 3.9 16 6.7 18 79 23 4.7 25 7.7 15Hybrids with anthesis date between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 14 10 1.7 12 4.4 7 8.4 9.0 5.5 15 7.5 1816 CZHOO011 110 16 9 16 20 3.8 16 68 16 8.1 19 5.5 13 9.25 CZH99015 108 16 10 1.6 21 4.0 12 6.7 21 8.8 8 5.7 10 7.4 1919 CZHOO014 110 17 10 14 40 3.6 21 65 24 74 29 4.8 28 6.0 3820 CZHOOO15 109 18 10 15 34 24 36 73 6 8.2 18 5.6 12 7.3 2323 CZHOO018 102 21 9 14 39 34 24 5.7 32 79 21 5.3 17 7.6 1635 SC513 102 21 9 1.7 15 3.8 18 6.5 26 8.5 11 53 19 7.7 1438 SC521 101 21 13 1.7 18 5.1 1 6.5 23 9.8 6.0 5 8.1 122 CZH99005 101 22 12 1.3 42 4.8 2 4.6 38 8.3 17 4.4 30 65 3413 CZHOOO08 102 22 11 1.5 32 3.7 19 59 31 68 36 48 26 6.6 321 CZH99002 98 23 11 15 38 2.9 30 6.7 19 6.4 37 34 40 7.6 1741 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 23 13 18 9 3.3 25 53 37 10.2 4.3 31 82 1137 SC517 95 24 11 1.6 19 4.5 6 6.7 18 8.5 13 40 36 7.2 2528 ZS255 97 24 12 1.8 11 24 38 5.5 34 6.2 38 5.8 8 74 2234 SC501 88 28 12 1.6 25 2.0 40 2.7 41 73 32 4.3 32 71 27Maturity group average 102 21 11 1.6 25 3.6 20 6.1 24 8.1 19 5.0 21 74 21Hybrids with anthesis date between 66-69 days18 CZHOO013 128 9 8 18 8 40 13 7.6 3 9.0 5 7.5 1 8.8 415 CZHOOO10 113 13 10 1.6 26 40 14 76 4 8.8 9 63 3 8.8 34 CZH99014 112 15 9 1.5 31 3.8 17 72 8 7.7 25 5.6 11 62 3626 CZHOO021 108 17 12 1.3 41 3.9 15 6.7 20 6.1 39 4.8 27 7.6 1521 CZHOO016 107 18 10 1.6 24 3.0 28 6.5 25 76 27 64 2 74 203 CZH99010 104 18 13 2.1 1 3.0 27 6.2 28 7.7 24 5.8 9 8.8 239 PAN31 106 18 11 1.8 7 43 9 7.3 5 8.1 20 5.0 24 8.2 1025 CZHOO020 108 18 12 19 3 4.8 3 6.7 17 83 16 52 20 68 3014 CZHOOOO9 104 19 11 15 37 4.2 10 70 12 8.6 10 5.5 14 7.1 2611 CZHOOO06 107 19 11 16 22 2.9 31 72 9 8.4 14 54 16 70 2824 CZHOO019 104 20 14 1.7 17 2.5 35 7.1 11 9.5 3 6.0 6 57 418 CZHOOO03 105 20 11 1.6 27 3.6 22 6.3 27 7.1 34 53 18 79 1331 DK8041 103 20 10 1.6 28 2.3 39 7.7 2 94 4.9 25 7.3 2422 CZHOOO17 100 22 11 1.6 29 24 37 7.0 14 8.5 12 6.0 7 65 3342 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 23 14 1.5 36 43 54 36 74 30 3.2 41 8.340 PAN6479 93 25 11 15 33 3.0 29 6.8 15 7.3 31 5.1 22 8.627 CZHOO022 92 26 11 20 2 2.9 32 5.9 29 8.9 7 4.0 35 5.9 397 CZHOOO02 89 27 10 1.6 23 34 23 71 10 6.9 35 4.5 29 6.8 3110 CZHOOO05 80 31 7 1.9 5 1.1 42 4.1 39 4.1 40 5.1 21 6.5 356 CZHOOO01 79 34 7 1.5 30 2.7 34 5.5 33 78 23 3.5 39 6.9 29Maturity group average 97 22 10 1.7 20 3.2 24 63 20 74 22 5.0 20 7.1 23Mean 100 21 11 1.6 3.4 6.2 7.7 4.9 7.3LSD (0.05) 0.5 1.9 2.4 1.9 1.4 2.2PnsM<strong>in</strong> 24 9 6 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 4.0Max 128 40 14 2.1 5.1 8.4 10.2 7.5 9.245

EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and Intermediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT. DR&E. Monsanto, Pannar & Seed Co across 46 sitesIn eastern and southern Africa 2000101. _ . . . • _ -EJ1lry Name Across Gra<strong>in</strong> yield· Mid altitudes southern AfricaReI GY Rank Potchefstroom RSA Greytown RSA Kadoma Zi Greytown RSA Harare-DR&E ZJm Rattray ZlmAvg Sidev Vha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank Rank Vha Rank Vha Ran •.Hybrids with anthesi. dalo less than B2 days29 Z5257 100 24Maturity group average 100 24Hybrids with anthesls date between 62-64 days17 CZH00012 113 1632 5C403 109 1833 5C407 105 2036 5C515 98 22Maturity group average 106 19Hybrids with anlhesls dale between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 1416 CZH00011 110 165 CZH99015 108 1619 CZH00014 110 1720 CZH00015 109 1823 CZH00018 102 2135 5C513 102 2138 5C521 101 212 CZH99005 101 2213 CZH00008 102 221 CZH99002 98 2341 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 2337 5C517 95 2428 Z5255 97 2434 5C501 88 28Maturity group average 102 21Hybrids wilh anthesls date between 66-69 days18 CZH00013 128 915 CZH00010 113 134 CZH99014 112 1526 CZH00021 108 1721 CZH00016 107 183 CZH99010 104 1839 PAN31 106 1825 CZH00020 108 1814 CZH00009 104 1911 CZH00006 107 1924 CZH00019 104 208 CZH00003 105 2031 DK8041 103 2022 CZH00017 100 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 2340 PAN6479 93 2527 CZH00022 92 267 CZH00002 89 2710 CZH00005 80 316 CZH00001 79 34Maturity group average 97 22Mean100 21LSD (0.05)PM<strong>in</strong>Max2412894012121111121110910101099131211111311121211109121013111211111411101114111110710116144141364.4353.9394.33845414.63.73.5354.,011.13636273138926182130191423282516332624224039251315617720412342321137101529351646

EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, OR&£, Monsanto. Pannar & Seed Co across 46 sites<strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa 2000101., . _ _. .' ~ __ : . _ . .Entry Name AcroS$Gra<strong>in</strong> yield - Mid altitudes southern AfricaGra<strong>in</strong> yield· Mid altitudes eastern AfricaRei GY RankKadoma Zlm zam5~ Zam MaSON Les ART Farm ZlmAcross Weruweru Tan% Avg Stctev Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha RankHybrids with amllesis dale less than 62 days29 ZS257 100 241270286.8163.5135.6215.7318.733Maturity group average 100 24127.0286.8163.5135.6215.7318.733Hybrids with anthesis dale bl!tween 62-64 days17 CZH00012 113 167.6157.2112.5276.2146.2248.63432 SC403 109 1833 SC407 105 2036 SC515 98 22Maturity group average 106 19Hybrids with anthesls date between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 1416 CZH00011 110 165 CZH99015 108 1619 CZH00014 110 1720 CZH00015 109 1823 CZH00018 102 2135 SC513 102 2138 SC521 101 212 CZH99005 101 2213 CZH00008 102 221 CZH99002 98 2341 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 2337 SC517 95 2428 ZS255 97 2434 SC501 88 28Maturity group average 102 21Hybrids with antllesls date between 66-69 days11111211109101010991312111113111212118.06.0556.,4417. CZH00013 128 915 CZH00010 113 134 CZH99014 112 1526 CZH00021 108 1721 CZH00016 107 183 CZH99010 104 1839 PAN31 106 1825 CZH00020 108 1814 CZH00009 104 1911 CZH00006 107 1924 CZH00019 104 208 CZH00003 105 2031 DK8041 103 2022 CZH00017 100 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 2340 PAN6479 93 2527 CZH00022 92 267 CZH00002 89 2710 CZH00005 80 316 CZH00001 79 34Maturity group average 97 22Mean100 21LSD (0.05)8109121013111211111411101114111110710118.06.67.7887.,,,<strong>in</strong>Max241289406145.

EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluaflon <strong>of</strong> early and <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, DR&E. Monsanto, Pannar & Seed Co across 46 sites<strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa 2000/01.Entry N rnaGra<strong>in</strong> yield· Mid altitudes easlllm AfricaGra<strong>in</strong> yield· lowlandsReIGYRankSellan rlJl AI1I!IM Ti n AcroCholcwo Moz Nampula M.oz S.VIcente Ang% Avg lilJa Ran~ Ulla Ran~ lilJa Rank Rank 1/hil. Rank t/ha RankHybrids with enthe5ls dllllleS5 than 62 daya29 ZS257 100 24Malurjty group average 100 24Hybrids wtth aTTlhllls dille belYleen 62-804 days17 CZH00012 113 1632 SC403 109 1833 SC407 105 2036 SC515 98 22Maturity group average 106 1~Hybrtda wltll anthesls dale between 64-68 days30 DK8031 115 1416 CZH00011 110 165 CZH99015108 1619 CZH00014 110 1720 CZH00015 109 1823 CZH00018 102 2135 SC513 t02 2138 SC521 101 212 CZH99005 101 2213 CZH00008 102 221 CZH9900298 234'1 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 2337 SC517 95 2428 ZS255 97 2434 SC501 88 28Maturity group average 102 21Hyjl ds with anthesls dale belYl n6U9day18 eZH00013128 915 CZH00010113 134 CZH99014112 1526 CZH00021108 1721 CZH00016107 183 CZH99010104 1839 PAN31106 1825 CZH00020108 1814 CZH00009104 1911 CZH00006107 1924 CZH00019104 208 CZH00003105 2031 DK8041103 2022 CZH00017100 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 2340 PAN647993 2527 CZH0002292 267 CZH0000289 2710 CZH0000580 316 CZH0000179 34Maturity group average 97 22Jl!ejlnLSD (0.05)100 21PM<strong>in</strong>Mu:241289~1212111112111091010109913121111131112121181091210131112111114111011141111107710116145h5.656596.4G.2606.46.0676.6615.',•.619313.1142.,33.821283.230332.53.02.6':.,30.10(10.30,2.00.402000.­39352729301720283114i916212332132336101197281748

EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, DR&E. Monsanto, Pannar & Seed Co across 46 sitesIn eastern and southern Africa 2000/01.. -Entry N3me Acro.. Gra<strong>in</strong> yIeld. Lowlands Gra<strong>in</strong> yield. Nitrogen stressReIGY Rank MlloloAng Ngabu Mal SabMa/ ChltalaMal Across Golden Valley llIm% Avg Stdev t1ha Rank t1ha Rank t1ha Rank tfha Rank t1ha Rank tfha RankHybrids with anthesis dat less than 62 days29 ZS257 100 24 12 3.0 35 29 29 51 29 6.4 21 19 20 1.7 36Maturity group average 100 24 12 3.0 35 2.9 29 5.1 29 6.4 21 1.9 20 1.7 36Hybrids with anthesls date between 62·64 days17 CZHOO012 113 16 9 5.2 7 3.6 9 5,4 25 6,4 20 2.1 16 1.9 3232 SC·.03 109 18 11 4.1 24 32 18 5.8 16 62 24 21 19 1.4 4233 SC407 105 20 11 4.4 20 23 39 5.9 15 80 2 22 21 2.1 2736 SC515 98 22 12 3.8 26 3.4 12 5,4 24 62 25 1.4 32 1.5 41Maturity group average 106 19 11 4.4 19 3.1 20 5.6 20 6.7 18 2.0 22 1.7 36Hybrids with anthesls date between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 14 10 3.4 31 32 19 5.9 14 6.6 18 22 16 1.9 3116 CZHOO011 110 16 9 52 9 3.7 8 6.7 4 5.7 37 2.0 19 1.7 375 CZH99015 108 16 10 32 33 35 11 6.0 13 7.6 8 2.3 13 2.4 1919 CZHOOO14 110 17 10 46 17 38 7 6.5 7 6.7 15 24 11 2.2 2320 CZHOOO15 109 18 10 47 14 3.1 21 5.8 17 5.8 33 2.1 21 2.6 1223 CZHOOO18 102 21 9 33 32 2.9 32 62 11 63 22 2.2 16 1.6 3835 SC513 102 21 9 2.4 40 23 38 52 27 7.1 9 2.0 21 2.1 2538 SC521 101 21 13 2.7 38 4.1 3 52 26 5.8 35 22 21 33 32 CZH99005 101 22 12 4.5 19 40 4 5.8 18 5.3 39 2.0 23 2.8 913 CZHOOO08 102 22 11 6.6 1 24 36 6.2 10 6.1 27 2.0 19 1.6 391 CZH99002 98 23 11 50 10 43 1 6.2 12 5.9 32 1.5 34 15 4041 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 23 13 38 27 39 5 4.7 32 6.8 13 2.2 16 1.9 3037 SC517 95 24 11 2.8 37 3.1 20 5.0 30 62 23 1.8 28 2.3 2128 ZS255 97 24 12 2.4 41 34 15 4.3 35 5.8 36 1.9 25 18 3434 SC501 88 28 12 2.5 39 3.0 26 31 40 6.8 12 1.9 23 30 5Maturity group average 102 21 11 38 26 3.4 16 5.5 20 6.3 24 20 20 22 24Hybrids wllh anlh9$Is dale between 6e.69 days18 CZHOOO13 128 9 52 8 30 23 6.5 8 70 11 2.4 12 2.0 2815 CZHOO010 113 13 10 56 4 30 24 7.1 3 7.8 3 2.0 22 2.1 244 CZH99014 112 15 9 60 2 3.5 10 5.7 19 66 19 2.4 12 25 1526 CZHOO021 108 17 12 43 22 33 16 67 5 7.7 5 2.2 18 2.6 1021 CZHOOO16 107 18 10 55 6 30 22 6.3 9 6.6 17 2.3 15 2.2 223 CZH99010 104 18 13 4.7 15 32 17 6.6 6 7.8 4 2.2 20 25 1739 PAN31 106 18 11 29 36 29 31 5.6 20 7.1 10 1.8 25 1.8 3325 CZHOO020 108 18 12 :?.:J 29 2.9 30 71 2 8.2 1 2.3 18 2.914 CZHOOO09 104 19 11 ~.I' 3 2.6 34 7.3 1 7.6 7 2.0 26 29 711 CZHOOO06 107 19 11 46 16 3.0 28 4.6 33 59 28 22 14 19 2924 CZHOOO19 104 20 14 4.6 18 3.4 13 4.8 31 7.6 6 2.0 24 25 168 CZHOOO03 105 20 11 43 23 4.1 2 55 21 5.8 34 2.6 9 3.4 231 DK8041 103 20 10 49 13 28 33 5.4 23 6.6 16 1.9 26 2.3 2022 CZHOOO17 100 22 11 4.4 21 30 25 5.4 22 68 14 17 32 18 3542 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 23 14 56 5 20 41 28 41 6.1 26 22 21 37 140 PAN6479 93 25 11 3.1 34 2.2 40 3.9 37 5.9 29 1.7 26 3.0 427 CZHOO022 92 26 11 3.9 25 3.4 14 5.2 28 5.9 31 1.9 29 25 187 CZHOOO02 89 27 10 5.0 11 39 6 4.2 36 5.6 38 2.1 23 30 610 CZHOOO05 80 31 3.7 28 3.0 27 4.5 34 5.9 30 1.9 26 26 146 CZHOOO01 79 34 7 49 12 2.5 35 3.9 38 4.7 40 1.8 29 26 11Maturity group average 97 22 10 4.6 17 3.0 24 5.1 23 6.5 20 2.0 22 2.5 16Mean 100 21 11 4.2 3.1 5.3 6.5 2.0 21 2.3LSD (0.05) 1.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.5 1.7PnsM<strong>in</strong> 24 9 6 2.4 2.0 0.4 4.3 0.7 9 1.4Max 128 40 14 6.6 4.3 7.3 8.2 2.6 34 3.749

EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and <strong>in</strong>termediate mSlUr<strong>in</strong>g hy~rids fr01"!1 ClM~rr, qR~E~ Monsanto•. Pannar &Setld.Co across ~6_slt~ -,<strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa 2000/01" - __ = - _,IEntryNam.AcrossReiGY Rank Harar&-OR&Elim Makoholl-DR&E lim Hl1flITt lim Arulha T81lSldev Una Rank Rank I/ha Rank Vna Rank 11M RankHybrids wJIh anthesia data IllH than 62 days29 Z5257 100 24Maturity group average 100 24Hybrids with anUlesl. datAl between 62·1W day.17 CZH00012 113 1fi32 5C403 109 1833 SC407 105 2036 SC515 98 22Maturity group average 100 19Hybrid' with anthesis date baw n 64-llG daya~O DK8031 115'416 CZH00011 110 165 CZH9901S 10B 1619 C H00014 110 1720 CZH00015 109 1823 CZH00018 102 2135 SC513 102 2138 SC521 101 212 CZH99005 0'1 2213 CZH00008 02 221 CZH99002 98 2341 LO AL CHECK 1 94 2337 SC517 95 428 ZS255 97 2434 SC501 88 28Maturity group average 102 21Hybrids with lIl\Oles a dllte between 66-89 days18 CZH00013 128 915 CZH00010 113 134 CZH99014 112 1526 CZH00021 108 1721 CZH00016 107 183 CZH99010 104 1839 PAN31 106 1825 CZH00020 108 1814 CZH00009 104 1911 CZH00006 107 1924 CZH00019 104 208 CZH00003 105 2031 DK8041 103 2022 CZH00017 100 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 2340 PAN6479 93 2527 CZH00022 92 267 CZH00002 B9 2710 CZH00005 80 316 CZHOOOO 1 79 3497 22100 21Maturity group averageMeanLSD 0.05)PM<strong>in</strong>MIIX2412894012129111112111091010109913121111~1112121181091210131112111114111011141111107710116142,62.62.3'9202.0212.62..5242.0232.01.91.7231.4222.32.22.0212.120231.91.8212115212516231.71.9241.'IT'261053794114184041512832303439202526220.2020.20.3020202020.1010.1021.11020.2020.10.1010202O'010.30101020.20.10.10000020.10.1030.10.10.100020.1010.1O. f0.2t0.00.35510I4106T2637391524151918262818813620232311310303341202927338212240153623262152530464.6163.63.73.53854341H373.8332.94.J73.82.6364.43.54.243504.5285.134324. 91.91.517101519l.~17161.2191413IS12'1513141415231.21.5191.71.5131.411191.·0.12.377171111915681014334229349321526252119130181216283633822735412039243137241.414202.214171316131.111150906110712'-0O.14'151112, 214­14­111.3,:..13101.1131.00.913091.109101.

