W+ jets and heavy flavour production

W+ jets and heavy flavour production W+ jets and heavy flavour production

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W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong><strong>production</strong>All-D0 meeting, July 23rd 2004John CampbellArgonne National LaboratoryW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.1

OutlineThe MCFM Monte Carlo⋆ overview of the program⋆ implementation of vector boson + <strong>jets</strong> processesNLO predictions for W + 2 <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> W b¯b⋆ basic cross-sections⋆ theoretical similarities between the two processes⋆ effect of NLO on distributionsSingle-tagged eventsSummaryW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.2

¡¢£¤ ¥ ¤¦Heavy <strong>flavour</strong> as a backgroundEvents containing <strong>jets</strong> that are <strong>heavy</strong>-quark tagged are importantfor underst<strong>and</strong>ing both old <strong>and</strong> new physics:⋆ Top decays t → W + b⋆ Much new physics couples preferentially to massive quarks,for instance a light Higgs with m H < 140 GeV decaying to b¯bW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.3

¤¥ ¦¡¡¡¢£ ¤ ©©§¨§ Top processes−→2 <strong>jets</strong>, both b’s−→2 <strong>jets</strong>, only one is a b−→≥ 2 <strong>jets</strong>, two are b’sW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.4

Overview of MCFMW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.5

MCFM overviewJC <strong>and</strong> R.K. EllisParton level cross-sections predicted to NLO in α Sp¯p → W ± /Zp¯p → W ± + Zp¯p → W ± + γp¯p → W ± + g ⋆ (→ b¯b)p¯p → W ± /Z + 1 jetp¯p(gg) → Hp¯p(V V ) → H + 2 <strong>jets</strong>p¯p → W + + W −p¯p → Z + Zp¯p → W ± /Z + Hp¯p → Zb¯bp¯p → W ± /Z + 2 <strong>jets</strong>p¯p(gg) → H + 1 jet⊖ low particle multiplicity (no showering)⊖ no hadronization⊖ hard to model detector effects⊕ less sensitivity to µ R , µ F⊕ rates are better normalized⊕ fully differential distributionsW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.6

MCFM InformationVersion 3.4.5 available at:http://mcfm.fnal.govImprovements over previous releases:⋆ more processes⋆ better user interface⋆ support for PDFLIB, Les Houches PDF accord(−→ PDF uncertainties)⋆ ntuples as well as histograms⋆ unweighted events⋆ Pythia/Les Houches generator interface (LO)⋆ ‘Behind-the-scenes’ efficiencyComing attractions:⋆ more processes (Z + b, single top, . . .)⋆ separate variation of factorization <strong>and</strong> renormalization scalesW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.7

Vector boson + <strong>jets</strong> in MCFMMany diagrams, sensitive to all parton PDF’sNLO corrections are separated into two classes:REAL extra parton radiation, e.g. (W/Z + 2 <strong>jets</strong>)soft gluoncollinearquarksVIRTUAL loop diagrams:W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.8

Vector boson + <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> in MCFMIn lowest order b-quark pairs are produced in association with W ’sby gluon splitting alone:Beyond LO, the b-quark is treated as a massless particle in MCFM⋆ a finite cross-section requires a cut on the b-quark p T⋆ this means that this calculation is not suitable for estimatingthe rate with only a single b tagW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.9

Mass effectsLowest order comparison of dijet mass <strong>and</strong> leading jet p Tdistributions for W b¯b⋆ m b = 4.75 GeV (lowest order only)⋆ m b = 0 (can be calculated to NLO)Overall the cross section decreases by approximately 10% whenincluding the mass. Kinematic distributions are not much affectedaway from regions of low p T (b).W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.10

W/Z+ jet cross-sectionsThe W/Z + 2 jet cross-section has only recently been calculatedat NLO <strong>and</strong> should provide an interesting test of QCD (cf. manyRun I studies using the W/Z + 1 jet calculation in DYRAD)For instance, the theoretical prediction for the number of eventscontaining 2 <strong>jets</strong> divided by the number containing only 1 is greatlyimproved.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.12

Effect of NLO corrections onW b¯b <strong>and</strong> W + 2 jet ratesW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.13

Jet p T dependenceIncreasing the minimum jet p T reduces the 3 jet contributioncompared to the 2 jet one, so the behaviour of the inclusivecross-section improves.p T (jet) > 30 GeVp T (jet) > 7.5 GeVW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.15

Scale dependence of K-factorsStrong scale dependence.The W b¯b K-factor varies greatly with the minimum jet p T , whereasthe W + 2 <strong>jets</strong> one does not.dotted: W + 2 <strong>jets</strong>solid: W + b¯bScale dependence has a similar shape for both processes.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.16

K-factor ratioImportant for CDF’s “Method 2”. Essentially, is a lowest orderestimate of (W b¯b/W + 2 <strong>jets</strong>) reproduced at NLO?A qualified ”yes” - it is for scale choices around 50 GeV or greater<strong>and</strong> p T cuts of about 15 GeV or greater.As the jet p T cut is lowered, the ratio gets worse (increases).W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.17

Heavy <strong>flavour</strong> fractionAt NLO, this fraction is stable across a wide range of scales.dotted: LOsolid: NLO exclusiveFor a p T cut of 15 GeV <strong>and</strong> µ ∼ M W , we have:[σ(W b¯b)σ(W + 2 <strong>jets</strong>)]LO= 1.16%,[]σ(W b¯b)σ(W + 2 <strong>jets</strong>)NLO= 1.23%W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.18

Effect of NLO corrections onW b¯b <strong>and</strong> W + 2 jet distributionsW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.19

