SR Vol 25 No 1, January 2007 - Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

SR Vol 25 No 1, January 2007 - Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

SR Vol 25 No 1, January 2007 - Nova Scotia Barristers' Society


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BRIEFSS o c i e t y W e l c o m e s N e w E q u i t y O f f i c e rThe <strong>Society</strong> is pleased to announce the recent hiring ofSherida Sherry Hassanali as the new Equity Officer. Sherry, whobegan work mid-October, is a welcome addition to the <strong>Society</strong>,and brings a wealth of experience to her position.For the past eight and a half years, she’s been a member of theFaculty of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University whereshe has taught numerous courses in both the Pre-Service(B.Ed) and Graduate Education (M.Ed) programs. She also hadwhat she refers to as “the eye-opening and joyous privilege” ofteaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to internationalstudents, immigrants and refugee newcomers to Canada inboth Halifax and Toronto.Sherry is nearing completion of a Ph.D in Education from theOntario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto(OISE/UT) where she is specializing in social and culturalstudies, curriculum studies, and teacher education and development;her research areas of interest are critical and transformativepedagogies, identity negotiation, pre-service teacher education,post-colonial discourse, and leadership. She has a furtherbackground in Adult Education, Teaching English as a SecondLanguage, Literacy Education, and Educational Foundations.Sherry has served as the Multicultural Education Consultant forthe <strong>No</strong>va <strong>Scotia</strong> Department of Education, and is currently thePresident of the Multicultural Education Council of <strong>No</strong>va <strong>Scotia</strong>(MECNS), and a member of the Canadian Council for Multiculturaland Intercultural Education (CCMIE). Sherry works as aCultural Competency Training (CCT) Consultant/Facilitator withthe Multicultural Association of <strong>No</strong>va <strong>Scotia</strong> (MANS) and is aformer member of the Board of Directors for MANS. Sherry isalso a Consultant for Oxford University Press, and an IndependentConsultant specializing in Equity and Diversity.In her spare time, Sherry is a gourmet cook, loves to travel,read, oil paint, garden, and sail. She lives in picturesque HerringCove with her husband David Gray, and her two cats, Basil& Sybil.New Continuing ProfessionalDevelopment CentreThe <strong>No</strong>va <strong>Scotia</strong> Barristers’ <strong>Society</strong> is pleased toannounce the opening of the new Continuing ProfessionalDevelopment Centre in early <strong>January</strong> of <strong>2007</strong>. This new spaceis located on the 4th floor of the Centennial building, and plansare now underway to create a unique learning environmentfor our membership. Stay tuned for updates and the grandopening, coming in <strong>January</strong>.<strong>January</strong> <strong>2007</strong> 11

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