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file://C:\DOCUME~1\VJohnson\LOCALS~1\Temp\JKPFKDCA.htmPage 4 of 512/27/2010would be lots of injuries! The samething happens in the golf swing.First let’s clarify the differencebetween the hips and the pelvis. Thepelvis is the “bowl” that the hips andspine attach to. The hips are the twojoints where the legs attach to thepelvis. Mobile, healthy hips allow thepelvis to move properly in the golfswing. Here are some of the manyswing characteristics that will showup if a golfer does not have good hipfunction and stability.• Slide• Coming up on the toes• Turning or twisting the lead foot out• Lack of lower body rotation• Bending knees through impact• Staying on trail legThere are over 40 muscles that makeup the “hip cuff” so there are manymovements that can be done to keepyou flexible and strong. By creating amobile and stable hip joint, you willstore and release energy efficiently,creating optimum movement. Here area few to do during the off-season.Enjoy!possible. Now drop knees to theleft. Repeat back and forth 6-10times.Hip Windshield Wipers: Start by lying on your back withyour knees and hips bent to 90 degrees. Make fists with bothhands and place them together between your knees. Now,without separating your hands and knees, try to move your feetas far apart as possible (like windshield wipers). Repeat thismotion back and forth 10-15 times.Hip Crossover Stretch: Begin this stretch by laying flat on your back with both knees upand feet flat on the ground. Next, take your right ankle and cross it over your left knee, andallow the left knee/right ankle complex to fall slowly down to the ground on the LEFT side.While the complex is slowly lowering to the left, place left hand on the RIGHT knee andgently aid this slow lowering of the legs. Once the legs have fallen completely to the left,you may turn your head to the right to try and get the maximum out of the stretch. Alwaysperform this stretch in a very slow and controlled manner, never to the point of pain.Repeat procedure on opposite side. Repeat 3-4 times to each side.Leg Lowering Against a Wall: Lying flat on your back in a doorway, place your right leg up against a wall and yourbackside as close to the wall as possible and stabilize your core. Keeping both legs straight and your spine stable,slowly lower your left leg down to the ground. Repeat this up and down movement for 10-12 repetitions and thenswitch legs.Helen Kurtin is a member of the PGA and LPGA and is the co-founder of Golf Body Performance Center in St. Louis, Missouri. She is a Titleist PerformanceInstitute (TPI) Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, Level 3 and an Advantage Golf Master Golf Fitness Instructor. Her company is committed to teaching andtraining golfers of all levels and abilities. The information provided by Helen is for educational purposes and should not replace care or advice of yourphysician. Please check with a physician if you are beginning an exercise program or suspect you are ill.

file://C:\DOCUME~1\VJohnson\LOCALS~1\Temp\JKPFKDCA.htmPage 5 of 512/27/2010Close Window

<strong>file</strong>://C:<strong>\DOCUME~1</strong>\VJohnson\LOCALS~1\Temp\JKPFKDCA.htm<strong>Page</strong> 4 <strong>of</strong> 5<strong>12</strong>/<strong>27</strong>/<strong>2010</strong>would be lots <strong>of</strong> injuries! The samething happens in the golf swing.First let’s clarify the differencebetween the hips and the pelvis. Thepelvis is the “bowl” that the hips andspine attach to. The hips are the twojoints where the legs attach to thepelvis. Mobile, healthy hips allow thepelvis to move properly in the golfswing. Here are some <strong>of</strong> the manyswing characteristics that will showup if a golfer does not have good hipfunction and stability.• Slide• Coming up on the toes• Turning or twisting the lead foot out• Lack <strong>of</strong> lower body rotation• Bending knees through impact• Staying on trail legThere are over 40 muscles that makeup the “hip cuff” so there are manymovements that can be done to keepyou flexible and strong. By creating amobile and stable hip joint, you willstore and release energy efficiently,creating optimum movement. Here area few to do during the <strong>of</strong>f-season.Enjoy!possible. Now drop knees to theleft. Repeat back and forth 6-10times.Hip Windshield Wipers: Start by lying on your back withyour knees and hips bent to 90 degrees. Make fists with bothhands and place them together between your knees. Now,without separating your hands and knees, try to move your feetas far apart as possible (like windshield wipers). Repeat thismotion back and forth 10-15 times.Hip Crossover Stretch: Begin this stretch by laying flat on your back with both knees upand feet flat on the ground. Next, take your right ankle and cross it over your left knee, andallow the left knee/right ankle complex to fall slowly down to the ground on the LEFT side.While the complex is slowly lowering to the left, place left hand on the RIGHT knee andgently aid this slow lowering <strong>of</strong> the legs. Once the legs have fallen completely to the left,you may turn your head to the right to try and get the maximum out <strong>of</strong> the stretch. Alwaysperform this stretch in a very slow and controlled manner, never to the point <strong>of</strong> pain.Repeat procedure on opposite side. Repeat 3-4 times to each side.Leg Lowering Against a Wall: Lying flat on your back in a doorway, place your right leg up against a wall and yourbackside as close to the wall as possible and stabilize your core. Keeping both legs straight and your spine stable,slowly lower your left leg down to the ground. Repeat this up and down movement for 10-<strong>12</strong> repetitions and thenswitch legs.Helen Kurtin is a member <strong>of</strong> the PGA and LPGA and is the co-founder <strong>of</strong> Golf Body Performance Center in St. Louis, Missouri. She is a Titleist PerformanceInstitute (TPI) Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, Level 3 and an Advantage Golf Master Golf Fitness Instructor. Her company is committed to teaching andtraining golfers <strong>of</strong> all levels and abilities. The information provided by Helen is for educational purposes and should not replace care or advice <strong>of</strong> yourphysician. Please check with a physician if you are beginning an exercise program or suspect you are ill.

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