Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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61ecosystem .While the activities involved in camping, picnicking,hiking, sight-seeing and related land uses are many and varied, onecommon activity of consequence to vegetation and soils is tramplingby foot traffic . Trampling has therefore been selected as the typeof use on which quantification of our rating is based .The purpose of the rating system isdegree of change which is expected to occur .to describe the type andThe vegetation changesare primarily loss of plant cover and change in species composition .The changes to soils include erosion and the production of puddled,quagmire conditions .The vegetation communities and soil units have been arrangedin order of their susceptibility to damage . It is not possible to definethe precise carrying capacity of each segment of the landscape .However,data from experimental trampling studies provide a quantitativeguide to the relative amount of stress each unit can withstand .DerivationVegetation and soils are interdependent in rating environmentalfragility :soils will not erode unless the protective vegetation cover isremovedBecauseand damaged vegetation will not recover if soils are eroding .the fragility of vegetation may not coincide with the fragilityof soils,the two had to be rated separately and the ratings combined togive a dual index of fragility for each unit .In this way, excessivegeneralization was avoided and a more specific description of thefragility of each unit could be given .A map of the distribution of thefragility classes isincluded in the map pocket,

Vegetation Fragility RatingThe relative susceptibility of vegetation types to damage wasgauged by considering the loss of plant cover when subjected totrampling,the expected rate of regeneration provided there is no soilerosion and the likelihood of changes in species composition . A morecomprehensive account of vegetation fragility isgiven in Landals andScotter (1974) .Experimental trampling was applied at weekly intervals to thefive major communities of the area, Valeriana sitchensis , Vacciniummembranaceum, Cassiope mertensiana, Luetkea pectinata and Carexnigricans . Five, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 walks were applied each weekfor five weeks .Weekly trampling has been used to rate communitiesfor the fragility scale because this most closely simulates visitor useover an entire season .Communities have been ordered according totheir performance after the 100 walks treatment which isthought to beindicative of moderate visitor use .According to cover loss, communities can be ordered, from mostto least fragile, as Vaccinium and Valeriana , Cassiope , Luetkea andCarex .Considering regenerative capacity and tendency for specieschange during the recovery of vegetation, the order of the communitieschanges only slightly to Vaccinium , Valeriana , Cassiope , Luetkea andCarex .Other communities were assimilated into this order by observationof their performance when subjected to visitor trampling or by guidancefrom other research, principally Nagy and Scotter, 1974 .

Vegetation Fragility RatingThe relative susceptibility <strong>of</strong> vegetation types to damage wasgauged by considering <strong>the</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> plant cover when subjected totrampling,<strong>the</strong> expected rate <strong>of</strong> regeneration provided <strong>the</strong>re is no soilerosion and <strong>the</strong> likelihood <strong>of</strong> changes in species composition . A morecomprehensive account <strong>of</strong> vegetation fragility isgiven in Landals andScotter (1974) .Experimental trampling was applied at weekly intervals to <strong>the</strong>five major communities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> area, Valeriana sitchensis , Vacciniummembranaceum, Cassiope mertensiana, Luetkea pectinata and Carexnigricans . Five, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 walks were applied each weekfor five weeks .Weekly trampling has been used to rate communitiesfor <strong>the</strong> fragility scale because this most closely simulates visitor useover an entire season .Communities have been ordered according to<strong>the</strong>ir performance after <strong>the</strong> 100 walks treatment which isthought to beindicative <strong>of</strong> moderate visitor use .According to cover loss, communities can be ordered, from mostto least fragile, as Vaccinium and Valeriana , Cassiope , Luetkea andCarex .Considering regenerative capacity and tendency for specieschange during <strong>the</strong> recovery <strong>of</strong> vegetation, <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> communitieschanges only slightly to Vaccinium , Valeriana , Cassiope , Luetkea andCarex .O<strong>the</strong>r communities were assimilated into this order by observation<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir performance when subjected to visitor trampling or by guidancefrom o<strong>the</strong>r research, principally Nagy and Scotter, 1974 .

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