Study on Application of Vetiver Eco-engineering Technique for ...

Study on Application of Vetiver Eco-engineering Technique for ... Study on Application of Vetiver Eco-engineering Technique for ...

high sea lever and Karst physiognomy. However, observati<strong>on</strong> found that vetiver grew 3 to 4 cm l<strong>on</strong>g newroots in this period, indicating that it had a str<strong>on</strong>g resistance to the harsh surroundings and a goodadaptability to high sea level climate. The soil in the slope was very infertile as shown in Table 1, but whydid vetiver plants with basal fertilizati<strong>on</strong> grow not as good as those without basal fertilizati<strong>on</strong>? This wasprobably because: 1) fertilizati<strong>on</strong> made soil become dryer in the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> n<strong>on</strong>-rainfall, thus thefertilized plants was stressed by drought more severely than those without fertilizati<strong>on</strong>; and 2) fertilizeritself caused damage to newly transferred plants, especially to those physically damaged via a l<strong>on</strong>gdistance <strong>of</strong> transportati<strong>on</strong>. The similar phenomen<strong>on</strong> has already been reported (Ke et al., 2000). The result<strong>of</strong> the first observati<strong>on</strong>, carried out <strong>on</strong> May 6 (60 days after planting), showed that the average survivalrate was 90%, and new tillers began to appear, increased by 1 to 3 <strong>for</strong> each slip and even 6 in some plants.It indicated that vetiver grass has already adapted itself to the extreme envir<strong>on</strong>ment <strong>of</strong> Karst regi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>Yunnan after a spell <strong>of</strong> acclimati<strong>on</strong>. After entering the rapid growing stage, the growing speed <strong>of</strong>fertilized treatment were much faster than those <strong>of</strong> unfertilized <strong>on</strong>es, and the tiller number <strong>of</strong> the <strong>for</strong>merwas much higher than that <strong>of</strong> the latter (Table 3), showing that fertilizati<strong>on</strong> still had positive effect tovetiver after turning green.Table 2 Effects <strong>of</strong> fertilizati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> survival rate and initial growth <strong>of</strong> vetiver (Recorded <strong>on</strong> May 6)Fertilizati<strong>on</strong>N<strong>on</strong>-fertilizati<strong>on</strong>Site Survivalrate (%)Height(m)Tillers perslipHeight(m)Tillersper slipTiller number <strong>of</strong> thelargest slipA 89 0.03 1 0.05 2 3B 92 0.03 2 0.05 3-4 5C 91 0.05 2-3 0.06 3-4 5D 96 0.06 2-3 0.08 3-4 6Table 3 Effects <strong>of</strong> fertilizati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> early growth <strong>of</strong> vetiver (Recorded <strong>on</strong> July 28)Fertilizati<strong>on</strong> N<strong>on</strong>-fertilizati<strong>on</strong> Fertilizati<strong>on</strong>Site Height(cm)Tillers per slip Height(cm)Tillers per slip Tillers number <strong>of</strong>the largest slipA 64 4-8 55 3-4 8B 58 4-6 51 3-4 6C 60 4 49 3 5D 69 5 61 4-5 64.2 Late Growth and Tiller <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vetiver</strong> Grass and Its Protecti<strong>on</strong> EffectsFive inspecti<strong>on</strong>s in 2002 showed that vetiver planted al<strong>on</strong>g c<strong>on</strong>tour could <strong>for</strong>m hedgerows, but thegrowing speed was different in different stages. The fastest growing seas<strong>on</strong> was from July to October(Table 4 and 5). At the fifth inspecti<strong>on</strong> (December 2002), vetiver grass had <strong>for</strong>med dense hedgerows; theaverage tiller number was up to 8.6 each slip, average height to 100.6 cm and average root depth to 98.6cm. The gradient <strong>of</strong> site A and B was about 60°averagely, and their soil was mainly composed <strong>of</strong> 40%mudst<strong>on</strong>e, while the gradient <strong>of</strong> site C and D was up to 75-80°and their soil was chiefly (90%)composed <strong>of</strong> shale. Obviously the habitat c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> at site A and B was better than at site C and D. As aresult, bahia grass planted in site A and B <strong>for</strong>med a thick covering layer after six m<strong>on</strong>ths and the reached96% cover, which took auxiliary effects <strong>on</strong> stabilizing slope and preventing soil from washing away. Onthe c<strong>on</strong>trary, bahia was difficult to <strong>for</strong>m a grass layer at site C and D because <strong>of</strong> steep slope and shaleysoil; as a result the coverage was nearly 50% lower than that at site A and B. However, vetiver still<strong>for</strong>med hedgerows at site C and D. In summer <strong>of</strong> 2002 (June and July), there was lots <strong>of</strong> rainfall. In Junethe rainfall was 30% more than the same period <strong>of</strong> previous years, and furthermore storms ware frequent;379

