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Hirsch – The Brand BookBuilt for a reason

Sharpening our brand – together we can.Dear Hirsch Performance employees,Saab dealers and importers,As you know, Hirsch Performance has a veryclose and unique relationship with Saab. Basically,we bring out the best in each other. But there’smuch more to it – especially when it comes toour brands. Of course the Hirsch Performancebrand values have a lot in common with Saab’svalues. Yet the brands are not, and should notbe, identical. Ours, for example, has more edge,more exclusivity and even more precision andhigh-powered performance.To be able to sharpen the customer experience,both at dealers and behind the wheel, we need towork together to sharpen the Hirsch Performancebrand image, too. This means we have to understandwhat sets the two brands apart. A strong,distinct Hirsch Performance brand is good for usand good for Saab. Most importantly, it’s good forthe extremely discerning customers who might nototherwise buy a Saab if it were not for the possibilitiesto take Saab performance to the extreme.Creating the ultimate Saab – a unique, top-ofthe-linecar that makes heads turn. The morewe can clearly highlight these high performanceopportunities, the more we can complementSaab’s offering, enhance the driver and ownershipexperience, and sell more cars and performanceupgrades.So the challenge for all of us is to complement theSaab brand, while strengthening our own. Makingthe Hirsch Performance brand distinct, but in away that is recognized and appreciated by Saabcustomers. This book is about the Hirsch Performancebrand, who we are – and why. We hope youfind the following pages inspiring and informative,and we look forward to your feedback and ideas.René Hirsch, Managing Director

The Hirsch Performance Brand• Our brand• Standing out• Our design philosophy• Our brand essence• Our vision and mission• Brand culture and user identity• Brand differentiators: The values that drive us• Customer experience• Retail experience

Our brandOur brand is the sum of people’s views andattitudes towards Hirsch Performance. A strongbrand means that we are famous – for the rightthings and for the right people. Getting theremeans that we must consistently manage theirviews, attitudes and expectations over a longperiod of time. Relentlessly. With every contact.From our marketing communications to howwe are presented and experienced at Saabdealerships – not just in showrooms, but“behind the scenes” where the upgrades takeplace. It’s that important.After all, a strong brand opens up opportunities.It means that consumers know about us at an earlystage in the buying process – making it more likelythat they choose a Hirsch Performance productat the end of the day. A strong brand providespotent support for salespeople at Saab dealerships.They can feel confident, knowing thatHirsch Performance is an appealing offer thatis easily sold to the right consumer. And sinceour products are relatively up-market, buyersappreciate it when their friends and colleaguesare aware of our brand and what it stands for.Impressions can go a long way.A strong brand:• Makes marketing more effective• Generates relevant leads• Provides a position of strength in negotiations• Is profitable over the short- and long-termFamous – for the right things and for the right people.

Standing outIn an extremely competitive world that is drowningin new products and marketing noise, standing outis a huge challenge. So how can we do it? First ofall, through our products and services. But whatis it that we actually offer? High performanceproducts and solutions? No, not really. It’s somethingmuch more abstract, harder to define,namely: we add a unique driver and ownershipexperience to Saab cars.This is our offer, our promise. This is what HirschPerformance is all about. This is what our productsare specifically designed to give our customers.Yet an outstanding and inspiring offer alone is notenough. A strong brand is dependent on a clearand distinct link between our offer and our values.Creating and strengthening this link is the task ofHirsch Performance Brand Management. But it isup to all of us to implement and “live” it.We have to give the consumer, and the market asa whole, one strong, clear and consistent message.Not just today or tomorrow, but over many years.Yet to be able to communicate this messageeffectively, we must all have the same vision ofwhat the Hirsch Performance brand represents,our identity and the values that we connect to it.Our design philosophyHirsch Performance products are not just designedand developed to look good. They are built fora reason. Our design philosophy is perhaps bestdescribed as “controlled evolution” towards higherperformance. By this we mean an innovativeapproach that is really an extremely balanced andcontrolled art. We start with a Saab product and,through careful research and testing, identify waysto optimize it the driving experience. Sharpeningand refining every aspect of performance toenable ripping torque and acceleration – all of thisof course within safety and design limits.We have a passion for details. Our products areexclusively manufactured according to precisionspecifications and thoroughly tested. Compromisingquality and durability is out of the question. We doall of this, while staying true to Saab – every stepof the way.We add a unique driver and ownership experience to Saab cars.

