US Army Journalist - Course - Survival Books

US Army Journalist - Course - Survival Books

US Army Journalist - Course - Survival Books

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Lesson 4, Learning Event 35. Know ahead of time which key points you must askquestions about. To help you remember them, tape a 3x5card with essential notations to the back of your stenopad.6. Transcribe the interview as soon as possible regardlessof whether you used a tape recorder or a pad and pen, orboth. One <strong>Army</strong> writer goes so far as to transcribeimportant quotes from the interview as soon as he getsinto his car following the interview. Others go to alibrary and many return to their office typewriters.Remember --the memory dims with time, rapidly. Tomorrowisn't soon enough, transcribe immediately.PICKING THE INTERVIEW LOCATIONInterviews may be conducted in or at most any location. There areseveral things the reporter should consider when locations are leftopen to the writer.The newspaper office has the advantage of limiting travel for thewriter but may be a disadvantage for the interviewee in terms oftravel convenience and time. It may also be a poor locationbecause there are usually few quiet places in a newspaper officewhere interviews can be conducted without interruptions.If interviews are conducted in the newspaper office, policy shoulddictate that reporters conducting interviews are NOT to beinterrupted for telephone calls or office business. It should beas if the reporter were conducting the interview in the source'soffice.If interviews are conducted away from either person's office thereporter should try to arrange to have as few interruptions aspossible. In some instances the reporter and source may only beable to take a short walk away from other people and extraneousdistractions.If interviews are conducted in the source's office, the writer islimited in what he can do with distractions, interruptions andcomfort. One of the most effective ways to limit interruptions isto advise the source that you only need "X" amount of time and thento finish within that time frame. Many sources will ask their coworkersto not be interrupted In such circumstances.35

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