¯b mass cutSuch a cut would be helpful, if it could be experimentally enforced:⋆ It improves the massless approximation⋆ It reduces this background compared to, for example, t¯t<strong>production</strong>, since here the b’s like to lie at low invariant mass.LO (m b = 0)LO (m b = 4.75)NLO (m b = 0)W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.20

Shape comparisonsShapes of distributions are important in order to either:⋆ make kinematic cuts to reduce the W + jet backgrounds; or,⋆ to fit components of signal <strong>and</strong> background.In particular, are the shapes of relevant distributions similar in theb-tagged <strong>and</strong> untagged samples? Is this only true at LO?W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.21

Kinematic distributionsNLO behaviour may provide clues to processes with more <strong>jets</strong> (→relevant for t¯t), especially for more inclusive variables such as∑ET (jet) <strong>and</strong> H T = ∑ event E T .W b¯b shape is relatively unchanged at NLO, compared toW + 2 <strong>jets</strong>.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.22

NLO predictionsAt NLO, there is a change of shape in the H T distribution.Lowest orderNLO inclusiveLowest order+jetNLO exclusiveThis change is not entirely due to the extra W + 3 jet eventsallowed in the inclusive sample.The p T distribution of the hardest jet shows no change in shape.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.23

Extra jet contributionIn the NLO inclusive result, the contribution to the H T distributionfrom W + 3 jet events is negligible at small H T <strong>and</strong> dominant atlarge H T .Similar ratio for W b¯bj to W b¯b.Extra jet contribution to the jet p T distribution is never dominantover this range.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.24

PDF uncertaintiesTotal cross-section uncertainty:W b¯b → 2.5% , W + 2j → 1.5%.Uncertainty in the (W b¯b/W + 2 jet) ratio:W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.26

Single-tagged <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong>W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.27

¡¡¡¢¡¢ ¦¤§©¨¥£ £¤Heavy <strong>flavour</strong> fraction revisitedOften the presence of two b-quarks in the final state is actuallyonly inferred from a single b-tagIn this case, there is another way of computing the theoreticalcross-section. For instance, in the case of Z+ <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong>:Requires knowledge of b-quark pdf’s, but compare to:Expansion in α s ln(M Z /m b )<strong>and</strong> NLO calculation difficultW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.28

¡¢¡£¢£¡¡¢¢Z + b at NLO - Run IIJC, K. Ellis, F. Maltoni <strong>and</strong> S. Willenbrock, hep-ph/0312024p jetT > 15 GeV, |ηjet | < 2σ(Z + one b tag) = 20 pbFakes from Z+ jet eventsare significantPrediction for ratio ofZ + b to untagged Z + jet isgb → Zb44 %0.02 ± 0.004q¯q → Z(b¯b)22 %34 %Z + 1 jet (fake rate of 1%)W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.29

Experimental resultBased on 189 pb −1 of data from Run IIEvents / 10 GeV1510DØ Run II PreliminaryDataBkgd+MCBkgdPreliminary ratio of crosssections:σ(Z+b)σ(Z+j)= 0.024 ± 0.0750 50 100 150 200(GeV)E Tcompatible with the NLOpredictionZ + b process in the nextversion of MCFM will allow amuch better comparison withthe analysisW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.30

LHC expectationsp jetT > 15 GeV, |ηjet | < 2.5σ(Z + one b tag) = 1 nbFakes from Z+ jet eventsare much less significant<strong>and</strong> q¯q contributionis tinyZ + 1 jet (fake)13 %4 %q¯q → Z(b¯b)This should allow afairly clean measurementof <strong>heavy</strong> quark PDF’s(currently, only derivedperturbatively)83 %gb → ZbW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.31

£¡¢§¤ ¥¦¨¨ © b-PDF usessingle-top qb → qtWsingle-top gb → tW(charged) Higgs+binclusive HiggsW + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.32

Calculational directionsW + 3,4 jet cross-sections at NLO⋆ New technology needed: probably not ready for Run IINagy <strong>and</strong> Soper, hep-ph/0308127Giele <strong>and</strong> Glover, hep-ph/0402152Inclusion of b mass effects in W b¯b <strong>and</strong> Zb¯b⋆ Technology available: some efforts are underway . . . c.f. Hb¯bW. Beenakker et al., hep-ph/0211352S. Dawson et al., hep-ph/0311216Merging of existing NLO calculations with a parton shower⋆ Possible: MC@NLO has yet to be applied to W/Z+ <strong>jets</strong>Further study of recent ideas regarding parton showers (mostpromising in the short term)⋆ Matrix elements corrections - CKKW, . . .⋆ How much of the effects of NLO are taken into account bycombining matrix element calculations with parton showers?F. Krauss et al.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.33

OutlookThe W + <strong>jets</strong> channel (including <strong>heavy</strong> quarks) is very importantfor many studies in Run II.Unfortunately, for events with many <strong>jets</strong> we are limited to LOpredictions for rates <strong>and</strong> distributions.However, there should be lots to learn from the NLO correctionsthat we know about. The highest multiplicity that is currentlyavailable is <strong>production</strong> of W b¯b <strong>and</strong> W + 2 <strong>jets</strong>.Implications for Run II analyses.⋆ Results suggest that some relevant observables do not sufferfrom large NLO effects <strong>and</strong> we can proceed with moreconfidence in analyses based on LO tools.⋆ However, beware of variables that change shape at NLO (H T ).⋆ These statements are heavily dependent on scale choices.Further comparisons with parton shower approaches <strong>and</strong> data isthe way forward.W + <strong>jets</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>heavy</strong> <strong>flavour</strong> <strong>production</strong> – p.34

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