Our brand essenceOf course there are many aspects to a brand,but it is all built around what is referred to asthe brand architecture. Think of it as the buildingblocks that define the Hirsch Performance brand– emotionally and rationally. Together they formthe brand essence.• Vision and mission• Brand culture and user identity• Brand differentiators: the values that drive us• Customer experience, retail experience andbrand expression= Our brand essenceOur vision and missionOur vision describes our common goals. In otherwords, where we want to go (sense of direction).Our mission on the other hand describes ourcommon tasks – what we do (sense of purpose).Our vision:To be the partner brand for high performancecars and accessories for Saab.Mission:We enable the ultimate Saab driving experience– satisfying the needs and aspirations of the mostdiscerning customers.

Brand culture and user identityAt Hirsch Performance, our goal is to alwaysdevelop products that reflect and reinforce Saab’sown values. This is why we always keep our eyesand ears open, welcoming dialogue with customersto find out what they really want.Brand cultureHirsch Performance is proud of the decades ofexperience we have gained upgrading Saab cars,and the close relationship we have built up withSaab. This relationship has allowed us to takeSaab’s values – and run with them. After all,our organization is built on speed and flexibility.We are a relatively small, light-on-our-feet companywith an extreme attention to detail and unrelentingcommitment to the tradition of Swiss quality.Respecting the integrity and expectations of ourcustomers in everything we do. At the same time,our brand culture has developed not in isolation,but through the profound involvement of ourpartners and customers. We have created ourculture together.User identityWe have already emphasized the importance of astrong, consistent message, but who is the recipientof the message? Who are we talking to, really?Well, this is a bit tricky, since Hirsch Performancecommunications is directed to at least twoimportant groups.Our customers:They are typically well-educated individuals whoenjoy a particularly strong zest for life. Theyappreciate quality and know it when they see it.And they don’t use labels to reflect something thatthey are not. They know what they want to getout of life – and strive to get it.Saab dealers:They are a crucial communication interfacebetween the Hirsch Performance brand and ourcustomers. They are our face to the market, whichmakes it vitally important that they know our valuesand are capable of carrying our message with zeal.Particularly since their goal is to increase sales…Brand differentiators: The values that drive usHirsch Performance has a strong market position.This position is of course influenced by what ourcompetitors are doing. But most importantly,it has to do with the way we do things; howwe work and how we behave. Being preciselywho we are – in a consistent and confident way.In other words, how we embrace and apply ourcore values. And here they are:Built for a reasonEverything we design and develop is intentionallycreated to perform a certain way. Nothing is superfluous.Everything is necessary – enhancing someaspect of performance. In short, we design withintegrity and with a purpose, so that Saab driverscan enjoy the exhilaration that comes with beingat the cutting edge of Saab performance.Emotional engineeringWe are always focused on enhancing the drivingexperience. By this we mean the “kick” of emotions,sensations and associations that come from drivinga Hirsch Performance enabled high performanceSaab. Our passion is not just for mechanical innovations,but the way these innovations are ultimatelyexperienced by Saab drivers.Together, these values make up the Hirsch Performancebrand identity – and sets it apart fromour competitors. Needless to say, our core valuesmust be reflected in everything we say and do.Forever.The right people must get the right message– otherwise it is a wasted message. But goodcommunications is not a one-way street. We alsohave to listen, staying in tune with our target groupsso that we never lose track of the evolving needsand demands on the market.