E.IHY~01 :'Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early a,!1~.,<strong>in</strong>t~edlate ma~urjng h~brids from CIM,MYL DR&E, Monsanto, Pannar & Seed Co across 46sites In eastern and southern Africa 2000(01.' ~ I - - -Entry Name Across Gra<strong>in</strong> yield' Low pHRelGY RankAcross ClliangaAng ChlangaAng ulIlyangwa Mal Mahobong Les.' ,. Avg Sldev Uha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha Rank tlha RankHybrids with anthesls date less than 62 days2 ZS257 100 24 12Maturity group average 100 24 12Hybrids wilh snthesls dale betwsen 62-64 days17 CZHOO012 113 16 932 SC403 109 18 1133 S 407 105 20 1136 SC515 98 22 12Maturity group average 106 19 11Hybrids wllh anthesis date between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 14 1016 CZHOO011 110 16 95 CZH99015 108 16 1019 CZHOO014 110 17 1020 CZHOO015 109 18 1023 CZHOO018 102 21 935 SC513 102 21 938 SC521 101 21 132 CZH99005 101 22 1213 CZHOOO08 102 22 111 CZH99002 98 23 1141 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 23 1337 SC517 95 24 1128 ZS255 97 24 1234 SC501 88 28 12Maturity group average 102 21 11Hybrids with anthilsis date between 66·69 days18 CZHOO013 128 9 815 CZHOOO10 113 13 104 CZH99014 "j :~ 15 926 CZHOO021 108 17 1221 CZHOO016 107 18 103 CZH99010 104 18 1339 PAN31 106 18 1125 CZHOO020 108 18 1214 CZHOOO09 104 19 1111 CZHOOO06 107 19 1124 CZHOOO19 104 20 148 CZHOOOO3 105 20 1131 DK8041 103 20 1022 CZHOOO17 100 22 1142 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 23 1440 PAN6479 93 25 1127 CZHOO022 92 26 117 CZHOOO02 89 27 1010 CZHOOOO5 80 31 76 CZHOOOO1 79 34 7Maturity group average 97 22 10Mean 100 21 11LSD (0.05)PM<strong>in</strong> 24 9 6Max 126 40 1410 23 07 0.8 4 0.6 40 1.8 3910 23 0.7 0.8 4 0.6 40 1.8 391.5 10 0.6 10 0.9 2 1.8 2.6 231.6 10 0.6 8 0.7 6 ~i.S 514 12 0.7 6 0.5 18 1.9 4 2.6 201.3 22 0.5 17 0.3 36 1.5 17 2.8 171.4 13 0.6 10 0.6 16 1.7 12 29 1618 4 08 1.1 1.7 8 '"J,; 21,5 12 0.6 12 0.6 10 16 13 3.1 1213 20 0.6 11 05 24 0.9 35 33 814 18 0.5 25 0.6 13 1.4 23 32 101.6 6 1.0 0.9 3 2.0 3 27 181.2 27 0.4 34 04 30 1.2 25 27 191.3 17 0.5 22 0.6 14 18 7 2.5 241.3 20 0.5 24 07 5 0.8 37 3.1 131.1 29 02 40 0.3 39 1.8 6 2.3 301.1 29 0.3 36 0.5 19 0.8 38 2.6 221.1 32 0.3 37 03 41 1.4 22 24 260.9 28 0.4 32 0.5 20 1.5 20 1.1 4112 27 0.4 26 03 38 1.1 27 29 161.4 14 0.8 4 0.6 8 0.9 34 3.3 91.6 13 0.6 9 0.5 27 1.6 12 3.6 41.3 20 0.5 21 0.6 19 1.4 21 28 1719 11 0.5 16 05 26 29 1 3.9 11.2 26 0.4 28 0.4 31 10 31 3.0 1512 26 0.4 30 0.5 25 1.5 18 23 291.3 16 0.8 5 0.6 17 1.7 9 22 321.2 26 0.4 27 0.4 35 10 30 3.1 1115 12 0.8 2 0.6 16 1.6 15 3.1 141.7 13 0.4 33 0.6 12 23 2 3.6 31.1 27 06 15 0.3 37 1.4 24 2.3 3112 25 0.5 21 0.4 29 16 14 2.2 341.1 23 0.6 13 0.5 23 1.5 19 2.0 371.3 16 0.6 14 07 7 1.6 16 2.4 271.0 33 0.3 35 0.4 33 1.1 28 2.1 351.5 11 0.5 19 0.6 9 1.7 10 3.3 71.0 32 0.4 29 0.4 34 0.9 33 2.2 331.2 20 0.5 18 0.6 15 0.4 41 3.3 61.2 20 0.5 20 0.5 21 1.7 11 23 280.9 37 0.3 39 03 40 0,9 32 21 3610 33 0.1 42 0.4 28 0.9 36 2.4 251.2 23 0.5 23 0.5 22 1.2 26 2.6 210.9 34 0.3 38 0.4 32 10 29 1.9 381.2 24 0.5 25 0.5 25 1.3 23 25 251.2 21 0.5 0.5 1.3 2.60.4 0.3 0.3 0.9 1.20.2 4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.51.9 42 1.0 1.1 2.9 3.951

-EIHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> early and <strong>in</strong>termediate matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, DR&E. M~nsanto, Parmar & Seed Co across 46 sitesIn eastern and southern Africa 2000101. . .Entry Name ACTOU Gra<strong>in</strong> yield· Drought stressRelGY Rank ACI'OSS Nallll8lam SsveZlm Ch Mal Arusha Tan C.hl"dzi Zlm% Avg Stdev Uha Rank Uha Rank tIha Rarlk Uha Rank Uha Rank Uha RankHybrlds with anlhs dateless than 62 day.29 ZS257 100 24 12 3.0 21 2.7 36 2.2 18 4.7 8 2.0 31 35 10Maturity group average 100 24 12 30 21 27 36 2.2 18 4.7 8 20 31 35 10Hybrids with anthesls date between 62-&1 d8~17 CZHOO012 113 16 31 17 3.7 11 2.7 3.; 33 3.0 16 32 1732 SC403 109 18 11 35 11 36 13 23 14 5.1 4 2.8 17 35 933 SC407 105 20 11 30 22 4.3 5 15 34 4.3 12 2.1 30 28 3036 SC515 98 22 12 31 21 4.8 3 0.8 41 4.6 9 32 13 24 37Maturity group average 106 19 11 3.2 18 4.1 8 1.8 24 42 15 2.8 19 30 23Hybrids with anthesls dale blllWeell 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 14 10 33 14 29 31 3.0 2 4.5 10 2.6 23 3.6 616 CZHOO011 110 16 9 3.1 19 3.5 16 2.0 24 35 25 21 29 4.2 15 CZH99015 108 16 10 3.0 21 2.3 40 21 21 32 29 37 8 3.6 819 CZHOOO14 110 17 10 35 13 30 27 1.8 28 4.9 5 4.0 3 4.0 320 CZHOO015 109 18 10 2.7 26 31 24 1.9 27 31 32 2.6 21 3.1 2423 CZHOO018 102 21 9 30 19 2.9 30 23 15 35 22 2.3 25 4.0 235 SC513 102 21 9 3.1 19 4.2 6 2.1 20 3.7 20 26 20 27 3138 SC521 101 21 13 3.7 11 5.0 1 26 10 5.1 3 2.0 32 3.6 72 CZH99005 101 22 12 2.8 25 2.7 35 1.9 26 35 21 34 10 2.6 3513 CZHOOO08 102 22 11 3.0 19 3.0 26 24 11 33 28 32 12 32 181 CZH99002 98 23 11 2.8 22 3.1 21 23 13 33 27 2.3 2641 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 23 13 28 19 4,1 7 2.9 3 4.0 17 25 24 0,6 4237 SC517 95 24 11 2.9 22 3.9 10 1.9 25 4.0 18 1.7 36 31 2328 ZS255 97 24 12 34 14 3.3 19 2.6 8 5,6 1 2.6 22 31 2034 SC501 88 28 12 3,0 19 2,9 32 2.8 5 4,7 7 1.5 37 34 12Maturity group average 102 21 11 3.1 19 33 22 23 16 4,0 18 2.6 22 3,2 17Hybrids with anthss s date between 66-69 days18 CZHOO013 128 9 8 3.7 13 5.0 2 36 1 3.5 24 3.3 11 30 2615 CZHOO010 113 13 10 33 15 3.4 17 2.1 23 3.4 26 4.0 4 3.74 CZH99014 112 15 9 34 12 39 9 2.3 16 4,2 14 27 19 3,7 426 CZHOO021 108 17 12 25 27 4,0 8 0,8 40 2.7 35 32 14 20 4021 CZHOO016 107 18 10 30 20 3,1 23 1.6 31 3,5 23 3.6 9 3.3 143 CZH99010 104 18 13 24 31 2.9 29 1.5 33 22 39 28 18 2.4 3639 PAN31 106 18 11 3.2 16 34 18 2.8 4 4.3 11 2.2 27 31 1925 CZHOO020 108 18 12 2.9 24 2.8 33 1.3 38 3.7 19 3,8 6 3,0 2514 CZHOOO09 104 19 11 2.7 26 32 20 17 30 4,0 15 1.8 33 26 3311 CZHOOO06 107 19 11 31 21 2,6 37 2,1 22 4.3 13 3.7 3.0 2724 CZHOO019 104 20 14 2,6 31 24 38 13 39 26 36 4.4 22 398 CZHOOO03 105 20 11 2.8 22 3,5 15 2.7 6 2,9 34 1.3 39 33 1531 DK8041 103 20 10 3,1 18 36 12 2.3 17 4.0 17 3.9 5 20 4122 CZHOOO17 100 22 11 2.8 25 3.0 28 14 35 25 38 41 2 31 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 23 14 2,8 23 30 25 26 9 5,1 2 09 41 2.3 3840 PAN6479 93 25 11 33 17 4.6 4 2,3 12 48 6 1.7 34 2.8 2927 CZHOO022 92 26 11 2,2 32 24 39 1.6 32 1.5 40 31 15 2,7 327 CZHOOO02 89 27 10 2,3 28 3,1 22 2.1 19 12 41 1.7 35 31 2110 CZHOOO05 80 31 7 2,3 33 1.8 41 14 36 3.1 31 2.1 28 28 286 CZHOOO01 79 34 7 24 31 35 14 1.4 37 31 30 1.4 38 26 34Maturity group average 97 22 10 2.7 24 31 23 1.9 25 32 26 2.6 21 29 25Mean 100 21 11 2.9 21 3.3 2.0 3.6 2.6 3.0LSD (0.05) 0.6 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.3PM<strong>in</strong> 24 9 6 0.9 11 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.6Max 128 40 14 3.7 36 5.0 3.6 5.6 4.4 4.252

RelGYLeafSenesPlanlPlantlAafSenas% Avg Sidev Uha Rank d 1-10 d # d # 1-10Hybrids with anthesis date less than 62 daya29 ZS257 100 24Maturity group avera e 100 24Hybrids with anthesls dale between 62-84 clay.17 CZH00012 113 1632 SC403 109 1833 SC407 105 2036 SCS15 98 22Maturity group average 106 19Hybrids with anthesls dala between 64-66 days30 DK8031 115 1416 CZH00011 110 165 CZH99015 108 1619 CZH00014 110 1720 CZH00015 109 1823 CZH00018 102 2135 SC513 102 2138 SC521 101 212 CZH99005 101 2213 CZH00008 102 221 CZH99002 98 2341 LOCAL CHECK 1 94 2337 SC517 95 228 ZS255 97 2434 SC501 88 28Maturity group average 102 21Hybrids with anthe Is date between 66~9 days18 CZH00013 128 915 CZH00010 113 134 CZH99014 112 1526 CZH00021 108 1721 CZH00016 107 183 CZH99010 104 1839 PAN31 106 1825 CZH00020 108 181 CZH00009 I()4 1911 CZH00006 107 1924 CZH00019 W 208 CZH00003 105 2031 DK8041 103 2022 CZH00017 100 2242 LOCAL CHECK 2 94 2340 PAN6479 93 2527 CZH00022 92 267 CZHOOOO':' 89 2710 CZH00005 80 316 CZH00001 79 34Maturity group average 97 22M~n 1~ 21LSD (0,05)PM<strong>in</strong> 24 9Max 128 4012129111112111091010109913121111131112121181091210131112111114111011141111107710116144.24,27.26,95,64,66,10.06.5514,86,16.3354.,4...0.08.328287101925153912232416133127152321306424124226411114415318932388343717293320216,16,13,86,77110,5706,8948.47,6,I7.8597.58,76,99,56912,,310,85,67.87.36,77.68.4947.36.2509,99,56,99,78,57,78.49,7787,72,43.812.50670670.750790.800560720790,690730,660,670650740,690,610690600,050,570,610,690,670720660730,590.660660,620.580,630700,550,750710,610,590,690520630,550,610,60.660.10.520.806,66,6606,7676.36.4675.66,163666,1676,3636665555.557666.260586,15,95,86,,0575.55.85,9576.256586.,040664.6423,8223.54.03.9374.74.

