Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ... Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Unitse) For air motors it shall not exceed 95 dBA.f) For pressure regulation valves & steam generator water draincontrol valve it shall not exceed 90 dBA.Corrections for background noise shall be considered in line with theapplicable standards.5.4.23 Condensate polishing planti) Effluent quality at outlet of each vessel at its rated design flow anddesign service length between two regenerations.ii)Pressure drop across the polisher service vessel, as specified, in cleanand dirty condition of resin at rated design flow.5.4.24 Control & Instrumentation system requirementsPerformance guarantee tests for closed loop control systems shall be carriedout at site to verify the integrated performance of the C&I system and to verifyas to whether all the important parameters remain within stipulatedpermissible limits under all the operating conditions. In case during these testsor otherwise it is observed that the behavior/ response of individual system(drives actuators/ valves etc.) is not satisfactory/ acts as a limitation/ restrictionin achieving the permissible limits, all required modifications, rectification etc.shall be made in the C&I system so that the permissible limits can beachieved.5.4.25 EOT craneAfter assembly and erection of crane at site, the crane shall be subjected todeflection test, overload test, brake test and other tests as per IS 3177.5.4.26 ElevatorsAfter installation at site, the elevators shall be subjected to the following tests:i) Overload test.ii) Travel speed and hoist speed checks.iii) Drop test.iv) Checks for interlocks & safety systems.v) Checks for operation from inside the cage.5.5 Test Codes, Test Conditions etc.5.5.1 Steam generator efficiencyi) The steam generator efficiency shall be determined as per therequirements of ASME PTC- 4 (by energy balance method) and otherstipulations brought out hereunder.20

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Unitsa) Test loads 100% TMCR and 80% TMCR.b) Test conditions Boiler operating at rated steam parameter, excessair, coal fineness and firing design coal.c) Ambientconditions27 o C dry bulb temperature and 60% relativehumidity. The reference air temperature for theefficiency guarantee/ testing shall be taken as27 o C at APH inlet (without consideration of heatcredits).d) No. of readings Two sets of consistent readings for each of testloads. Average of the test efficiencies based onabove two readings for each load shall beconsidered for evaluation.e) APH leakages to Guaranteed or actual whichever is consideredf) Test duration Four hours. No soot blowing shall be allowedduring the test period or during stabilizationperiod of four hours prior to commencement ofthe test.g) Heat credits No heat credits allowed. The guaranteed steamgenerator efficiency shall be without any heatcredit.ii)The guaranteed efficiency shall comply with following limitingparameters with design coal firing:a) Excess air at economizer outlet at100% TMCR loadb) Corrected flue gas temperature(at 100% TMCR load)c) Boiler efficiency loss to beconsidered due to unburnt carbon20% (minimum).125 0 C or as predicted by thesupplier at air preheater outletwhichever is higher.Minimum 1%.iii)The following correction curves shall be applicable for performance testof the steam generator:a) Ambient air temperature.b) Relative humidity of ambient air.c) Hydrogen in coal.d) Moisture in coal.e) Gross calorific value of coal.f) Feed water temperature at economiser inlet.5.5.2 Performance test of ESPi) The performance/ acceptance tests shall be carried out in accordancewith method-17 of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency of USA)code.21

<strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Features</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>BTG</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Supercritical</strong> <strong>660</strong>/800 MW Thermal Unitse) For air motors it shall not exceed 95 dBA.f) For pressure regulation valves & steam generator water draincontrol valve it shall not exceed 90 dBA.Corrections <strong>for</strong> background noise shall be considered in line with theapplicable standards.5.4.23 Condensate polishing planti) Effluent quality at outlet <strong>of</strong> each vessel at its rated design flow anddesign service length between two regenerations.ii)Pressure drop across the polisher service vessel, as specified, in cleanand dirty condition <strong>of</strong> resin at rated design flow.5.4.24 Control & Instrumentation system requirementsPer<strong>for</strong>mance guarantee tests <strong>for</strong> closed loop control systems shall be carriedout at site to verify the integrated per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>of</strong> the C&I system and to verifyas to whether all the important parameters remain within stipulatedpermissible limits under all the operating conditions. In case during these testsor otherwise it is observed that the behavior/ response <strong>of</strong> individual system(drives actuators/ valves etc.) is not satisfactory/ acts as a limitation/ restrictionin achieving the permissible limits, all required modifications, rectification etc.shall be made in the C&I system so that the permissible limits can beachieved.5.4.25 EOT craneAfter assembly and erection <strong>of</strong> crane at site, the crane shall be subjected todeflection test, overload test, brake test and other tests as per IS 3177.5.4.26 ElevatorsAfter installation at site, the elevators shall be subjected to the following tests:i) Overload test.ii) Travel speed and hoist speed checks.iii) Drop test.iv) Checks <strong>for</strong> interlocks & safety systems.v) Checks <strong>for</strong> operation from inside the cage.5.5 Test Codes, Test Conditions etc.5.5.1 Steam generator efficiencyi) The steam generator efficiency shall be determined as per therequirements <strong>of</strong> ASME PTC- 4 (by energy balance method) and otherstipulations brought out hereunder.20

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