Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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Soil Map Unit 10Map Unit 10 soils have a lithic (bedrock) contact within50 cm of the soil surface . Soils of this unit may occur on the crestsof bedrock masses or on extremely sloping land surfaces .Classification :These soils are generally Lithic Humo-Ferric Podzols althoughthere isa fair degree of profile variation .Ah, Ahe, or Ae horizonsmay be present and B horizons differ in their amount of podzolicmorphology and may or may not extend to the lithic contact .Associated MaR Units :The most commonly associated Map Units are 8 and 9,alongwith bedrock outcrops (R) .Map Unit 10 soils are the undifferentiatedlithic phases of Map Units 8 and 9 .Vegetation :Plant communities are quite variable with Abies lasiocarpa ,Rhododendron albiflorum , Luetkea pectinata , Arnica latifolia and variousbryophytes being common .Pedon. Description A:Described by : L . KnapikDate : August 29, 1973Location :S-10AParent Material :thin till/bedrockLandform :bedrock ridgeSlope :nil (ridge summit)

101Aspect : ---Elevation : 6,300 ft . ASL (1,920 m)Drainage Class :well drainedSoil Classification :Lithic Humo-Ferric PodzolVegetation :Abies lasiocarpa and Luetkea pectinata dominant species,with 20% bare surfaceL - F 1 to 0 cm ; slightly decomposed moss and needle litter, abrupt,smooth boundary .Ae 0 to 7 cm ; dark grayish brown (10 YR 4/2 m) loam ; weak, finegranular ; very friable ; abundant, very fine and fine, randomroots ; 5% coarse fragments ; abrupt, smooth boundary ; 5 to 10cm thick .Bf 7 to 18 cm ; dark reddish brown (5 YR 3/3 m) sandy loam ;moderate, fine ranular ; friable ; abundant, very fine andfine, vertical roots ; 5% coarse fragments ; abrupt, smoothboundary ; 10 to 21 cm thick .R 18+ cm ; bedrock .Pedon Description B :Described by : L . Knapik and G CoenDate : September 19, 1973Location :S-10BParent Material :thin colluvium/bedrockLandform :colluvium covered bedrock ridgeSlope : 70%Aspect :northElevation : 6,050 ft . ASL (1,850 m)Drainage Class :well drainedSoil Classification :Lithic Humo-Ferric Podzol

<strong>Soil</strong> Map Unit 10Map Unit 10 soils have a lithic (bedrock) contact within50 cm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> soil surface . <strong>Soil</strong>s <strong>of</strong> this unit may occur on <strong>the</strong> crests<strong>of</strong> bedrock masses or on extremely sloping land surfaces .Classification :These soils are generally Lithic Humo-Ferric Podzols although<strong>the</strong>re isa fair degree <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ile variation .Ah, Ahe, or Ae horizonsmay be present and B horizons differ in <strong>the</strong>ir amount <strong>of</strong> podzolicmorphology and may or may not extend to <strong>the</strong> lithic contact .Associated MaR Units :The most commonly associated Map Units are 8 and 9,alongwith bedrock outcrops (R) .Map Unit 10 soils are <strong>the</strong> undifferentiatedlithic phases <strong>of</strong> Map Units 8 and 9 .Vegetation :Plant communities are quite variable with Abies lasiocarpa ,Rhododendron albiflorum , Luetkea pectinata , Arnica latifolia and variousbryophytes being common .Pedon. Description A:Described by : L . KnapikDate : August 29, 1973Location :S-10AParent Material :thin till/bedrockLandform :bedrock ridgeSlope :nil (ridge summit)

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