!.':J:I,VB91: l~eslJlls 01 ~valuation <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>lermediate an.d 'a.t~ matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrl~s.fr~~l1 ~!M~YT.).I!Ai DR&EjMol1santo, Pan'nar t Pioneer & Seed Coacross 37 sites ill easlern ~l1d soylhem Africa, 2000/01. .. - .Enlly Ham Orig<strong>in</strong> Aeros~ IGY RJIllkGraIn yteld . Mid allltodsouthern A/ricaAcI'lf5S GoodhOPt 8m Ml Mak"lll limO!"AYg Sidev tlha Rank Vha Rank Vha Rank"Iybrld wjth anth sJ~ date < 65 days28 983WH23 983WH23 DR&E 82 33 46Maturity group average 82 33 4.6343441 42 724,1 42 722121Hybrlds wlIh Bl'lthesls date between 69 and 72 ~17 CZHOO025 CML440/CML444I/CML445 CIMMYT 112 16 10 6.138 SC627 SC627 SEED-CO 108 18 10 6.239 SC633 SC633 SEED-CO 106 18 11 iiS21 CZHOO029 CZLOO031/CML395I/CML312 CIMMYT 109 18 9 6015 CZHOO023 CML395ICML440//CML445 CIMMYT 109 19 10 5.737 SC621 SC621 SEED-CO 106 19 12 5631 PAN5503 PAN5503 PANNAR 107 22 11 5.930 PAN67 PAN67 PANNAR 93 27 8 5512 CZH99055 (QPM) CML182/CML1751/0BATANPA CIMMYT 88 30 10 4.714 CZH99063 (QPM) CML1751CML176/IOBATANPA CIMMYT 83 31 10 4.5Maturity 9rouP average 102 22 10 51182015222424222835362458 11 55,5 23 7,76.4 715.6 17 815,0 30 7.26.3 7.7•57 12 6.34.8 33 674,8 37 61... 38 6.45.4 21 6943122~62313373D383626Hybrids with anthe Is date between 121lnd 75

Il~YB0t..Results <strong>of</strong> eyalll~ILon E.' ,!!~erme_dl.at!!.a..t:'P.!~~ ~u.~!1g ~y~~id~ fr~f!l ~.IMMY,T, IITA;-OR&E,' Monsanto, Pann~r. Pioneer &Seed Coacr

IlHVB01: Results 0.1 evaluation <strong>of</strong> lntermediale and late matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT, IITA. DR&E, Monsanto. Pannar, Pioneer & Seed Coacross 37 sites <strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Africa. 2000/01, .Gra<strong>in</strong> yIeld . !!lid alutudRtl GY Ran Kadomarun Zamsed Zarn ChlWdza Mal ARTZf<strong>in</strong>".,AvgSidevlII1aRankVhaRanlRankVhaRankVhaRan11MRankHybrids wlt.h anthesle datA < 65 day28 983WH23 82Maturity group average 82333394.8.644446.06.635595933333.63637375.35337375.65.63838Hybrids with anthesls date b.etwe.en 69 and 72 days17 CZH00025 11238 SC627 10839 SC633 10621 CZH00029 10915 CZH00023 10937 SC621 10631 PAN5503 10730 PAN67 9312 CZH99055 (QPM) 8814 CZH99063 (QPM) 83Maturity group average 10216181818191922273031221010119101211101010708.48.89.3738.270706.67.27634161410282032334030215708.4­667.8646.07.4646.64.86830193421394126373244328,07810.4766282906.964407.5192'122321712273044235.1U514. with anthesis d3l between 72 l<strong>in</strong>d 76 d~Ys18 CZH00026 1286 CZH99038 1268 CZH99044 1265 CZH99037 12219 CZH00027 1194 CZH99030 11216 CZH00024 1152 CZH99021 1127 CZH99040 11120 CZH00028 11036 DK8051 10733 PHB30G97 10441 SC713 10122 CZH00030 9940 SC709 9529 PAN6573 9743 LOCAL CHECK 1 ~44 LOCAL CHECK 2 929 CZH99049 (QPM) 9335 PHB30R73 8613 CZH99061 (QPM) 8526 13681(9071xBabamgoyo)-1//9091 8225 136819071119091 78Maturity group average 10410101112151516161619202124N2526272729323335207987111011iO12121112121310139119109.4(:.09.98,[;95988.01038.39.4727.110.38.6797.789747.7560.65.482114137521317929312152223122542413843199.09.71041018.5877.7878.98.785917.36.88,57.1727.75.584~.66,76.28123141124139121562731162928254J17363340199.58.179lU491968939.2949.38.59.5909453665.77.55.7U4.34.27918202111481019161363928362435414243195.03,05.35153132010422143322724252611341738322342197.,28.9515.6407.44.4­5.0494.76.1405.3344.11123428122920324­212935264016,34244219.31019.·76696.38.545475.~7.0618.0111014128135215341971822303317424136293520Hybrlds with antheals date between 75 and 78 dllYS3 CZH99025 1141 CZH99020 10442 SC715 9727 90711(KU1403x1368)·2-1111393 9534 PHB30H83 9032 PHB30H37 8823 TZ9043DMRSRJ9071 8824 102113681/9071 8610 CZH99052 (QPM) 7411 CZH99053 (QPM) 71Maturity group average 91Mean 100LSD (0.05)14192225262829303638272310141515119107111095821077.76.8698.3746.668797.91..41924373518263936248.911. .773704.13~<strong>in</strong>M11128938&154.810.14.811.44.010.'U1.44.1T.956

ILHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> ifltel'metJialo and I~te matur<strong>in</strong>g nybrids frem CIMMYT, IITA. DR&E, Monsanto, Pannar, Pioneer &. Seed Coacross J7 slles In eastern and soulhum Africa. 2000/01.MdAlI Sollt~.m AMcaGra<strong>in</strong> yield - Mid .11Iludes eastern AfrIcaRiIl.GY~nkMakahon ZhrlAcrossSelan r m Alusha T:\n Mbulumbufu 1: WlItUMFUTan')t51devVhaRankRankt'haRa kVhaRankRankVhaRankHybrids wIth .lIntn28 983WH23Maturity group averageIs dale .. 65 days8282333-3992.12.12020484.83131232333331 91913138.2824242l)/brtds- with anthesl, datebe'-n 69 l<strong>in</strong>d 72 day&-17 CZH00025 112 1638 SC627 108 1839 SC633 106 1821 CZH00029 109 1815 CZH00023 109 1937 SC621 106 1931 PA,'!5503 107 2230 PAN67 93 2712 CZH99055 (OPM) 88 3()14 CZH99063 (OPM) 83 31Maturity group average 102 22101011910121181010102.;C13.5131,C~.1313326413619225.765676.5606.05.457535.25.922141616202329252728225.26.0605. 21.7113163623183520939.211.3939.7116838.88.5959.625299271924133362224Hybrids W\IIl antllll!lls date between 72 and 75 days18 CZH00026 128 96 CZH99038 126 108 CZH99044 1io H'I5 CZH99037 122 1119 CZH00027 119 124 CZH99030 112 1516 CZH00024 115 152 CZH99021 112 167 CZH99040 111 1620 CZH00028 110 1636 DK8051 107 1933 PHB30G97 lOA 2L141 SC713 101 2122 CZH00030 99 2440 SC709 95 2429 PAN6573 97 2543 LOCAL CHEC:; 1 91 2&44 LOCAL CHECi, ~ \12 279 CZH99049 (OPM) 93 2735 PHB30R73 86 2913 CZH99061 (OPM) S5 3226 1368/(9071xBabamgoyo)-1//9091 8:! 3325 1368/9071//9091 78 35Malurity group average 1M 2011101110712112111291210131191013923243.0LS2.31.61.821251.32.1V18i G093.22.0162.72-:l142.23716146J.I1737301812401128354238101539227.

