Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ... Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660 ...


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Unitsd) The display selection process shall be optimised so that the desireddisplay can be selected with the barest minimum number of keystrokes / steps by the operator.iii)Plant Supervisory, Monitoring and Information Functions of MMIPISThe MMIPIS shall be designed as an on-line system and followingminimum functions shall be performed by MMIPIS:a) Calculations1. Basic calculations: All the algebraic/ logical calculationsrelated to analog points (e.g. sum/ difference/ average/integration etc.), digital point (e.g. AND/ OR/ COMPARE etc.),transformations, flow calculations, time projection or rate ofchange calculations, frequency etc. shall be provided. All thecalculated values of the plant shall be available in the database.2. Performance calculations: The performance calculations shalluse high level language calculations and shall be made usingfloating point arithmetic. The results of these calculations shallbe available through data base for appropriate logs and operatordisplays. The performance calculations shall broadly compriseof plant/equipment efficiency calculations. The calculation shallbe carried out at 30% unit load or higher. The calculationfrequency shall be selectable from 10 minutes to 1 hour, with astep of 10 minutes.3. Other calculations: These shall include variable alarm limitcalculations, heat rate deviations and revenue calculations,frequency excursion time integration etc.b) Alarm monitoring and reportingThe system shall display history of alarms in chronological order ofoccurrence on any of the OWS. The MMIPIS shall have thecapability to store a minimum of 1000 alarms each with pagingfeatures allowing the operator to view any page.c) DisplaysVarious displays on the TFTs shall as a minimum include P&IDdisplays or mimic, bar chart displays, X-Y & X-T plot (trend)displays, operator guidance message displays, group displays, plantstart-up/shutdown message displays, generator capability curves,heat rate deviation displays, system status displays etc.156

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal UnitsOther types of displays as applicable for convenience of operationshall be provided. However, the minimum quantity of major typesof displays shall be as follows:1. Control displays (group/sub-group/sequence/loop) 5002. P&ID/ mimic display 2003. Bar chart 1004. X-Y/ X-T Plot 1005. Operator guidance message 1006. Plant starting/ shutdown guidance message 1007. Other misc. displays 258. System status & other diagnostic displays on as required basis.The system shall have adequate storage capacity for storing the last72 hours of data at scan rate for a minimum 500 points (operatorselectable) for use in trend displays.d) Logs/ summariesThe system shall generate three basic types of reports/logs i.e., eventactivated, time activated and operator demand log & summaries.The system shall have the facility for viewing of time activated andoperator demand logs/summaries on the TFT(s).1. Event activated logs shall as a minimum include alarm log, tripanalysis log, start-up - shutdown logs (Boiler start-up log,turbine run-up log, turbine shutdown analysis log/ turbine recalllog) & control related logs.2. Time activated logs shall as a minimum include shift log anddaily logs. Each of these shall provide hourly record of aminimum 225 points sub divided into 15 groups.3. Operator demand logs shall include, as a minimum, trend log,maintenance data log, summary log, performance logs andsome selected special logs. The system shall be capable ofgenerating and printing trend log for a minimum of 80 groupsof 15 points each. Maintenance data log shall provide scheduleof preventive maintenance and routine equipments inspection.4. Various summaries shall include off scan summary, constantssummary, point quality summary, substituted values summary,peripheral status summary etc.157

<strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Features</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>BTG</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Supercritical</strong> <strong>660</strong>/800 MW Thermal Unitsd) The display selection process shall be optimised so that the desireddisplay can be selected with the barest minimum number <strong>of</strong> keystrokes / steps by the operator.iii)Plant Supervisory, Monitoring and In<strong>for</strong>mation Functions <strong>of</strong> MMIPISThe MMIPIS shall be designed as an on-line system and followingminimum functions shall be per<strong>for</strong>med by MMIPIS:a) Calculations1. Basic calculations: All the algebraic/ logical calculationsrelated to analog points (e.g. sum/ difference/ average/integration etc.), digital point (e.g. AND/ OR/ COMPARE etc.),trans<strong>for</strong>mations, flow calculations, time projection or rate <strong>of</strong>change calculations, frequency etc. shall be provided. All thecalculated values <strong>of</strong> the plant shall be available in the database.2. Per<strong>for</strong>mance calculations: The per<strong>for</strong>mance calculations shalluse high level language calculations and shall be made usingfloating point arithmetic. The results <strong>of</strong> these calculations shallbe available through data base <strong>for</strong> appropriate logs and operatordisplays. The per<strong>for</strong>mance calculations shall broadly comprise<strong>of</strong> plant/equipment efficiency calculations. The calculation shallbe carried out at 30% unit load or higher. The calculationfrequency shall be selectable from 10 minutes to 1 hour, with astep <strong>of</strong> 10 minutes.3. Other calculations: These shall include variable alarm limitcalculations, heat rate deviations and revenue calculations,frequency excursion time integration etc.b) Alarm monitoring and reportingThe system shall display history <strong>of</strong> alarms in chronological order <strong>of</strong>occurrence on any <strong>of</strong> the OWS. The MMIPIS shall have thecapability to store a minimum <strong>of</strong> 1000 alarms each with pagingfeatures allowing the operator to view any page.c) DisplaysVarious displays on the TFTs shall as a minimum include P&IDdisplays or mimic, bar chart displays, X-Y & X-T plot (trend)displays, operator guidance message displays, group displays, plantstart-up/shutdown message displays, generator capability curves,heat rate deviation displays, system status displays etc.156

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