in July there were 3-4 days whose rainfall came to 72.4 mm. As a result, the c<strong>on</strong>trol under completelynatural situati<strong>on</strong> had serious landslip and the channel <strong>of</strong> the power stati<strong>on</strong> was also badly eroded, close tocollapse, while there were no damages <strong>on</strong> the slope protected by vetiver hedgerows. More importantly,the highly erodible slope was effectively protected and stabilized in rainy seas<strong>on</strong>, and its soil erosi<strong>on</strong> wasalso completely c<strong>on</strong>trolled.Table 4 Tiller <strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> and plant growth <strong>of</strong> vetiver grass in the late 2002July 28 August 28 October 10 December 3 Root largestSite Height(cm)Tillers perslipHeight(cm)Tillersper slipHeight(m)Tillers perslipHeight(cm)Tillersper slipdepth(cm)A 64 4-8 89 8-16 131 8-18 137 8-18 103B 58 4-8 86 8-12 130 8-19 130 8-19 95C 60 4 76 6-10 110 6-12 110 6-15 80D 69 5 84 7-13 129 8-16 129 8-16 91Three inspecti<strong>on</strong>s were c<strong>on</strong>ducted in 2003 (Table 5) when vetiver grass had grown <strong>for</strong> 14 m<strong>on</strong>ths.The coverage was up to 85% and dense hedgerows were <strong>for</strong>med; as a result, the whole protected slopewas firmly stabilized, and soil erosi<strong>on</strong> and landslip did not occur <strong>on</strong> the slope any l<strong>on</strong>ger. The growth <strong>of</strong>vetiver and bahia was vigorous and they successfully resisted the extreme drought <strong>of</strong> 186 days andrainstorm <strong>of</strong> 96 mm in a day. <strong>Vetiver</strong> grew up to 8-20 tillers averagely <strong>for</strong> each slip, to 110 - 136 cm <strong>for</strong>plant height, and to 110-121 cm <strong>for</strong> root depth. In c<strong>on</strong>trast to several landslips in Yiliang County in June2003, the <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> played an important role in preventing soil erosi<strong>on</strong> and stabilizingslope; moreover it greatly improved the eco-envir<strong>on</strong>ment and landscape <strong>of</strong> the steep slopes in Karstregi<strong>on</strong>. It can be seen how prominent the effect <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> <strong>for</strong> slope protecti<strong>on</strong>. Inadditi<strong>on</strong>, an interesting phenomen<strong>on</strong> was that Galinsoga parviflora covered all the slopes but not a singleplant invaded into the vetiver part. The reas<strong>on</strong>s need to be studied further.As stated above, the dry seas<strong>on</strong> lasted 186 days, from November 2002 to May 2003, but vetiver didnot wilt or perish during this period, fully indicating that it had powerful drought resistance. The newleaves grown out after the dry seas<strong>on</strong> assumed purple under irradiati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> plateau sunlight, and recoveredto green when the rain seas<strong>on</strong> was coming.Table 5 Tiller <strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> and plant growth <strong>of</strong> vetiver grass in 2003March 20 May 18 June 28 Mean Mean Root largestSite Height*(cm)Tillersper slipHeight(cm)Tillers perslipHeight(cm)Tillersper slipheight(cm)tillersper slipdepth(cm)A 46 8-18 63 8-19 96 16 120 19 121B 48 8-19 61 8-20 93 16 127 20 118C 48 6-16 54 8-12 88 11 106 12 100D 46 8-16 61 8-18 94 15 115 18 119*<strong>Vetiver</strong> plants were cut to 40 cm height in winter.4.3 Comparis<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Growth Pattern <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vetiver</strong> Between in the High Altitude Area, Juxiang,Yuannan Province and in the Low Altitude Area, Dangyang, Hubei ProvinceIn term <strong>of</strong> tiller <strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> speed and height <strong>of</strong> vetiver, there was a difference in the Karst st<strong>on</strong>yslope <strong>of</strong> Juxiang, Kunming, Yunnan Province from in the low altitude highway slope <strong>of</strong> Dangyang, HubeiProvince (Bao et al., 2001a, b). It can be seen from data in July and August that the survival rate, plantheight, and tiller number per slip <strong>of</strong> vetiver were all lower in Juxiang than in Dangyang, but the rootswere l<strong>on</strong>ger (Table 6). This was probably because at high altitude, high shale and mud st<strong>on</strong>e c<strong>on</strong>tents,380

