Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ... Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal UnitsCHAPTER 7DRAFT FANS, DUCT WORK AND DAMPERS7.1 Forced Draft and Induced Draft FansThe forced draft (FD) and induced draft (ID) fans shall be capable ofmaintaining balance draft conditions in the furnace upto 60% BMCR loadwith any one or both FD fans and any one or both ID fans in operation andabove 60% BMCR load with both FD fans and both ID fans while firing thespecified range of coals.7.1.1 Fan sizing criteriaFD & ID fans shall be sized such that they satisfy the criteria stipulated below:Description FD Fans ID Fansi) Type of fans Constant speed, axial Constant speed, axial typetypeii) No. of fans per unit Two Twoiii)Fan sizing criteriawith all thefollowing conditionsoccurring togethera) Type of coal firing Design / best / worstcoal whichever givesmaximum FD fan airrequirementEach fan to be sized for 60% BMCR load (onestream in operation) calculated taking intoaccount following factors occurring together:53Design / best / worstcoal whichever givesmaximum flue gas flowb) Power supply 47.5 Hz 47.5 Hzfrequencyc) Excess air 20% over thestoichiometric air20% over thestoichiometric aird) Fan inlet air/ fluegastemperature50 0 C temperaturewith 65% relativehumiditye) Air-heater air-inleakageMinimum 10% offlue gas flowentering APH, oractual guaranteedleakage whichever ishigherGas temperaturecorresponding to 50 0 Cambient temperature and65% relative humidityBased on min. 15% of gasflow entering primaryside and min. 10% of gasflow entering secondaryside APH or actualguaranteed leakagewhichever is higherf) Pressure drop Not applicable 25 mmwcthrough ESPg) Air in leakage Not applicable 1% of ESP inlet gas flow& 2% through ductsh) Pressure required at Not applicable + 10 mmwcchimney inlet

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units7.1.2 Fan sizing criteria- AdditionalThe fans shall also fulfill following sizing criteria in addition to thosementioned at 7.1.1 above:Description FD Fans ID FansEach fan to be sized for 50% BMCR flow calculated taking into followingconditions occurring together:i) Margin over flow 20% 20%ii) Margin over pressure 44% 44%with two fans meeting100% BMCRrequirementiii) Type of coal firing Design/ worst / bestcoal whichever givesmaximum FD fan flowDesign/ worst/ bestcoal whichever givesmaximum flue gasiv)Excess air ateconomizer outletv) Fan inlet air/ flue gastemperaturevi)Air-heater air-inleakage20% overstoichiometric airrequirement50 0 C temperature and65% RHMin. 10% of flue gasflow entering APH, oractual guaranteedwhichever is higher54flow20% overstoichiometric airrequirement150 0 C or actual gastemperaturecorrespondingto 50 0 C ambienttemperature and 65%RH, whichever ishigherBased on min. 15%of gas flow enteringprimary side andmin. 10% of gas flowentering secondaryside APH or actualguaranteed leakagewhichever is highervii) Power supply frequency 50 Hz 50 Hzviii) Pressure drop through Not applicable 25 mmwcESPix) Air in leakage Not applicable 1% of ESP inlet gasflow & 2% throughductsx) Pressure at chimney inlet Not applicable +10 mmwcNote to 7.1.1 & 7.1.2:i) ID/ FD fan shall have a minimum stall margin of 10% over the design dutypoints.

<strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Features</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>BTG</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Supercritical</strong> <strong>660</strong>/800 MW Thermal Units7.1.2 Fan sizing criteria- AdditionalThe fans shall also fulfill following sizing criteria in addition to thosementioned at 7.1.1 above:Description FD Fans ID FansEach fan to be sized <strong>for</strong> 50% BMCR flow calculated taking into followingconditions occurring together:i) Margin over flow 20% 20%ii) Margin over pressure 44% 44%with two fans meeting100% BMCRrequirementiii) Type <strong>of</strong> coal firing Design/ worst / bestcoal whichever givesmaximum FD fan flowDesign/ worst/ bestcoal whichever givesmaximum flue gasiv)Excess air ateconomizer outletv) Fan inlet air/ flue gastemperaturevi)Air-heater air-inleakage20% overstoichiometric airrequirement50 0 C temperature and65% RHMin. 10% <strong>of</strong> flue gasflow entering APH, oractual guaranteedwhichever is higher54flow20% overstoichiometric airrequirement150 0 C or actual gastemperaturecorrespondingto 50 0 C ambienttemperature and 65%RH, whichever ishigherBased on min. 15%<strong>of</strong> gas flow enteringprimary side andmin. 10% <strong>of</strong> gas flowentering secondaryside APH or actualguaranteed leakagewhichever is highervii) Power supply frequency 50 Hz 50 Hzviii) Pressure drop through Not applicable 25 mmwcESPix) Air in leakage Not applicable 1% <strong>of</strong> ESP inlet gasflow & 2% throughductsx) Pressure at chimney inlet Not applicable +10 mmwcNote to 7.1.1 & 7.1.2:i) ID/ FD fan shall have a minimum stall margin <strong>of</strong> 10% over the design dutypoints.

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