Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ... Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Unitsii)The following correction curves shall be applicable for performance testof the ESP:a) Inlet flue gas flow.b) Inlet flue gas temperature.c) Inlet dust loading.d) Sulphur content of coal.5.5.3 Auxiliary power consumptionThe unit auxiliary power consumption shall be calculated using the followingrelationship:Pa = Pu + TLPa = Guaranteed Auxiliary Power Consumption.Pu = Power consumed by the auxiliaries of the unit under the test.TL = Losses of the transformers based on works test reports.While guaranteeing the auxiliary power consumption, all continuouslyoperating unit auxiliaries shall be included and number of coal mills to beconsidered in operation shall be as per requirement of design coal.5.5.4 Performance/ acceptance test for turbine generatori) Performance test for the turbine generator set will be conducted inaccordance with the latest edition of ASME PTC-6.ii)iii)iv)Power consumed by the integral auxiliaries mentioned which is to bededucted from electrical power generated, shall be measured during theperformance/ Acceptance Test. Wherever the measurement is notpossible, design values of power consumption by an auxiliary shall beconsidered.Corrections to the test results for steam turbine shall be applied as perthe correction curves provided. When the system is properly isolated fora performance test, the unaccounted for leakages should not bemore than 0.1% of the design throttle flow at full load. However, duringthe test, if it is found that the unaccounted for leakage is more than 0.1%of design throttle flow at full load, then heat rate will be increased by anamount equal to half the difference between actual unaccounted forleakage expressed as percentage of design throttle flow at full load and0.1% (allowed by the code). In case excessive leakage is visible in theplant area, the source of leakage shall be identified and attended beforecommencement of the test.The tests shall be arranged in a manner that the normal unit operation isnot disrupted. Duplicate test runs shall be performed at 100% TMCRand 80 % TMCR loads. The results of corrected heat rate shall agreewithin 0.25% and average of two shall be considered heat rate achieved.22

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal UnitsIf they differ by more than 0.25%, additional test run(s) shall be made atthe same point until corrected heat rates of atleast two test runs agreewithin 0.25% and achieved heat rate shall be calculated as average oftest run points satisfying the above criterion.v) The performance guarantee test shall be carried out after successfulcompletion of trial operation. Ageing allowance shall be applicableduring evaluation of PG test results in line with ASME-PTC-6 report1985 (reaffirmed 1991). Period of ageing shall be considered from thedate of successful completion of trial operation to the date ofconductance of PG test. In calculating the above factor, any period(s)during which the turbine has not been in operation at a stretch for morethan one week shall not be following correction curves shall be applicable for performance testof the turbine generator:a) Main steam temperature.b) Main steam pressure.c) Reheat steam temperature.d) Condenser back pressure.e) Superheater desuperheating spray.f) Generator power factor.g) Generator hydrogen pressure.The extent of correction admissible for superheater desuperheating sprayshall be with reference to the design value considered in the guaranteedheat rate HBD.5.5.5 Performance test for the condensersi) Performance test for design condenser pressure shall be conducted inaccordance with latest edition of ASME PTC- 12.2.ii)iii)iv)Condenser pressure shall be measured at 300 mm above top row oftubes under VWO conditions, 1% make-up and design C.W. flow &design temperature. The condenser pressure shall be measured with avacuum grid utilizing ASME basket tips. The grid shall be fitted at 300mm above top row of condenser tubes.Tube plug margin of 5%, as per design condition, shall be considered forcondenser performance calculation at design condition.The tube side fouling resistance for design condition shall be calculatedas per specified cleanliness factor. The tube side fouling resistance foractual test condition shall be measured as per methodology given inASME PTC 12.2. Alternately, the same shall be calculated usingexpected actual cleanliness factor appropriately assessed considering theaspect of actual tube cleaning prior to conducting the test.23

<strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Features</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>BTG</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Supercritical</strong> <strong>660</strong>/800 MW Thermal Unitsii)The following correction curves shall be applicable <strong>for</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance test<strong>of</strong> the ESP:a) Inlet flue gas flow.b) Inlet flue gas temperature.c) Inlet dust loading.d) Sulphur content <strong>of</strong> coal.5.5.3 Auxiliary power consumptionThe unit auxiliary power consumption shall be calculated using the followingrelationship:Pa = Pu + TLPa = Guaranteed Auxiliary Power Consumption.Pu = Power consumed by the auxiliaries <strong>of</strong> the unit under the test.TL = Losses <strong>of</strong> the trans<strong>for</strong>mers based on works test reports.While guaranteeing the auxiliary power consumption, all continuouslyoperating unit auxiliaries shall be included and number <strong>of</strong> coal mills to beconsidered in operation shall be as per requirement <strong>of</strong> design coal.5.5.4 Per<strong>for</strong>mance/ acceptance test <strong>for</strong> turbine generatori) Per<strong>for</strong>mance test <strong>for</strong> the turbine generator set will be conducted inaccordance with the latest edition <strong>of</strong> ASME PTC-6.ii)iii)iv)Power consumed by the integral auxiliaries mentioned which is to bededucted from electrical power generated, shall be measured during theper<strong>for</strong>mance/ Acceptance Test. Wherever the measurement is notpossible, design values <strong>of</strong> power consumption by an auxiliary shall beconsidered.Corrections to the test results <strong>for</strong> steam turbine shall be applied as perthe correction curves provided. When the system is properly isolated <strong>for</strong>a per<strong>for</strong>mance test, the unaccounted <strong>for</strong> leakages should not bemore than 0.1% <strong>of</strong> the design throttle flow at full load. However, duringthe test, if it is found that the unaccounted <strong>for</strong> leakage is more than 0.1%<strong>of</strong> design throttle flow at full load, then heat rate will be increased by anamount equal to half the difference between actual unaccounted <strong>for</strong>leakage expressed as percentage <strong>of</strong> design throttle flow at full load and0.1% (allowed by the code). In case excessive leakage is visible in theplant area, the source <strong>of</strong> leakage shall be identified and attended be<strong>for</strong>ecommencement <strong>of</strong> the test.The tests shall be arranged in a manner that the normal unit operation isnot disrupted. Duplicate test runs shall be per<strong>for</strong>med at 100% TMCRand 80 % TMCR loads. The results <strong>of</strong> corrected heat rate shall agreewithin 0.25% and average <strong>of</strong> two shall be considered heat rate achieved.22

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