Customer experience…The way a brand is experienced is everything.Reputations depend on it. It must be the rightexperience – consistently over time. All of us, fromHirsch Performance employees to Saab Importersand Saab Dealerships, should and must play avital role in ensuring an inspiring brand experiencefor customers. Both behind the wheel and duringevery visit to a Saab Dealership.The Hirsch Performance brand is built aroundthe customer, the Saab driver. And we have alot in common. In our case, the provider and thecustomer are on the same level, speaking thesame language. We must cherish this relationship.Nurture it. This means always being able toserve his or her needs quickly and efficiently.The customer must experience us as straightforwardand personable, able to listen. After all,brand loyalty is based on trust. Customers can relyon us for quality and competence. They experiencethese traits every time they have contact withHirsch Performance, but also every time they getbehind the wheel. Giving them a constant reminderof our capabilities and commitment.All representatives of the Hirsch Performancebrand should always show interest in, and respectfor, the customer’s driving experience – andstrive to find ways to enhance this experience.We should only propose solutions that bestmeet the specific needs or requirements ofeach individual customer. After all, our integrityis at stake, which is the foundation for all longlastingcustomer relationships. So too is sharingcustomer feedback. Please make sure thatvaluable customer comments are broughtto the attention of Hirsch Performance.Whenever appropriate, the customer shouldalso be introduced to the Hirsch Performancebrand values. In addition, we must alwaysgive credible and accurate information, andshare our expert knowledge and passion forwhat we do. Only then will customers cometo trust and enjoy the technical expertise andjudgement that goes into the design of allHirsch Performance products. After all,they were built for a reason.

…and retail experienceFor customers visiting a dealership, the cars inthe showroom are the focus of their attention.They want to see them, feel them and experiencethem. Above everything else, the showroom carsare what inspires them and convinces them to makea purchase. Our products alone, out of context,perhaps just hanging on a wall, or an image in acatalogue, can only say so much. Instead, they haveto be experienced in their “natural habitat”, fittedto a car. Only then can the true opportunities of ourhigh performance and precision take center stage.This is the best way to sell Hirsch Performance.So make sure to highlight our latest, state-of-the-artproducts fitted to a car. Let customers discoverwhat Hirsch Performance is really all about. Letthem experience our brand with all their senses.So that they can actually feel the immense powerand dynamic braking response. Touch and smellthe leather. See the quality – the wheels, the stainlesssteel, etc. And hear the sound of a premiumexhaust. This is what the Hirsch Performanceretail experience is all about.

2Ourgraphic identity• Brand expression• It’s all in the details• Our logotype• Our typeface• Our image tonality• Our body copy tonality• Our colors• Our marketing support program

Brand expressionWe are, in every way, straightforward. The HirschPerformance brand is expressed in a clear, distinctand honest way. We have no reason to exaggerate,scream or shout. Hirsch Performance respectsthe customer’s preference for understatement.Our core values, Built for a Reason and EmotionalEngineering come into play here. Together theyform the foundation for our brand expression.Yet it is also vital that we fine-tune our message.By this we mean that we must communicate tothe different stakeholders in a way that is mostrelevant for them – again, clearly and distinctly.Built for a ReasonEmotional Engineering

