Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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57BIBLIOGRAPHYAlberta Department of Manpower and Labour . 1972 . Private sewage disposal .5th ed .Plumbing Inspection Branch, Provincial Department ofManpower and Labour, Edmonton, Alberta .American Society for Testing and Materials . 1970 . Annual book of A .S .T .M .standards, Part 11 . Amer . Soc . Test . Mat ., Philadelphia .Association of Official Agricultural Chemists . 1955 . Official methodsof analysis . 8th ed . Washington, 4, D .C .Brocke, L .K . 1970 . Soil survey for recreation site planning in twoAlberta provincial parks . M .Sc . thesis, Univ . of Alberta, Edmonton .Canada Soil Survey Committee . 1970 . The system of soil classificationfor Canada . Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa .Canada Soil Survey Committee . 1973 . Proceedings of the ninth meetingof the C .S .S .C . Univ . of Saskatchewan, May 16 - 18 .Chapman, H .D . 1965 . Cation exchange capacity in Methods of SoilAnalyses . Agron . Monograph No . 9 . Amer . Soc . of Agron .Coen, G.M . and W.D . Holland . (in press) Soils of Waterton LakesNational Park and interpretations . Can . Forestry Serv . Info .Rept . NOR-X-65 .Daubenmire, R.F . 1943 . Vegetational zonation in the Rocky Mtns . Bot .Rev . 9, 326-393 .Greenlee, G .M . 1973 . Soil survey of Little Bow Provincial Park andinterpretation for recreational use . Alta . Inst . of PedologyNo . M-73-2 .Greenlee, G .M . 1973 . Soil survey of Entrance Provincial Park andinterpretation for recreational use . Alta . Inst . of PedologyNo . M-73-8 .Hitchcock, C .L . and A. Cronquist . 1973 . Flora of the Pacific Northwest .Univ . of Wash . Press, 730 pp .

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57BIBLIOGRAPHYAlberta Department <strong>of</strong> Manpower and Labour . 1972 . Private sewage disposal .5th ed .Plumbing Inspection Branch, Provincial Department <strong>of</strong>Manpower and Labour, Edmonton, Alberta .American Society for Testing and Materials . 1970 . Annual book <strong>of</strong> A .S .T .M .standards, Part 11 . Amer . Soc . Test . Mat ., Philadelphia .Association <strong>of</strong> Official Agricultural Chemists . 1955 . Official methods<strong>of</strong> analysis . 8th ed . Washington, 4, D .C .Brocke, L .K . 1970 . <strong>Soil</strong> survey for recreation site planning in twoAlberta provincial parks . M .Sc . <strong>the</strong>sis, Univ . <strong>of</strong> Alberta, Edmonton .Canada <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> Committee . 1970 . The system <strong>of</strong> soil classificationfor Canada . Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa .Canada <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> Committee . 1973 . Proceedings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ninth meeting<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> C .S .S .C . Univ . <strong>of</strong> Saskatchewan, May 16 - 18 .Chapman, H .D . 1965 . Cation exchange capacity in Methods <strong>of</strong> <strong>Soil</strong>Analyses . Agron . Monograph No . 9 . Amer . Soc . <strong>of</strong> Agron .Coen, G.M . and W.D . Holland . (in press) <strong>Soil</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Waterton LakesNational Park and interpretations . Can . Forestry Serv . Info .Rept . NOR-X-65 .Daubenmire, R.F . 1943 . Vegetational zonation in <strong>the</strong> Rocky Mtns . Bot .Rev . 9, 326-393 .Greenlee, G .M . 1973 . <strong>Soil</strong> survey <strong>of</strong> Little Bow Provincial Park andinterpretation for recreational use . Alta . Inst . <strong>of</strong> PedologyNo . M-73-2 .Greenlee, G .M . 1973 . <strong>Soil</strong> survey <strong>of</strong> Entrance Provincial Park andinterpretation for recreational use . Alta . Inst . <strong>of</strong> PedologyNo . M-73-8 .Hitchcock, C .L . and A. Cronquist . 1973 . Flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest .Univ . <strong>of</strong> Wash . Press, 730 pp .

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