Multiple choice question

Multiple choice question Multiple choice question


f–block elements have been known as lanthanides and actinides. Give general characteristics of these elements along with their general electronic configuration? iz'u&29 laØe.k rRo fdUgsa dgrs gSa\ buds lkekU; xq.k n'kkZb;s\ vUr% laØe.k rRoksa dks le>kb;s\ What are transitional elements? Give their general characteristics? Explain inner transitional elements? iz'u&30 ok.MjokYl f=T;k ,oa lgla;kstd f=T;k fdUgsa dgk tkrk gS\ fp= dh lgk;rk ls Li"V dhft;s\ What are Vander walls and co-valent radius? Explain with the help of diagrams? iz'u&31 vfØ; xSl f=T;k ,oa vk;fud f=T;k fdUgsa dgk tkrk gS\ /kuk;u rFkk _.kk;u f=T;kvksa ds mnkgj.k ysdj Li"V dhft;s\ leku /ku vkos'k ,oa _.k vkos'k dh f=T;kvksa esa D;k laca/k gksuk pkfg;s\ Li"V djsaA What are inert gas radius and ionic radius? Explain giving examples of (+)ion and (–)ion? What should be the relation between (+)ve and (–)ve of the uniform charge? iz'u&32 vk;uu ÅtkZ vFkok vk;uu ,UFkSYih dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s\ Define ionization energy or ionization enthalpy? iz'u&33 bySDVªku cU/kqrk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s\ bldh bdkbZ D;k gS\ Define electron affinity. What is its unit? iz'u&34 me; /kehZ vkWDlkbM~l dkSu ls gksrs gSa\ fdUgha nks mnkgj.kksa ds ek/;e ls Li"V djsaA What are emphoteric oxides? Explain with the help of any two suitable examples 18

iz'u&35 fdlh vkorZ esa rFkk lewg esa ijek.kq Øekad c

iz'u&35 fdlh vkorZ esa rFkk lewg esa ijek.kq Øekad c

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