Our tonalityImagesTonality is abstract and hard to define.It’s about the senses. It’s something that isexperienced by the viewer – and thereforean important part of our communications.The tonality of the images we use gives a senseof power, speed, strength and performance.Quality in every detail. The images themselvesare top class in terms of composition, resolutionand retouching. Product photos feature theproduct against a white background, whichstrengthens the clean, dynamic lines of theproduct itself – while promoting a senseof premium quality. Both product photosand location shots feature dynamic angles,accenting power, confidence and precision.For contrast opportunities in the design ofour communication material, we use both full,bleeding images and cut-out product imagesagainst a white background.Tone of voiceA strong brand is not just about what we say,but also how we say it. Tonality in written text isvery important, yet often overlooked in marketingcommunications. How do we express ourselves?Tonality must be distinct and perhaps mostof all consistent. It’s one of the things that makeour brand recognizable and trusted. Enhancingperformance is what we do best, so our tone isneither academic nor too casual. But something inbetween. When communicating Hirsch Performanceand our products, we should strive to be:• Modern and progressive• Confident and sporty• Clear and straightforward• Intelligent and welcoming• With a built-in sense of speed and precisionWe prefer shorter sentences to longer ones. Andtranslated text should be as true to the “feelingand flavor” of the original text as possible.Tonality is very important, yet often overlooked in marketing communications.

Our colorsThe most instant form of communicationis through colors. Most colors have universalassociations, perhaps bringing to mind speedor caution or safety. Other colors might promotea sense of stability and assurance. The fact is,colors talk – saying a lot about us and ourcompany. This means that we can not simplyapply whatever color – even if it is a personalfavorite.Main colorsThe colors we use help to create the world ofHirsch Performance. They are not trendy or cheap,but instead promote a sense of precision qualityand performance. After all, a premium branddeserves premium colors.*PANTONE is a registered trademark of Pantone Inc.Colors suitable for reading (print and web)Black is always best against a white backgroundwhen the text is small. The larger the text, theeasier it is to read – opening up opportunitiesto use lighter colors. Headlines in 50% black(877) together with pure black body text givean elegant impression.White – clean and pure. Snow. Sweden. Saab. Everything that iswhite must work and can be trusted.Dark Grey, Pantone 877 – reinforces a sense of exclusivity.Premium quality.Grey, Pantone 878 – sober and elegant. Clear, but not obtrusiveor dominant.Light Grey, Pantone 879 – to be used when Pantone 878 is too dark.Black – dramatic, bold, 100% sharp against white. Elegant. Choosingblack can never be wrong.Silver, Pantone Silver matt 982 – brings a sense of high technology,exclusive, expensive and worth it.Red, Panone 287 – the ultimate accent color. Speed. Heat.Exhilaration. Power. Action.Our marketing support programFor us at Hirsch Performance, we are committedto doing everything we can to support our salespartners with effective marketing communicationmaterial. After all, Saab customers are discerningcustomers. They look forward to reviewing availableinformation before making a purchase decision.Dynamic communication channelsAs part of our marketing support program, wehave established several communication channelsthat will help inform potential customers about ourproducts. Sales partners can rely on the followingchannels and more for active sales support.• A password-protected partner area• Product launch information sent to local Saaborganizations• Monthly newsletter (send “subscribe newsletter”to• Sales hotline (phone and e-mail sales support)• Product training for sales staff• Press releasesStimulating the sensesInformation is nothing if it doesn’t wake upand stimulate the emotions. So make sure thatprospective customers get the opportunity toexperience our products with all their senses!This hands-on, emotional involvement is crucial,which is why we offer:• Local demo car support• Road show support• POS product packages• Exhibition support• Merchandizing products(• Car badgesIf you want to increase sales and open up opportunitiesto strengthen customer relationships, besure to include the Hirsch Performance product linein your communications. It’s a powerful offer.Pantone Silver Matt 982Whitewww.hirsch-performance.chPantone 877Cyan 0, Magenta 0,Yellow 0, Black 50Pantone 878Cyan 0, Magenta 0,Yellow 0, Black 25Pantone Black 512Cyan 40, Magenta 0, Yellow 0, Black 100Pantone 879Cyan 0, Magenta 0,Yellow 0, Black 12Pantone 287Cyan 15, Magenta 100,Yellow 100, Black 0

Hirsch Performance AGZürcher Strasse 204 g • CH-9014 St. Gallen Schweiz • tel +41 71 274 22 28 • fax +41 71 278 03 35 •

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