Multiple choice question

Multiple choice question Multiple choice question


Give chemical equation for the reaction of Na 2 CO 3 on calcium borate (Ca 2 B 6 O 11 ). Also give structure of ortho boric acid having hydrogen bonds. iz'u&21 MkbZ cksjsu dh lajpuk fp= dh lgk;rk ls n'kkZb;s rFkk bldh ryh; iz—fr vkSj; fLFkfr crykb;s\ ;g fdl dk lnL; gS\ Give structure of di borane and mention its dimensional nature and angular position? To which series of boranes it belongs? iz'u&22 MkbZ gSykbM ds :i esa cksjkWu ds fdlh ;kSfxd dh laHkkfor lajpuk,sa n'kkZb;s\ Give possible structures of dihalids of boron? iz'u&23 ,Y;wehfu;e /kkrq ds fuEu v;Ldksa ds ,d&,d mnkgj.k lw= lfgr fyf[k;s& (a) vkWDlkbM (b) flyhdsV (c) lYQsV (d) QkWLQsV (e) gSykbM ¼¶yksjkbM½ Give one example with its formula for the following aluminium ores– (a) Oxides (b) Silicates (c) Sulphates (d) Phosphates (e) Halides (Florides) iz'u&24 ckWDlkbV dk 'kks/ku fdu&fdu fof/k;ksa ls fd;k tkrk gS\ bl v;Ld esa D;k&D;k v'kqf);k¡ laHkkfor gSa bu v'kqf);ksa dh mifLFkfe ds vk/kkj ij pquh x;h fof/k dk laf{kIr o.kZu rFkk blesa gksus okyh jklk;fud vfHkfØ;kvksa ds lehdj.k nhft;s\ Which methods are applicable for purification of Boxite? What type of impurities may be present in it? On the basis of the impurity present choose and describe the method in brief, also give chemical reactions that take place in the process? iz'u&25 'kq) ,Y;wehuk ls ,Y;wehfu;e /kkrq izkIr djus dh oS|qr vi?kVu fof/k dk LoPN ukekafdr fp= rFkk jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,sa nhft;s\ ,Y;wehuk esa Øk;ksykbV (Na 3 AlF 6 ) vkSj ¶yksjLikj (CaF 2 ) D;ksa feyk;k tkrk gS\ 72

Describe electrolytic method for getting Al metal from Alumina with the help of a diagram? Give chemical equations also? Why Floarspar (CaF 2 ) and cryolyte (Na 3 AlF 6 ) are mixed with alumina? iz'u&26 gwi dh fof/k ls ,Y;wehfu;e /kkrq ds 'kks/ku dks fp= dh lgk;rk ls le>kb;s\ bl fof/k ls izkIr /kkrq fdl Lrj dh 'kq)rk okyh gksrh gS\ With the help of a diagram describe purification of Al metal by hoop’s method? Metal thus obtained is of which quality so far as purity is concerned? iz'u&27 FkekZbV oSfYMax D;k gS\ bls fp= ,oa jklk;fud fØ;k dh lgk;rk ls Li"V djks\ What is Thermite belding? Explain with the help of a diagram and chemical reaction that take place? iz'u&28 futZy ,Y;wehfu;e DyksjkbM cukus dh dksbZ nks fof/k;k¡ lehdj.k lfgr nhft;s\ bldh fuEu ds lkFk jklk;fud fØ;kvksa ds lehdj.k n'kkZb;s\ dksbZ nks mi;ksx Hkh fyf[k;s\ (a) tyh; foy; esa ty vi?kVu ls izkIr foy;u dh iz—fr (b) veksfu;k¡ ds lkFk fØ;k (c) NaOH ls fØ;k Give any two methods for preperation of anhydrous AlCl 3 long with chemical equation? Give equations for the reaction with the following also give any two uses of it? (a) Nature of solution produced on hydrolysis (b) Reaction with NH 3 73 (c) Reaction with NaOH iz'u&29 ,Y;wehfu;e ds f}d yo.k dk dksbZ mnkgj.k nhft;s\ ,ye fdls dgk tkrk gS] bldk lkekU; lw= fy[kks\ Nn~e ,ye fdUgsa dgsaxs\ Give any example of a double salt of Aluminium. What are alums give their general formula? What are pseudo alums?

Give chemical equation for the reaction of Na 2 CO 3 on calcium borate<br />

(Ca 2 B 6 O 11 ). Also give structure of ortho boric acid having hydrogen bonds.<br />

iz'u&21 MkbZ cksjsu dh lajpuk fp= dh lgk;rk ls n'kkZb;s rFkk bldh ryh; iz—fr<br />

vkSj; fLFkfr crykb;s\ ;g fdl dk lnL; gS\<br />

Give structure of di borane and mention its dimensional nature and angular<br />

position? To which series of boranes it belongs?<br />

iz'u&22 MkbZ gSykbM ds :i esa cksjkWu ds fdlh ;kSfxd dh laHkkfor lajpuk,sa n'kkZb;s\<br />

Give possible structures of dihalids of boron?<br />

iz'u&23 ,Y;wehfu;e /kkrq ds fuEu v;Ldksa ds ,d&,d mnkgj.k lw= lfgr fyf[k;s&<br />

(a) vkWDlkbM (b) flyhdsV (c) lYQsV<br />

(d) QkWLQsV (e) gSykbM ¼¶yksjkbM½<br />

Give one example with its formula for the following aluminium ores–<br />

(a) Oxides (b) Silicates (c) Sulphates<br />

(d) Phosphates (e) Halides (Florides)<br />

iz'u&24 ckWDlkbV dk 'kks/ku fdu&fdu fof/k;ksa ls fd;k tkrk gS\ bl v;Ld esa<br />

D;k&D;k v'kqf);k¡ laHkkfor gSa bu v'kqf);ksa dh mifLFkfe ds vk/kkj ij pquh<br />

x;h fof/k dk laf{kIr o.kZu rFkk blesa gksus okyh jklk;fud vfHkfØ;kvksa ds<br />

lehdj.k nhft;s\<br />

Which methods are applicable for purification of Boxite? What type of<br />

impurities may be present in it? On the basis of the impurity present choose<br />

and describe the method in brief, also give chemical reactions that take place<br />

in the process?<br />

iz'u&25 'kq) ,Y;wehuk ls ,Y;wehfu;e /kkrq izkIr djus dh oS|qr vi?kVu fof/k dk<br />

LoPN ukekafdr fp= rFkk jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,sa nhft;s\ ,Y;wehuk esa Øk;ksykbV<br />

(Na 3 AlF 6 ) vkSj ¶yksjLikj (CaF 2 ) D;ksa feyk;k tkrk gS\<br />


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