Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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81Elevation : 6,000 ft . ASL (1,830 m)Drainage Class :very poorly drainedSoil Classification :Rego GleysolVegetation :Carex nigricansL 3 to 0 cm ; densely rooted turf of Carex nigricans ; abruptsmooth boundary .Ohl 0 to 11 cm ; dark brown (7 .5 YR 3/2 m) silt loam ; moderate,fine granular, (turfy) ; abundant, fine, random roots ; abruptsmooth boundary .Ash 11 to 12 cm ; light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4 m) tephralayer ; abrupt, smooth boundary .Oh2 12 to 21 cm ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2 m) silt loam ;weak, fine granular, (slightly turfy) ; abundant, fine, randomroots ; abrupt, smooth boundary .IICgl 21 to 28 cm ; yellowish brown (l0 YR 5/4 m) fine sandy,loam ;stratified ; friable ; few, fine, vertical roots ; clear, smoothboundary .IICg2 28 to 42 cm ; very pale brown (10 YR 7/3 m) with many, coarse,prominent yellowish red (5 YR 5/8 m) mottles ; sandy loam ;stratified ; friable ; many fine pores ; abrupt, smooth boundary .Ohb 42 to 52 cm ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2 m) silt loam ;pseudo-platy ; slightly sticky ; abrupt, irregular boundary .'IIICg 52+ cm ; dark gray (5 Y 4/1 m) silt loam ; 10% cobble-sized"coarse fragments .

82ANALYTICAL DATA 4HorizonDepthcmCaC12pHN(I)Org .C(y)C/N NH4Ac Ext . Cations (me/100g)Na K Ca Mg T .E .C .L 3- 0 - - - 18.2 - - - - -I Ohl 0-11 3 .7 2 .16 39 .33 - 1 .03 0 .68 0 .44 0 .61 91 .1Ash 11-12 - - - - - - - - -Oh2 12-21 4 .0 .04 38 .21 - 1 .12 0 .38 0 .54 0 .29 80 .9IICgl 21-28 4 .6 - -- - 0 .12 0 .02 0 .45 0 .15 10 .5IICg2 28-42 4 .8 - -- - 0 .14 0 .02 0 .16 0 .13 6 .20Ohb 42-52 4 .6 - 34 .43 - 0 .18 0 .14 5 .05 1 .88 68 .4IIICg 52+ - - - - - - - - -Horizon-Pyrophosphate (y)Fe A1 Fe+A1Text .Class>2mm(I)Sand(y)Silt(I)ClayMBulkDens .g/cm3L - - - - - - - - -Ohl - - - Organic 0 71 73 20 0 .2Oh2 - - - Organic 0 61 69 25 0 .2IICgl - - - SiL 0 39 57 4 -IICg2 - - - Si 0 4 92 4 0 .7Ohb - - - Organic 0 61 72 22 -IIICg - - - - - - - - -1 Particle size analysis after removal of organic matter . These are organiclayers with greater than 17% organic carbon content .

81Elevation : 6,000 ft . ASL (1,830 m)Drainage Class :very poorly drained<strong>Soil</strong> Classification :Rego GleysolVegetation :Carex nigricansL 3 to 0 cm ; densely rooted turf <strong>of</strong> Carex nigricans ; abruptsmooth boundary .Ohl 0 to 11 cm ; dark brown (7 .5 YR 3/2 m) silt loam ; moderate,fine granular, (turfy) ; abundant, fine, random roots ; abruptsmooth boundary .Ash 11 to 12 cm ; light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4 m) tephralayer ; abrupt, smooth boundary .Oh2 12 to 21 cm ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2 m) silt loam ;weak, fine granular, (slightly turfy) ; abundant, fine, randomroots ; abrupt, smooth boundary .IICgl 21 to 28 cm ; yellowish brown (l0 YR 5/4 m) fine sandy,loam ;stratified ; friable ; few, fine, vertical roots ; clear, smoothboundary .IICg2 28 to 42 cm ; very pale brown (10 YR 7/3 m) with many, coarse,prominent yellowish red (5 YR 5/8 m) mottles ; sandy loam ;stratified ; friable ; many fine pores ; abrupt, smooth boundary .Ohb 42 to 52 cm ; very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2 m) silt loam ;pseudo-platy ; slightly sticky ; abrupt, irregular boundary .'IIICg 52+ cm ; dark gray (5 Y 4/1 m) silt loam ; 10% cobble-sized"coarse fragments .

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