Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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71ANALYTICAL DATA 1HorizonDepthcmCaC12pHN .(I)Org .CMC/N NH4Ac Ext . Cations (me/100g)Na K Ca Mg T .E .C .Ah 0-6 4 .3 " 52 9 .4 18 .1 0 .11 0 .15 0 .25 0 .20 31 .8Bhf 6-11 4 .5 .46 8 .6 18 .7 0 .06 0 .06 0 .13 0 .05 38.5IIAhb 11-21 4 .5 " 20 3 .0 15 .2 0 .04 0 .04 0 .06 0 .05 18.8IIBfb 21-35 4 .6 .10 1 .8 18 .0 0 .02 0 .03 0 .22 0 .10 17 .2IIC 35+ 4 .6 .- - - 0 .01 0 .03 0 .22 0 .05 9 .90orizon-Pyrophosphate (I)Fe A1 Fe+A1Text .Class>2mm(I)Sand(I)Silt0(/)Clay0)(/BulkDens .g/cm3Ah ' 1 .13 1 .42 2 .55 SiL 0 22 67 11 0 .4Bhf - - - SiL 5 23 70 7 -IIAhb - - - SL 10 62 33 5 -IIBfb 0 .75 0 .34 1 .09 SL 10 64 31 5 -IIC - - - SL 15 65 29 6 -

Soil Map Unit 2These moderately coarse textured soilsto extremely sloping land surfaces mostly in theoccur on very steeplynorthern half of thestudy area .surface .Surface drainage is rapid and thereare few boulders on theClassification :These soils have been classified as being predominantly OrthicSombric Brunisol on the basis of their deep Ah (10 to 50 cm) and 10 YRhue in the B horizon .Some of the soils included in this map unit meetthe chemical qualifications of Podzols, especially those soils that areintergrades between Map Units 2 and 1 and between Map Units 2 and 8 .The map unit therefore includes some Sombric Humo-Ferric Podzols .Associated Map Units :Map Unit 2 soils often occur adjacent to Map Unit 1 soils,usually on more steeply sloping land surfaces that are susceptible tosoil creep ; and the Ah horizons are thicker and the B horizons havebrownish hues . The Regosolic soils of Map Unit 7 occur on similar slopesand in similar slope positions as those of Map Unit 2 and the two unitsare often difficult to separate without examination of the profile . Eventhen B horizons may be discontinuous or difficult to recognize in theMap Unit 2 soils .Vegetation :In most of these soil areas vegetation consists of mixedherbaceous communities with Valeriana sitchensis often dominant and

71ANALYTICAL DATA 1HorizonDepthcmCaC12pHN .(I)Org .CMC/N NH4Ac Ext . Cations (me/100g)Na K Ca Mg T .E .C .Ah 0-6 4 .3 " 52 9 .4 18 .1 0 .11 0 .15 0 .25 0 .20 31 .8Bhf 6-11 4 .5 .46 8 .6 18 .7 0 .06 0 .06 0 .13 0 .05 38.5IIAhb 11-21 4 .5 " 20 3 .0 15 .2 0 .04 0 .04 0 .06 0 .05 18.8IIBfb 21-35 4 .6 .10 1 .8 18 .0 0 .02 0 .03 0 .22 0 .10 17 .2IIC 35+ 4 .6 .- - - 0 .01 0 .03 0 .22 0 .05 9 .90orizon-Pyrophosphate (I)Fe A1 Fe+A1Text .Class>2mm(I)Sand(I)Silt0(/)Clay0)(/BulkDens .g/cm3Ah ' 1 .13 1 .42 2 .55 SiL 0 22 67 11 0 .4Bhf - - - SiL 5 23 70 7 -IIAhb - - - SL 10 62 33 5 -IIBfb 0 .75 0 .34 1 .09 SL 10 64 31 5 -IIC - - - SL 15 65 29 6 -

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