Final Sameer Annual Report 2010 - Sameer Africa Limited

Final Sameer Annual Report 2010 - Sameer Africa Limited

Final Sameer Annual Report 2010 - Sameer Africa Limited


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Notes to the consolidated financial statements<br />

for the year ended 31 december <strong>2010</strong><br />

Impairment losses recognised in prior periods are assessed at each reporting date for any indications that the loss has<br />

decreased or no longer exists. An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine<br />

the recoverable amount. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not<br />

exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment loss<br />

had been recognised.<br />

(g) Inventories<br />

Work in progress and manufactured finished goods are valued at production cost including direct production costs (cost of<br />

materials and labour) and an appropriate proportion of production overheads and factory depreciation. The cost of stocks<br />

is based on the weighted average principle.<br />

If the purchase or production cost is higher than net realisable value, stocks are written down to net realisable value. Net<br />

realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion<br />

and selling expenses.<br />

The provision for slow moving finished goods inventory should is computed in accordance with the group’s stocks internal<br />

provisioning policy, which requires management to consider making a full provision for items with a stockholding of greater<br />

than 12 months.<br />

(h) Trade and other receivables<br />

Trade and other receivables are stated at amortised cost less an estimate made for doubtful receivables based on a review<br />

of all outstanding amounts at year end.<br />

(i) Employee benefits<br />

(i) Defined contribution plan<br />

The company and all its employees also contribute to the respective National Social Security Funds in the countries in<br />

which the group operates, which are defined contribution schemes.<br />

The company’s contributions to the defined contribution schemes are charged to the profit or loss in the year to which<br />

they relate. The company has no further obligation in respect of the defined contribution plans once the contributions<br />

have been paid.<br />

(ii) Staff gratuity (Defined Benefit Plan)<br />

The group has a defined benefit plan for its unionised employees under its Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Group’s<br />

net obligation in respect of defined benefit pension plan is calculated by estimating the amount of future benefit that<br />

employees have earned in return for their service in the current and prior periods; that benefit is discounted to determine<br />

its present value.<br />

Employees who retire on reaching the retirement age fixed by the group or grounds of ill health receive twenty one days<br />

basic wage for less than six years or services per completed years of service. For six years of service or more, employees<br />

receive twenty eight days basic wage per completed year of service. This is based on the wage or salary at the time of<br />

such resignation or termination.<br />

The provision for liability recognised in the financial statements is the estimated entitlement as a result of services rendered<br />

by employees up to the financial reporting date. The defined benefit scheme is unfunded.<br />

The calculation is performed annually by a qualified actuary using the projected unit credit method. The Group recognises<br />

all actuarial gains and losses and all expenses related to defined benefit plans in personnel expenses in profit or loss.<br />

The Group recognises gains and losses on the curtailment or settlement of a defined benefit plan when the curtailment or<br />

settlement occurs. The gain or loss on curtailment comprises any resulting change in the present value of defined benefit<br />

obligation and any related actuarial gains and losses and past service cost that had not previously been recognised.<br />

(iii) Leave accrual<br />

The monetary value of the unutilised leave by staff as at year end is carried in the accruals as a payable and the movement<br />

in the year is debited/credited to the statement of comprehensive income.<br />

SAMEER <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong> 27

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