Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.

Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area. Detailed Soil Survey of the Mount Revelstoke Summit Area.
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Slope : 5%Aspect :northElevation : 6,100 ft . ASL (1,860 m)Drainage Class :well drainedSoil Classification :Ortstein Ferro-Humic PcdzolAhe 0 to 5 cm ; dark brown (7 .5 YR 4/2 m) fine sandy loam ; weak,fine, granular ; very friable ; plentiful, fine, random roots ;less than 5% coarse fragments ; clear, smooth boundary ; 3 to8 cm thick .Bhf 5 to 11 cm ; dark reddish brown (5 YR 3/3 m) and yellowish red(5 YR 4/6 m) silt loam ; moderate, medium granular ; veryfriable ; abundant, fine, vertical roots ; 10% cobble-sizedcoarse fragments ; gradual, smooth boundary ; 4 to 9 cm thick .Bfc 11 to 24 cm ; dark reddish brown (5 YR 3/3 m) coarse sandyloam ; amorphous ; firm ; very few, fine, vertical roots, 15%cobble-sized coarse fragments ; gradual, smooth boundary ;11 to 30 cm thick .C 24+ cm ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4 m) sandy loam ; amorphous,slightly firm ; 15% gravel-sized coarse fragments .

orizon-Pyrophosphate99ANALYTICAL DATA 9HorizonDepthcmCaC12pHNMOrg .C(I)C/N NH4Ac Ext . Cations (me/100g)Na K Ca Mg T .E .C .Ahe 0- 5 3 .8 .30 6 .26 20 .9 0 .11 0 .14 0 .31 0 .15 26 .1Bhf 5-11 4 .3 .40 10 .45 26 .1 0 .10 0 .05 0 .06 0 .10 55 .8Bfc 11-24 4 .5 .07 1 .69 24 .1 0 .10 0 .02 0 .13 0 .05 13 .0C 24+ 4 .9 - - - '. 0 .05 0 .03 0 .38 0 .10 6 .40Fe A1 Fe+A1 M Text.Class>2mmo(/)Sand~ (/)Silt(I)ClayMBulkDens .g/cm3Ahe - I - - SiL 5 26 66 80 .4IBhf 1 .80 1 .50 3 .30 SiL 10 15 76 9 -Bfc 0 .46 0 .28 0 .74 LS 15 82 16 2 -C - - - SL 15 65 30 5 -

orizon-Pyrophosphate99ANALYTICAL DATA 9HorizonDepthcmCaC12pHNMOrg .C(I)C/N NH4Ac Ext . Cations (me/100g)Na K Ca Mg T .E .C .Ahe 0- 5 3 .8 .30 6 .26 20 .9 0 .11 0 .14 0 .31 0 .15 26 .1Bhf 5-11 4 .3 .40 10 .45 26 .1 0 .10 0 .05 0 .06 0 .10 55 .8Bfc 11-24 4 .5 .07 1 .69 24 .1 0 .10 0 .02 0 .13 0 .05 13 .0C 24+ 4 .9 - - - '. 0 .05 0 .03 0 .38 0 .10 6 .40Fe A1 Fe+A1 M Text.Class>2mmo(/)Sand~ (/)Silt(I)ClayMBulkDens .g/cm3Ahe - I - - SiL 5 26 66 80 .4IBhf 1 .80 1 .50 3 .30 SiL 10 15 76 9 -Bfc 0 .46 0 .28 0 .74 LS 15 82 16 2 -C - - - SL 15 65 30 5 -

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