infertile soil, low rainfall, high wind, str<strong>on</strong>g sunshine, and high evaporati<strong>on</strong> in Juxiang slow down vetivergrowth. As to the reas<strong>on</strong> why roots grew l<strong>on</strong>ger in Juxiang, it was obvious due to lower rainfall and soilmoisture, which <strong>for</strong>ced vetiver roots to penetrate deeper <strong>for</strong> taking up sufficient water (Liu, 2001).Table 6 Comparis<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> growth situati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>of</strong> vetiver between in Juxiang, Yunnan and in Dangyang,Hubei ProvinceSurvival JulyAugust RootSiterate(%)Height(cm)Tillers perslipHeight(cm)Tillers perslipdepth(cm)Highway slope, Dangyang, Hubei 96_ 100 20 110 28 43Forebay slope, Jiuxiang, Yunnan 92_ 65 4-8 71 8-12 514.4 Ec<strong>on</strong>omic Benefits Analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong>In the past time, nearly all projects <strong>of</strong> slope protecti<strong>on</strong> and stabilizati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>ducted <strong>for</strong> power stati<strong>on</strong>c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> were st<strong>on</strong>e-based <strong>engineering</strong>. They are short <strong>of</strong> ecological benefits, very expensive, and areeasily to be destroyed by flood. The price <strong>for</strong> st<strong>on</strong>ed-based structures is generally 200 Yuan/m 2 , and evenapproximately 500 Yuan/m 2 <strong>for</strong> some difficult sites. The design <strong>of</strong> the original project was to carry outc<strong>on</strong>crete works, costing 260,000 Yuan, but this <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> technique cost <strong>on</strong>ly 30,000 Yuan.That means the cost <strong>for</strong> the project was actually 19 Yuan/m 2 , <strong>on</strong>ly 1/8 <strong>of</strong> the original st<strong>on</strong>e-based project.Table 7 Comparis<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> benefits <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> and st<strong>on</strong>e-based <strong>engineering</strong>St<strong>on</strong>e-based <strong>engineering</strong> technology1. Design and c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> are complex,and various kinds <strong>of</strong> raw materialswere needed, such as c<strong>on</strong>crete, st<strong>on</strong>e,sand, steel, plants, etc.2. Cost is high (160-500 Yuan/m 2 )3. C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> and management arecomplex and expensive4. Erosi<strong>on</strong> and landslide are easily tohappen under scouring <strong>of</strong> lots <strong>of</strong>rainwater5. Used <strong>on</strong>ly in slope stabilizati<strong>on</strong> anderosi<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>trol<strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> technology1. Design and c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> are simple, and <strong>on</strong>ly a few kinds<strong>of</strong> raw materials are needed. In <strong>on</strong>e growth seas<strong>on</strong>, vetiverroots can grow up to nearly 1-3 m, and even to 5 m. Thetensile strength <strong>of</strong> roots is 75 MPa, approximatelyequivalent to 1/6 <strong>of</strong> ultimate tensile strength <strong>of</strong> mild steel2. Cost is low, <strong>on</strong>ly some 1/8 <strong>of</strong> st<strong>on</strong>e-based <strong>engineering</strong>3. C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> and management are simple, and cheap4. Erosi<strong>on</strong> and landslides are difficult to happen. Under 30 mdeep water, vetiver hedgerows can resistance scouring <strong>of</strong>water flow <strong>of</strong> with 0.028 m 3 /s5. Used in slope stabilizati<strong>on</strong>, erosi<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>trol, and landscapeThe cost <strong>for</strong> the st<strong>on</strong>e-based <strong>engineering</strong> is 160-500 Yuan/m 2 in Yunnan Province in 2000according to the current market price, but the cost <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> is <strong>on</strong>ly 19-29 Yuan/m 2(Table 8). The cost <strong>of</strong> the latter is <strong>on</strong>ly 11-18% <strong>of</strong> the <strong>for</strong>mer, c<strong>on</strong>sistent with the previous report (Xia etal., 1999). Although some complementary st<strong>on</strong>e-based projects are still needed when the <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong><strong>engineering</strong>is applied to protect slopes, which will probably enhance the cost, the total cost is stillcheaper than that <strong>of</strong> pure st<strong>on</strong>e-based structure (Xia, et al., 1998, 2002).Table 8 Comparis<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> costs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> and the st<strong>on</strong>e based <strong>engineering</strong>*Engineering type Raw material Labor rate Management rate Other Total*St<strong>on</strong>e based Engineering 160-500 5-7 2-3 3-5 209-515<strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> 13-19 4-6 1-2 1-2 19-29* All values are Yuan/m 2381