ILHYB01: ReslIlts <strong>of</strong> evaluatfon <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>termedIate and late matUr<strong>in</strong>g hybrids from CIMMYT. IITA. DR&E, Monsanto. Parmar, Pioneer &Seed Coacross 37 sites <strong>in</strong> eastern and southern Afrlea. -2000101." L-Entl)' NlrneGra<strong>in</strong> yield - Mid alUtude$ ....tom Atr1caReIGY Ran Kltale K<strong>in</strong> &llo Elh Nmut rga Ual Kamenyilrlllllll UgaGra<strong>in</strong> yield - Nitrogen orrenAcross8ussundenga AfluHybrids wllh a-nttle Is dale

En~ H31111SldeyRankIIh&RanklII1aRankUnaRankVhaRankI/haRankHybrid. with 8nth I dllta < 5 day.28 983WH23Maturity group averagea

IlHYB01: Results <strong>of</strong> evaluallon o/Intermediate and late matur<strong>in</strong>g hybrIds from CIMMYT, UTA; DR&E, Monsanto, Pannar, Pioneer & Seed Co -- • '>' ..... -. _ •• - ~across 37 sites <strong>in</strong> eastern and southl!rn Africa, 2000/0·1. _-._ _Entry NameAcrossGra<strong>in</strong> yield-Low pHGra<strong>in</strong> yield. Drought stressRelGYRankLunyangW3 MalAcrossNanga am Save Valley Zim Chitala MalMusha Tan.."AvgSidevUhaRank11"00RankUhaRankUhaRankUhaRankIIhaRankHybrids with anthesls date < 65 days28 983WH23 82Maturity group average 82333322223232222.2353528284343191.915152.62.63535202.03939Hybrids with anthesls date between 69 and 72 days17 CZH00025 11238 SC627 10839 SC633 10621 CZH00029 10915 CZH00023 10937 SC621 10631 PAN5503 10730 PAN67 9312 CZH99055 (QPM) 8814 CZH99063 (QPM) 83Maturity group average 1021618181819192227303122101011910121110101028332.83.43.22727241.9152.71615382118283844203.7323033353.83329252.83.2212215121018243024194943424.4584.74.6323645132429231416194037222.3i.::;182.520322.016152.03129196141326271841513628464.93436272138112281813333015342.74.04.02733222.1252.93D112323143437291919Hybrids with anthesis dale between 72 and 75 days1868CZH00026CZH99038CZH99044128126126910105 CZH99037 1221119 CZH00027 119 124 CZH99030 112 1516 CZH00024 115 152 CZH99021 112 ',67 CZH99040 111 1620 CZH00028 110 1636 DK8051 107 1933 PHB30G97 104 2041 SC713 101 2122 CZH00030 99 2440 SC709 95 2429 PAN6573 97 2543 LOCAL CHECK 1 91 2644 LOCAL CHECK 2 92 279 CZH99049 (QPM) 93 2735 PHB30R73 86 29132625CZH99061 (QPM)13681(9071xBabamgoyo)-1II90911368190711/9091858278323335Maturity group average 104 20111011107121',12111291213101311102.6342.62.8383.026323534302.8242429272.423201 72.5161.9272223171124721014293012202731364026413720393944383.42.834323.13131312.8263D262.9312.9222.92431813251617201916212127292229241925352533205660646.14.739423. with anthesls dale between 15 and 78 days3 CZH99025 114CZH99020 10442 SC715 971419221014153.0212.79341932261.81828414.65.138211135170.701224043321.42.0224441343.41710124127 90711(KU1403x1368)-2-1/11393 9534 PHB30H83 9032 PHB30H37 8823 TZ9043DMRSRJ9071 8824 102/1368//9071 8610 CZH99052 (QPM)7411 CZH99053 (OPM)71Maturity group averageMoan91100LSD (0.05)252628293036382723915119107610282216251.,<strong>in</strong>Max711289386151.

IowN",Low pHDrought...slI?ArtIlilYEll'I/PlontSarlllSPlInlStll8ylIl1aRanklIl1aRank110HUHybrids wllh anthnla cia... < 115ys28 983WH23 82Maturity group average 8233331.71.742425.252292,y4.1410.6'90697.3730.930932.62.60830837.07.0Hybricls wtth anlhasla date between fi9 and 72 dlly$17 CZH00025 11210103656.2222.80955.5D.!i60.90.894.938 SC627 10818102.5276718470.805.90.751.60.764.139 SC633 10618111940894.90.825.~Ol92.50.724121 CZH00029 10915 CZH00023 to937 SC621 10631 PAN5503 10730 PAN67 9318191922279101211362.92.6262.114162237576.387·0.27226211043164. CZH99055 (QPM) 8830102.72154284.70.80660.912.70.805214 CZH99063 (QPM) 83311031928334.30.846.50.832.10.865.1Maturity group average 10222102.82058224.10.845.80.852.00.834.6Hybrid~ with anthesis d te blllW 72 and 75 days18 CZH00026 1286 CZH99038 1268 CZH99044 126101044314.72109.38.48.86119313.52.40.890870.885.74.6570.880.940.921.810020.850.860.843.841425 CZH99037 122113. CZH00027 119123.27.2154.20.8150095280.81424 CZH99030 11215112.7207.7134.30.855.20964.70.744.116 CZH00024 11515102.817691752O.BS4.81.072.80894.22 CZH99021 1127 CZH99040 11120 CZH00028 11036 DK8051 10733 PHB30G97 10441 SC713 10116161619202111107121112382.5~.g3.52.62732612824196.1957.9034.411.32341235314.74.54.8393.54.00.860.790.750.830.910.785.14.94.7485.85.3088Ol80.8309110.780.535.52.03.0281.95.00830880770.800800.644.24.34.2374.34.022 CZH00030 99241155274.10.795.10.91360.744140 SC709 9524121.841-0.137610.744.30.594.10544.029 PAN6573 972592625-0.1424.40.80620902.60823943 LOCAL CHECK 1 9126122.13637324.60726.40.956.10.674.544 LOCAL CHECK 2 9227132.5307.514340.94460.81330.794.09 CZH99049 (OPM) 9327103.111·0344220.956.70.670.90953l35 PHB30R73 8629131.643·0.14134094620.532.30774.013 CZH99061 (OPM) 853292.7344.60.776.30.814.60.754l26 1368/(9071xBabamgoyo)-1/19091 8225 1368190711/9091 78Maturity group average 104333520119102.12429383120574.85.62530224.3384.00.740.790.836.159540.991070.861.205280.79Ol8Ol94.1494.2Hybrids With anthesis date between 75 and 78 days3 CZH99025 11414102.913884.50.784.50.8955075351 CZH99020 10419142.23494660.754.90.80690.543842 SC715 972215134410.3570.814.80.841300424.027 9071/(KU1403x1368)-2-1/11393 9534 PHB30H83 9032 PHB30H37 88252628915112.82.5231829325.9-0.1·0.12439404657300730.860.80674.66.00.920.800.722.4491.20.800.550.75403.94.423 TZ9043DMRSRl9071 88292.9156.6207.30.60501.056.60.705224 102/1368119071 86301023336.6197.30.59550.892.6Ol24.810 CZH99052 (OPM) 74362.235-0.13837083610.762.40754.111 CZH99053 (OPM) 71382.0390036310.77600.732.5Ol44.1Maturity group average 9127112.3294.7235.1Ol5540.845.00674.2Mean 10023102. (0.05)<strong>in</strong>Mn711289386151-34.7-0.311.

