Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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Soil Map Unit 8These soils have medium textured, black Ah horizons overlyingdark reddish brown podzolic B horizons that are much sandier intexture .These soils are found mainly in the central part of the studyarea within the upper fringes of forest cover .Classification :These soils are classified asSombric Humo-Ferric Podzols dueto the presence of an Ah greater than 7 .5cm and a Bf more than 5 cmthick .There are no Ae horizons in these soils and only occasionallyan Ahe .Associated Map Units :Map Unit 8 soils are often associated with bedrock outcrops(R) and with lithic soil phases (Map Unit 10) . Map Unit 9 soils oftenborder and intergrade to the Map Unit 8 soils, with the Map Unit 9soils generally found under a heavier tree and shrubcover . Map Unit 8soils also grade to Map Unit 1soils which have lesspronounced podzolicmorphology and browner colored B horizons .Vegetation :Plant cover is often made up of Cassiope mertensiana ,Luetkeapectinata communities scattered clumps and individuals of Abies lasiocarpa .Pedon Description A : (This soil was described and sampled in two locations .)Described by : L . KnapikDate : August 29, 1973Location :S-8A

Parent Material :tillLandform :moraine covered bedrock ridgeSlope : 25%Aspect :westElevation : 6,200 ft . ASL (1,890 m)Drainage Class :well drainedSoil Classification :Sombric Humo-Ferric PodzolVegetation :Cassiope mertensiana and Luetkea pectinata dominant, withAbies lasiocarpa saplings .L 7 to 0 cm ; turfy organic layer ; abundant, fine, random roots ;abrupt, smooth boundary .Ah 0 to 11 cm ; black (10 YR 2/1 m) silt loam ; moderate, fine,granular ; friable ; plentiful, fine, random roots ; clear,smooth boundary ; 6 to 15 cm thick .Bf 11 to 31 cm ; dark reddish brown (5 YR 3/4 m) sandy loam ;weak, medium, subangular blocky ; slightly firm ; very few,fine, vertical roots ; 10% cobble-sized coarse fragments ;gradual, irregular boundary .C 31 to 60+ cm ; dark brown (7 .5 YR 4/4 m) and dark reddishbrown (5 YR 3/4 m) sandy loam ; weak, fine, subangular blocky ;slightly firm ; 15% coarse fragments . Several large bouldersbelow .Pedon Description B :Described by : L . KnapikDate : August 30, 1973Location :S-8BParent Material :tillLandform :moraine covered bedrock ridgeSlope : 10%Aspect :east

<strong>Soil</strong> Map Unit 8These soils have medium textured, black Ah horizons overlyingdark reddish brown podzolic B horizons that are much sandier intexture .These soils are found mainly in <strong>the</strong> central part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> studyarea within <strong>the</strong> upper fringes <strong>of</strong> forest cover .Classification :These soils are classified asSombric Humo-Ferric Podzols dueto <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> an Ah greater than 7 .5cm and a Bf more than 5 cmthick .There are no Ae horizons in <strong>the</strong>se soils and only occasionallyan Ahe .Associated Map Units :Map Unit 8 soils are <strong>of</strong>ten associated with bedrock outcrops(R) and with lithic soil phases (Map Unit 10) . Map Unit 9 soils <strong>of</strong>tenborder and intergrade to <strong>the</strong> Map Unit 8 soils, with <strong>the</strong> Map Unit 9soils generally found under a heavier tree and shrubcover . Map Unit 8soils also grade to Map Unit 1soils which have lesspronounced podzolicmorphology and browner colored B horizons .Vegetation :Plant cover is <strong>of</strong>ten made up <strong>of</strong> Cassiope mertensiana ,Luetkeapectinata communities scattered clumps and individuals <strong>of</strong> Abies lasiocarpa .Pedon Description A : (This soil was described and sampled in two locations .)Described by : L . KnapikDate : August 29, 1973Location :S-8A

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