5 CONCLUSION REMARKSThese results show that vetiver could grow normally under the extreme envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s<strong>of</strong> the st<strong>on</strong>y ill slope lied in the Karst regi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jiuxiang, Kunming with high altitude, escarpment, lowsoil N, P, K and organic c<strong>on</strong>tents, 186 days’ successive drought and 96 mm <strong>of</strong> maximum rainfall in <strong>on</strong>esingle day. Furthermore, str<strong>on</strong>gly netted roots and dense hedgerows were <strong>for</strong>med <strong>on</strong>ly within 4 m<strong>on</strong>ths.The root system <strong>of</strong> vetiver improved the slope stabiliy, restored the loose deposit cohesi<strong>on</strong> and, there<strong>for</strong>e,solved the erosi<strong>on</strong> problem completely. It indicates that the <strong>Vetiver</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>-<strong>engineering</strong> technique is quiteefficient <strong>for</strong> slope stabilizati<strong>on</strong> and protecti<strong>on</strong> in Karst st<strong>on</strong>y regi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Yunnan Province, and moreover itis quite cheap; Thereby, the s<strong>of</strong>t biological measure will certainly reveal a great applicati<strong>on</strong> prospect inthe least developed western regi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>of</strong> China. Today, the green eco-envir<strong>on</strong>ment is becoming increasinglyimportant and indispensable; thereby st<strong>on</strong>e based <strong>engineering</strong> is getting less and less attenti<strong>on</strong>, whilecheap vegetati<strong>on</strong> eco-<strong>engineering</strong> is given more and more recogniti<strong>on</strong> (Chen et al., 1997; Xu et al., 2000;Bao et al., 2001b; Xia et al., 2002).<strong>Vetiver</strong> is an ideal pi<strong>on</strong>eer species <strong>for</strong> slope stabilizati<strong>on</strong> and envir<strong>on</strong>mental protecti<strong>on</strong> due to itshigh efficiency, permanence, cheapness, multi-functi<strong>on</strong>, as well as its fast growth, and str<strong>on</strong>g resistanceattributes. However <strong>for</strong> effective and successful applicati<strong>on</strong>, a good understanding <strong>of</strong> biological and<strong>engineering</strong> processes is required, particularly the biological processes, these two processes should becombined together to maximize the pi<strong>on</strong>eer characteristics <strong>of</strong> vetiver grass. The physical support systemcan divert storm water run<strong>of</strong>f and provide a better foothold <strong>for</strong> vetiver and other plants in its early growingstage, which is more important <strong>on</strong> steep and loose slopes. Under the protecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>structed measure, theeco-<strong>engineering</strong> measure can be established more rapidly and more effectively (Xia et al., 1999).ReferencesBao YH, Bai CR, Chen W, et al. 2001a. 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Bio<strong>engineering</strong> Erosi<strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>trol and Slope Stabilizati<strong>on</strong>. Manila, The Philippines. 522-527Xu JY, Wan M, Peng YS, et al. 2000. Applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> vetiver c<strong>on</strong>tour hedgerow technique <strong>for</strong> protecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>Shangfen Highway slope <strong>of</strong> Jiangxi Province, China. East China Highway, (3): 65-67A Brief Introduce to the First AuthorBo Huang (B. Huang), the vice-Manager-General <strong>of</strong> Yunnan Green Land Enterprise Co. Ltd., isnow resp<strong>on</strong>sible <strong>for</strong> research <strong>on</strong> biological resources protecti<strong>on</strong> and sustainable utilizati<strong>on</strong>, and biologicaltechnology applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> ecological restorati<strong>on</strong> and reclamati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> degraded systems in Karst regi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>Yunnan Province. Graduated from fishery college <strong>of</strong> Shanghai Aquatic Producti<strong>on</strong> University, major infresh water biology, he ever worked at Yunnan Research Institute <strong>of</strong> Envir<strong>on</strong>ment during the period <strong>of</strong>1987-1991, mainly engaged in research <strong>on</strong> lake ecology, envir<strong>on</strong>mental influence evaluati<strong>on</strong>, andenvir<strong>on</strong>mental science, Since 1991, he moved to Yunnan Introducti<strong>on</strong> and Breed Center <strong>of</strong> Rare andEndangered Plant Species, leading the work <strong>of</strong> restorati<strong>on</strong> and rec<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>.383

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