Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ... Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Unitsiv) Pumpdesign/constructioncodev) No. ofpumpsvi)No. of oilheatersvii) Capacity ofeach pumpviii)ix)PumpsuctionheadPumpdischargeheadHIS, ASTM, ASME or equivalentOne workingfor each SGplus onecommonstandbyOne workingfor each SGplus onecommonstandbyTo cater to30% BMCRrequirementof one steamgeneratorwithout coalfiring plus10%consideringzero tanklevelTo suit therequirementsof burners.2(1W*+1S)To cater to7.5% BMCRrequirementof one steamgeneratorwithout coalfiring plus10%consideringzero tanklevelTo suit therequirementsof burners.* One additional working pump for more than two units2(1W+1S)for eachdrain oiltank2(1W+1S)for eachsump- - -4 m 3 /hr 10 m 3 /hrconsideringzero tanklevel25 mlc(minimum)or asrequiredto pump oilfrom drain tomain oilstorage tank@ 4m³/hr,whichever ishigher.-50 mlc(minimum)orsuiting siterequirementswhichever ishigher.9.2.3 The fuel oil pressuring pumps, LDO pressuring pumps and drain oil pumpsshall be rotary, positive displacement, horizontal type fitted with relief valves.9.2.4 Heavy fuel oil heaters shall be:i) Shell and tube type with oil through tubes (oil through shell is alsoacceptable).ii)Capacity of each heater shall be suitable for the rated capacity of eachheavy fuel oil pressurizing pump.75

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Unitsiii) Heater inlet fuel oil temperature for design shall be considered as 30 0 C.iv)Heater outlet temperature shall be suitable for the viscosity requirementsat the fuel oil burner tips for the grade of oil (HPS/HFO/LSHS) used.v) Maximum metal temperature of heater heat transfer surface shall be210 0 C (maximum).vi)Heater design/ construction shall be according to TEMA, ASME Boilerand pressure vessel code, HEI, USA. Pipe connections to heater shall beas per TEMA class C BEV type.vii) Heater tubes shall be seamless.9.2.5 Filtersi) Following filters shall be provided in the HFO line:a) Coarse filters at each pressurizing pump suction.b) Fine filter at each oil heater outlet in fuel oil pump house.c) Fine filter in the oil line in boiler area supplying oil to the burners.ii)iii)iv)Maximum oil pressure drop across each filter shall be 0.1 kg/cm² whenfilter is clean and 0.3 kg/cm² when filter is 50% clogged.Aperture size for fine filter shall not exceed 108 micro meter or at least30% smaller than smallest oil orifice or passage to the burners.Material of filtering mesh shall be stainless steel.9.2.6 Trip and nozzle valvesi) Heavy fuel oil and light diesel oil trip valves and nozzle valves shall besuitable to handle oils at temperature/pressure required at the burners.Further, these valves shall confirm to ANSI leakage Class-VI under shutoff pressure conditions of respective pumps.ii)The solenoid valves for heavy fuel oil & light oil trip valves andindividual burner nozzle valve shall be:a) Of single coil heavy duty construction having class 'H' insulationwith closing time less than one (1) second.b) De-energized/ air fail to close type.iii)Operating voltages for trip valve solenoid & nozzle valves solenoid shallbe 24 Volts DC or 220 Volts DC.76

<strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Features</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>BTG</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Supercritical</strong> <strong>660</strong>/800 MW Thermal Unitsiv) Pumpdesign/constructioncodev) No. <strong>of</strong>pumpsvi)No. <strong>of</strong> oilheatersvii) Capacity <strong>of</strong>each pumpviii)ix)PumpsuctionheadPumpdischargeheadHIS, ASTM, ASME or equivalentOne working<strong>for</strong> each SGplus onecommonstandbyOne working<strong>for</strong> each SGplus onecommonstandbyTo cater to30% BMCRrequirement<strong>of</strong> one steamgeneratorwithout coalfiring plus10%consideringzero tanklevelTo suit therequirements<strong>of</strong> burners.2(1W*+1S)To cater to7.5% BMCRrequirement<strong>of</strong> one steamgeneratorwithout coalfiring plus10%consideringzero tanklevelTo suit therequirements<strong>of</strong> burners.* One additional working pump <strong>for</strong> more than two units2(1W+1S)<strong>for</strong> eachdrain oiltank2(1W+1S)<strong>for</strong> eachsump- - -4 m 3 /hr 10 m 3 /hrconsideringzero tanklevel25 mlc(minimum)or asrequiredto pump oilfrom drain tomain oilstorage tank@ 4m³/hr,whichever ishigher.-50 mlc(minimum)orsuiting siterequirementswhichever ishigher.9.2.3 The fuel oil pressuring pumps, LDO pressuring pumps and drain oil pumpsshall be rotary, positive displacement, horizontal type fitted with relief valves.9.2.4 Heavy fuel oil heaters shall be:i) Shell and tube type with oil through tubes (oil through shell is alsoacceptable).ii)Capacity <strong>of</strong> each heater shall be suitable <strong>for</strong> the rated capacity <strong>of</strong> eachheavy fuel oil pressurizing pump.75

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