':4 Avg Sldev Uha R~n, Vhli Ran~ Uha Rank Uha Rank VIla Ran' t/ha Rank tlha Rank 1Iha RankOPV with daY' to anlhesi,,1 51 lIlry.3 CEEY-SR(BC1 }F2-# CIMMYT 52 9 u.~ 2.7 9 34 9 3.5 9 16 9 21 9 07 9 2B II 11 6Matunty group average 52 9 0,4 2.7 9 ,,4 9 3.5 9 16 9 2.1 9 07 9 2$ 9 11 6Ol'Va with day, to .ntMIII beIWMIl71 ami 75 dsyw9 LOCAL CHECK 2 Various 136 2 1 58 2 82 1 55 2 50 A, 46 1 14 1 56 1 09 88 LOCAL CHECK 1 Various 120 4 2 6.0 3 7.3 2 15 1 48 5 ~ 3. 5 09 3 4,2 5 l\84 SRSY(S2BUlK)-# CIMMYT 101 4 1 C.2. 4 59 6 5.5 3 50 3 U 3 09 4 40 4 Ie 20> 6 EVB728-SR.-# CIMMYT 103 5 2 4S 5 66 3 46 6 37 e 43 4 08 5 5,5 3 1.6 1N2 ACROSS 8328BNSR(BC1 )F2-/1 CIMMYT 99 5 2 47 6 62 5 50 4 46 6 3.1 8 C>.8 7 48 4 16 3S94SUWAN-1-SRF2-# CIMMVT 98 5 3 53 3 6.4 4 49 5 56 1 45 2 08 8 4.3 6 1,1 77 SIVN-3 (ANGOLA) Angola 106 6 3 46 6 53 7 4.4 7 5.1 2 38 6 08 6 32 8 12 5GIMCALl92SA-3SR(BCl )F2-# CIMMYT 86 6 2 ~,2 8 52 8 3.6 8 44 7 35 7 II 2 4-0 6 1.4 ...Matunty group average 106 5 2 51 5 6.4 5 51 5 48 5 ~ 1 5 09 5 4,4 5 13Me8Jl 95 6 :l 4.8 5 6,1 4.9 ~A 18 O.a U 5 1,3LSD (0.05) Q.5 0.5 1.3 0.8 1.2 0.5 0.8 o.sp-MM.• oaM<strong>in</strong> 52 2 0 2.7 :I 3A 3.S I.e 2.1 0.1 2.B 1 Q.8Mu 136 11 ~ 6.0 8 U 1.5 5.fI 4.8,"U 9 1.,

(J)W.. II .•O,!S !pm ' .an ngo~a!fO~:I~~r:a~ s~__eIT!._ .l.cal ____ Il/I.-Across Gta<strong>in</strong> yield· LoWlands Gra<strong>in</strong> yield· Nitrogen stressRei GY Rank Mvuaz; DRC MalangeAng M

LowN Low pH DroughtGml" yield. MSV ASI En! LN! ASI Earat LuiRelGY R.nk Ac:rosa Chlanga Ang Chlang.Ang AcrOiI ChlrldzJ Zlm Ita...Zlm Pllnl $lltl.. Plant Senft'J> Avg Sidev IIha Rdnk Vha Rank lIha Ran~ llha Ran~ Vha Rank lIha Rar,k d # 1-10 d•1-10OPV with day& to anthesls 1151 day.3 CEEY-SR(BC1)F2-# 52 9 04 0.2 9 02 9 10 5 24 8 24 8 OB 9 01 0.&5 11 113 031 7BMalunlY group average 52 9 0.4 0.2 9 02 9 1.0 5 2.4 8 24 8 0.8 9 07 065 11 11.1 0_31 72OPV. wtth days to anthuJ, between 11 and 75 days9 LOCAL CHECK 2 136 2 1 1.4 3 1.4 3 15 2 4.2 1 42 1 63 1 83 083 60 56 0611 558 LOCAL CHECK 1 120 4 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 19 1 3.0 2 30 2 60 3 67 0.78 71 40 06£: 6.7Ol 4 SRSY(S2BULKj-# 101 4 1 07 1 0.7 1 10 4 2.7 5 27 5 45 4 57 102 64 51 0.72 67.J:>.6 EV872B-SR.-# 103 5 2 08 6 OB 6 09 6 26 6 26 b 4.5 5 4.3 094 68 '5 014 6.72 ACROSS B328BNSR(BC1 )F2-# 99 5 2 09 5 09 5 06 7 2.9 3 29 3 3.0 1 20 O!l6 &~ 100 O~ 5.75 S94SUWAN-1-SRF2-# 98 5 3 10 4 10 4 0.5 8 2.5 7 25 7 55 2 7 I 075 65 5.8 062 617 SIVN-3 (ANGOLA) 106 6 3 21 1 21 1 H 3 2.0 9 20 9 27 8 9.7 081 6,4 39 085 681 CIMCALl92SA-3SR(BC1 )F2-# 86 6 2 0.6 8 06 8 04 9 2 B 4 28 4 33 6 27 092 6.9 21 064 68Matunty group "erage 106 5 2 1 1 5 11 5 10 5 2.8 5 28 5 44 5 58 OB6 65 H 068 64Mean 95 5 2 1.0 5 1.0 1.0 2.8 5 2.8 4.0 5.2 o.e4 6.7 5.5 0.65 ULSD (0.05) 0.8 0.8 OJ 0.9 0.9 1.5 4.7 0.2 0.7 3.2 0.2 0.9.P +M<strong>in</strong> 52 2 0 0.2 1 0.2 04 2.0 I 2.0 0.8 0.7 0.65 60 I", 031 5.5Max 136 9 3 2.1 9 2.1 1.Q 4.2 9 4.2 6_3 9,7 102 1.1 '1.3 0.85 7.8

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